9 research outputs found

    Public transport equity in Shenyang: Using structural equation modelling

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    In China, with the rapid development of urbanisation, the contradiction between supply and demand has become increasingly severe, particularly in large and medium-sized cities. Improving public transport equity can help to reduce the social exclusion of lower-income and socially vulnerable groups in relation to the urban transport system, and guarantee that public transport systems are given priority in terms of development. Using the concept of transport-related social equity, this study aims to explore the effects of public transport equity in relation to the quality of public transport, public participation, and public transport-related policy using Shenyang as a case study. Data are analysed using Structural Equation Model (SEM). Our findings show that the three latent variables of accessibility, affordability, and social impacts can be seen as representing the main characteristics of public transport equity; while improvements in public transport quality, public participation, and public transport-related polices play a significant role in reducing public transport inequity. Moreover, the findings indicate that public participation has direct, significant, positive influences on public transport quality and public transport-related policies. In terms of policy implications, we suggest that policies designed to improve public transport service quality, extend public transport fare concessions, and promote public participation in the public transport policy decision-making process should be given priority in the next round of urban comprehensive planning in order to reduce public transport-related social inequity in Shenyang and China more generally

    Multi-activity access: How activity choice affects opportunity

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    It is commonly seen that accessibility is measured considering only one opportunity or activity type or purpose of interest, e.g., jobs. The value of a location, and thus the overall access, however, depends on the ability to reach many different types of opportunities. This paper clarifies the concept of multi-activity accessibility, which combines multiple types of opportunities into a single aggregated access measure, and aims to find more comprehensive answers for the questions: what is being accessed, by what extent, and how it varies by employment status and by gender. The Minneapolis - St. Paul metropolitan region is selected for the measurement of multi-activity accessibility, using both primal and dual measures of cumulative access, for auto and transit. It is hypothesized that workers and non-workers, and males and females have different accessibility profiles. This research demonstrates its practicality at the scale of a metropolitan area, and highlights the differences in access for workers and non-workers, and men and women, because of differences in their activity participation