141 research outputs found

    Effects of Vibrotactile Stimulation on the Control of Muscle Tone and Movement Facilitation in Children with Cerebral Injury

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    Afferent signals from the muscle’s proprioceptors play important role in the control of muscle tone and in the facilitation of movements. Peripheral afferent pathway enables the restoration of connections with supraspinal structures and so includes mechanism of synaptic inhibition in the performance of normal movement. Different sensory stimuli, as vibrotactile stimulation, excite muscle’s proprioceptors which then send sensorimotor information via spinal cord. In this way afferent signals promote cortical control and modulation of movements. The goal of this study is to evaluate the effects of vibrotactile stimulation on the spasticity and motor performance in children with cerebral injury. Subjects included in this study were 13 children who were developing the classification of spastic cerebral palsy. For all children perinatal brain damage was documented by medical reports and neonatal brain ultrasound scan. At the mean age of 3 years and 6 months subject underwent the assessment of motor development by Gross Motor Function Measurement (GMFM-88). Gross Motor Classification System (GMFCS) has been used to classify functions of lower extremities. Therapeutic intervention was conducted once a week during 3 months. All subjects were stimulated with vibrotactile stimuli of 40Hz in duration of 20 minutes in order to reduce spasticity. After the ending of the treatment subjects underwent second assessment of motor performance and the classification of lower extremities functions. The results have shown that there was a significant improvement in motor performance, what has been seen in the facilitation of rotations, better postural trunk stability and head control and in greater selectivity of movements. Further randomized, control trial investigations with bigger sample and included spasm scale are needed to gain better insight in the role of vibrotactile stimulation in the facilitation of normal movements


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    The rapid change of information and technology implies language teacher preservice trainees’ permanent education on Information literacy in order to answer to the needs of modern education. Information literacy as a set of abilities needed to recognize, locate, evaluate and effectively use needed information is extremely important in all fields of education, especially in language areas since many researches have shown that language teachers often enter the classroom without necessary Information literacy skills. For this reason, this research has been conducted trying to get insight into Croatian language teacher pre-service trainees’ habits of using online sources, the frequency of using online sources and their attitudes towards educating their future language students on Information literacy. The results are analysed and compared to a similar research conducted among Croatian students of English for Specific Purposes. Although conducted on a small-scale research, the study showed high self-assessment of Information literacy among the participants but also the awareness of the importance of being educated at least basics on Information literacy. The study also showed that almost 1/3 of the participants still don’t feel ready to take some responsibility in the process of developing strategies among their future pupils in finding relevant and quality information

    CAGAR syndrome

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    We present the patient with the combination of different genetic and autoimmune diseases:Congenitally corrected transposition of great arteries(CCTGA),Gitelman syndrome,resistant arterial hypertension and urinary retention that was the first sign of multiple sclerosis. A 54-year old female patient presented to the department of internal medicine due to hypokalaemia and hypomagnesemia when Gitelman syndrome was diagnosed.Concentrations of potassium in blood measured from 2014 to 2019 were:2.9-3.1-3.2-3.3-3.7mmol/L.She also had resistant arterial hypertension which is uncommon in Gitelman sy.,but now is successfully controlled with antihypertensive therapy.The patient also suffers from urinary retention(lower than 3 L of urine)which is an atypical clinical presentation,but it was also the first sign of multiple sclerosis.Because of urinary retention she undergo miction cystography after which low residual volume(80mL)was detected and potential diverticula were suspected.She often develops fevers up to 42°C(due to sinusitis, otitis, UTI)during witch oedema of soft tissue is observed(she gains on her weight up to 15kg),that condition is considered and treated as hyperpyrexia syndrome.A positive history of hypersensitivity to many different drugs such as penicillin,ciprofloxacin,tramadol, metoclopramide,trospium chloride,ezetimib,ivabradine, clarithromycin,pregabalin was identifited.Statin and fibrates-induced myopathy and urinary retention while taking amitriptyline and carbamazepine were also observed. Gitelman syndrome has been considered as a benign variant of salt- losing nephropathies presenting asymptomatic or with mild symptoms.This view has since been challenged by recent reports emphasizing the phenotype variability and the potential severity of the disease.This is the first case where Gitelman sy. is associated with CCTGA,resistant arterial hypertension and urinary retention which all together can be described as a CAGAR syndrome

    Bradykinin mediated angioedema in patient using angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) presented with swelling of upper airways and body

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    We present a patient with ACEI induced angioedema after 5 years of therapy that caused not only swelling of mouth and upper airways but the whole body,which is an unusual clinical presentation. A 73-year old male patient was admitted to the emergency care unit with breathing difficulties due to the upper airway swelling that lasted for 2 hours.He had hypertension,diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism,chronic renal disease and multiple myeloma.He had ACEI in his therapy for the last 5 years.The patient also had had swelling of the tongue 5 and 2 years ago.He was given corticosteroids and antihistamines which successfully resolved the edema,so allergic angioedema was diagnosed. This time he did not react to corticosteroids and antihistamines.Intubation was not possible due to tongue edema.Acute asphyxia occurred after 8.5 hours and emergency tracheotomy was performed.The swelling of upper airways and body continued to develop without the stabilization of clinical state.Because of suspected hereditary angioedema,a subcutaneous injection of icatibant was given as a lifesaving procedure.It caused the regression of the edema. ACEI were excluded from the therapy.After a week, blood analysis showed normal C1-inhibitor and C4 levels. Bradykinin mediated angioedema,including hereditary and ACEI induced forms,does not respond to conventional antihistamine and corticosteroid therapy. Also,they are not associated with urticaria. ACEI inhibit bradykinin degradation because angiotensin II is a key factor for the inactivation of bradykinin. Hereditary angioedema was suspected due to these severe symptoms and unusual clinical presentation. Type III hereditary angioedema with the normal level of C1-inhibitor is very rare but is considered as a differential diagnosis in our case

    Bradykinin mediated angioedema in patient using angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) presented with swelling of upper airways and body

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    We present a patient with ACEI induced angioedema after 5 years of therapy that caused not only swelling of mouth and upper airways but the whole body,which is an unusual clinical presentation. A 73-year old male patient was admitted to the emergency care unit with breathing difficulties due to the upper airway swelling that lasted for 2 hours.He had hypertension,diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism,chronic renal disease and multiple myeloma.He had ACEI in his therapy for the last 5 years.The patient also had had swelling of the tongue 5 and 2 years ago.He was given corticosteroids and antihistamines which successfully resolved the edema,so allergic angioedema was diagnosed. This time he did not react to corticosteroids and antihistamines.Intubation was not possible due to tongue edema.Acute asphyxia occurred after 8.5 hours and emergency tracheotomy was performed.The swelling of upper airways and body continued to develop without the stabilization of clinical state.Because of suspected hereditary angioedema,a subcutaneous injection of icatibant was given as a lifesaving procedure.It caused the regression of the edema. ACEI were excluded from the therapy.After a week, blood analysis showed normal C1-inhibitor and C4 levels. Bradykinin mediated angioedema,including hereditary and ACEI induced forms,does not respond to conventional antihistamine and corticosteroid therapy. Also,they are not associated with urticaria. ACEI inhibit bradykinin degradation because angiotensin II is a key factor for the inactivation of bradykinin. Hereditary angioedema was suspected due to these severe symptoms and unusual clinical presentation. Type III hereditary angioedema with the normal level of C1-inhibitor is very rare but is considered as a differential diagnosis in our case

    Effect of starch levels in horse meal on in vitro fecal fiber digestibility

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    Škrob je bogatiji izvor energije za konje od vlakana, ali njegova previsoka količina u obroku narušava razgradnju u tankom crijevu, povećava fermentaciju u slijepom i debelom crijevu što može imati za posljedicu smanjenu fermentaciju vlakana i zdravstvene probleme kod konja (npr. kolike). Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj različitih dnevnih razina škroba na in vitro fekalnu probavljivost neutralnih detergent vlakana i suhe tvari te da li promjene razine škroba u obroku izazivaju promjenu mikrobnog sastava fecesa konja. U pokusu postavljenom kao ponavljajući latinski kvadrat sudjelovala su tri konja prosječne tjelesne mase 650 kg i slične fizičke aktivnosti (sličan trenažni proces). Sva tri konja hranjena su s 12 kg livadnog sijena raspodijeljenog u tri obroka te krmnom smjesom sa 0,6, 1,2 i 1,8 (kg/dan/konju) iz koje su dobivali 0,3, 0,6 i 0,9 g škroba/kg tjelesne mase. Glavni ispitani utjecaji bili su razina škroba u obroku konja i utjecaj pojedine životinje na in vitro probavljivost vlakana i suhe tvari tri različita voluminozna krmiva (slama, djetelina i livadno sijeno) te da li promjene razine škroba u obroku izazivaju promjenu mikrobnog sastava fecesa konja. Rezultati su pokazali povećanu probavljivost vlakana i suhe tvari u sva tri voluminozna krmiva s povećanjem razine škroba u obroku. Paralelno s povećanjem udjela škroba zabilježena je i veća brojnost laktobacila, amilolitičkih i celulolitičkih bakterija u fecesu konja. Iz navedenog se može zaključiti da postepeno povećanje dnevne razine škroba u obroku konja (do 0,9 g/kg tjelesne mase životinje) ima pozitivan utjecaj na probavljivost vlakana i suhe tvari voluminoznih krmiva.Starch is a richer source of energy for horses than the fibers, but its excessive amount in the meal reduces its digestibility in the small intestine, increases fermentation in the caecum and large colon, which may result in reduced fiber fermentation and health problems (e.g. colics). The aim of the study was to determine the effect of different daily starch levels on in vitro digestibility of neutral detergent fibers and dry matter and whether changes in horse feces microbes occur. In the experiment, set as latin square, three horses with an average body mass of 650 kg and similar physical activity (similar training process) were included. Horses were fed with 12 kg of hay distributed in three meals and fodder mixture divided as follows: during first period 0.6 kg/day/horse; during second 1.2 and third 1.8 which contained 0.3, 0.6 and 0.9 g starch/kg of body weight. The main explored influences were the level of starch in the horse meal and effect of individual on in vitro fiber and dry matter digestibility of three different voluminous fodder (straw, clover and meadow hay). The results showed increased digestibility of fibers and dry matter in all three voluminous fodder by increasing the starch level in the meal. Parallel to the increase of starch content, a higher number of lactobacilli, amylolytic and cellulolytic bacteria in the horse feces was recorded. From this research it could be concluded that the gradual increase in the daily level of starch in the horse meal (up to 0.9 g/kg of body weight) has a positive effect on the digestibility of fibers and dry matter of voluminous fodder

    Reading Promotion Programmes in Primary School Libraries

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    Suvremena je školska knjižnica informacijsko, medijsko i komunikacijsko središte škole. Jedna je od temeljnih zadaća školske knjižnice razvijanje ljubavi prema prema knjizi i čitanju. Usađivanje ljubavi prema knjizi jedan je od preduvjeta za uspješna postignuća u učenju i razumijevanju, poticanju mašte i uživanje u čitanju. Mladog čitatelja čitanje pomaže pripremiti za život, pomaže mu u sazrijevanju i utječe na oblikovanje njegove osobnosti. Na izgradnju odnosa pojedinca prema knjizi utječu mnogi čimbenici. Neki su od njih obitelj, suvremeni mediji i obvezna školska lektira, koja često učenika odbija od knjige. U nastojanju da se odgoje ljubitelji knjige, organiziraju se raznovrsni programi poticanja čitanja – kvizovi, književni susreti, čitateljski klubovi, tribine, radionice kreativnog pisanja itd. Pri osmišljavanju i provođenju programa korisni su suradnja i timski rad školskog knjižničara, nastavnog osoblja, knjižničara narodnih knjižnica i sl. Rad donosi pregled nekoliko takvih programa – u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama i u Hrvatskoj

    Effect of starch levels in horse meal on in vitro fecal fiber digestibility

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    Škrob je bogatiji izvor energije za konje od vlakana, ali njegova previsoka količina u obroku narušava razgradnju u tankom crijevu, povećava fermentaciju u slijepom i debelom crijevu što može imati za posljedicu smanjenu fermentaciju vlakana i zdravstvene probleme kod konja (npr. kolike). Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj različitih dnevnih razina škroba na in vitro fekalnu probavljivost neutralnih detergent vlakana i suhe tvari te da li promjene razine škroba u obroku izazivaju promjenu mikrobnog sastava fecesa konja. U pokusu postavljenom kao ponavljajući latinski kvadrat sudjelovala su tri konja prosječne tjelesne mase 650 kg i slične fizičke aktivnosti (sličan trenažni proces). Sva tri konja hranjena su s 12 kg livadnog sijena raspodijeljenog u tri obroka te krmnom smjesom sa 0,6, 1,2 i 1,8 (kg/dan/konju) iz koje su dobivali 0,3, 0,6 i 0,9 g škroba/kg tjelesne mase. Glavni ispitani utjecaji bili su razina škroba u obroku konja i utjecaj pojedine životinje na in vitro probavljivost vlakana i suhe tvari tri različita voluminozna krmiva (slama, djetelina i livadno sijeno) te da li promjene razine škroba u obroku izazivaju promjenu mikrobnog sastava fecesa konja. Rezultati su pokazali povećanu probavljivost vlakana i suhe tvari u sva tri voluminozna krmiva s povećanjem razine škroba u obroku. Paralelno s povećanjem udjela škroba zabilježena je i veća brojnost laktobacila, amilolitičkih i celulolitičkih bakterija u fecesu konja. Iz navedenog se može zaključiti da postepeno povećanje dnevne razine škroba u obroku konja (do 0,9 g/kg tjelesne mase životinje) ima pozitivan utjecaj na probavljivost vlakana i suhe tvari voluminoznih krmiva.Starch is a richer source of energy for horses than the fibers, but its excessive amount in the meal reduces its digestibility in the small intestine, increases fermentation in the caecum and large colon, which may result in reduced fiber fermentation and health problems (e.g. colics). The aim of the study was to determine the effect of different daily starch levels on in vitro digestibility of neutral detergent fibers and dry matter and whether changes in horse feces microbes occur. In the experiment, set as latin square, three horses with an average body mass of 650 kg and similar physical activity (similar training process) were included. Horses were fed with 12 kg of hay distributed in three meals and fodder mixture divided as follows: during first period 0.6 kg/day/horse; during second 1.2 and third 1.8 which contained 0.3, 0.6 and 0.9 g starch/kg of body weight. The main explored influences were the level of starch in the horse meal and effect of individual on in vitro fiber and dry matter digestibility of three different voluminous fodder (straw, clover and meadow hay). The results showed increased digestibility of fibers and dry matter in all three voluminous fodder by increasing the starch level in the meal. Parallel to the increase of starch content, a higher number of lactobacilli, amylolytic and cellulolytic bacteria in the horse feces was recorded. From this research it could be concluded that the gradual increase in the daily level of starch in the horse meal (up to 0.9 g/kg of body weight) has a positive effect on the digestibility of fibers and dry matter of voluminous fodder


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    Ovim diplomskim radom nastoji se pobliže upoznati sa pojmovima strategije rasta i razvoja poduzeća. Rad je prikazan na primjeru poduzeća Dukat d.d., njegovoj analizi i stanju na tržištu. U teorijskom dijelu analizirani su sami pojmovi strategije i strategijskog rasta, analiza okoline poduzeća, SWOT analiza poduzeća Dukat d.d. te pogled u budućnost, kako bi se poduzeće moglo nastaviti razvijati. Radom je obuhvaćena tema strategijskog rasta što može poslužiti poduzećima kao okvir za razvijanje njihova rasta u vidu daljnjeg razvijanja unutar samog poduzeća te na vanjskim tržištima. Poduzeće ima priliku ojačati svoju poziciju na domaćem tržištu povećanjem otkupne cijene sviježeg sirovog mlijeka te bi na taj način proizvođači mlijeka dobivali više novca po litri mlijeka. Samim time, dolazilo bi do povećanja kvalitete proizvedenog mlijeka te boljih i kvalitetnijih proizvoda. Zaključno, sve tri strane bi bile zadovoljnije, proizvođači, potrošači i poduzeće.This diploma work seeks to get more familiar with the concepts of enterprise growth strategy. The work is focused on Dukat d.d., its analysis and market situation. In the theoretical part, the concepts of strategy and strategic growth, business environment analysis, SWOT analysis of Dukat d.d. and look to the future so that the company could continue to develop. The work deals with the theme of strategic growth, which can serve as a framework for the growth of their growth in the form of further development within the company itself and in the external markets. The company has the opportunity to strengthen its position on the domestic market by increasing the purchase price of fresh raw milk so milk producers will receive more money per liter of milk. Thus, there would be an increase in the quality of the milk produced and of better and better quality products. In conclusion, all three sides would be more satisfied, producers, consumers, and companies

    Reading Promotion Programmes in Primary School Libraries

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    Suvremena je školska knjižnica informacijsko, medijsko i komunikacijsko središte škole. Jedna je od temeljnih zadaća školske knjižnice razvijanje ljubavi prema prema knjizi i čitanju. Usađivanje ljubavi prema knjizi jedan je od preduvjeta za uspješna postignuća u učenju i razumijevanju, poticanju mašte i uživanje u čitanju. Mladog čitatelja čitanje pomaže pripremiti za život, pomaže mu u sazrijevanju i utječe na oblikovanje njegove osobnosti. Na izgradnju odnosa pojedinca prema knjizi utječu mnogi čimbenici. Neki su od njih obitelj, suvremeni mediji i obvezna školska lektira, koja često učenika odbija od knjige. U nastojanju da se odgoje ljubitelji knjige, organiziraju se raznovrsni programi poticanja čitanja – kvizovi, književni susreti, čitateljski klubovi, tribine, radionice kreativnog pisanja itd. Pri osmišljavanju i provođenju programa korisni su suradnja i timski rad školskog knjižničara, nastavnog osoblja, knjižničara narodnih knjižnica i sl. Rad donosi pregled nekoliko takvih programa – u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama i u Hrvatskoj