99 research outputs found

    Impact of cytoplasmic male sterility and xenia on grain yield and agronomic traits of maize

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    Citoplazmatična muška sterilnost (CMS) odavno se koristi u proizvodnji hibridnog semena kukuruza, jer povećava kvalitet, a pritom smanjuje troškove proizvodnje. Ksenija predstavlja efekat stranog oprašivača na zrno majčinskog genotipa u godini oprašivanja. Kombinovani uticaj CMS i ksenija nazvan je Plushibrid efekat, a ideja je da se u smeši gaji 80% sterilnog hibrida kao majke i 20% drugog fertilnog hibrida, kao oca. Mnogi autori su dobili značajno povećanje prinosa u ovakvom sistemu proizvodnje, bez pogoršanja kvaliteta zrna. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se u našim uslovima i na domaćim hibridima ispita pojedinačni i kombinovani uticaj citoplazmatične muške sterilnosti i ksenija na najvažnije osobine kukuruza i mogućnost uvođenja ovakvog sistema gajenja u komercijalnu proizvodnju u Srbiji. Ogled je bio postavljen po potpuno slučajnom blok (RCB) split-split plot eksperimentalnom dizajnu u tri ponavljanja u Zemun Polju od 2009. do 2011. godine. Kao majke su se koristili sterilne (CMS-S tip) i fertilne verzije hibrida ZP 1 i ZP 2, dok su očevi bili hibridi ZP 1ft, ZP 2ft, ZP 3ft, ZP 4ft i ZP 5ft. Ispitivan je pojedinačni, kao i kombinovani uticaj CMS i ksenija na najbitnije osobine kukuruza. Takođe, pomoću SSR markera utvrđena je genetička distanca između korišćenih genotipova, da bi se našla veza između distance i efekta ksenija u Plus-hibrid kombinaciji. Samo kod jednog CMS hibrida, ZP 2st, je došlo do neznačajnog povećanja prinosa zrna (0,45 t/ha), kod kog je došlo i do značajnog povećanja težine zrna i broja zrna po jedinici površine. Slab odgovor genotipova na sterilnost objašnjava se time što je korišćen CMS-S tip, kod koga pozitivan efekat sterilnosti ne dolazi do izražaja kao kod ostala dva tipa. CMS je uticala na značajno povećanje sadržaja ulja u zrnu kod ZP 2 (0,21%). Infekcija zrna sa Fusarium verticillioides bila je veća kod oba sterilna hibrida, dok je sadržaj mikotoksina specifičnog za ovu vrstu gljive,..Because it increases quality and reduces costs at the same time, cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) has been used in maize hybrid seed production since long ago. Xenia is the effect of foreign pollinator on the kernel of maternal genotype in the year of crossing. The combined effect of CMS and xenia is referred to as a Plushybrid effect and the idea is to grow in mixture 80% of one sterile hybrid as mother and 20% of the other fertile hybrid as father. Many authors got significant increase in grain yield in this production system, without grain quality deterioration. The aim of the research was to examine individual and combined effect of cytoplasmic male sterility and xenia on the most important maize traits of domestic hybrids, in our environment, as well as the possibility of introduction of this kind of growing system in the commercial production in Serbia. The three-replicate trial was carried out according to randomized complete block (RCB) split-split plot design in Zemun Polje during 2009, 2010 i 2011. Sterile (CMS-S type) and fertile versions of ZP 1 and ZP 2 hybrids were used as mothers, while ZP 1ft, ZP 2ft, ZP 3ft, ZP 4ft and ZP 5ft hybrids were fathers. Individual and combined effects of CMS and xenia on the most important maize traits were examined. Also, genetic distance between used genotypes was determined using SSR markers, to find the relationship between distance and xenia effect in a Plushybrid combination. Only one CMS hybrid, ZP 2st, had insignificant increase in grain yield (0,45 t/ha), and at the same time significant increase in kernel weight and kernel number per unit area. Weak response of the genotypes to sterility is explained with the use of CMS-S type, in which positive effect of sterility doesn’t come to the fore as in the other two types. CMS had significant impact on kernel oil content increase in ZP 2 (0,21%). Kernel infection with Fusarium verticillioides was higher for both sterile hybrids, while kernel content of mycotoxin fumonisin B1, specific for this fungi species, in ZP 1st was significantly lower, and in ZP 2st insignificantly higher then in fertile analogue..

    Uticaj citoplazmatičke muške sterilnosti i ksenija na komponente prinosa kukuruza

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    The combined effect of cms and xenia is referred to as the plus-hybrid effect and can be used in the maize production in order to increase maize grain yield and quality by growing the sterile version of one hybrid and the fertile version of another hybrid. Two sterile hybrids, their fertile counterparts and five fertile hybrids as pollinators were selected. The following traits were studied: ear length, kernel row number, number of kernels per row, kernel length and 1000-kernel weight. All plus-hybrid combinations of the first hybrid had a longer ear than their fertile counterpart, while this value was reduced in the second hybrid in three out of four combinations. The greatest increase in the ear length amounted to 3.04% (P=0.05). Although all plus-hybrid combinations of the first hybrid had a smaller kernel row number, the differences were not significant. All plus-hybrid combinations of the second hybrid had higher value of this observed trait, while the value of the best combination was higher by 4.2% than the value of its fertile counterpart (P=0.1). As far as the number of kernels per row is concerned, there were no significant differences between the plus-hybrid combinations and their fertile counterparts in any of observed hybrids. The plus-hybrid effect on the kernel length was positive in both hybrids. The best plus-hybrid combination of the first, i.e. the second hybrid had value of this trait higher by 6.06% (P=0.1), i.e. 4.07% (P=0.05), respectively. Two plus-hybrid combinations of the first hybrid had a higher 1000-kernel weight than their fertile counterparts. These differences were not significant. The value of the trait in the worst plus-hybrid combination of the second hybrid was lower by even 12.18% than the value of the fertile counterpart (P=0.01).Kombinovani efekat cms-a i ksenija naziva se Plus-hibrid kukuruza. Odabrali smo dva sterilna hibrida kukuruza, njihove fertilne analoge i pet fertilnih hibrida oprašivača. Ispitivana je dužinu klipa, broj redova zrna, broj zrna u redu, dužinu zrna i masa 1000 zrna. Dok su sve Plus-hibrid kombinacije prvog hibrida imale duži klip u odnosu na fertilnu verziju, kod drugog hibrida je došlo do smanjenja ove vrednosti kod tri od četiri kombinacije. Najviše povećanje dužine klipa iznosilo je 3,04% (P=0,05). Iako su sve Plus-hibrid kombinacije prvog hibrida imale manju vrednost broja redova zrna, ove razlike nisu bile statistički značajne. Sve Plus-hibrid kombinacije drugog hibrida su pokazale povećanje vrednosti ovog ispitivanog svojstva, a najbolja je imala za 4,2% višu vrednost od svog fertilnog analoga (P=0,1). Za svojstvo broj zrna u redu nije bilo značajne razlike između Plus-hibrid kombinacija i fertilnih analoga ni kod jednog od ispitivanih hibrida. Plus-hibrid efekat na dužinu zrna, kod oba hibrida, bio je pozitivan. Najbolja Plus-hibrid kombinacija prvog hibrida imala je za 6,06% (P=0,1), a najbolja kombinacija drugog hibrida za 4,07% (P=0,05) višu vrednost ovog ispitivanog svojstva. Dve Plus-hibrid kombinacije prvog hibrida imale su povećanu masu 1000 zrna u odnosu na svog fertilnog analoga, ali ne značajno. Kod drugog ispitivanog hibrida je najlošija plus-hibrid kombinacija pokazala smanjenu vrednost ispitivanog svojstva za čak 12,18% u odnosu na fertilnog analoga (P=0,01)

    The effects of cytoplasmic male sterility and xenia on the chemical composition of maize grain

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    Sterile hybrids often outyield their fertile counterparts, especially if pollinated by a genetically unrelated pollinator. The combined effect of cms and xenia is referred to as the Plus-hybrid effect. The objective of this study was to determine the individual, as well as, combining effect of cms and xenia on the maize grain chemical composition. The percent of oil, protein and starch in the grain was also observed. Two sterile hybrids, their fertile counterparts and five fertile pollinator-hybrids were selected for the studies. The three-replicate trial set up according to the split-plot experimental design was performed at Zemun Polje in 2008. The obtained results show that the effects of cms on the oil percent was not significant in the studied hybrid ZP 341, while it increased at the significance level of P = 0.1 in the second observed hybrid ZP 360. The effect of this factor on the protein and starch percent was also significant (P = 0.01) in some hybrid combinations. Xenia effects on all three chemical parameters were significant (P = 0.01) in some hybrid combinations. The gained results indicate that the identification of a good combination of two hybrids, in which one would be a sterile female component, and the other a pollinator, would end up not only in the increased yield, but also in the improved maize grain quality

    Crveni ZP hibridi kukuruza

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    The following three red kernel maize genotypes were observed: the variety ZP Rumenka and two commercial hybrids ZPH-1 red (FAO 350) and ZPH-2 red (FAO 600). The aim of the study was to determine possible superiority of commercial red maize hybrids over the variety Rumenka in order to produce functional food, i.e. specific flour from red maize. The hybrid ZPH-1 red was the best in the trial with the highest antioxidant activity and anthocyaninins content, as well as, with the highest grain yield. Therefore this hybrid is very suitable for the production of maize for special purposes.U radu su ispitivana tri genotipa kukuruza crvenog zrna: sorta ZP Rumenka i dva komercijalna hibrida, ZPH-1 crveni (FAO 350) i ZPH-2 crveni (FAO 600). Svrha je bila utvrđivanje eventualne superiornosti komercijalnih crvenih hibrida u odnosu na sortu crvenog zrna za dobijanje tzv. funkcionalne hrane, odnosno specifičnog brašna od crvenog kukuruza. Kao najpogodniji genotip pokazao se ZPH-1 crveni, sa daleko najvećom antioksidativnom aktivnošću i sadržajem antocijaninina, kao i najvećim prinosom zrna. Stoga je on veoma pogodan za proizvodnju kukuruza za specifične namene

    The plus-hybrid effect on the grain yield of two ZP maize hybrids

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    Bozinovic S., J.Vancetovic, M.Babic, M.Filipovic and N.Delic (2010): The plus-hybrid effect on the grain yield of two ZP maize hybrids-Genetika, Vol 42, No. 3,475 -484. The combined effect of cytoplasmic male sterility and xenia on maize hybrid traits is referred to as the plus-hybrid effect. Two studied ZP hybrids differently responded to this effect for grain yield. All plus-hybrid combinations of the firstly observed hybrid had a higher yield than their fertile counterparts, but not significantly, while only one combination of the second hybrid positively responded, also without statistical significance. It seems that the observed effect mostly depended on the genotype of the female component

    Recipročni efekat na prinos zrna i vlagu zrna u berbi kod dvolinijskih hibrida kukuruza

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispita uticaj recipročnih ukrštanja na prinos zrna i procenat vlage zrna u momentu berbe kao najvažnijih agronomskih osobina u proizvodnji kukuruza. Ispitivani su ZP 333, ZP 335, ZP 366, ZP 388, ZP 4007 i njihove recipročne varijante, kao i samooplodne linije komponente ovih hibrida. Hibridi pripadaju srednje ranoj grupi zrenja FAO 300-400 i imaju zajedničku komponentu ZPL 1 kao oca, odnosno majku u recipročnoj varijanti. Ogled je bio postavljen u dva ponavljanja u dve godine, ukupno na sedam lokacija. Na vlagu zrna u momentu berbe značajno su uticali faktori hibrid, lokacija i interakcija hibrid × lokacija, dok je na prinos zrna značajno uticao samo faktor lokacija. ZP 366 recipročni je imao značajno viši prinos zrna i značajno niži procenat vlage u momentu berbe (11,02 t/ha i 17,36%) u odnosu na normalni ZP 366 (10.36 t/ha i 17,99%). ZP 335 recipročni je imao značajno viši udeo vlage u zrnu u momentu berbe (16,71%) u odnosu na normalni ZP 335 (16,09%). Kod ZP 366 je takođe utvrđena i značajna razlika u heterozisu između normalne i recipročne verzije

    Simulating of Top-Cross system for enhancement of antioxidants in maize grain

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    Blue maize (Zea mays L.) is grown for its high content of antioxidants. Conversion of yellow and white to blue maize is time consuming because several genes affect blue color. After each backcross selfing is needed for color to be expressed. In order to overcome the problem of time and effort needed for conversion to blue kernel color, we have set a pilot experiment simulating a Top-cross system for increasing antioxidants in maize grain. The idea is to alternately sow six rows of sterile standard quality hybrid and two rows of blue maize in commercial production. Five commercial ZP hybrids were crossed with a blue pop-corn population. Xenia effect caused by cross-pollination produced blue grain on all hybrids in the same year. Chemical analyses of the grains of five selfed original hybrids, five cross-pollinated hybrids and selfed blue popcorn pollinator were performed. Cross-fertilization with blue popcorn had different impact on antioxidant capacity and phytonutrients, increasing them significantly in some but not all crosspollinated hybrids. Popcorn blue pollinator had higher values for all the analyzed traits than either selfed or crosspollinated hybrids. Selfed vs. pollinated hybrids showed significant difference for total antioxidant capacity (p lt 0.1), total phenolics and total yellow pigments (p lt 0.01), with the increase of total phenolics and decrease of total yellow pigments in pollinated ones. Total flavonoids showed a little non-significant decrease in pollinated hybrids, while total anthocyanins were not detected in selfed yellow hybrids. Blue maize obtained this way has shown good potential for growing high quality phytonutrient genotypes

    Stabilnost prinosa novih ZP hibrida kukuruza

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    Six newly developed hybrids and four hybrids already widely grown during the last decade were observed in the present study. Grain yield stability parameters were estimated using methods developed by Eberhart and Russell (1966) and Lin and Binns (1988). The highest grain yield stability obtained by both parameters (bi and Pi) was recorded in hybrids ZP 606 and ZP 600. Moreover, highest average grain yield was also detected in those two hybrids. The hybrids ZP 666 and ZP 560 will have highest adaptation to more favorable growing conditions. On the other hand, hybrids ZP 434 and ZP 341 are expected to show the best adaptability to less favorable environments. A high positive correlation was found between a superiority measure (Pi) and a grain yield.U ovom radu je korišćeno šest novih hibrida, kao i četiri hibrida koji već zauzimaju velike površine u proizvodnji u zadnjih deset godina. Parametri stabilnosti prinosa su izračunati korišćenjem metoda koje su razvili Eberhart i Rasel (1966) i Lin i Bins (1988). Najviša stabilnost prinosa, na osnovu oba parametra (bi i Pi) je utvrđena kod hibrida ZP 606 i ZP 600. Najviši prosečan prinos je takođe zabeležen kod ova dva hibrida. Hibridi ZP 666 i ZP 560 pokazuju najvišu adaptabilnost na povoljnije uslove gajenja. Sa druge strane, hibridi ZP 434 i ZP 341 su pokazali bolju adaptabilnost u manje povoljnim uslovima gajenja. Visoka pozitivna korelacija je zabeležena između parametra stabilnosti Pi i prinosa zrna

    Individual and combined (Plus-hybrid) effect of cytoplasmic male sterility and xenia on maize grain yield

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    Plus-hybrid effect refers to a combined effect of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) and xenia in maize (Zea mays L.) It could be used in commercial production by growing a mixture of 80% CMS hybrid and 20% of another fertile hybrid. The aim of this research was to examine individual and combined CMS and xenia effects on two hybrids widely grown in Serbia. Sterile and fertile versions of ZP 1 and ZP 2 hybrids (three-way; Iodent x Lancaster dents) were used as females, while ZP 1, ZP 2, ZP 3, ZP 4, and ZP 5 (three-way or single cross; Iodent (BSSS) x Lancaster dents) were used as pollinators. All of them belong to medium maturity group. The trial was set up at one location in Serbia (Zemun Polje) in 2009, 2010, and 2011. Molecular analysis of the five genotypes was done using simple sequence repeat (SSR) primers. Plus-hybrid effect on grain yield ranged from -6.2% to 6.2%; on thousand kernel weight from -1.7% to 5.2%; on number of kernels per area from -1.0% to 8.0%. The poor response could be due to a use of three-way instead of single cross hybrids in S type of sterility. Modified Rogers' distance between hybrids was in the range 0.211 to 0.378 and was not relevant for the effect, which depended mostly on the sterile hybrid genotype and the fertile hybrid pollinator ability. This approach should be more suitable for female hybrids with slightly poorer performance, already being produced on a sterile base

    Fizičko-hemijska svojstva zrna žutih i crvenih hibrida kukuruza iz Srbije

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    Physical traits, kernel structure and chemical composition of five yellow and five red kernel maize hybrids were the subjects of this study. The 1000-kernel weight, a physical indicator of grain quality, ranged from 325.76±7.47 g (ZP 555 red) to 375.63±4.18 g (ZP 606). The hard endosperm fraction content varied between 57.66±0.93% (ZP 4007) and 67.08±0.42% (ZP 366 red). Regarding chemical composition, starch was predominant constituent ranging from 66.80±0.18 (ZP 4007 red) to 72.96±0.37 (ZP 606). The highest protein content was detected in ZP 606 (10.72±0.11) and the lowest in ZP 7007 red hybrid (8.63±0.04%). Milling response was highly influenced by hard endosperm fraction content (0.81**), and starch content was strongly correlated to 1000-kernel weight (0.77**). Whole-grain maize flours produced from yellow and red kernels without removing the germ are naturally gluten-free and can be used as functional food ingredients. All yellow and red kernel maize hybrids investigated in this study showed good quality parameters regarding physical properties and variations in chemical composition which makes them suitable for different industrial uses, primarily for food and feed production.Fizičke karakteristike, struktura zrna i hemijski sastav pet hibrida kukuruza žutog i pet crvenog zrna, bili su predmet ovog istraživanja. Masa 1000 zrna, važan fizički pokazatelj kvaliteta zrna, kretala se u rasponu od 325,76±7,47 g (ZP 555 crveni) do 375,63±4,18 g (ZP 606). Sadržaj tvrde frakcije endosperma bio je od 57,66±0,93% (ZP 4007) do 67,08±0,42% (ZP 366 crveni), a meke od 32,92 ± 0,43% (ZP 366 crveni) do 42,34 ± 0,93% (ZP 4007). Skrob, kao najzastupljenija hemijska komponenta, varirao je od 66,80±0,18 (ZP 4007 crveni) do 72,96±0,37 (ZP 606). Najviši udeo proteina određen je u zrnu hibrida ZP 606 (10,72±0,11%), a najniži u ZP 7007 (8,63 ± 0,04%). Otpornost na mlevenje bila je u visokoj pozitivnoj korelaciji sa udelom tvrdog endosperma (0.81**), a sadržaj skroba sa hektolitarskom masom (0,77**). Integralna kukuruzna brašna, dobijena mlevenjem celog zrna žutih i crvenih hibrida, su prirodno bezglutenska i mogu se koristiti kao sastojci funkcionalne hrane. Svi hibridi kukuruza žutog i crvenog zrna ispitivani u ovom istraživanju pokazali su dobre parametre kvaliteta u pogledu fizičkih svojstava i varijacija u hemijskom sastavu što ih čini pogodnim za različite industrijske namene, prvenstveno za proizvodnju hrane za ljude i životinje