65 research outputs found

    Developmental Shift of Cyclophilin D Contribution to Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Injury

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    Cyclophilin D (CypD), a regulator of the mitochondrial membrane permeability transition pore (PTP), enhances Ca(2+)-induced mitochondrial permeabilization and cell death in the brain. However, the role of CypD in hypoxic-ischemic (HI) brain injury at different developmental ages is unknown. At postnatal day (P) 9 or P60, littermates of CypD-deficient [knock-out (KO)], wild-type (WT), and heterozygous mice were subjected to HI, and brain injury was evaluated 7 d after HI. CypD deficiency resulted in a significant reduction of HI brain injury at P60 but worsened injury at P9. After HI, caspase-dependent and -independent cell death pathways were more induced in P9 CypD KO mice than in WT controls, and apoptotic activation was minimal at P60. The PTP had a considerably higher induction threshold and lower sensitivity to cyclosporin A in neonatal versus adult mice. On the contrary, Bax inhibition markedly reduced caspase activation and brain injury in immature mice but was ineffective in the adult brain. Our findings suggest that CypD/PTP is critical for the development of brain injury in the adult, whereas Bax-dependent mechanisms prevail in the immature brain. The role of CypD in HI shifts from a predominantly prosurvival protein in the immature to a cell death mediator in the adult brain

    From Deregulation to change management : A former railroad monopolist learning to live in a new market setting

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    The purpose with this paper is to analyze the way top management acted in order to adapt a former railroad monopolist to a new deregulated environment and by that decreasing the amounts of employees with 75 % as well as developing a new corporate strategy. In particular, focus is placed on analyzing how top management acted in order to support the learning needed internally to create acceptance of the fundamental changes of both corporate strategy and structure. The approach used is an investigation on the consistency between the content of change, the context for it as well as the process of change ‐ by using an in‐depth case study. There are few in‐depth case studies on how top management acts in order to support change, particularly in terms of creating learning even though the topic as such have been addressed for several decades. The numbers of failures in change initiatives are severe and over the last twenty years or so, many problems have been raised within this field of research. Several of them boil down to the importance of creating internal understanding for the change needed. This case study show that consistency between actions taken by top management and the content and context of change appeared and is likely to be one major reason why this change process can be considered as successful.QC 20120131</p

    Interpreting a case of outsourcing shift-gears in the carindustry using different theorys simultaneously

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    This paper bring forward a methodology that makes it possible to handle different theoretical models simultaneously when analyzing cases of outsourcing - without ending up with contradictory conclusions. The approach used in the paper is a development of a framework, the analysis of three commonly used models (The Make-or-buy model, the Network approach, and Industrial strategy) and a case study where outsourcing of shift-gears in the car industry is analyzed. The paper addresses the basic need to clarify the fundamental assumptions embedded in theories applied on outsourcing. It also clarifies hands-on how the suggested methodology can be used.QC 2012011


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    Research in the field of new learning methods has previously shown the pedagogical value of participants being active and doing hands-on exercises, as well as having a close teacher interaction. From a pedagogical point of view, case-based learning methods are often preferred. However, in practice, case-based methods are often difficult to scale up. Therefore, these methods are not often applied when many participants are involved in a learning environment. This article explores the possibility of creating “real active learning” with large numbers of participants. A case where 23,000 employees at SAS, Scandinavian Airlines, participated in a large-scale learning event is analyzed. The paper concludes that well-prepared learning processes can support “real active learning” with large numbers of participants. The case shows that the difficulty of scaling up, a problem often assumed to be an obstacle for the use of case-based learning, can be overcome.QC 20130128</p

    Managing Innovation and implementing New Design Tools and Methods

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    In this conceptual paper a management-perspective towards the field of innovation is addressed. Important basic aspects towards the paradoxes embedded in the field are investigated. On one hand we are asking for innovations and on the other hand we can observe the difficulty of introducing new methods and tools to the field – for instance the adaptation of design models. Professionals often continue working the same way as previously. In the article it is claimed that this is related to our basic education and the “tool-box” we learn early in life, gradually becoming professionals. A profound comprehension of what mental models underlie the actions of the different kind of engineers managers have to “manage” is useful if management aims at facilitating an innovative and creative management culture. If introducing new design tools and methods this ought to be considered, as well as handled, by managers.QC 2012011

    National defense positions and improving decision-making in the European Union and the International Maritime Organization

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    Zinātniskā darba tēma ir “Valsts pozīcijas aizstāvības un lēmumu pieņemšanas pilnveidošana Eiropas Savienībā un Starptautisko jūrniecības organizācijā”, kuras aktualitāti šodienā raksturo sarežģītais lēmumu pieņemšanas process. Taču Eiropas Savienība (ES) ir ievērojams spēks, lai varētu spēlēt būtisku lomu starptautisku lēmumu pieņemšanā. Maģistra darba mērķis ir noskaidrot ES lēmumu pieņemšanas procesa nepilnības, lai izstrādātu dalībvalstīm iespējami efektīvāku lēmumu pieņemšanas gaitu Starptautisko Jūrniecības organizācijā (SJO). Hipotēze: Lēmumu pieņemšanas process un tiesiskais regulējums Eiropas Savienības dalībvalstu interešu aiztāvēšanai Starptautiskajā jūrniecības organizācija nav efektīvs. Diplomdarbā analizēta teorētiskā literatūra par lēmumu pieņemšanas procesu, apskatīta ES un SJO loma, kā arī izpētīts tiesiskais regulējums. Darba gaitā, veicot empīrisko pētījumu: 1. tika izmantots organizacionālais jeb institucionālais analīzes modelis. 2. pamatojoties uz empīriskā ceļā iegūto informāciju, tika izdarīti secinājumi. Atslēgvārdi: Eiropas Savienība, Starptautiskā Jūrniecības organizācija, Nacionālās intereses, lēmumu pieņemšana un valsts pozīcija.Research thesis: "National defense positions and improving decision-making in the European Union and the International Maritime Organisation" the actuality in today describes complex decision-making process. However, the European Union (EU) is a major force that is able to play an important role in international decision-making. Master's thesis aims to clarify the EU decision-making process gaps, thus to develop for Member States the most effective decision-making progress within International Maritime Organisation (IMO). Hypothesis: The decision-making process and the legal framework of the European Union Member States interests in the International Maritime Organization can by considered as none effective. The theoretical literature on decision-making processes was analysed and the role of the EU and IMO was researched, as well as the legal framework was explored. Work was conducted on the basis of empirical research: 1. the organisational or institutional analysis model was used; 2. based on empirically obtained data the conclusions were developed. Keywords: European Union, International Maritime Organization, National Interest and National Decision-Making Position


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    Rapporten behandlar ett examensarbete med fokus på att hitta och jämföra en whiteboxlösningmot en nuvarande nätverksenhet åt företaget Cygate. Whiteboxlösningar är ett växande konceptsom är relativt outforskat och den större delen av nätverksmarknaden domineras fortfarande avetablerade märken. En brist på jämförelser mellan whiteboxslöningar och etablerade märken ären bidragande orsak till denna rapport. Cygate ville veta om det fanns några whiteboxlösningarsom kunde mäta sig prestandamässigt mot en av deras nuvarande enheter. Olikawhiteboxlösningar granskades och analyserades med fokus på porthastighet, antal portar ochstöd för utvalda protokoll. Den teoretiska undersökningen av olika whiteboxlösningar gjordeatt det gick att konstatera att det fanns en whiteboxlösning som levde upp till liknade prestandasom den nuvarande nätverksenheten. Whiteboxlösningen levde upp till de kraven som ställtsfrån Cygate och visade sig vara mer ekonomiskt lönsam och på vissa punkter ha bättreprestanda. Granskningen visar att ett företag kan förbättra sin prestanda och minska sinakostnader genom att implementera en whiteboxlösning

    Teachers' perceptions of working with students with neuropsychiatric disabilities in the after school educare

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    Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur lärare i fritidshem beskriver sina uppfattningar av att arbeta med elever med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar (NPF). Utifrån syftet har två forskningsfrågor författats; Vilka faktorer uppfattar lärare i fritidshem avgörande i arbetet med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar? Vilka möjligheter respektive svårigheter uppfattar lärare i fritidshem att det finns med att undervisa elever med NPF? Studien är kvalitativ och har använt fokusgruppsintervjuer som metod för att samla in de kvalitativa data som har utgjort resultatet. Vidare har kvalitativa data analyserats genom att de har ljudinspelats och transkriberats. Dataanalysen har ägt rum genom den tematiska analysmodellen Framework där data har sammanställts med hjälp av teman som elever med NPF, inkludering, extra anpassningar, planering, miljö, möjligheter och svårigheter. Dessa teman utgör sedan utgångspunkten i presentationen av resultatet. I resultatet framgår det att de faktorer som är avgörande i arbetet med elever med NPF är hur en lärare planerar, genomför och anpassar sin undervisning samt hur miljön är utformad för att elever ska kunna erbjudas rätt förutsättningar till stimulering, utveckling och lärande samt att de ska få en känsla utav tillhörighet och gemenskap. Vidare beskrivs många svårigheter och möjligheter i arbetet med elever med NPF. De svårigheter som framgår är utifrån de centrala områden som nämns ovan. Något som betonas är att det råder en stor resursbrist i fritidshemsverksamheten. Mer resurser skulle vara en stor bidragande faktor för att skapa ytterligare möjligheter i arbetet med planering, genomförande etc. Avslutningsvis framhävs det att det finns ett stort behov av fortbildning där lärare ges möjlighet att införskaffa samt fördjupa sin kompetens i arbetet med elever med NPF

    Wheeling &amp; Dealing : Scenarios for understanding the European energy future

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    The deregulation of energy industries in combination with internationalization and a changing Europe requires strategic efforts to be undertaken in a different way than earlier. Policy activitites do not control this sector to the same extent as before – corporate strategies and activities have also become important to understand. During 2002 the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences engaged more than one hundred experts from industry, government and academia to analyze energy within the project “Energy Foresight – Sweden in Europe”. One part of the project, the structure foresight panel, sketched out four different scenarios that each describes a possible European setting for the energy industries - meaning: corporate action was in the center. In this article the aim is to evaluate the result from that scenario project in hindsight and to compare it with other similar scenario projects in this field.© 2010 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.QC 2012011