11 research outputs found
U sjeverozapadnoj niši katedrale sv. Dujma (Dioklecijanova mauzoleja) bile su postavljene orgulje koje su svojom visinom prekrivale nišu, a u dijelu pločnika i nadgrobnu ploču obitelji Capogrosso. Montaža orgulja prouzročila je mehanička oštećenja na pločniku i na vertikalnim zidovima niše. Osim već spomenutih recentnih, mehaničkih oštećenja, ima i različitih anorganskih onečišćenja u vidu crnih skrama. Na određenim površinama vidljivo je razlistavanje i osipanje kamene plastike što ukazuje na moguću prisutnost štetnih topljivih soli. U radu se donose dijagnostička ispitivanja te konzervatorsko-restauratorski zahvati na kamenom pločniku i donjem sloju poda.The north-western niche of Saint Domnius cathedral (Diocletian’s mausoleum) held the organ whose height exceeded the height of the niche, and in the pavement area it covered the tombstone of the family Capogrosso. The installation of the organ has caused mechanical deterioration on the pavement and vertical walls of the niche. Apart from the already mentioned recent, mechanical deteriorations, traces of various inorganic soiling have been found, e.g. black crust. On certain surfaces subflorescence and efflorescence are visible on some stone sculptures, indicating a possible presence of harmful soluble salts. This paper presents diagnostic tests, as well as procedures of conservation and restoration on stone pavement and bottom layer of the floor
Morphological characterization of hard ticks from the genus Ixodes, important vectors of infectious diseases in Croatia
Krpelji šikare pripadaju koljenu člankonožaca (Arthropoda), razredu paučnjaka (Arachnida), podrazredu grinja (Acari) i porodici Ixodidae. Oni su obligatni, hematofagni ektoparaziti te važni vektori uzročnika bolesti u ljudi i životinja (virusa, bakterija, protista i oblića). Dugotrajan akt hranjenja te čvrsto prihvaćanje za nositelja otežava uklanjanje i osigurava dovoljno vremena za prenošenje uzročnika bolesti na novog nositelja. Mnogi krpelji šikare nakon krvnog obroka obvezni su zamijeniti svog nositelja novim, pri čemu mogu gladovati dulje vrijeme. Pritom uzročnici bolesti isto tako preživljavaju unutar njih. S obzirom na to da su samo neke vrste krpelja vektori određenih uzročnika bolesti na području Republike Hrvatske, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je opisati samo one najvažnije. Nadalje, trenutačno ne postoje opisane morfološke karakteristike krpelja šikare popraćene fotografijama. S obzirom na brojnost vrsta krpelja i kompleksnost morfološke identifikacije, ovo je istraživanje usmjereno na vrste krpelja iz roda Ixodes.Hard ticks belong to the phylum Arthropoda, class Arachnida, subclass Acari and the family Ixodidae. They are obligatory haematophagous ectoparasites and important causative agent vectors in humans and animals (viruses, bacteria, protozoa and nematodes). Long term feeding and strong host attachment complicate removal and therefore ensures sufficient time for the causative agent to transfer into the new host. Many hard tick species are obliged to switch hosts after feeding on blood, and survive a long period of starvation. At the same time, the causative agents survive along with the hard ticks. Since only certain hard tick species can transmit causative agents in Croatia, the aim of this study was to describe only the most important. Furthermore, there are no data on their morphological characteristics supported by photographs. Because of the large number of tick species present and complexity of morphological identification, this survey was focused on the hard tick species from the Ixodes genus
Morfološka karakterizacija krpelja šikare roda Dermacentor, važnih vektora uzročnika bolesti na području Republike Hrvatske
Krpelji šikare su obligatni, hematofagni ektoparaziti koji prenose uzročnike bolesti na ljude i životinje (viruse, bakterije, protozoe i obliće) te mogu sadržajem svoje sline direktno uzrokovati ozbiljne toksikoze, paralize, iritacije i alergijske reakcije. S obzirom da su samo određene vrste krpelja vektori određenih uzročnika bolesti na području Republike Hrvatske i na složenost morfološke determinacije, cilj ovog istraživanja je bio prikazati morfološke karakteristike samo nekih vrsta krpelja. Prikazane su vrste Dermacentor reticulatus i D. marginatus. Krpelji su determinirani pomoću produciranih vlastitih fotografija
Nurse's activities in treating patients with ventricular arrhythmia
Ventrikularne aritmije su poremećaji ritma srca koji nastaju zbog poremećenog rada srčanog
provodnog sustava. U ventrikularne aritmije ubrajaju se ventrikularne ekstrasistole, ventrikularna
tahikardija i ventrikularna fibrilacija. Ventrikularne ekstrasistole (VES) najčešći su oblik aritmija, te se
mogu pojaviti i kod zdravih osoba. Ventrikularna tahikardija (VT) i ventrikularna fibrilacija (VF) mogu biti
uzrok iznenadne srčane smrti. Simptomi koji se pojavljuju kod oboljelih od ventrikularnih aritmija najčešće
su: palpitacije, slabost, nedostatak zraka, vrtoglavica, gubitak svijesti i stenokardija. U postavljanju
dijagnoze najvažniji je elektrokardiogram. Novija dostignuća tehnologije omogućila su prevenciju i
liječenje ventrikularnih aritmija odnosno prevenciju iznenadne smrti. U liječenju osim korištenja
antiaritmika i elektrokardioverzije pozitivan učinak ima i ugradnja implantabilnog kardioverter
defibrilatora te radiofrekventna ablacija. Medicinska sestra ima značajnu ulogu u sudjelovanju pri
dijagnostičkim i terapijskim postupcima. U Jedinici intenzivne koronarne skrbi odgovorna je za praćenje
bolesnikova stanja, rano uočavanje znakova i simptoma životno ugrožavajućih aritmija te poduzimanje
prvih hitnih intervencija koje spašavaju bolesnikov život. Također, njena zadaća je sudjelovanje u
reanimacijskim postupcima, defibrilaciji bolesnika, elektrokardioverziji te zbrinjavanju bolesnika prije i
nakon provedenih terapijskih postupaka kao što su ugradnja implantabilnog kardioverter defibrilatora i
radiofrekventne ablacije. U djelokrug rada medicinske sestre kod bolesnika s ventrikularnim aritmijama
spada i provođenje zdravstvene njege, provođenje sestrinskih intervencija u svrhu rješavanja bolesnikovih
problema i zdravstveni odgoj. Zdravstveni odgoj se kod bolesnika s ventrikularnim aritmijama svodi na
osposobljavanje bolesnika da prepozna aritmiju, uzima propisanu terapiju i stekne znanje i vještine za život
nakon ugradnje implatibilnog kardioverter defibrilatora.Ventricular arrhythmias are abnormal heart rhythms that occur due to a disturbance in the
cardiac conduction system. Ventricular arrhythmias include ventricular extrasystoles, ventricular
tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation. Ventricular extrasystoles (VES) are the most common form of
arrhythmias, and can even occur in healthy people. Ventricular tachycardia (VT) and ventricular fibrilation
(VF) can cause sudden cardiac death. Symptoms that are the most common in patients with ventricular
arrhytmias are palpitations, weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness, loss of consciousness and angina
pectoris. The electrocardiogram is the most important test method in establishing the diagnosis. New
technology developments have enabled the prevention and treatment of ventricular arrhythmias, that is, the
prevention of sudden death. In addition to treatment by antiarrhythmics and electrical cardioversion, a
positive impact in treatment is also seen with the implantation of cardioverter defibrillator and
radiofrequency ablation. The nursing role is significant in participating in diagnosis and therapeutic
procedures. In Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, she is responsible for continuous monitoring of the patients,
early detection of signs and symptoms of life-threatening arrhythmias, and undertaking emergency care
procedures that save the patient's life. Furhermore, the nurse is tasked to assist in resuscitation procedures,
patient defibrillation, electrical cardiovesion, and patient care before and after therapeutic procedures such
as the installation of a cardioverter defibrillator and radiofrequency ablation. The scope of a nurse's work
for patients with ventricular arrhythmias includes the enforcment of health care, conducting nursing
interventions to solve the patient's problems and health education. Health education for patients with
ventricular arrhythmias is based on training the patient to recognize the arrhythmia, take prescribed therapy,
and acquire knowledge and skills for life after the cardioverter defibrillator installation
Nurse's activities in treating patients with ventricular arrhythmia
Ventrikularne aritmije su poremećaji ritma srca koji nastaju zbog poremećenog rada srčanog
provodnog sustava. U ventrikularne aritmije ubrajaju se ventrikularne ekstrasistole, ventrikularna
tahikardija i ventrikularna fibrilacija. Ventrikularne ekstrasistole (VES) najčešći su oblik aritmija, te se
mogu pojaviti i kod zdravih osoba. Ventrikularna tahikardija (VT) i ventrikularna fibrilacija (VF) mogu biti
uzrok iznenadne srčane smrti. Simptomi koji se pojavljuju kod oboljelih od ventrikularnih aritmija najčešće
su: palpitacije, slabost, nedostatak zraka, vrtoglavica, gubitak svijesti i stenokardija. U postavljanju
dijagnoze najvažniji je elektrokardiogram. Novija dostignuća tehnologije omogućila su prevenciju i
liječenje ventrikularnih aritmija odnosno prevenciju iznenadne smrti. U liječenju osim korištenja
antiaritmika i elektrokardioverzije pozitivan učinak ima i ugradnja implantabilnog kardioverter
defibrilatora te radiofrekventna ablacija. Medicinska sestra ima značajnu ulogu u sudjelovanju pri
dijagnostičkim i terapijskim postupcima. U Jedinici intenzivne koronarne skrbi odgovorna je za praćenje
bolesnikova stanja, rano uočavanje znakova i simptoma životno ugrožavajućih aritmija te poduzimanje
prvih hitnih intervencija koje spašavaju bolesnikov život. Također, njena zadaća je sudjelovanje u
reanimacijskim postupcima, defibrilaciji bolesnika, elektrokardioverziji te zbrinjavanju bolesnika prije i
nakon provedenih terapijskih postupaka kao što su ugradnja implantabilnog kardioverter defibrilatora i
radiofrekventne ablacije. U djelokrug rada medicinske sestre kod bolesnika s ventrikularnim aritmijama
spada i provođenje zdravstvene njege, provođenje sestrinskih intervencija u svrhu rješavanja bolesnikovih
problema i zdravstveni odgoj. Zdravstveni odgoj se kod bolesnika s ventrikularnim aritmijama svodi na
osposobljavanje bolesnika da prepozna aritmiju, uzima propisanu terapiju i stekne znanje i vještine za život
nakon ugradnje implatibilnog kardioverter defibrilatora.Ventricular arrhythmias are abnormal heart rhythms that occur due to a disturbance in the
cardiac conduction system. Ventricular arrhythmias include ventricular extrasystoles, ventricular
tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation. Ventricular extrasystoles (VES) are the most common form of
arrhythmias, and can even occur in healthy people. Ventricular tachycardia (VT) and ventricular fibrilation
(VF) can cause sudden cardiac death. Symptoms that are the most common in patients with ventricular
arrhytmias are palpitations, weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness, loss of consciousness and angina
pectoris. The electrocardiogram is the most important test method in establishing the diagnosis. New
technology developments have enabled the prevention and treatment of ventricular arrhythmias, that is, the
prevention of sudden death. In addition to treatment by antiarrhythmics and electrical cardioversion, a
positive impact in treatment is also seen with the implantation of cardioverter defibrillator and
radiofrequency ablation. The nursing role is significant in participating in diagnosis and therapeutic
procedures. In Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, she is responsible for continuous monitoring of the patients,
early detection of signs and symptoms of life-threatening arrhythmias, and undertaking emergency care
procedures that save the patient's life. Furhermore, the nurse is tasked to assist in resuscitation procedures,
patient defibrillation, electrical cardiovesion, and patient care before and after therapeutic procedures such
as the installation of a cardioverter defibrillator and radiofrequency ablation. The scope of a nurse's work
for patients with ventricular arrhythmias includes the enforcment of health care, conducting nursing
interventions to solve the patient's problems and health education. Health education for patients with
ventricular arrhythmias is based on training the patient to recognize the arrhythmia, take prescribed therapy,
and acquire knowledge and skills for life after the cardioverter defibrillator installation
Palace of the Slavic Mortgage Bank in 53 Vlaška street in Zagreb
U radu je obrađena palača Slavenske banke na križanju Vlaške i Draškovićeve ulice u Zagrebu. Palača je izgrađena 1921.–1923. prema projektu arhitekta Huga Ehrlicha. Istraživanje se temelji na sačuvanom arhivskom gradivu, člancima u tadašnjem dnevnom tisku i književnim časopisima, građevinskim nacrtima, starim fotografijama te relevantnoj stručnoj literaturi. Rezultati istraživanja omogućuju uvid u tijek gradnje i opremanja poslovno-stambene zgrade Slavenske banke.This paper deals with the Palace of the Slavic Bank in 53 Vlaška Street in Zagreb. The palace was built in 1921–1923 according to Hugo Ehrlich's architectural project. During almost forty years of Ehrlich’s professional work, his architectural style went through different phases: from late historicism of his earliest work, through protomodernism of his projects created during the years of his collaboration with Viktor Kovačić (1910 – 1914), followed by modernized Neoclassicism of his Interwar projects, to the internationalism of his final works. The majority of his work was realized in Zagreb, including the residential buildings in Mihanovićeva Street (1911.), the Archdiocese endowment housing complex in Vlaška Street (1928.) and the Retirement trust of City savings bank building on Josip Jelačić Square (1934.). The architect’s studio was one of the largest and busiest in Zagreb during the 1920s, employing many young and talented architects, who worked independently on some building projects. The same was the case of the Slavic Bank, where at least three architects from the studio signed different parts of the design, including Juraj Meniga, who made numerous architectural drawings for the bank.
The research for this text was based on the preserved archival materials, articles published in local dailies and literary magazines, building plans, old photographs and relevant professional literature. The results of the research provide an insight into the course and the outcome of the construction of this residential and commercial building of the Slavic Bank. Its symmetrical, grandiose façade consists of various classical architectural motifs, which repeat themselves throughout the whole building. The aesthetic of modernized Neoclassicism, with traces of the art- art-déco, is present in the interior, especially in the central cashier hall and the ceremonial meeting room in the mezzanine, whose ceiling is decorated with Jozo Kljaković's frescoes that depict the building of the bank. Traditional architectural elements are used freely and creatively, making this project one of the most important examples of the Interwar Classicism, which was the dominant stylistic tendency in Zagreb architecture at the beginning of the 1920s
Nurse's activities in treating patients with ventricular arrhythmia
Ventrikularne aritmije su poremećaji ritma srca koji nastaju zbog poremećenog rada srčanog
provodnog sustava. U ventrikularne aritmije ubrajaju se ventrikularne ekstrasistole, ventrikularna
tahikardija i ventrikularna fibrilacija. Ventrikularne ekstrasistole (VES) najčešći su oblik aritmija, te se
mogu pojaviti i kod zdravih osoba. Ventrikularna tahikardija (VT) i ventrikularna fibrilacija (VF) mogu biti
uzrok iznenadne srčane smrti. Simptomi koji se pojavljuju kod oboljelih od ventrikularnih aritmija najčešće
su: palpitacije, slabost, nedostatak zraka, vrtoglavica, gubitak svijesti i stenokardija. U postavljanju
dijagnoze najvažniji je elektrokardiogram. Novija dostignuća tehnologije omogućila su prevenciju i
liječenje ventrikularnih aritmija odnosno prevenciju iznenadne smrti. U liječenju osim korištenja
antiaritmika i elektrokardioverzije pozitivan učinak ima i ugradnja implantabilnog kardioverter
defibrilatora te radiofrekventna ablacija. Medicinska sestra ima značajnu ulogu u sudjelovanju pri
dijagnostičkim i terapijskim postupcima. U Jedinici intenzivne koronarne skrbi odgovorna je za praćenje
bolesnikova stanja, rano uočavanje znakova i simptoma životno ugrožavajućih aritmija te poduzimanje
prvih hitnih intervencija koje spašavaju bolesnikov život. Također, njena zadaća je sudjelovanje u
reanimacijskim postupcima, defibrilaciji bolesnika, elektrokardioverziji te zbrinjavanju bolesnika prije i
nakon provedenih terapijskih postupaka kao što su ugradnja implantabilnog kardioverter defibrilatora i
radiofrekventne ablacije. U djelokrug rada medicinske sestre kod bolesnika s ventrikularnim aritmijama
spada i provođenje zdravstvene njege, provođenje sestrinskih intervencija u svrhu rješavanja bolesnikovih
problema i zdravstveni odgoj. Zdravstveni odgoj se kod bolesnika s ventrikularnim aritmijama svodi na
osposobljavanje bolesnika da prepozna aritmiju, uzima propisanu terapiju i stekne znanje i vještine za život
nakon ugradnje implatibilnog kardioverter defibrilatora.Ventricular arrhythmias are abnormal heart rhythms that occur due to a disturbance in the
cardiac conduction system. Ventricular arrhythmias include ventricular extrasystoles, ventricular
tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation. Ventricular extrasystoles (VES) are the most common form of
arrhythmias, and can even occur in healthy people. Ventricular tachycardia (VT) and ventricular fibrilation
(VF) can cause sudden cardiac death. Symptoms that are the most common in patients with ventricular
arrhytmias are palpitations, weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness, loss of consciousness and angina
pectoris. The electrocardiogram is the most important test method in establishing the diagnosis. New
technology developments have enabled the prevention and treatment of ventricular arrhythmias, that is, the
prevention of sudden death. In addition to treatment by antiarrhythmics and electrical cardioversion, a
positive impact in treatment is also seen with the implantation of cardioverter defibrillator and
radiofrequency ablation. The nursing role is significant in participating in diagnosis and therapeutic
procedures. In Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, she is responsible for continuous monitoring of the patients,
early detection of signs and symptoms of life-threatening arrhythmias, and undertaking emergency care
procedures that save the patient's life. Furhermore, the nurse is tasked to assist in resuscitation procedures,
patient defibrillation, electrical cardiovesion, and patient care before and after therapeutic procedures such
as the installation of a cardioverter defibrillator and radiofrequency ablation. The scope of a nurse's work
for patients with ventricular arrhythmias includes the enforcment of health care, conducting nursing
interventions to solve the patient's problems and health education. Health education for patients with
ventricular arrhythmias is based on training the patient to recognize the arrhythmia, take prescribed therapy,
and acquire knowledge and skills for life after the cardioverter defibrillator installation
Palace of the Slavic Mortgage Bank in 53 Vlaška street in Zagreb
U radu je obrađena palača Slavenske banke na križanju Vlaške i Draškovićeve ulice u Zagrebu. Palača je izgrađena 1921.–1923. prema projektu arhitekta Huga Ehrlicha. Istraživanje se temelji na sačuvanom arhivskom gradivu, člancima u tadašnjem dnevnom tisku i književnim časopisima, građevinskim nacrtima, starim fotografijama te relevantnoj stručnoj literaturi. Rezultati istraživanja omogućuju uvid u tijek gradnje i opremanja poslovno-stambene zgrade Slavenske banke.This paper deals with the Palace of the Slavic Bank in 53 Vlaška Street in Zagreb. The palace was built in 1921–1923 according to Hugo Ehrlich's architectural project. During almost forty years of Ehrlich’s professional work, his architectural style went through different phases: from late historicism of his earliest work, through protomodernism of his projects created during the years of his collaboration with Viktor Kovačić (1910 – 1914), followed by modernized Neoclassicism of his Interwar projects, to the internationalism of his final works. The majority of his work was realized in Zagreb, including the residential buildings in Mihanovićeva Street (1911.), the Archdiocese endowment housing complex in Vlaška Street (1928.) and the Retirement trust of City savings bank building on Josip Jelačić Square (1934.). The architect’s studio was one of the largest and busiest in Zagreb during the 1920s, employing many young and talented architects, who worked independently on some building projects. The same was the case of the Slavic Bank, where at least three architects from the studio signed different parts of the design, including Juraj Meniga, who made numerous architectural drawings for the bank.
The research for this text was based on the preserved archival materials, articles published in local dailies and literary magazines, building plans, old photographs and relevant professional literature. The results of the research provide an insight into the course and the outcome of the construction of this residential and commercial building of the Slavic Bank. Its symmetrical, grandiose façade consists of various classical architectural motifs, which repeat themselves throughout the whole building. The aesthetic of modernized Neoclassicism, with traces of the art- art-déco, is present in the interior, especially in the central cashier hall and the ceremonial meeting room in the mezzanine, whose ceiling is decorated with Jozo Kljaković's frescoes that depict the building of the bank. Traditional architectural elements are used freely and creatively, making this project one of the most important examples of the Interwar Classicism, which was the dominant stylistic tendency in Zagreb architecture at the beginning of the 1920s
Morphological characterization of hard ticks from the genus Ixodes, important vectors of infectious diseases in Croatia
Krpelji šikare pripadaju koljenu člankonožaca (Arthropoda), razredu paučnjaka (Arachnida), podrazredu grinja (Acari) i porodici Ixodidae. Oni su obligatni, hematofagni ektoparaziti te važni vektori uzročnika bolesti u ljudi i životinja (virusa, bakterija, protista i oblića). Dugotrajan akt hranjenja te čvrsto prihvaćanje za nositelja otežava uklanjanje i osigurava dovoljno vremena za prenošenje uzročnika bolesti na novog nositelja. Mnogi krpelji šikare nakon krvnog obroka obvezni su zamijeniti svog nositelja novim, pri čemu mogu gladovati dulje vrijeme. Pritom uzročnici bolesti isto tako preživljavaju unutar njih. S obzirom na to da su samo neke vrste krpelja vektori određenih uzročnika bolesti na području Republike Hrvatske, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je opisati samo one najvažnije. Nadalje, trenutačno ne postoje opisane morfološke karakteristike krpelja šikare popraćene fotografijama. S obzirom na brojnost vrsta krpelja i kompleksnost morfološke identifikacije, ovo je istraživanje usmjereno na vrste krpelja iz roda Ixodes.Hard ticks belong to the phylum Arthropoda, class Arachnida, subclass Acari and the family Ixodidae. They are obligatory haematophagous ectoparasites and important causative agent vectors in humans and animals (viruses, bacteria, protozoa and nematodes). Long term feeding and strong host attachment complicate removal and therefore ensures sufficient time for the causative agent to transfer into the new host. Many hard tick species are obliged to switch hosts after feeding on blood, and survive a long period of starvation. At the same time, the causative agents survive along with the hard ticks. Since only certain hard tick species can transmit causative agents in Croatia, the aim of this study was to describe only the most important. Furthermore, there are no data on their morphological characteristics supported by photographs. Because of the large number of tick species present and complexity of morphological identification, this survey was focused on the hard tick species from the Ixodes genus