106 research outputs found

    Life at the end of life: beliefs about individual life after death and "good death" models - a qualitative study

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    BACKGROUND: Different ideas of "good death" may influence the effectiveness of end-of-life care in patients with different ethos. This study aimed to identify the influence of believing in individual life after death on "good death" models. METHODS: Semi structured-interview to 8 persons, 4 believers and 4 non-believers in individual life after death from the general Italian population. Analysis of the transcribed text according to the method suggested by Mc Cracken. RESULTS: The analysis has shown a diverse and coherent conceptualization of death according to whether the subjects believe or not in individual life after death. Believers, for whom death marks the passage to a new dimension, prefer to be unaware of dying, while non-believers, for whom death is the end of the individual, prefer to be conscious until the very end of life. However some important aspects in common have been identified, i.e. having close people nearby, receiving assistance from experts, or the preference for a soft atmosphere around the dying person. CONCLUSION: There are aspects in common and aspects in contrast between believers and non-believers in individual life after death: while sharing many aspects of what a "good death" ought to be, they have opposite stands on being aware of dying. A plurality of models should be foreseen, accepting, in this case, their practical and theoretical implications

    Friday morning fever. Evidence from a randomized experiment on sick leave monitoring in the public sector

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    Absent providers of key public services, such as schooling and health, are a major problem in both developed and developing countries. This paper provides the first analysis of a population-wide controlled field experiment for home visits checking on sick leave in the public sector. The experiment was carried out in Italy, a country with large absenteeism in the public sector, and it concerned the universe of public employees. We exploit unique administrative data from the Italian social security administration (INPS) on sick leave and work histories. We find that receiving a home visit reduces the number of days on sick leave in the following 16 months by about 12% (5.5 days). The effect is stronger for workers who are found irregularly on sick leave (-10.2 days). We interpret our findings as a deterrence effect of home visits: workers being found irregularly on sick leave experience a decline of about 2% of their wage in the following 12 months. Uncertainty aversion (there is no automatism in these sanctions) can play a role in these results. Our estimates suggest that home visits are cost-effective: every Euro spent for the visits involves up to 10 Euros reductions in sick benefits outlays. We estimate the marginal value of public funds (MVPF) spent on home visits at about 1.13, which is significantly lower than estimates of MVPF of income taxes in the US

    Efficacy and safety of dapoxetine in treatment of premature ejaculation: an evidence‐based review

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    SummaryBackground Premature ejaculation (PE) is a major issue in male sexual health, with a global prevalence estimated to be between 20% and 40%, making it the most common sexual dysfunction in men. PE causes distress and reduced quality of life for patients and has a negative impact on interpersonal relationships. Historically, it has been treated with cognitive therapy, behavioural methods and off-label use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) usually used to treat depression and other psychological disorders. Dapoxetine is the only SSRI specifically designed to treat PE. Mechanism of action Dapoxetine hydrochloride is a potent inhibitor of serotonin reuptake transporters. Dapoxetine is suited for 'on-demand' treatment of PE because of its rapid absorption and short initial half-life. Efficacy Evidence from published studies showed that dapoxetine 30 mg or 60 mg taken 'on-demand' results in a significant increase in intravaginal ejaculatory latency time (IELT) when compared with placebo. Most patient-reported outcomes are clearly improved relative to placebo following dapoxetine therapy, indicating greater control over ejaculation, more satisfaction with intercourse, less ejaculation-related distress and significantly reduced interpersonal difficulties. Safety The most common adverse events with dapoxetine are nausea, dizziness, somnolence, headache, diarrhoea and insomnia. Usually they do not lead to drug discontinuation. Conclusion Dapoxetine is the only effective and safe available on-label oral treatment for PE, and its use can result in better quality of life for the patient and their sexual partner

    Análisis de la heurística en la contratación empresarial a través de una cartera de derivados reales

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    Departing from the notion that labour legislation should be founded in the generation of job stability a model for recruitment is presented in which the employer is likened to the holder of an investment portfolio containing two real derivatives – swap or the option of sale. This model allows us on one hand to analyze sensitivity to the variables that are at play in an employment contract and, on the other, look at the effects that the most recent reforms in Spanish labour laws have had on contracting decisions made by employers. The results are clear: social security benefits are shown to be the most sensitive variable on the work contract, and applying the changes proposed in the latest labour reforms, this effect is upheld. The study concludes that reducing the costs of dismissal does not increase the likelihood of employers’ taking on new staff.Dada la situación actual y partiendo del supuesto que como herramienta para una correcta política de empleo la legislación laboral debe sentar las bases sólidas para que en el momento de recuperación económica se generen puestos de trabajo estables, se presenta un modelo de simulación de contratación que nos va a permitir un análisis de sensibilidad de las distintas variables a tener en cuenta en una regulación del mercado laboral. El modelo consiste en asimilar el comportamiento del empresario al del propietario de una cartera de inversión compuesta por dos derivados reales, un swap y una opción de venta americana. Este modelo nos permite, por un lado, hacer un análisis de sensibilidad de las diferentes variables que intervienen en la contratación, y, por otro lado, analizar los efectos que la última reforma laboral española tiene sobre la decisión de contratar del empresario. Los resultados son claros, la variable que más sensibilidad presenta sobre la contratación es la cuota patronal de la seguridad social, y aplicando los cambios propuestos en esta última reforma laboral, se concretan estos efectos y también se concluye que la reducción de los costes de despido no acelera la decisión de contratar.Dada a situação atual e partindo do suposto que como ferramenta para uma correta política de emprego, a legislação laboral deve instituir as bases sólidas para que, no momento da recuperação econômica, se gerem postos de trabalho estáveis, se apresentem um modelo de simulação de contratação que nos permitirá uma análise de sensibilidade das diferentes variáveis a considerar em uma regulação do mercado laboral. O modelo consiste em assimilar o comportamento do empresário ao do proprietário de uma carteira de investimento composto por dois derivados reais, um swap e uma opção de venda americana. Esse modelo nos permite, por um lado, fazer uma análise de sensibilidade das diferentes variáveis que intervêm na contratação e, por outro lado, analisar os efeitos que a última reforma laboral espanhola tem sobre a decisão de contratar do empresário. Os resultados são claros, a variável que mais sensibilidade apresenta sobre a contratação é a cota patronal da previdência social e aplicando as mudanças propostas nesta última reforma laboral, concretizam-se esses efeitos e também se conclui que a redução dos custos de demissão não acelera a decisão de contrata

    Effectiveness of Ginseng, Rutin and Moringa for the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction: A Systematic Review

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    Introduction, The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the current evidence for the effectiveness of ginseng, Rutin and Moringa for treating erectile dysfunction. Methods, A broad search of the Scopus, PubMed, Cochrane and Web of Science databases was performed in complicance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. The following criteria were required for articles to be included in the review: English language; observational studies (cohort studies, case control/comparative studies, single-arm studies); randomized controlled trials; non-randomized comparative studies; case series; number of participants: ≥5 for case series or ≥5 patients per group for comparative studies. The Cochrane risk of bias (RoB) assessment tool for RCTs was used to assess the risk of bias of included studies. Results, Seven full-text articles were included in this review. All studies were randomized controlled trials. No studies on Rutin and Moringa alone matched the inclusion criteria. The methodological quality of the RCTs was variable. In all studies, the group treated with ginseng reported an improvement of erectile function (EF) compared to the control groups. IIEF and IIEF-5 were used to evaluate erectile function in six studies and in four of them, the improvement of the scores in the group treated with ginseng over the control group reached the statistical significance. Conclusion, This review suggests a positive effect of ginseng on EF in men. The association of ginseng along with other nutritional components with potential beneficial effects on ED appears promising and deserves further investigation in large randomized controlled trials

    The Need of Multidisciplinary Approaches and Engineering Tools for the Development and Implementation of the Smart City Paradigm

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    This paper is motivated by the concept that the successful, effective, and sustainable implementation of the smart city paradigm requires a close cooperation among researchers with different, complementary interests and, in most cases, a multidisciplinary approach. It first briefly discusses how such a multidisciplinary methodology, transversal to various disciplines such as architecture, computer science, civil engineering, electrical, electronic and telecommunication engineering, social science and behavioral science, etc., can be successfully employed for the development of suitable modeling tools and real solutions of such sociotechnical systems. Then, the paper presents some pilot projects accomplished by the authors within the framework of some major European Union (EU) and national research programs, also involving the Bologna municipality and some of the key players of the smart city industry. Each project, characterized by different and complementary approaches/modeling tools, is illustrated along with the relevant contextualization and the advancements with respect to the state of the art

    Cancer patients' needs during hospitalisation: a quantitative and qualitative study

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    BACKGROUND: The evaluation of cancer patients needs, especially during that delicate period when they are hospitalized, allows the identification of those areas of care that require to be improved. Aims of the study were to evaluate the needs in cancer inpatients and to improve the understanding of the meanings of the needs expressed. METHODS: The study was conducted during a "sample day", with all the cancer patients involved having been hospitalized at the Istituto Nazionale Tumori of Milan (INT) for at least 48 hours beforehand. The study was carried out using quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The quantitative part of the study consisted in making use of the Needs Evaluation Questionnaire (NEQ), a standardized questionnaire administered by the INT Psychology Unit members, supported by a group of volunteers from the Milan section of the Italian League Against Cancer. The aim of the qualitative part of the study, by semi-structured interviews conducted with a small sample of 8 hospitalized patients, was to improve our understanding of the meanings, implications of the needs directly described from the point of view of the patients. Such an approach determines the reasons and conditions of the dissatisfaction in the patient, and provides additional information for the planning of improvement interventions. RESULTS: Of the 224 eligible patients, 182 (81%) completed the questionnaire. Four of the top five needs expressed by 40% or more of the responders concerned information needs (diagnosis, future conditions, dialogue with doctors, economic-insurance solutions related to the disease). Only one of the 5 was concerned with improved "hotel" services (bathrooms, meals, cleanliness). Qualitative analysis showed that the most expressed need (to receive more information on their future conditions) has the meaning to know how their future life will be affected more than to know his/her actual prognosis. CONCLUSIONS: Some of the needs which emerged from this investigation could be immediately satisfied (the need for psychological support, the need for economic aid, the need for spiritual support), while others will have to be faced in the longer term; for example, the presence of a high percentage of needs in patient-physician relationships and/or information-communication issues, could be resolved by setting up structured introductory training courses for all clinicians in the institution. On the other hand, the needs related to the living infrastructure (bathrooms, meals, etc...) could encourage the Institution to improve its services

    Diagnosis of prostate cancer with magnetic resonance imaging in men treated with 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors

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    Purpose The primary aim of this study was to evaluate if exposure to 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors (5-ARIs) modifies the effect of MRI for the diagnosis of clinically significant Prostate Cancer (csPCa) (ISUP Gleason grade >= 2).Methods This study is a multicenter cohort study including patients undergoing prostate biopsy and MRI at 24 institutions between 2013 and 2022. Multivariable analysis predicting csPCa with an interaction term between 5-ARIs and PIRADS score was performed. Sensitivity, specificity, and negative (NPV) and positive (PPV) predictive values of MRI were compared in treated and untreated patients.Results 705 patients (9%) were treated with 5-ARIs [median age 69 years, Interquartile range (IQR): 65, 73; median PSA 6.3 ng/ml, IQR 4.0, 9.0; median prostate volume 53 ml, IQR 40, 72] and 6913 were 5-ARIs naive (age 66 years, IQR 60, 71; PSA 6.5 ng/ml, IQR 4.8, 9.0; prostate volume 50 ml, IQR 37, 65). MRI showed PIRADS 1-2, 3, 4, and 5 lesions in 141 (20%), 158 (22%), 258 (37%), and 148 (21%) patients treated with 5-ARIs, and 878 (13%), 1764 (25%), 2948 (43%), and 1323 (19%) of untreated patients (p < 0.0001). No difference was found in csPCa detection rates, but diagnosis of high-grade PCa (ISUP GG >= 3) was higher in treated patients (23% vs 19%, p = 0.013). We did not find any evidence of interaction between PIRADS score and 5-ARIs exposure in predicting csPCa. Sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV of PIRADS >= 3 were 94%, 29%, 46%, and 88% in treated patients and 96%, 18%, 43%, and 88% in untreated patients, respectively.Conclusions Exposure to 5-ARIs does not affect the association of PIRADS score with csPCa. Higher rates of high-grade PCa were detected in treated patients, but most were clearly visible on MRI as PIRADS 4 and 5 lesions.Trial registration The present study was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov number: NCT05078359