72 research outputs found

    How well do local relations predict gas-phase metallicity gradients? : results from SDSS-IV MaNGA

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    Gas-phase metallicity gradients in galaxies provide important clues to those galaxies’ formation histories. Using SDSS-IV MaNGA data, we previously demonstrated that gas metallicity gradients vary systematically and significantly across the galaxy mass–size plane: at stellar masses beyond approximately 1010 M , more extended galaxies display steeper gradients (in units of dex/Re) at a given stellar mass. Here, we set out to develop a physical interpretation of these findings by examining the ability of local ∼kpc-scale relations to predict the gradient behaviour along the mass–size plane. We find that local stellar mass surface density, when combined with total stellar mass, is sufficient to reproduce the overall mass–size trend in a qualitative sense. We further find that we can improve the predictions by correcting for residual trends relating to the recent star formation histories of star-forming regions. However, we find as well that the most extended galaxies display steeper average gradients than predicted, even after correcting for residual metallicity trends with other local parameters. From these results, we argue that gas-phase metallicity gradients can largely be understood in terms of known local relations, but we also discuss some possible physical causes of discrepant gradients

    SDSS-IV MaNGA: when is morphology imprinted on galaxies?

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    It remains an open question as to how long ago the morphology that we see in a present-day galaxy was typically imprinted. Studies of galaxy populations at different redshifts reveal that the balance of morphologies has changed over time, but such snapshots cannot uncover the typical time-scales over which individual galaxies undergo morphological transformation, nor which are the progenitors of today’s galaxies of different types. However, these studies also show a strong link between morphology and star formation rate (SFR) over a large range in redshift, which offers an alternative probe of morphological transformation. We therefore derive the evolution in SFR and stellar mass of a sample of 4342 galaxies in the SDSS-IV MaNGA survey through a stellar population ‘fossil record’ approach, and show that the average evolution of the population shows good agreement with known behaviour from previous studies. Although the correlation between a galaxy’s contemporaneous morphology and SFR is strong over a large range of lookback times, we find that a galaxy’s present-day morphology only correlates with its relatively recent (⁠∼2Gyr⁠) star formation history. We therefore find strong evidence that morphological transitions to galaxies’ current appearance occurred on time-scales as short as a few billion years

    Integral-field kinematics and stellar populations of early-type galaxies out to three half-light radii

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    Funding: STFC grant ST/K502339/1 during the course of this work (NFB), Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship (AW).We observed twelve nearby HI -detected early-type galaxies (ETGs) of stellar mass ∼ 1010 M⊙ ≤ M* ≤1011 M⊙ with the Mitchell Integral-Field Spectrograph, reaching approximately three half-light radii in most cases. We extracted line-of-sight velocity distributions for the stellar and gaseous components. We find little evidence of transitions in the stellar kinematics of the galaxies in our sample beyond the central effective radius, with centrally fast-rotating galaxies remaining fast-rotating and centrally slow-rotating galaxies likewise remaining slow-rotating. This is consistent with these galaxies having not experienced late dry major mergers; however, several of our objects have ionised gas that is misaligned with respect to their stars,suggesting some kind of past interaction. We extract Lick index measurements of the commonly-used Hβ, Fe5015, Mg, b, Fe5270 and Fe5335 absorption features, and we find most galaxies to have flat Hβ gradients and negative Mg, b gradients. We measure gradients of age, metallicity and abundance ratio for our galaxies using spectral fitting, and for the majority of our galaxies find negative age and metallicity gradients. We also find the stellar mass-to-light ratios to decrease with radius for most of the galaxies in our sample. Our results are consistent with a view in which intermediate-mass ETGs experience mostly quiet evolutionary histories, but in which many have experienced some kind of gaseous interaction in recent times.PostprintPeer reviewe

    SDSS-IV MaNGA: spatially resolved dust attenuation in spiral galaxies

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    Dust attenuation in star-forming spiral galaxies affects stars and gas in different ways due to local variations in dust geometry. We present spatially resolved measurements of dust attenuation for a sample of 232 such star-forming spiral galaxies, derived from spectra acquired by the SDSS-IV MaNGA survey. The dust attenuation affecting the stellar populations of these galaxies (obtained using full spectrum stellar population fitting methods) is compared with the dust attenuation in the gas (derived from the Balmer decrement). Both of these attenuation measures increase for local regions of galaxies with higher star formation rates; the dust attenuation affecting the stellar populations increases more so than the dust attenuation in the gas, causing the ratio of the dust attenuation affecting the stellar populations to the dust attenuation in the gas to decrease for local regions of galaxies with higher star formation rate densities. No systematic difference is discernible in any of these dust attenuation quantities between the spiral arm and inter-arm regions of the galaxies. While both the dust attenuation in the gas and the dust attenuation affecting the stellar populations decrease with galactocentric radius, the ratio of the two quantities does not vary with radius. This ratio does, however, decrease systematically as the stellar mass of the galaxy increases. Analysis of the radial profiles of the two dust attenuation measures suggests that there is a disproportionately high concentration of birth clouds (incorporating gas, young stars and clumpy dust) nearer to the centres of star-forming spiral galaxies.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    SDSS-IV MaNGA : exploring the local scaling relations for N/O

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    We present, for the first time, the relationship between local stellar mass surface density, Σ*, and N/O derived from SDSS-IV MaNGA data, using a sample of 792,765 high signal-to-noise ratio star-forming spaxels. Using a combination of phenomenological modeling and partial correlation analysis, we find that Σ* alone is insufficient to predict the N/O in MaNGA spaxels and that there is an additional dependence on the local star formation rate surface density, ΣSFR. This effect is a factor of 3 stronger than the dependence of 12+log(O/H) on ΣSFR. Surprisingly, we find that the local N/O scaling relations also depend on the total galaxy stellar mass at fixed Σ* and the galaxy size at fixed stellar mass. We find that more compact galaxies are more nitrogen rich, even when Σ* and ΣSFR are controlled for. We show that ~50% of the variance of N/O is explained by the total stellar mass and size. Thus, the evolution of nitrogen in galaxies is set by more than just local effects and does not simply track the buildup of oxygen in galaxies. The precise form of the N/O–O/H relation is therefore sensitive to the sample of galaxies from which it is derived. This result casts doubt on the universal applicability of nitrogen-based strongline metallicity indicators derived in the local universe

    SDSS-IV MaNGA: drivers of stellar metallicity in nearby galaxies

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    The distribution of stellar metallicities within and across galaxies is an excellent relic of the chemical evolution across cosmic time. We present a detailed analysis of spatially resolved stellar populations based on >2.6 million spatial bins from 7439 nearby galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-IV (SDSS-IV) Mapping Nearby Galaxies at APO (MaNGA) survey. To account for accurate inclination corrections, we derive an equation for morphology-dependent determination of galaxy inclinations. Our study goes beyond the well-known global mass-metallicity relation and radial metallicity gradients by providing a statistically sound exploration of local relations between stellar metallicity [Z/H], stellar surface mass density Σ∗, and galactocentric distance in the global mass-morphology plane. We find a significant resolved mass density-metallicity relation Σ ZR for galaxies of all types and masses above 109.8 M⊙. Different radial distances make an important contribution to the spread of the relation. Particularly, in low- and intermediate-mass galaxies, we find that at fixed Σ∗ metallicity increases with radius independently of morphology. For high masses, this radial dependence is only observed in high Σ∗ regions of spiral galaxies. This result calls for a driver of metallicity, in addition to Σ∗ that promotes chemical enrichment in the outer parts of galaxies more strongly than in the inner parts. We discuss gas accretion, outflows, recycling, and radial migration as possible scenarios.The Science and Technology Facilities Council is acknowledged for support through the Consolidated Grant Cosmology and Astrophysics at Portsmouth, ST/S000550/1. JL is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 2009993. JKB-B acknowledges support from the grant IA-100420 (DGAPA-PAPIIT, UNAM), and funding from the CONACYT grants CF 19-39578, CB-285080, and FC-2016-01-1916

    Improved annotation of 3' untranslated regions and complex loci by combination of strand-specific direct RNA sequencing, RNA-seq and ESTs

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    The reference annotations made for a genome sequence provide the framework for all subsequent analyses of the genome. Correct annotation is particularly important when interpreting the results of RNA-seq experiments where short sequence reads are mapped against the genome and assigned to genes according to the annotation. Inconsistencies in annotations between the reference and the experimental system can lead to incorrect interpretation of the effect on RNA expression of an experimental treatment or mutation in the system under study. Until recently, the genome-wide annotation of 3-prime untranslated regions received less attention than coding regions and the delineation of intron/exon boundaries. In this paper, data produced for samples in Human, Chicken and A. thaliana by the novel single-molecule, strand-specific, Direct RNA Sequencing technology from Helicos Biosciences which locates 3-prime polyadenylation sites to within +/- 2 nt, were combined with archival EST and RNA-Seq data. Nine examples are illustrated where this combination of data allowed: (1) gene and 3-prime UTR re-annotation (including extension of one 3-prime UTR by 5.9 kb); (2) disentangling of gene expression in complex regions; (3) clearer interpretation of small RNA expression and (4) identification of novel genes. While the specific examples displayed here may become obsolete as genome sequences and their annotations are refined, the principles laid out in this paper will be of general use both to those annotating genomes and those seeking to interpret existing publically available annotations in the context of their own experimental dataComment: 44 pages, 9 figure

    Size, shade or shape? The contribution of galaxies of different types to the star-formation history of the Universe from SDSS-IV MaNGA

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    By fitting stellar populations to SDSS-IV MaNGA survey observations of ~7000 suitably-weighted individual galaxies, we reconstruct the star-formation history of the Universe, which we find to be in reasonable agreement with previous studies. Dividing the galaxies by their present-day stellar mass, we demonstrate the downsizing phenomenon, whereby the more massive galaxies hosted the most star-formation at earlier times. Further dividing the galaxy sample by colour and morphology, we find that a galaxy's present-day colour tells us more about its historical contribution to the cosmic star formation history than its current morphology. We show that downsizing effects are greatest among galaxies currently in the blue cloud, but that the level of downsizing in galaxies of different morphologies depends quite sensitively on the morphological classification used, due largely to the difficulty in classifying the smaller low-mass galaxies from their ground-based images. Nevertheless, we find agreement that among galaxies with stellar masses M>6×109MM_{\star}>6\times10^{9}\,M_{\odot}, downsizing is most significant in spirals. However, there are complicating factors. For example, for more massive galaxies, we find that colour and morphology are predictors of the past star formation over a longer timescale than in less massive systems. Presumably this effect is reflecting the longer period of evolution required to alter these larger galaxies' physical properties, but shows that conclusions based on any single property don't tell the full story.Comment: 16 pages, 21 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    SDSS-IV MaNGA: Exploring the local scaling relations for N/O

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    We present, for the first time, the relationship between local stellar mass surface density, Σ\mathrm{\Sigma_{*}}, and N/O derived from SDSS-IV MaNGA data, using a sample of 792765792765 high signal-to-noise ratio star-forming spaxels. Using a combination of phenomenological modelling and partial correlation analysis, we find that Σ\mathrm{\Sigma_{*}} alone is insufficient to predict the N/O in MaNGA spaxels, and that there is an additional dependence on the local star formation rate surface density, ΣSFR\mathrm{\Sigma_{SFR}}. This effect is a factor of 33 stronger than the dependence of 12+log(O/H) on ΣSFR\mathrm{\Sigma_{SFR}}. Surprisingly, we find that the local N/O scaling relations also depend on the total galaxy stellar mass at fixed Σ\Sigma_{*} as well as the galaxy size at fixed stellar mass. We find that more compact galaxies are more nitrogen rich, even when Σ\mathrm{\Sigma_{*}} and ΣSFR\mathrm{\Sigma_{SFR}} are controlled for. We show that 50%\sim50\% of the variance of N/O is explained by the total stellar mass and size. Thus, the evolution of nitrogen in galaxies is set by more than just local effects and does not simply track the build up of oxygen in galaxies. The precise form of the N/O-O/H relation is therefore sensitive to the sample of galaxies from which it is derived. This result casts doubt on the universal applicability of nitrogen-based strong-line metallicity indicators derived in the local universe.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Association studies of up to 1.2 million individuals yield new insights into the genetic etiology of tobacco and alcohol use.

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    Tobacco and alcohol use are leading causes of mortality that influence risk for many complex diseases and disorders1. They are heritable2,3 and etiologically related4,5 behaviors that have been resistant to gene discovery efforts6-11. In sample sizes up to 1.2 million individuals, we discovered 566 genetic variants in 406 loci associated with multiple stages of tobacco use (initiation, cessation, and heaviness) as well as alcohol use, with 150 loci evidencing pleiotropic association. Smoking phenotypes were positively genetically correlated with many health conditions, whereas alcohol use was negatively correlated with these conditions, such that increased genetic risk for alcohol use is associated with lower disease risk. We report evidence for the involvement of many systems in tobacco and alcohol use, including genes involved in nicotinic, dopaminergic, and glutamatergic neurotransmission. The results provide a solid starting point to evaluate the effects of these loci in model organisms and more precise substance use measures