909 research outputs found

    Tamagawa defect of Euler systems

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    As remarked in [Kolyvagin systems, by Barry Mazur and Karl Rubin] Proposition 6.2.6 and Buyukboduk[ arXiv:0706.0377v1 ] Remark 3.25 one does not expect the Kolyvagin system obtained from an Euler system for a p-adic Galois representation T to be primitive (in the sense of [Kolyvagin systems, by Barry Mazur and Karl Rubin] Definition 4.5.5) if p divides a Tamagawa number at a prime \ell different from p; thus fails to compute the correct size of the relevant Selmer module. In this paper we obtain a lower bound for the size of the cokernel of the Euler system to Kolyvagin system map (see Theorem 3.2.4 of [Kolyvagin systems, by Barry Mazur and Karl Rubin] for a definition of this map) in terms of the Tamagawa numbers of T, refining [Kolyvagin systems, by Barry Mazur and Karl Rubin] Propostion 6.2.6. We show how this partially accounts for the missing Tamagawa factors in Kato's calculations with his Euler system.Comment: 20 page

    The local Tamagawa number conjecture for Hecke characters, II

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    In this paper we prove the weak local Tamagawa number conjecture for the remaining non-critical cases for the motives associated to Hecke characters ψθ:AKK\psi_{\theta}:\mathbb{A}_K\to K^* of the author's previous paper, where KK is an imaginary quadratic field with cl(K)=1cl(K)=1, under certain restrictions which originate mainly from the Iwasawa theory of imaginary quadratic fields.Comment: The preprint "The local Tamagawa number conjecture for Hecke characters, II", appeared as section 6 of the present manuscript, which includes two old prepints of the author, under the joint title "On the Tamagawa number conjecture for Hecke characters

    An Eisenstein ideal for imaginary quadratic fields and the Bloch-Kato conjecture for Hecke characters

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    For certain algebraic Hecke characters chi of an imaginary quadratic field F we define an Eisenstein ideal in a p-adic Hecke algebra acting on cuspidal automorphic forms of GL_2/F. By finding congruences between Eisenstein cohomology classes (in the sense of G. Harder) and cuspidal classes we prove a lower bound for the index of the Eisenstein ideal in the Hecke algebra in terms of the special L-value L(0,chi). We further prove that its index is bounded from above by the order of the Selmer group of the p-adic Galois character associated to chi^{-1}. This uses the work of R. Taylor et al. on attaching Galois representations to cuspforms of GL_2/F. Together these results imply a lower bound for the size of the Selmer group in terms of L(0,chi), coinciding with the value given by the Bloch-Kato conjecture.Comment: 26 page

    Equivariant Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for the base change of elliptic curves: An example

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    Let E be an elliptic curved defined over \Q and let K/\Q be a finite Galois extension with Galois group G. The equivariant Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for h^1(E\times_{\Q} K)(1) viewed as a motive over \Q with coefficients in \Q[G] relates the twisted L-values associated with E with the arithmetic invariants of the same. In this paper we prescribe an approach to verify this conjecture for a given data. Using this approach, we verify the conjecture for an elliptic curve of conductor 11 and an S_3-extension of \Q.Comment: 21 page

    How Intense Policy Demanders Shape Postreform Politics: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act

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    The implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been a politically volatile process. The ACA\u27s institutional design and delayed feedback effects created a window of opportunity for its partisan opponents to launch challenges at both the federal and state level. Yet as recent research suggests, postreform politics depends on more than policy feedback alone; rather, it is shaped by the partisan and interest-group environment. We argue that “intense policy demanders” played an important role in defining the policy alternatives that comprised congressional Republicans\u27 efforts to repeal and replace the ACA. To test this argument, we drew on an original data set of bill introductions in the House of Representatives between 2011 and 2016. Our analysis suggests that business contributions and political ideology affected the likelihood that House Republicans would introduce measures repealing significant portions of the ACA. A secondary analysis shows that intense policy demanders also shaped the vote on House Republicans\u27 initial ACA replacement plan. These findings highlight the role intense policy demanders can play in shaping the postreform political agenda

    Genes Associated with Honey Bee Behavioral Maturation Affect Clock-Dependent and -Independent Aspects of Daily Rhythmic Activity in Fruit Flies

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    BACKGROUND: In the honey bee, the age-related and socially regulated transition of workers from in-hive task performance (e.g., caring for young) to foraging (provisioning the hive) is associated with changes in many behaviors including the 24-hour pattern of rhythmic activity. We have previously shown that the hive-bee to forager transition is associated with extensive changes in brain gene expression. In this study, we test the possible function of a subset of these genes in daily rhythmic activity pattern using neural-targeted RNA interference (RNAi) of an orthologous gene set in Drosophila melanogaster. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Of 10 genes tested, knockdown of six affected some aspect of locomotor activity under a 12 h:h light:dark regime (LD). Inos affected anticipatory activity preceding lights-off, suggesting a possible clock-dependent function. BM-40-SPARC, U2af50 and fax affected peak activity at dawn without affecting anticipation or overall inactivity (proportion of 15-min intervals without activity), suggesting that these effects may depend on the day-night light cycle. CAH1 affected overall inactivity. The remaining gene, abl, affected peak activity levels but was not clearly time-of-day-specific. No gene tested affected length of period or strength of rhythmicity in constant dark (DD), suggesting that these genes do not act in the core clock. SIGNIFICANCE: Taking advantage of Drosophila molecular genetic tools, our study provides an important step in understanding the large set of gene expression changes that occur in the honey bee transition from hive bee to forager. We show that orthologs of many of these genes influence locomotor activity in Drosophila, possibly through both clock-dependent and -independent pathways. Our results support the importance of both circadian clock and direct environmental stimuli (apart from entrainment) in shaping the bee's 24-hour pattern of activity. Our study also outlines a new approach to dissecting complex behavior in a social animal

    Electroweak corrections to W-boson pair production at the LHC

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    Vector-boson pair production ranks among the most important Standard-Model benchmark processes at the LHC, not only in view of on-going Higgs analyses. These processes may also help to gain a deeper understanding of the electroweak interaction in general, and to test the validity of the Standard Model at highest energies. In this work, the first calculation of the full one-loop electroweak corrections to on-shell W-boson pair production at hadron colliders is presented. We discuss the impact of the corrections on the total cross section as well as on relevant differential distributions. We observe that corrections due to photon-induced channels can be amazingly large at energies accessible at the LHC, while radiation of additional massive vector bosons does not influence the results significantly.Comment: 29 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables; some references and comments on \gamma\gamma -> WW added; matches version published in JHE

    First Observation and Measurement of the Decay K+- -> pi+- e+ e- gamma

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    Using the full data set of the NA48/2 experiment, the decay K+- -> pi+- e+ e- gamma is observed for the first time, selecting 120 candidates with 7.3 +- 1.7 estimated background events. With K+- -> pi+- pi0D as normalisation channel, the branching ratio is determined in a model-independent way to be Br(K+- -> pi+- e+ e- gamma, m_eegamma > 260 MeV/c^2) = (1.19 +- 0.12_stat +- 0.04_syst) x 10^-8. This measured value and the spectrum of the e+ e- gamma invariant mass allow a comparison with predictions of Chiral Perturbation Theory.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys.Lett.