Stabilnost prinosa novih ZP hibrida kukuruza


Six newly developed hybrids and four hybrids already widely grown during the last decade were observed in the present study. Grain yield stability parameters were estimated using methods developed by Eberhart and Russell (1966) and Lin and Binns (1988). The highest grain yield stability obtained by both parameters (bi and Pi) was recorded in hybrids ZP 606 and ZP 600. Moreover, highest average grain yield was also detected in those two hybrids. The hybrids ZP 666 and ZP 560 will have highest adaptation to more favorable growing conditions. On the other hand, hybrids ZP 434 and ZP 341 are expected to show the best adaptability to less favorable environments. A high positive correlation was found between a superiority measure (Pi) and a grain yield.U ovom radu je korišćeno šest novih hibrida, kao i četiri hibrida koji već zauzimaju velike površine u proizvodnji u zadnjih deset godina. Parametri stabilnosti prinosa su izračunati korišćenjem metoda koje su razvili Eberhart i Rasel (1966) i Lin i Bins (1988). Najviša stabilnost prinosa, na osnovu oba parametra (bi i Pi) je utvrđena kod hibrida ZP 606 i ZP 600. Najviši prosečan prinos je takođe zabeležen kod ova dva hibrida. Hibridi ZP 666 i ZP 560 pokazuju najvišu adaptabilnost na povoljnije uslove gajenja. Sa druge strane, hibridi ZP 434 i ZP 341 su pokazali bolju adaptabilnost u manje povoljnim uslovima gajenja. Visoka pozitivna korelacija je zabeležena između parametra stabilnosti Pi i prinosa zrna

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