305 research outputs found

    System for Identifying Above Ground Level of Flying Objects

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    Táto diplomová práca sa zaoberá dizajnom a vývojom systému pre meranie výšky (nad zemou) lietajúcich objektov. Popisuje teoretické podklady týkajúce sa merania výšky v aviatike ako aj rôzne techniky merania výšky. Meranie je vykonávané pomocou HMD (zariadenia na meranie výšky) - vstavaného systému, ktorý využíva senzor barometrického tlaku na meranie výšky. Hlavná časť tejto diplomovej práce je venovaná pozemnej jednotke - serveru, ktorý obsahuje sadu aplikácií. Použitím tohto serveru a rádiového spojenia je možné zasielať riadiace príkazy do HMD, prijímať dáta a zasielať dáta do webovej aplikácie. Server ďalej funguje ako dátové úložisko, je schopný spracovávať a analyzovať dáta. Táto práca taktiež diskutuje presnosť merania a dátový výstup. Systém bol testovaný a používaný na viacerých akrobatických súťažiach bezmotorových klzákov.This master's thesis deals with design and development of a system for measuring altitude (height above ground level) of flying objects. It describes theoretical background related to altitude measurements in avionics as well as various techniques of altitude measuring. The measurement is conducted by HMD (Height measuring device) - embedded system which uses barometric pressure sensor to measure altitude. The main part of this thesis is dedicated to ground unit - a server running custom set of applications. Using this server and radio link, it is possible to send control commands to HMD, receive data, and propagate data into web application. Furthermore server acts as a data storage and is able to process and analyse data. The thesis also discusses the precision of the measurement and the data output. System was tested and used during several glider aerobatics competitions.

    Dictionary for Mobile Devices (iPad, iPhone, Android)

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    Tato práce se zabývá návrhem a implementací systému pro vytváření slovníkových databází, stejně tak návrhem a implementací aplikace pro systém Android, která zobrazuje slovníková data obsažená v těchto databázích. Zdrojová lexikální data jsou strukturována pomocí Lexical Markup Framework.This thesis deals with the design and implementation of a system for creating dictionary databases, as well as design and implementation of an Android application that displays the dictionary data contained in these databases. Lexical data sources are structured using Lexical Markup Framework.

    What is Writing in Undergraduate Anthropology? An Activity Theory Analysis

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    How students learn to write in the disciplines is a question of ongoing concern in writing studies, with practical implications for academia. This case study used ethnographic methods to explore undergraduate writing in two upper year anthropology courses at a Canadian university over one term (four months). Student and professor interviews, classroom field notes, surveys, and students’ final papers were analysed using a framework drawn from activity theory and informed by genre theory. Four themes emerged from the data: anthropology as school; the familiar vs. unfamiliar; reading; and hidden rhetoric. Findings suggest students approach disciplinary work primarily as students rather than emerging professionals, and this role is adopted because it is familiar and few opportunities are provided to practice other professional activities. Extensive reading was seen as important by students and professors. Students demonstrated high skill levels in finding and using sources, but expressed frustration and resistance to the use of discipline-specific jargon, especially that of theoretical/sociocultural anthropology. While professors linked extensive reading with writing development, students did not make this connection. The rhetorical nature of literacy tasks was largely overlooked or hidden, and explicit instruction on disciplinary writing was infrequently provided to students, who felt they were expected to already know how to write research papers. Analysis of student papers showed a variety of rhetorical moves in their introductions, though familiar academic moves such as including a thesis statement were seen frequently while more sophisticated moves such as establishing ethos were little seen. Papers that used more sources and were longer received higher grades. Overall, students demonstrated a range of levels of writing development and disciplinary enculturation. The activity theory framework used in this project was useful in providing a model to structure analysis. Its explanatory power, however, is limited unless an alternate conceptualization of activity (such as Ilyenkov’s) is used that integrates the notion of genre as social action. In conclusion, adequate study of activities such as disciplinary writing requires theoretical and methodological complexity and is best conducted in research collaborations that include expertise in a variety of methods and from a variety of approaches

    La misèria de la Font Picant

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    Analiza opowiadań kanadyjskich nauczycieli pisania akademickiego: zbiorowa autoetnografia

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    Writing instruction in Canadian universities takes a variety of forms. While there are few formal departments for writing studies, many institutions do have a writing centre – a place that offers writing instruction to varying degrees. The writing centre may be housed within a department, a library, or within a student services unit. Its position within a university may indicate the degree to which writing is valued by the administrative body. The goal of our paper is to share insights into the ways that writing professionals perceive, work in, and adapt to current demands for writing instruction in higher education. Using a collaborative ethnographic approach, three scholars at different career stages explore their experiences with writing centre work. Using data consisting of individually written reflections, our analysis revealed four major themes: (a) initial experience with writing centres, (b) community, (c) frustrations and tensions at work, and (d) mentorship. In this paper, we discuss our findings within the framework of positioning theory in order to understand how we position ourselves as scholars, mentors, and educators, and how we are positioned by others within the fields of writing studies and higher education. This study raises awareness about the value of writing centre professionals’ contributions, the place of mentorship within higher education, and the support required for continued writing centre work.3833134520Studia Edukacyjn

    Learning About Plate Tectonics Through Argument-Writing

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    In a quasi-experimental study (N=60), grade 7/8 teachers students were taught to write arguments in content-area subjects. After instruction, students drew on document portfolios to write on a new topic: “Do the continents drift?” In a MANCOVA, students who participated in argument instruction scored significantly higher than a control class on the combination of dependent variables. A stepwise discriminant analysis indicated that instruction most strongly affected argument genre knowledge, which in turn accounted for variance in the other dependent variables. The features of argument texts that were most strongly associated with science learning were: the number of argument moves, the number of science propositions taken up from source documents, text length, and text coherence. These results support a constructivist model of writing to learn in which students use genre knowledge to select information from source documents and construct genre-specific relationships among ideas

    Microcrèdit, famílies i llars a la Barcelona de finals del segle XVIII. Aproximació amb un Sistema d'Informació Geogràfic

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    La recerca que presentem a continuació forma part d'un treball en curs sobre microcrèdit i consum entre les classes populars urbanes a Barcelona, entre 1750 i 1840. L'objectiu d'aquesta comunicació és mostrar la relació que s'estableix entre l'ús de les institucions de microcrèdit i la transformació de les llars jornaleres i menestrales a la Barcelona del darrer terç del segle XVIII. Aquest exercici de recerca sobre la complementarietat d'estratègies de supervivència de les famílies i les llars treballadores, pot entendre´s com una petita aportació a l'estudi de les clases populars urbanes de l'inici de la industrialització. ..

    Sodium nitroprusside affects the level of anthocyanin and flavonol glycosides in pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Arkel) leaves

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    The effects of sodium nitroprusside (SNP), a nitric oxide (NO) donor were investigated on the levels of anthocyanin and flavonol glycoside in pea (Pisum sativum L.) cv. Arkel leaves. The study was conducted in leaf discs (ca. 20 mm2) prepared from the youngest leaves. The anthocyanin and flavonol glycosides content diminish significantly (~ 21% of each) in leaf discs following 1 mM SNP (1 mM) treatment for 3 h under light (600 μmol M-2.s-1). However, a huge increase both in the levels of anthocyanin and flavonol glycosides, 72 and 53% respectively was recorded after 2 h of 1 mM SNP treatment. 0.5 mM SNP treatment of the leaf discs did not change the anthocyanin level but considerable declined (~13%) was observed in the level of flavonol glycosides as compared to the control. Surprisingly, the anthocyanin content in no SNP treated leaf discs after 3 h of incubation under light (600 μmol M-2.s-1) increased rapidly by 72% while flavonol glycosides content by 15% only. The photosynthetic capacities of SNP treated leaf discs were drastically inhibited. The study prelude that NO in combination of light influence the accumulation of anthocyanin and flavonol glycosides in pea leaves

    Warm Forming Behaviour of ZEK100 and AZ31B Magnesium Alloy Sheet

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    The current research addresses the formability of two magnesium sheet alloys, a conventional AZ31B and a rare earth alloyed ZEK100. Both alloys had a nominal thickness of 1.6 mm. Both Limiting Dome Height (LDH) and Cylindrical Cup Draw experiments were performed between room temperature and 350°C. To examine the effect of sheet directionality and anisotropy, LDH experiments were performed in both the sheet rolling and transverse directions. In addition, strain measurements were performed along both sheet orientations of the cylindrical cup and LDH specimens for which the geometry is symmetric. The LDH tests were used to study the formability of ZEK100 and AZ31B (O and H24 tempers) magnesium alloy sheet between room temperature and 350°C. At room temperature, AZ31B-O and AZ31B-H24 exhibit limited formability, with dome heights of only 11-12 mm prior to the onset of necking. In contrast, the dome heights of ZEK100 at room temperature reached 29 mm (a 140% improvement over AZ31B). Increasing the temperature above 200°C did not affect the relative ranking of the three sheet samples, however it did reduce the magnitude of the difference in dome heights. The rare earth alloyed ZEK100 had pronounced benefits at intermediate temperatures, achieving an LDH of 37 mm at 150°C; this dome height was only reached by AZ31B at a much higher temperature of 250°C. To further characterize the formability of ZEK100, forming limit curves (FLCs) were developed from the LDH tests in both the rolling and transverse directions. Comparisons to AZ31B were made at selected temperatures. Surface strain data was collected with an in situ digital image correlation (DIC) system incorporating two cameras for stereo observation. Results from these experiments further highlighted the enhanced formability relative to AZ31B over the entire temperature range between room temperature and 350°C, with the most dramatic improvements between room temperature and 150°C. The plane strain forming limit (FLC0) for ZEK100 at 150°C was 0.4 which equals that of AZ31B at 250°C. At higher temperatures (300°C), the two alloys exhibited similar performance with both achieving similar dome heights at necking of 37 mm (AZ31B) and 41 mm (ZEK100). To round out the investigation of ZEK100 for industrial applications, cylindrical cup deep drawing experiments were performed on ZEK100 sheet between 25°C and 250°C under isothermal and non-isothermal conditions. Draw ratios of 1.75, 2.00 and 2.25 were considered to examine the effects of draw ratio on draw depth. The effect of sheet anisotropy during deep drawing was investigated by measuring the earring profiles, sheet thickness and strain distribution along both the rolling and transverse directions. Isothermal test results showed enhanced warm temperature drawing performance of ZEK100 over AZ31B sheet; for example, a full draw of 203.2 mm (8”) blanks of ZEK100 was achieved with a tool temperature of 150°C, whereas a tool temperature of 225°C was needed to fully draw AZ31B-O blanks of this diameter. Non-isothermal deep draw experiments showed further improvement in drawability with significantly lower tooling temperatures required for a full cup draw using ZEK100. ZEK100 achieved a full draw of 228.6 mm (9") blanks with a die and blank holder temperature of 150°C and a cooled punch (25°C) while the same size blank of AZ31B required a die and blank holder temperature 225°C and a cooled punch (150°C). Temperature process windows were developed from the isothermal and non-isothermal results to show a direct comparison of drawing behaviour between ZEK100 and AZ31B. Overall, ZEK100 offers significantly improved forming performance compared to AZ31B, particularly at temperatures below 200°C. This lower temperature enhanced formability is attractive since it is less demanding in terms of lubricant requirements and reduces the need for higher temperature tooling