7 research outputs found

    Avanços e desafios da ciência de recursos hídricos no Brasil: uma síntese comunitária do XXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Recursos Hídricos

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    In this paper we synthesize the special sessions of the XXIII Brazilian Water Resources Symposium 2019 in order to understand the major advances and challenges in the water sciences in Brazil. We analyzed more than 250 papers and presentations of 16 special sessions covering topics of Climate Variability and Change, Disasters, Modeling, Large Scale Hydrology, Remote Sensing, Education, and Water Resources Management. This exercise highlighted the unique diversity of natural and human water features in Brazil, that offers a great opportunity for understanding coupled hydrological and societal systems. Most contributions were related to methods and the quantification of water phenomena, therefore, there is a clear necessity for fostering more research on phenomena comprehension. There is a vast network of co-authorship among institutions but mostly from academia and with some degree of regional fragmentation. The ABRhidro community now has the challenge to enhance its collaboration network, the culture of synthesis analysis, and to build a common agenda for water resources research. It is also time for us to be aligned with the international water science community and to use our experiences to actively contribute to the tackling of global water issues.Este artigo apresenta uma síntese das sessões especiais do XXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Recursos Hídricos 2019, com o objetivo de compreender os principais avanços e desafios em recursos hídricos no Brasil. Foram analisados mais de 250 trabalhos e apresentações em 16 sessões especiais abrangendo temas como Variabilidade e Mudanças Climáticas, Desastres, Modelagem, Hidrologia de Grande Escala, Sensoriamento Remoto, Educação e Gestão de Recursos Hídricos. Esta avaliação destacou a diversidade única de atributos naturais e antrópicos dos recursos hídricos brasileiros, que oferece uma grande oportunidade para aprendizado sobre sistemas hidrológico e humano acoplados. A maioria das contribuições é relacionada a métodos e quantificação de fenômenos hídricos, existindo uma necessidade clara de incentivo a mais pesquisas em compreensão de fenômenos. Existe uma vasta rede de coautores, mas principalmente da academia e com certo grau de fragmentação regional. A comunidade da ABRhidro tem o desafio de aumentar a sua rede de colaboração, a cultura de análises de síntese, e construir uma agenda comum para a pesquisa em recursos hídricos. Também é o momento de alinhar esforços com a comunidade de recursos hídricos internacional, usando nossas experiências para contribuir ativamente na solução de questões relacionadas à água em nível global

    Bedload Sediment Transport Estimation in Sand-Bed Rivers Comparing Traditional Methods and Surrogate Technologies

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    Bedload sediment transport in rivers can cause impacts, such as bed erosion/deposition, sandbank formation and changes in flow capacity. Bedload sampling techniques have limitations related to spatial and temporal resolution. These constraints are more relevant in rivers with dunes and high sediment transport. This paper presents a comparison between bedload transport rates estimated with direct and indirect methods in a river with sand dunes. The case study area is a stretch of the Taquari River, in Brazil. Surveys were carried out on three consecutive days, during a flood season. A SonTek M9-ADCP with HydroSurveyor capabilities activated was used to simultaneously measure bathymetry and water velocities throughout a river reach, and also to perform moving-bed tests at six verticals along a predefined cross-section. A mechanical trap (Helley–Smith) was used to collect bedload samples at the same time and positions where the moving-bed tests were performed. Sediment transport was calculated and compared following different approaches: (1) ADCP-BT (Bottom Tracking); (2) modified ISSDOTv2 method (dune tracking); (3) HelleySmith mechanical trap; (4) and five empirical equations. The results showed good agreement between the methodologies, indicating the potential of using ADCPs for hydro sedimentological studies due to the advantages of integrating bathymetry, flow velocity and bedload data

    A Web-GIS for decision making to achieve water quality standards of water bodies through collaborative watershed modeling

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    ABSTRACT Ensuring compliance with the minimum Water Quality Standards stipulated by law demands the implementation of strategic measures within the watershed. Water pollution modeling serves as a tool to guide the formulations of effective pollution control strategies. However, the inherent complexity of calibration, spatial-temporal variability, and uncertainty, in addition to effective communication of technical information to decision makers, makes it challenging to prioritize actions, implement them, and allocate resources efficiently. This paper presents the implementation of a Web-GIS for decision making support which combines collaborative hydrological and hydrodynamic modeling results with an interactive visualization of the Paranapanema river basin in the South of Brazil. The Web-GIS aimed to overcome the difficulty of presenting scientific results to decision-makers, gathering and harmonizing diverse datasets. Combining information from the watershed, the pollutant loads estimations for three substances (phosphorus, nitrogen, and BOD), the resulting concentrations in rivers and reservoirs, as well as the results for different future scenarios into a unified platform. It is expected that decision-making regarding water bodies framework will be facilitated by identifying the primary sources and pathways of pollution, prioritizing basins with the highest load production, an determining realistic possibilities of load reduction through effective measures