220 research outputs found

    Estimation of mass thickness response of embedded aggregated silica nanospheres from high angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron micrographs

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    In this study we investigate the functional behavior of the intensity in high-angle annular dark field (HAADF) scanning transmission electron micrograph (STEM) images. The model material is a silica particle (20 nm) gel at 5 wt%. By assuming that the intensity response is monotonically increasing with increasing mass thickness of silica, an estimate of the functional form is calculated using a maximum likelihood approach. We conclude that a linear functional form of the intensity provides a fair estimate but that a power function is significantly better for estimating the amount of silica in the z-direction. The work adds to the development of quantifying material properties from electron micrographs, especially in the field of tomography methods and three-dimensional quantitative structural characterization from a STEM micrograph. It also provides means for direct three-dimensional quantitative structural characterization from a STEM micrograph

    LED-mellanbelysningsförsök i ett tomatblockväxthus i Pjelax, Närpes

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    Växthusnäringen i Finland är energiintensiv och stigande energikostnader äventyrar branschen. Tidigare undersökningar visar att växthusbranschen kräver stora mängder energi gällande både uppvärmning och konstbelysning samtidigt som stora andelar fossila bränslen fortfarande används. Elförbrukningen står idag för ungefär 60 % av den totala energiförbrukningen för åretrunttomatodlarna och den stora konsumtionen gör odlarna väldigt beroende av elbolagen och de varierande priserna på marknaden. I projektet Växthus-LED (1.12.2012–31.11.2014) har LED-mellanbelysningen Hortishine från företaget Netled Oy installerats som komplement till den traditionella HPS-toppbelysningen (högtrycksnatriumlampor) och testats i ett tomatblockväxthus i Pjelax, Närpes. LED-armaturerna installerades på arealen 484 m2 (HPS+LED) i ett blockväxthus med arealen 6300 m2. Som referens fungerade ett område i samma växthus med arealen 484 m2 (HPS). HPS-lampornas eleffekt vid referensområdet (HPS) sänktes för att motsvara elinstallationseffekten vid hybridområdet (HPS+LED). I den här rapporten presenteras hur LED-försöket har utförts, vilken mätutrustning och hurudant försöksväxthus som använts. Rapporten innehåller även analyser och resultat som berör t.ex. skördeförändring, energifördelning och -förbrukning och strålningsnivåer på olika ställen i försöksväxthuset. I rapporten finns även ett kapitel där olika PAR-mätare och LED-växtbelysningsarmaturer av olika tillverkare utvärderas. I slutet av rapporten diskuteras projektresultaten. Resultaten visade att skördeskillnaderna mellan HPS+LED (hybridområdet) och HPS (referensområdet) var positiva men små, totalt 2,2 % större skörd under hela odlingssäsongen vid HPS+LED. Största skördeskillnaden var under de mörkaste månaderna med +6,6 % vid HPS+LED. Elförbrukningen [kWh/kg tomat] var ca 5,1 % lägre vid HPS+LED jämfört med HPS under hela säsongen. Vid mätningar på konstljus i laboratorieförhållande konstaterades att skillnaden mellan olika PAR-mätare är stor. Vid mätning av olika LED-växtarmaturer visade det sig att PAR-effektiviteten varierar. Bästa LED-armaturen är ca 25 % effektivare än en HPS-lampa, om man jämför mellanbelysning med toppbelysning. Slutsatsen är att det krävs bättre LED-teknik innan LED blir ett verkligt konkurrenskraftigt alter-nativ, men LED-växtbelysning kan mycket väl vara den dominerande ljuskällan i växthus i framtiden. Frågan är om 2,2 % större skörd och 5,1 % lägre elförbrukning per producerat kilogram tomat idag är tillräckligt för att odlarna skall välja LED som mellanbelysning. Varje odlare är unik med unika växthus och det är många faktorer som man måste tänka på vid en investeringskalkyl.Kasvihuone-elinkeino Suomessa kuluttaa paljon energiaa ja nousevat energian hinnat vaikeuttavat alan kannattavuutta. Aikaisempien tutkimusten mukaan kasvihuonetuotanto käyttää suuria ener-giamääriä sekä lämmitykseen että tekovalotukseen. Suuri osa energiasta tuotetaan edelleen fossiilisilla polttoaineilla. Sähkönkulutus on tänä päivänä noin 60 % kokonaisenergiasta ympärivuotisella tomaattiviljelmällä. Suuri kulutusmäärä tekee viljelijän hyvin riippuvaiseksi sähköyhtiöistä ja vaihtelevista sähkön hinnoista. Kasvihuonehankkeessa ”Växthus-LED” (1.12.2012-31.11.2014) Netled Oy:n Hortishine LED-valaisimia asennettiin välivaloiksi HPS (suurpainenatrium) –valaisimien ylävalotuksen lisäksi tomaat-tihuoneeseen Närpiöön. LED-valaisimet asennettiin 484 m2:n alalle blokkihuoneeseen, jonka koko-naispinta-ala oli 6300 m2. Kontrollina ilman välivaloja oli samassa blokkihuoneessa samankokoinen koeala kuin LED valaisimilla. HPS-lamppujen sähkötehoa vähennettiin kontrollialueella vastaamaan koealan HPS+LED sähkötehoa. Tässä raportissa esitellään LED-kokeen suoritus, mittalaitteet ja niiden käyttö kasvihuoneessa. Raportissa on lisäksi analyysit ja tulokset, mm. sadon määrien erot, energian jakautuminen ja –kulutus sekä valaistusolosuhteita eri puolilla kasvihuonetta. Raportissa on lisäksi kappale, jossa eri PAR-valomittareita ja eri valmistajien LED-valaisimia verrataan. Lopussa tarkastellaan tuloksia. Satotulos oli 2,2 % suurempi HPS+LED-koejäsenessä kuin kontrollissa. Suurin satoero koejäsen-ten välillä oli pimeimpinä talvikuukausina, 6,6 % suurempi sato HPS+LED-koejäsenessä kuin kontrol-lissa. Koko viljelyjakson aikana sähkönkulutus kWh/kg tomaatteja oli noin 5,1 % alhaisempi HPS+LED kuin kontrollissa. Laboratorio-olosuhteissa tehdyt mittaukset osoittivat, että eri valmistajien PAR-valomittarit antoivat hyvin erilaisia lukemia. Eri valmistajien LED-valaisimissa oli eroja PAR-tehokkuuksissa. Paras LED-valaisin oli noin 25 % tehokkaampi kuin HPS. Loppupäätelmä oli, että LED-tekniikan on kehityttävä tehokkaammaksi, jotta se olisi varteenotettava kilpailija HPS:lle. Tulevaisuudessa LED-valot voivat hyvinkin olla pääasiallisin valon lähde kasvihuonevalaistuksessa. Viljelijän on mietittävä jos 2,2 % korkeampi sato ja 5,5 % alhaisempi sähkönkulutus tuotettua tomaattikiloa kohti tänäpäivänä ovat riittävästi, jotta välivaloksi valitaan LED. Jokaisella viljelijällä on kuitenkin erilaiset olosuhteet ja viljelystrategiat erilaisissa kasvihuoneissa, jotka vaikuttavat investointilaskemiin.201

    var gene transcription and PfEMP1 expression in the rosetting and cytoadhesive Plasmodium falciparum clone FCR3S1.2

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The pathogenicity of <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>is in part due to the ability of the parasitized red blood cell (pRBC) to adhere to intra-vascular host cell receptors and serum-proteins. Binding of the pRBC is mediated by <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), a large multi-variant molecule encoded by a family of ≈60 <it>var </it>genes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study of <it>var </it>gene transcription in the parasite clone FCR3S1.2 was performed by semi-quantitative PCR and quantitative PCR (qPCR). The expression of the major PfEMP1 in FCR3S1.2 pRBC was analysed with polyclonal sera in rosette disruption assays and immunofluorecence.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Transcripts from <it>var</it>1 (FCR3S1.2<sub><it>var</it></sub><sub>1</sub>; IT4<it>var</it>21) and other <it>var </it>genes were detected by semi-quantitative PCR but results from qPCR showed that one <it>var </it>gene transcript dominated over the others (FCR3S1.2<sub><it>var</it></sub><sub>2</sub>; IT4<it>var</it>60). Antibodies raised in rats to the recombinant NTS-DBL1α of <it>var</it>2 produced in <it>E. coli </it>completely and dose-dependently disrupted rosettes (≈95% at a dilution of 1/5). The sera reacted with the Maurer's clefts in trophozoite stages (IFA) and to the infected erythrocyte surface (FACS) indicating that FCR3S1.2<sub><it>var2 </it></sub>encodes the dominant PfEMP1 expressed in this parasite.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The major transcript in the rosetting model parasite FCR3S1.2 is FCR3S1.2<sub><it>var</it></sub><sub>2 </sub>(IT4<it>var</it>60). The results suggest that this gene encodes the PfEMP1-species responsible for the rosetting phenotype of this parasite. The activity of previously raised antibodies to the NTS-DBL1α of FCR3S1.2<sub><it>var</it></sub><sub>1 </sub>is likely due to cross-reactivity with NTS-DBL1α of the <it>var</it>2 encoded PfEMP1.</p

    Oleaginous yeasts respond differently to carbon sources present in lignocellulose hydrolysate

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    Background Microbial oils, generated from lignocellulosic material, have great potential as renewable and sustainable alternatives to fossil-based fuels and chemicals. By unravelling the diversity of lipid accumulation physiology in different oleaginous yeasts grown on the various carbon sources present in lignocellulose hydrolysate (LH), new targets for optimisation of lipid accumulation can be identified. Monitoring lipid formation over time is essential for understanding lipid accumulation physiology. This study investigated lipid accumulation in a variety of oleaginous ascomycetous and basidiomycetous strains grown in glucose and xylose and followed lipid formation kinetics of selected strains in wheat straw hydrolysate (WSH). Results Twenty-nine oleaginous yeast strains were tested for their ability to utilise glucose and xylose, the main sugars present in WSH. Evaluation of sugar consumption and lipid accumulation revealed marked differences in xylose utilisation capacity between the yeast strains, even between those belonging to the same species. Five different promising strains, belonging to the species Lipomyces starkeyi, Rhodotorula glutinis, Rhodotorula babjevae and Rhodotorula toruloides, were grown on undiluted wheat straw hydrolysate and lipid accumulation was followed over time, using Fourier transform-infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. All five strains were able to grow on undiluted WSH and to accumulate lipids, but to different extents and with different productivities. R. babjevae DVBPG 8058 was the best-performing strain, accumulating 64.8% of cell dry weight (CDW) as lipids. It reached a culture density of 28 g/L CDW in batch cultivation, resulting in a lipid content of 18.1 g/L and yield of 0.24 g lipids per g carbon source. This strain formed lipids from the major carbon sources in hydrolysate, glucose, acetate and xylose. R. glutinis CBS 2367 also consumed these carbon sources, but when assimilating xylose it consumed intracellular lipids simultaneously. Rhodotorula strains contained a higher proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids than the two tested Lipomyces starkeyi strains. Conclusions There is considerable metabolic diversity among oleaginous yeasts, even between closely related species and strains, especially when converting xylose to biomass and lipids. Monitoring the kinetics of lipid accumulation and identifying the molecular basis of this diversity are keys to selecting suitable strains for high lipid production from lignocellulose

    Multicellular Tumour Spheroid as a model for evaluation of [(18)F]FDG as biomarker for breast cancer treatment monitoring

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    BACKGROUND: In order to explore a pre-clinical method to evaluate if [(18)F]FDG is valid for monitoring early response, we investigated the uptake of FDG in Multicellular tumour spheroids (MTS) without and with treatment with five routinely used chemotherapy agents in breast cancer. METHODS: The response to each anticancer treatment was evaluated by measurement of the [(18)F]FDG uptake and viable volume of the MTSs after 2 and 3 days of treatment. RESULTS: The effect of Paclitaxel and Docetaxel on [(18)F]FDG uptake per viable volume was more evident in BT474 (up to 55% decrease) than in MCF-7 (up to 25% decrease). Doxorubicin reduced the [(18)F]FDG uptake per viable volume more noticeable in MCF-7 (25%) than in BT474 MTSs. Tamoxifen reduced the [(18)F]FDG uptake per viable volume only in MCF-7 at the highest dose of 1 μM. No effect of Imatinib was observed. CONCLUSION: MTS was shown to be appropriate to investigate the potential of FDG-PET for early breast cancer treatment monitoring; the treatment effect can be observed before any tumour size changes occur. The combination of PET radiotracers and image analysis in MTS provides a good model to evaluate the relationship between tumour volume and the uptake of metabolic tracer before and after chemotherapy. This feature could be used for screening and selecting PET-tracers for early assessment of treatment response. In addition, this new method gives a possibility to assess quickly, and in vitro, a good preclinical profile of existing and newly developed anti-cancer drugs

    Montana Kaimin, January 30, 2008

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    Student newspaper of the University of Montana, Missoula.https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper/6138/thumbnail.jp

    B-Cell Epitopes in NTS-DBL1 alpha of PfEMP1 Recognized by Human Antibodies in Rosetting Plasmodium falciparum

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    Plasmodium falciparum is the most lethal of the human malaria parasites. the virulence is associated with the capacity of the infected red blood cell (iRBC) to sequester inside the deep microvasculature where it may cause obstruction of the blood-flow when binding is excessive. Rosetting, the adherence of the iRBC to uninfected erythrocytes, has been found associated with severe malaria and found to be mediated by the NTS-DBL1 alpha-domain of Plasmodium falciparum Erythrocyte Membrane Protein 1 (PfEMP1). Here we show that the reactivity of plasma of Cameroonian children with the surface of the FCR3S1.2-iRBC correlated with the capacity to disrupt rosettes and with the antibody reactivity with a recombinant PfEMP1 (NTS-DBL1 alpha of IT4(var60)) expressed by parasite FCR3S1.2. the plasma-reactivity in a microarray, consisting of 96 overlapping 15-mer long peptides covering the NTS-DBL1 alpha domain from IT4var60 sequence, was compared with their capacity to disrupt rosettes and we identified five peptides where the reactivity were correlated. Three of the peptides were localized in subdomain-1 and 2. the other two peptide-sequences were localized in the NTS-domain and in subdomain-3. Further, principal component analysis and orthogonal partial least square analysis generated a model that supported these findings. in conclusion, human antibody reactivity with short linear-peptides of NTS-DBL1 alpha of PfEMP1 suggests subdomains 1 and 2 to hold anti-rosetting epitopes recognized by anti-rosetting antibodies. the data suggest rosetting to be mediated by the variable areas of PfEMP1 but also to involve structurally relatively conserved areas of the molecule that may induce biologically active antibodies.Swedish Research Council (VR)Swedish Academy of Sciences (KVA, Soderberg Foundation)Karolinska Institutet-DPAEU Network of Excellence EviMalarKarolinska Inst, Dept Microbiol Tumor & Cell Biol MTC, Stockholm, SwedenKarolinska Inst, Dept Lab Med, Therapeut Immunol TIM, Stockholm, SwedenKarolinska Univ Hosp, CAST, Huddinge, SwedenUniv Estadual Campinas, Dept Biochem, Campinas, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    A Sequence in Subdomain 2 of DBL1a of Plasmodium falciparum Erythrocyte Membrane Protein 1 Induces Strain Transcending Antibodies

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    Immunity to severe malaria is the first level of immunity acquired to Plasmodium falciparum. Antibodies to the variant antigen PfEMP1 (P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1) present at the surface of the parasitized red blood cell (pRBC) confer protection by blocking microvascular sequestration. Here we have generated antibodies to peptide sequences of subdomain 2 of PfEMP1-DBL1a previously identified to be associated with severe or mild malaria. A set of sera generated to the amino acid sequence KLQTLTLHQVREYWWALNRKEVWKA, containing the motif ALNRKE, stained the live pRBC. 50% of parasites tested (7/14) were positive both in flow cytometry and immunofluorescence assays with live pRBCs including both laboratory strains and in vitro adapted clinical isolates. Antibodies that reacted selectively with the sequence REYWWALNRKEVWKA in a 15-mer peptide array of DBL1a-domains were also found to react with the pRBC surface. By utilizing a peptide array to map the binding properties of the elicited anti-DBL1a antibodies, the amino acids WxxNRx were found essential for antibody binding. Complementary experiments using 135 degenerate RDSM peptide sequences obtained from 93 Ugandan patient-isolates showed that antibody binding occurred when the amino acids WxLNRKE/D were present in the peptide. The data suggests that the ALNRKE sequence motif, associated with severe malaria, induces strain-transcending antibodies that react with the pRBC surfac