124 research outputs found

    Recommendations from a European Roundtable Meeting on Best Practice Healthy Infant Skin Care

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    Background European roundtable meeting recommendations on bathing and cleansing of infants were published in 2009; a second meeting was held to update and expand these recommendations in light of new evidence and the continued need to address uncertainty surrounding this aspect of routine care. Methods The previous roundtable recommendations concerning infant cleansing, bathing, and use of liquid cleansers were critically reviewed and updated and the quality of evidence was evaluated using the Grading of Recommendation Assessment, Development and Evaluation system. New recommendations were developed to provide guidance on diaper care and the use of emollients. A series of recommendations was formulated to characterize the attributes of ideal liquid cleansers, wipes, and emollients. Results Newborn bathing can be performed without harming the infant, provided basic safety procedures are followed. Water alone or appropriately designed liquid cleansers can be used during bathing without impairing the skin maturation process. The diaper area should be kept clean and dry; from birth, the diaper area may be gently cleansed with cotton balls/squares and water or by using appropriately designed wipes. Appropriately formulated emollients can be used to maintain and enhance skin barrier function. Appropriately formulated baby oils can be applied for physiologic (transitory) skin dryness and in small quantities to the bath. Baby products that are left on should be formulated to buffer and maintain babies’ skin surface at approximately pH 5.5, and the formulations and their constituent ingredients should have undergone an extensive program of safety testing. Formulations should be effectively preserved; products containing harsh surfactants, such as sodium lauryl sulfate, should be avoided. Conclusion Health care professionals can use these recommendations as the basis of their advice to parents

    Skin, hair and beyond: the impact of menopause.

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    The skin is an endocrine organ and a major target of hormones such as estrogens, androgens and cortisol. Besides vasomotor symptoms (VMS), skin and hair symptoms often receive less attention than other menopausal symptoms despite having a significant negative effect on quality of life. Skin and mucosal menopausal symptoms include dryness and pruritus, thinning and atrophy, wrinkles and sagging, poor wound healing and reduced vascularity, whereas skin premalignant and malignant lesions and skin aging signs are almost exclusively caused by environmental factors, especially solar radiation. Hair menopausal symptoms include reduced hair growth and density on the scalp (diffuse effluvium due to follicular rarefication and/or androgenetic alopecia of female pattern), altered hair quality and structure, and increased unwanted hair growth on facial areas. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is not indicated for skin and hair symptoms alone due to the risk–benefit balance, but wider potential benefits of HRT (beyond estrogen’s effect on VMS, bone, breast, heart and blood vessels) to include skin, hair and mucosal benefits should be discussed with women so that they will be able to make the best possible informed decisions on how to prevent or manage their menopausal symptoms.post-print1529 K

    The effectiveness of two silicone dressings for sacral and heel pressure ulcer prevention compared with no dressings in high‐risk intensive care unit patients: a randomized controlled parallel‐group trial

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    Background There is a high incidence of pressure ulcers in high-risk settings such as intensive care. There is emerging evidence that the application of dressings to pressure ulcer predilection areas (sacrum and heels) improves prevention strategies. Objectives To determine whether preventive dressings, applied to the sacrum and heels of high-risk patients in intensive care units, in addition to standard prevention, reduces the incidence of pressure ulcers. Methods Between June 2015 and July 2018, a randomized, controlled, two-arm, superiority pragmatic study was performed with a concealed 1 : 1 allocation to the intervention and control group. Patients assigned to the intervention group had dressings applied to the sacrum and heels. Results In total, 7575 patients were screened for eligibility and 475 patients were included and allocated to both groups. Finally, 212 patients in the intervention group and 210 in the control group were analysed. The mean age was 63 center dot 5 years and the majority of patients were male (65 center dot 4%). The cumulative pressure ulcer incidence category II and above was 2 center dot 8% in the intervention, and 10 center dot 5% in the control group (P = 0 center dot 001). Compared with the control group, the relative risk in the intervention group was 0 center dot 26 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0 center dot 11-0 center dot 62] and the absolute risk reduction was 0 center dot 08 (95% CI 0 center dot 03-0 center dot 13). Conclusions The results indicate that the application of dressings, in addition to standard prevention, in high-risk intensive care unit patients is effective in preventing pressure ulcers at the heels and sacrum. What's already known about this topic? Pressure ulcers are severe soft tissue injuries and wounds, which occur worldwide in all healthcare settings. Despite preventive interventions, pressure ulcers still develop. There is emerging evidence that dressings help to prevent pressure ulcers. What does this study add? The incidence of pressure ulcers in intensive care units among high-risk patients remains high. The application of dressings to the sacrum and heels, in addition to standard preventive measures, reduces the relative and absolute risks for the development of pressure ulcers. The application of preventive dressings at the heels and sacrum seems to be feasible in intensive care settings

    Mol Cell Proteomics

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    Protein biochips have a great potential in future parallel processing of complex samples as a research tool and in diagnostics. For the generation of protein biochips, highly automated technologies have been developed for cDNA expression library production, high throughput protein expression, large scale analysis of proteins, and protein microarray generation. Using this technology, we present here a strategy to identify potential autoantigens involved in the pathogenesis of alopecia areata, an often chronic disease leading to the rapid loss of scalp hair. Only little is known about the putative autoantigen(s) involved in this process. By combining protein microarray technology with the use of large cDNA expression libraries, we profiled the autoantibody repertoire of sera from alopecia areata patients against a human protein array consisting of 37,200 redundant, recombinant human proteins. The data sets obtained from incubations with patient sera were compared with control sera from clinically healthy persons and to background incubations with anti-human IgG antibodies. From these results, a smaller protein subset was generated and subjected to qualitative and quantitative validation on highly sensitive protein microarrays to identify novel alopecia areata-associated autoantigens. Eight autoantigens were identified by protein chip technology and were successfully confirmed by Western blot analysis. These autoantigens were arrayed on protein microarrays to generate a disease-associated protein chip. To confirm the specificity of the results obtained, sera from patients with psoriasis or hand and foot eczema as well as skin allergy were additionally examined on the disease-associated protein chip. By using alopecia areata as a model for an autoimmune disease, our investigations show that the protein microarray technology has potential for the identification and evaluation of autoantigens as well as in diagnosis such as to differentiate alopecia areata from other skin diseases

    Patient-Reported Burden of Severe Alopecia Areata: First Results from the Multinational Alopecia Areata Unmet Need Survey

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    Anthony Bewley,1 Ignasi Figueras-Nart,2 Jainzhong Zhang,3 Mariana Guerreiro,4 Nicole Tietz,4 Sami Chtourou,4 Frederick Durand,4 Ulrike Blume-Peytavi5 1Department of Dermatology, The Royal London Hospital & Queen Mary University, London, UK; 2Department of Dermatology, University Hospital de Bellvitge, Barcelona, Spain; 3Department of Dermatology, Peking University People’s Hospital, Beijing, People’s Republic of China; 4Eli Lilly and Company Ltd, Indianapolis, IN, USA; 5Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, corporate member of Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology, Berlin, GermanyCorrespondence: Anthony Bewley, Department of Dermatology, The Royal London Hospital & Queen Mary University, London, UK, Tel +44 020 7767 3200, Email [email protected]: Alopecia areata (AA) is an autoimmune disease characterized by hair loss that has significant psychosocial implications. This study aims to describe the patient-reported burden of severe AA, coping mechanism and information needs using data from the multinational AA Patient Satisfaction and Unmet Need Survey.Patients and Methods: Participants with current or previous ≥ 50% scalp hair loss (n = 747) were recruited from 11 countries and completed a web-based survey that assessed demographics, clinical characteristics, disease burden and psychosocial impact. Data were stratified according to sex, current age, disease duration and current severity of scalp hair loss.Results: The mean (SD) age of participants was 43.8 (7.1) years, 55.3% were women, and 63.5% reported AA symptoms within 6 months of diagnosis. Most participants had black or brown hair (88.4%), reported a disease duration of 2 years or more (75.6%) and had current scalp hair loss of ≥ 50% (87.4%). Severe hair loss also extended to eyebrow (46.9%), eyelash (48.7), beard (61.5%) and body hair (73.2%). Participants commonly reported comorbidities such as anxiety (26.1%), depression (18.1%) and sleep problems (28.1%). The Dermatology Life Quality Index revealed a severe impact on quality of life; 86.2% of participants scored > 10. Mental health/mood was significantly affected; 55.8% of participants reported a substantial impact. Long-term effects included decreased self-esteem (32.9%), poor mental health (28.1%) and challenges in day-to-day activities (27.2%). Information needs were centered around treatment expectations, mental health, and available treatment options. More severe symptoms and a greater daily impact were reported by women and those with a longer disease duration.Conclusion: The study emphasizes the substantial burden, including impaired quality of life and psychological well-being, of severe AA on the lives of surveyed participants. The findings highlight the importance of comprehensive disease management strategies that address both physical and psychosocial aspects of AA.Plain language summary: Alopecia areata (AA) is a disease that results in hair loss and can greatly affect quality of life and well-being. The authors wanted to understand how this condition affects people’s lives and what they need to cope with it. A survey was completed by adults from 11 different countries who had current or past severe AA. The participants were asked about their demographics, their experiences with the condition and how it impacted their daily lives. The results showed that AA has a severe impact on their quality of life, including their mental health and daily activities. Participants also experienced decreased self-esteem and faced challenges in their relationships and daily routines, and many reported feeling anxious, depressed, and having trouble sleeping. Participants found different ways to cope with their condition and expressed a need for realistic expectations about treatment results, information about mental health, and treatment options. The study also found that women and those with a longer duration of AA tended to have more severe symptoms and the impact on their lives was greater. Overall, this study shows that current or previous episodes of severe AA had a significant impact on people’s lives, including their mental health and daily activities. It emphasizes the need for information about the condition and treatment options with realistic expectations. The findings help to better understand the experiences of people with AA and may aid the provision of appropriate support and information.Keywords: burden of disease, quality of life, disease managemen

    Data-based modeling of drug penetration relates human skin barrier function to the interplay of diffusivity and free-energy profiles

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    Based on experimental concentration depth profiles of the antiinflammatory drug dexamethasone in human skin, we model the time-dependent drug penetration by the 1D general diffusion equation that accounts for spatial variations in the diffusivity and free energy. For this, we numerically invert the diffusion equation and thereby obtain the diffusivity and the free-energy profiles of the drug as a function of skin depth without further model assumptions. As the only input, drug concentration profiles derived from X-ray microscopy at three consecutive times are used. For dexamethasone, skin barrier function is shown to rely on the combination of a substantially reduced drug diffusivity in the stratum corneum (the outermost epidermal layer), dominant at short times, and a pronounced free-energy barrier at the transition from the epidermis to the dermis underneath, which determines the drug distribution in the long-time limit. Our modeling approach, which is generally applicable to all kinds of barriers and diffusors, allows us to disentangle diffusivity from free-energetic effects. Thereby we can predict short-time drug penetration, where experimental measurements are not feasible, as well as long-time permeation, where ex vivo samples deteriorate, and thus span the entire timescales of biological barrier functioning

    Biology of human hair: Know your hair to control it

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    Hair can be engineered at different levels—its structure and surface—through modification of its constituent molecules, in particular proteins, but also the hair follicle (HF) can be genetically altered, in particular with the advent of siRNA-based applications. General aspects of hair biology are reviewed, as well as the most recent contributions to understanding hair pigmentation and the regulation of hair development. Focus will also be placed on the techniques developed specifically for delivering compounds of varying chemical nature to the HF, indicating methods for genetic/biochemical modulation of HF components for the treatment of hair diseases. Finally, hair fiber structure and chemical characteristics will be discussed as targets for keratin surface functionalization