367 research outputs found

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    Wybór prac studenckich powstałych w czasie zajęć: Osiągnięcia dramaturgii światowej XX wieku, włączony do serii wydawniczej zainicjowanej przez prof. zw. dr. hab. Wiesława Pusza w ramach specjalizacji Literatura Stosowana (Proza nr 3).Wydano z pomocą finansową Dziekana Wydziału Filologicznego Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego

    New Eco-friendly Method for Paper Dyeing

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    For economical and environmental reasons, the paper industry has shifted the production of paper products towards dyed products made from pulp grades with a high content of recovered paper. The basic method for dyeing paper products is pulp colouring with direct and basic dyes. Disadvantages of this method include coloured white water and so-called „bleeding” processes when using those products. „Bleeding” processes are undesired when using tissue products. A new eco-friendly method for dyeing pulp with adducts of reactive dyes and selected cationic aliphatic polyamine compouds was developed. A reactive dye is added to refined pulp and then a cationic polyamine compound. The dyeing substance is adsorbed on the entire surface of refined cellulose based semi finished products in a water medium with a pH near to neutral. After web consolidation, an uniform dye penetrated paper product is obtained, with high colour life and strength. Reactive dyes contain 3’-carboxypyridine-1,3,5-triazine systems that react with cellulose in a medium near to neutral and at a temperature similar to web drying. As polyamine compounds, polycondensates of guanidine with hexamethylene-1.6-diamine and octamethylene-1,8-diamine were used. As was proved by a test done on coloured paper, these compounds are characterised by bactericidal and fungicidal properties, which are advised for tissue paper. The polyamine compounds mentioned cause the quantitative adsorption of dyes on cellulose based pulp, increasing the retention of cellulose fibre fines, and the white water is practically colourless. In principle, this dyeing method does not change the strength, optical, structural and dimensional properties of selected paper products

    Achieving macro- and micro-roughness on Ti alloy by etching without prior sandblasting: a surface characterization

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    INTRODUCTION: Etching is currently the most popular method used to texture the surface of dental implants. Sandblasting prior to etching (SLA) is the only method to achieve a macro- and micro-surface texture with a Sa in the 1-2 μm range, a ‘moderately rough’ surface considered to be an optimized surface. However, SLA surfaces harbor remnant particles from the sandblasting process [l]. Some manufacturers consider the residual alumina particles as a foreign material worth getting rid of. Subsequently, they forgo an optimized moderately rough surface and stick to a ‘minimally rough’ micro-roughened surface displaying a Sa < 1 μm [l]. It has been recently claimed [2] that acid etching is typically not an appropriate treatment for α-β alloys because its biphasic nature leads to an enrichment of the Vanadium-rich β-phase on the surface. The aim of the present paper is to show that it is feasible to achieve an optimized ‘moderately rough’ macro- and micro-textured surface on titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V) through etching only, without any prior sandblasting and to characterize the resulting surface

    A Noteworthy Record of the Swift Fox in McPherson County, Nebraska

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    An adult female swift fox (Vulpes velox) was killed by an automobile 1 mile E Ringgold, McPherson Co., Nebraska, on 25 March 1966. Standard external measurements (mm) of this specimen are: 723, 275, 132, 59, and weight, 2000 g. This record is approximately 80 miles south of the nearest occurrence listed by Jones (Univ. Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 16: 1-356, 1964) and appears to be the first verification of the occurrence of this fox in the Nebraska Sandhills, although specimens have been taken on all sides of this area. Jones (1964) indicated that this species may have been extirpated in Nebraska in the early 1900\u27s as there was only one record of specimens being taken in the State (a female and two kits in 1953 or 1954) since 1900. Although this record of the swift fox raises more questions concerning possible changes in its range and numbers than are answered, it merits attention particularly since Jones (1964) indicated that this species is making an apparent comeback in the southern portion of its range

    Retrospective: Adjusting Contaminant Concentrations in Bird Eggs to Account for Moisture and Lipid Loss During Their Incubation

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    By the 1960s, research and monitoring efforts on chlorinated pesticide residues in tissues of wildlife were well underway in North America and Europe. Conservationists and natural resource managers were attempting to resolve whether pesticide exposure and accumulated residues were related to population declines in several species of predatory and scavenging birds (e.g., bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus, peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus, brown pelican Pelecanus occidentalis and osprey Pandion haliaetus). The avian egg was a favored sampling matrix even before the realization that eggshell thinning was linked to population declines (Ratcliffe 1967; Hickey and Anderson 1968) and that the concentration of p,p’-DDE in an egg was associated with the shell thinning phenomenon (e.g., Blus et al. 1972; Wiemeyer et al. 1988). The necessity for making wet-weight concentration adjustments to account for natural moisture loss during incubation of viable eggs was realized. Correction for the more dramatic moisture loss in non-viable decaying eggs was recognized as being paramount. For example, the ∑DDT residues in osprey eggs were reported to vary by as much as eightfold without accounting for moisture loss adjustments (Stickel et al. 1965). In the absence of adjusting concentrations to the fresh wet-weight that was present at the time of egg laying, the uncorrected values exaggerated contaminant concentrations, yielding artifactual results and ultimately incorrect conclusions. The adjustment to fresh wet-weight concentration is equally important for many other persistent contaminants including PCBs, dioxins, furans, and brominated diphenyl ethers


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    The natural world today contains a vast array of man-made chemicals, many of them with biological potency in quantities scarcely measurable tow decades ago. Wild animals encounter these chemicals in multifold combination, but man\u27s knowledge of their effects on wild species progresses haltingly. While research focused on DDT, dieldrin, and related chemicals that were obvious suspects for cause of environmental problems, other compounds, some unidentified, spread and increased. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB\u27s) constitute one such group. PCB\u27s are products of modern industrial chemistry that have escaped to the environment by routes still largely unknown. They have become ubiquitous in the world ecosystem in quantities similar to those of DDE. Their presence has caused concern and stimulated research to evaluate their role in the biosphere

    Characterization of a Macro- and Micro-Textured Titanium Grade 5 Alloy Surface Obtained by Etching Only without Sandblasting

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    Our purpose was to physically characterize the surface, and the subsurface, of a macro-and micro-textured titanium grade 5 dental implant surface obtained by etching only, without sandblasting. The topography, surface roughness, as well as the surface structure and subsurface distribution of elements, were determined by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), non-contact profilometry, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and a concentration profile performed by Auger electron spectroscopy (AES). The hydrogen concentration in the implants was measured; the ability to generate nanostructures when stored in deionized water was also investigated. Under SEM, the surface resembled a sandblasted and etched titanium surface with its typical macro-and micro-texture; roughness was moderate with average roughness (Sa) 1.29 µm. No titanium hydride was found at the implant surface and no enrichment of any alloying element was identified at the surface and subsurface. Hydrogen concentration was 79 ppm, within the normative tolerance (&lt;130 ppm). After storage in water for 6 months, densely packed finger-like nanostructures were observed. The clinical advantage of this textured titanium alloy surface is that it displays the typical macro-and micro-features of a moderately rough sandblasted and etched (SLA) titanium surface without leaving behind any foreign sandblasting material

    Bactericide effect of powerful Ultrasonic Bone Surgery device (piezo-surgery) : Oral surgey application in BRONJ treatment: (Biphosphonate Related osteonecrosis of the jaws)

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    I farmaci Bifosfonati sono composti chimici analoghi del pirofosfato e sono in grado di determinare un rallentamento del riassorbimento osseo agendo sul metabolismo degli osteoclasti. L’Osteonecrosi dei mascellari(8-9-10) è stata classificata come una potenziale reazione avversa legata all’uso di farmaci Amino-Bifosfonati ed è da lungo tempo considerata una condizione di difficile risoluzione a causa del rallentato turn-over del metabolismo osseo. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è stato quello di identificare eventuali presidi chirurgici in grado di risolvere il problema dell’osteonecrosi(11) ed eventualmente impedirne la recidiva, riportata in letteratura come una evenienza frequente. Nel presente studio sono stati trattati 16 pazienti (11 donne e 5 maschi) di età compresa tra 59 e 82 anni,(69aa media). Di questi: 10 pazienti erano stati sottoposti a terapia con bifosfonati a causa di neoplasie metastatizzate, di cui 9 con Acido Zoledronico e 1 con Acido Pamidronico; invece, 6 pz. erano stati trattati per osteoporosi con Acido Alendronico. Undici pazienti riportavano lesioni osteonecrotiche a carico dell’osso mandibolare (10 nella regione anteriore e 1 in quella posteriore); quattro pazienti avevano lesioni a carico del mascellare superiore; un paziente ha avuto una osteonecrosi a carico della mandibola prima ed a distanza di 4 mesi a carico del mascellare superiore; due sul mascellare anteriore, ed altri due sul mascellare posteriore. Per il trattamento chirurgico delle lesioni necrotiche sono state utilizzate attrezzature per la chirurgia ossea ad ultrasuoni ad alta potenza ( 90 Watt) e bassa frequenza (24-32kz) (Ultrasonic-Bone Surgery -U.B.S.). I risultati ottenuti hanno dimostrato che tutti i pazienti trattati avevano avuto una remissione dei sintomi ed una chiusura completa per prima o per seconda intenzione delle ferite entro le prime due settimane dall’intervento. Durante il follow-up (che va da un minimo di 6 mesi fino a 12 mesi) cui sono stati sottoposti tutti i pazienti, non si è manifestata ad oggi alcuna recidiva. Dovrebbero essere presi in considerazione altri pazienti ma gli attuali risultati incoraggiano ulteriori esperimenti in vivo/in vitro in merito all’uso della chirurgia ad ultrasuoni nel trattamento delle osteonecrosi

    In vitro Interactions between Streptococcus intermedius and Streptococcus salivarius K12 on a Titanium Cylindrical Surface

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    Peri-implantitis is a steadily rising disease and is caused by oral bacterial pathogens able to form biofilm on implant surfaces and peri-implant tissues, making antibiotics treatment less effective. The use of commercial probiotics against oral pathogens could serve as an alternative to prevent biofilm formation. Streptococcus intermedius is one of the early colonizers of biofilm formation in dental implants. The aim of this study was to model the interaction between S. intermedius and Streptococcus salivarius strain K12, a probiotic bacterium producing bacteriocins. S. intermedius was co-cultured with S. salivarius K12 in an in vitro model simulating the biofilm formation in a dental implant composed by a titanium cylinder system. Biofilm formation rate was assessed by Real-Time PCR quantification of bacterial count and expression levels of luxS gene, used in response to cell density in the biofilm. Biofilm formation, bacteriocin production, luxS expression patterns were found to be already expressed within the first 12 h. More importantly, S. salivarius K12 was able to counter the biofilm formation in a titanium cylinder under the tested condition. In conclusion, our dental implant model may be useful for exploring probiotic-pathogen interaction to find an alternative to antibiotics for peri-implantitis treatment