19 research outputs found

    Wearing and daring the hat – Exploring the materialities of children’s experiences in research

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    The aim of the paper is to explore how the materialities of EEG caps became vital to produce knowledge on children’s experiences in a research project. By closely examining a six-week exploration together with six five-year-olds at their preschool, the paper focuses on how the making of alternative EEG hats became a worldly and worlding (Haraway, 2008) practice, and was productive of new potential worlds. The exploration is part of a research project that investigates children’s experiences in a large intervention project, at 28 Swedish preschool units. The analysis shows the ways in which materialities were not only related to these experiences, but also crucial for them to emerge. The conclusions highlight that children’s experiences, in the exploratory work, expanded in time and space and that the practices connected to the materialities of the hats came to include other worlding processes, made elsewhere and in other situations

    Leaping and dancing with digitality : Exploring human-smartphone-entanglements in classrooms

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    This chapter explores digitality as part of young people’s everyday lives in the Arctic. It is based on two ethnographic studies situated in the political context of the “digital leap”, the governmental and curricular emphasis on digitality in education in Finland. With the more formal “digital leap”, informal engagements and attachments with digitality intertwine, in which students’ own smartphones play an increasingly significant role. The analyses use the notion of entanglement (Barad) to examine how primary school and upper secondary school students emerge in their situated and specific encounters with smartphones in school. The starting points of things, bodies, affect, time and space open up insights to connectivity between young people’s digital activities and global economic networks as well as to the multidirectionality between humans and technologies: while the students access their digital devices, the digitalities also access their users. We suggest that this wilder form of “digital leap” requires reconsidering materiality, affect, and instability of space and time.Peer reviewe

    Child studies multiple – collaborative play for thinking through theories and methods

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    This text is an exploration of collaborative thinking and writing through theories, methods, and experiences on the topic of the child, children, and childhood. It is a collaborative written text (with 32 authors) that sprang out of the experimental workshop Child Studies Multiple. The workshop and this text are about daring to stay with mess, “un-closure” , and uncertainty in order to investigate the (e)motions and complexities of being either a child or a researcher. The theoretical and methodological processes presented here offer an opportunity to shake the ground on which individual researchers stand by raising questions about scientific inspiration, theoretical and methodological productivity, and thinking through focusing on process, play, and collaboration. The effect of this is a questioning of the singular academic ‘I’ by exploring and showing what a plural ‘I’ can look like. It is about what the multiplicity of voice can offer research in a highly individualistic time. The article allows the reader to follow and watch the unconventional trial-and-error path of the ongoing-ness of exploring theories and methods together as a research community via methods of drama, palimpsest, and fictionary

    On, to, with, for, by : ethics and children in research

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    The ethics of the participation of children in research have attracted the attention of childhood researchers for thirty years. By analysing central scholarly work in childhood sociology and in early childhood education research, the aim of this paper is to unfold, but also queer how ethics are articulated within literature that discusses children in research. Through the methodology of tracing-and-mapping, a map is constructed that displays how children in research are articulated in relation to the prepositions on, to, with, for and by. The map shows how these prepositions form a value scale, underpinned by certain philosophical assumptions about ethics. By relating this to a randomized control trial (RCT) study performed in Swedish preschools, the paper highlights the fact that it is not necessarily more ethical if the research is done by children, than on children. This contributes to a renewed and extended reflection on ethics, that throughly problematize a placing of research on a ‘scale of ethics’ – ranging from bad to good

    Seeing red? : The agency of computer software in the production and management of students’ school absences

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    An increasing number of Swedish municipalities use digital software to manage the registration of students’ school absences. The software is regarded as a problem-solving tool to make registration more efficient, but its effects on the educational setting have been largely neglected. Focusing on an event with two students from a class of 11-year-olds, the aim of the paper is to explore schools’ common uses of computer software for registering absence in order to understand how materialities – like the software – are entangled with the production of school absence. In the paper, the Deleuzio–Guattarian concept of the assemblage is put to work within a feminist relational materialist framework. This enables an understanding of the complexity of school absence, where materialities of the educational setting are theorized as entangled with social and gendered discursive components

    Going with the affective flows of digital school absence text messages

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    Focusing on digital text messages containing information about studentsĂą\u80\u99 absences and sent to parents by schools, the paper investigates the way school absenteeism is produced within affective assemblages. The paper unfolds a theoretical and methodological approach of Ăą\u80\u98going withĂą\u80\u99 the text messages, in entanglements of affective flows. The empirical engagements, produced together with multiple agents in two Swedish schools, show that within the assemblages of human and nonhuman bodies, the text messages can become Ăą\u80\u98stirrersĂą\u80\u99 that evoke nervousness and anxiety, but also excitement and feelings of control that affect the production and conception of absenteeism. The affective flows of text messages thus travel in all directions, with and against notions of linearity. The conclusion emphasizes how the text messages, as affective materialities, are an inextricable part of the production of school absenteeism in multiple and sometimes unexpected ways

    NÀrvarande frÄnvaro : Utforskande av skolfrÄnvarons posthumanistiska sammanvÀvningar

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    The aim of the study is to explore how school absenteeism as a material-discursive phenomenon is produced in the practices of humans and nonhumans, when absences and presences are registered and managed through digital technologies. How is the phenomenon of school absenteeism produced when absences and presences are digitally registered? How does the phenomenon of school absenteeism emerge when both human and nonhuman entanglements are included in the apparatuses of knowing? Through a posthumanist approach, the study engages empirically with two types of software for the registration of absences and presences at three Swedish schools. The results show that digital registration blurs the division between absences and presences, and queers what is absent and what is present. Digital registration produces school absenteeism as a phenomenon for all students every day, and at the same time as mainly for the students who are present most of the time. A conclusion that is drawn from the study is that digital registration makes absences present, by the visualization and performative repetition of the registration. The study points to how school absenteeism is always ‘in the making’, and proposes the concept of school absenteeing as a productive way to open up new possibilities in relation to students’ absences.Syftet med studien Ă€r att undersöka hur skolfrĂ„nvaro som materiellt-diskursivt fenomen produceras i mĂ€nskliga/icke-mĂ€nskliga praktiker, nĂ€r frĂ„nvaro och nĂ€rvaro hanteras och registreras med hjĂ€lp av digitala system. Hur produceras fenomenet skolfrĂ„nvaro nĂ€r elevers frĂ„nvaro och nĂ€rvaro registreras digitalt? Hur framtrĂ€der fenomenet skolfrĂ„nvaro nĂ€r mĂ€nniskor sĂ„vĂ€l som icke-mĂ€nniskor inkluderas i kunskapsproduktionen? I studien skapas empiriska engagemang tillsammans med tvĂ„ digitala system för registrering av frĂ„nvaro och nĂ€rvaro pĂ„ tre svenska skolor. Genom ett posthumanistiskt perspektiv visar studien att den digitala registreringen suddar ut grĂ€nserna mellan frĂ„nvaro och nĂ€rvaro. I sammanvĂ€vningar med digitala system blir fenomenet skolfrĂ„nvaro mer komplext, eftersom den digitala registreringen producerar skolfrĂ„nvaro som ett fenomen för alla elever, varje dag. Samtidigt reducerar den digitala registreringen skolfrĂ„nvarons komplexitet och skapar ett fenomen för de elever som för det mesta Ă€r nĂ€rvarande. En slutsats frĂ„n studien Ă€r att registreringen gör vad som Ă€r osynligt – det frĂ„nvarande – synligt. Studien pekar pĂ„ hur skolfrĂ„nvaro alltid Ă€r ett görande och introducerar begreppet school absenteeing [skolfrĂ„nvarogöra]. Detta begrepp möjliggör en förstĂ„else av skolfrĂ„nvaro som en pĂ„gĂ„ende produktion i mĂ€nskliga/icke-mĂ€nskliga relationer, snarare Ă€n nĂ„got som elever har eller Ă€r och öppnar upp för nya sĂ€tt att engagera sig i den alltid nĂ€rvarande frĂ„nvaron

    Are you satisfied with your life? : -The relationship between perfectionism, self-compassion, perceived stress, and lifesatisfaction

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    Life satisfaction among students is a complex phenomenon linked to avariety of factors. This study aimed to examine the relationshipbetween perfectionism, self-compassion, perceived stress, and lifesatisfaction. The aim was also to examine how well the threevariables perfectionism, self-compassion, and perceived stress predictlife satisfaction. The sample consisted of 154 students (Mage = 24.84,SDage = 5.09). Quantitative data was collected through an onlinesurvey where respondents were asked to answer statements andquestions linked to the scales: Clinical Perfectionism Questionnaire,Self-Compassion Scale Short Form, Perceived Stress Scale, andSatisfaction With Life Scale. The results showed that there is astatistically significant relationship between perfectionism,self-compassion, perceived stress, and life satisfaction. The resultsalso showed that self-compassion and perceived stress are statisticallysignificant predictors of life satisfaction. Perfectionism, on the otherhand, is not a statistically significant predictor. Future researchshould use longitudinal studies as a complement, examine morevariables that may be related to life satisfaction, and conductmoderation and mediation analyses.LivstillfredsstÀllelse bland studenter Àr ett komplext fenomen kopplattill en mÀngd olika faktorer. Den hÀr studien syftade till att undersökasambandet mellan perfektionism, sjÀlvmedkÀnsla, upplevd stress ochlivstillfredsstÀllelse. Syftet var Àven att undersöka hur vÀl de trevariablerna perfektionism, sjÀlvmedkÀnsla och upplevd stresspredicerar livstillfredsstÀllelse. Urvalet bestod av 154 studenter (MÄlder= 24.84, SDÄlder = 5.09). Kvantitativ data samlades in genom enonline-enkÀt dÀr respondenterna fick besvara delfrÄgor kopplat tillskalorna: Clinical Perfectionism Questionnaire, Self-CompassionScale Short Form, Perceived Stress Scale och Satisfaction With LifeScale. Resultaten visade att det finns ett statistiskt signifikant sambandmellan perfektionism, sjÀlvmedkÀnsla, upplevd stress ochlivstillfredsstÀllelse. Resultaten visade Àven att sjÀlvmedkÀnsla ochupplevd stress Àr statistiskt signifikanta prediktorer förlivstillfredsstÀllelse. Perfektionism Àr dÀremot inte en statistisktsignifikant prediktor. Framtida forskning bör komplettera medlongitudinella studier, undersöka fler variabler som kan tÀnkas vararelaterade till livstillfredsstÀllelse och genomföra moderations- ochmediationsanalyser

    Introduktion till postkvalitativ metodologi

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    This book is an introduction to postqualitative methodology. It situates postqualitative methodology in feminist and posthumanist theories, where research is a worlding practice. Through addressing the relationality of inquiry, the book considers knowledge production as both material and discursive and proposes experimenting with research practices. Rather than offering instructions on how to conduct research, the book invites the reader to explore questions on how to form research problems, address research ethics and construct and analyze empirical material. By focusing on methodological as well as theoretical elaborations it can be inspirational within a range of different research areas, and work as a companion both for students and researchers