Morphological characterization of hard ticks from the genus Ixodes, important vectors of infectious diseases in Croatia


Krpelji šikare pripadaju koljenu člankonožaca (Arthropoda), razredu paučnjaka (Arachnida), podrazredu grinja (Acari) i porodici Ixodidae. Oni su obligatni, hematofagni ektoparaziti te važni vektori uzročnika bolesti u ljudi i životinja (virusa, bakterija, protista i oblića). Dugotrajan akt hranjenja te čvrsto prihvaćanje za nositelja otežava uklanjanje i osigurava dovoljno vremena za prenošenje uzročnika bolesti na novog nositelja. Mnogi krpelji šikare nakon krvnog obroka obvezni su zamijeniti svog nositelja novim, pri čemu mogu gladovati dulje vrijeme. Pritom uzročnici bolesti isto tako preživljavaju unutar njih. S obzirom na to da su samo neke vrste krpelja vektori određenih uzročnika bolesti na području Republike Hrvatske, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je opisati samo one najvažnije. Nadalje, trenutačno ne postoje opisane morfološke karakteristike krpelja šikare popraćene fotografijama. S obzirom na brojnost vrsta krpelja i kompleksnost morfološke identifikacije, ovo je istraživanje usmjereno na vrste krpelja iz roda Ixodes.Hard ticks belong to the phylum Arthropoda, class Arachnida, subclass Acari and the family Ixodidae. They are obligatory haematophagous ectoparasites and important causative agent vectors in humans and animals (viruses, bacteria, protozoa and nematodes). Long term feeding and strong host attachment complicate removal and therefore ensures sufficient time for the causative agent to transfer into the new host. Many hard tick species are obliged to switch hosts after feeding on blood, and survive a long period of starvation. At the same time, the causative agents survive along with the hard ticks. Since only certain hard tick species can transmit causative agents in Croatia, the aim of this study was to describe only the most important. Furthermore, there are no data on their morphological characteristics supported by photographs. Because of the large number of tick species present and complexity of morphological identification, this survey was focused on the hard tick species from the Ixodes genus

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