128 research outputs found

    Integração dos imigrantes da República Democrática do Congo no Bairro Camama 1 em Luanda

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    Com o presente trabalho de investigação procurámos perceber os desafios ao nível social e económico que os imigrantes da República Democrática do Congo têm experimentado no seu processo de integração no Bairro Camama1, na cidade de Luanda, a forma como a sociedade angolana e o Estado Angolano lidam com a situação bem como as medidas tomadas para lidar com este fenómeno social crescente. O trabalho de campo foi realizado no bairro Camama 1 com a aplicação de um inquérito que combina questões abertas e fechadas e participaram no estudo 69 imigrantes da República Democrática do Congo. Os resultados da investigação levaram-nos a concluir que a integração dos imigrantes da RDC se faz essencialmente ao nível do sector económico ou seja, é sobretudo uma integração de carácter económico e não social. Apesar da interação com os angolanos e de estarem inseridos no mercado de emprego secundário, os imigrantes da RDC não estão registados como residentes do bairro e apresentam um estatuto jurídico precário o que lhes impossibilita a integração social: são invisíveis para a sociedade angolana.The aim of this research work identifies the way to social and economic immigrants from the Democratic Republic of Congo have been experiencing in their integration process in Camama1 district, in Luanda and the way the Angolan society and government deal with the situation and the measures used to deal with this growing social phenomenon. Fieldwork was conducted in Camama 1 district with the application of a survey that combines open and closed questions. The sample consists of 69 immigrants from the Democratic Republic of Congo. The research results lead us to conclude that the integration of immigrants DRC is essentially at the level of the economic sector. Despite the interaction they have with the Angolans citizens, they are inserted into the secondary market and they are not registered as residents of the neighborhood and have also a precarious legal status which prevents them to be socially integrated: they are invisible to the Angolan society

    Properties, use and health effects of depleted uranium (DU): a general overview.

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    Abstract Depleted uranium (DU), a waste product of uranium enrichment, has several civilian and military applications. It was used as armor-piercing ammunition in international military conflicts and was claimed to contribute to health problems, known as the Gulf War Syndrome and recently as the Balkan Syndrome. This led to renewed efforts to assess the environmental consequences and the health impact of the use of DU. The radiological and chemical properties of DU can be compared to those of natural uranium, which is ubiquitously present in soil at a typical concentration of 3 mg/kg. Natural uranium has the same chemotoxicity, but its radiotoxicity is 60% higher. Due to the low specific radioactivity and the dominance of alpharadiation no acute risk is attributed to external exposure to DU. The major risk is DU dust, generated when DU ammunition hits hard targets. Depending on aerosol speciation, inhalation may lead to a protracted exposure of the lung and other organs. After deposition on the ground, resuspension can take place if the DU containing particle size is sufficiently small. However, transfer to drinking water or locally produced food has little potential to lead to significant exposures to DU. Since poor solubility of uranium compounds and lack of information on speciation precludes the use of radioecological models for exposure assessment, biomonitoring has to be used for assessing exposed persons. Urine, feces, hair and nails record recent exposures to DU. With the exception of crews of military vehicles having been hit by DU penetrators, no body burdens above the range of values for natural uranium have been found. Therefore, observable health effects are not expected and residual cancer risk estimates have to be based on theoretical considerations. They appear to be very minor for all post-conflict situations, i.e. a fraction of those expected from natural radiation

    Are uranium-contaminated soil and irrigation water a risk for human vegetable consumers? A study case with Solanum tuberosum L., Phaseolus vulgaris L. and Lactuca sativa L.

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    The knowledge of uranium concentration, in the products entering the human diet is of extreme importance because of their chemical hazard to health. Controlled field experiments with potatoes, beans and lettuce (Solanum tuberosum L., Phaseolus vulgaris L. and Lactuca sativa L.) were carried out in a contaminated soil used by local farmers located near a closed Portuguese uranium mine (Cunha Baixa, Mangualde). The soil with high average uranium levels (64–252 mg/kg) was divided in two plots, and irrigated with non-contaminated and uranium-contaminated water (\20 and [900 lg/L). Uranium maximum average concentration in the edible vegetables parts (mg/kg fresh weight) ranged in the following order: lettuce (234 lg/kg)[green bean (30 lg/kg)[potatoes without peel (4 lg/kg). Although uranium in soil, irrigation water and vegetables was high, the assessment of the health risk based on hazard quotient indicates that consumption of these vegetables does not represent potential adverse (no carcinogenic) effects for a local inhabitant during lifetime

    Usefulness of Spectral Cardiac Computed Tomography for the Evaluation of Thrombotic Complications in Patients with Ischemic Stroke

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    Objetivo: Evaluar la utilidad de la angiotomografía computada (TC) espectral cardíaca en pacientes con ataque cerebrovascular isquémico (ACVi). Material y métodos: En el contexto de pandemia de COVID-19 incorporamos la utilización de la TC espectral cardíaca en pacientes con ACVi para descartar en una única sesión, tanto fuentes cardioembólicas (FCE) como la presencia de complicaciones trombóticas o daño miocárdico. A partir de julio de 2020 incorporamos una adquisición tardía a las TC cardíacas en contexto de ACVi. Se presentan cuatro casos representativos sobre su utilidad y hallazgos cardiovasculares. Resultados: Se presentan cuatro casos registrados en un lapso de 40 días. Dos pacientes con FCE (aorta y orejuela izquierda) y dos con ACVi de origen indeterminado donde se evidenció miocardiopatía (isquémica y no isquémica). Conclusiones: En el contexto del ACVi, la TC espectral cardíaca, que incluía adquisición tardía, permitiría, eventualmente, descartar la presencia de FCE e identificar la etiología subyacente.Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of spectral cardiac computed tomography (CT) angiography in patients with ischemic stroke. Methods: In the setting of COVID-19 pandemic, we incorporated the use of spectral cardiac CT in patients with ischemic stroke to rule out the presence of cardioembolic sources, thrombotic complications or myocardial damage in a single session. Since July 2020, a delayed-phase image acquisition was incorporated to cardiac CT scans in the context of ischemic stroke. We describe four representative cases of the usefulness of the method and the cardiovascular findings. Results: We present four cases recorded recorded within a 40-day period. Two patients with patients with cardioembolic source (aorta and left atrial appendage) and two with ischemic stroke of undetermined source with evidence of cardiomyopathy (ischemic and non-ischemic). Conclusions: In the setting of ischemic stroke, spectral cardiac CT with delayed acquisition could be useful to rule out the presence of cardioembolic sources and identify the underlying etiology.Fil: Rodriguez Granillo, Gaston Alfredo. Clinica la Sagrada Familia; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto Alberto C. Taquini de Investigaciones en Medicina Traslacional - Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones Cardiológicas "Prof. Dr. Alberto C. Taquini". Instituto Alberto C. Taquini de Investigaciones en Medicina Traslacional; ArgentinaFil: Cirio, Juan. Clinica la Sagrada Familia; ArgentinaFil: Ciardi, Celina. Clinica la Sagrada Familia; ArgentinaFil: Ceron, Marcos. Clinica la Sagrada Familia; ArgentinaFil: Rubilar, Bibiana. Clinica la Sagrada Familia; ArgentinaFil: Bleise, Carlos. Clinica la Sagrada Familia; ArgentinaFil: Ingino, Carlos. Clinica la Sagrada Familia; ArgentinaFil: Lylyk, Pedro. Clinica la Sagrada Familia; Argentin

    Usefulness of Spectral Cardiac Computed Tomography for the Evaluation of Thrombotic Complications in Patients with Ischemic Stroke

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    Objetivo: Evaluar la utilidad de la angiotomografía computada (TC) espectral cardíaca en pacientes con ataque cerebrovascular isquémico (ACVi). Material y métodos: En el contexto de pandemia de COVID-19 incorporamos la utilización de la TC espectral cardíaca en pacientes con ACVi para descartar en una única sesión, tanto fuentes cardioembólicas (FCE) como la presencia de complicaciones trombóticas o daño miocárdico. A partir de julio de 2020 incorporamos una adquisición tardía a las TC cardíacas en contexto de ACVi. Se presentan cuatro casos representativos sobre su utilidad y hallazgos cardiovasculares. Resultados: Se presentan cuatro casos registrados en un lapso de 40 días. Dos pacientes con FCE (aorta y orejuela izquierda) y dos con ACVi de origen indeterminado donde se evidenció miocardiopatía (isquémica y no isquémica). Conclusiones: En el contexto del ACVi, la TC espectral cardíaca, que incluía adquisición tardía, permitiría, eventualmente, descartar la presencia de FCE e identificar la etiología subyacente.Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of spectral cardiac computed tomography (CT) angiography in patients with ischemic stroke. Methods: In the setting of COVID-19 pandemic, we incorporated the use of spectral cardiac CT in patients with ischemic stroke to rule out the presence of cardioembolic sources, thrombotic complications or myocardial damage in a single session. Since July 2020, a delayed-phase image acquisition was incorporated to cardiac CT scans in the context of ischemic stroke. We describe four representative cases of the usefulness of the method and the cardiovascular findings. Results: We present four cases recorded recorded within a 40-day period. Two patients with patients with cardioembolic source (aorta and left atrial appendage) and two with ischemic stroke of undetermined source with evidence of cardiomyopathy (ischemic and non-ischemic). Conclusions: In the setting of ischemic stroke, spectral cardiac CT with delayed acquisition could be useful to rule out the presence of cardioembolic sources and identify the underlying etiology.Fil: Rodriguez Granillo, Gaston Alfredo. Clinica la Sagrada Familia; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto Alberto C. Taquini de Investigaciones en Medicina Traslacional - Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones Cardiológicas "Prof. Dr. Alberto C. Taquini". Instituto Alberto C. Taquini de Investigaciones en Medicina Traslacional; ArgentinaFil: Cirio, Juan. Clinica la Sagrada Familia; ArgentinaFil: Ciardi, Celina. Clinica la Sagrada Familia; ArgentinaFil: Ceron, Marcos. Clinica la Sagrada Familia; ArgentinaFil: Rubilar, Bibiana. Clinica la Sagrada Familia; ArgentinaFil: Bleise, Carlos. Clinica la Sagrada Familia; ArgentinaFil: Ingino, Carlos. Clinica la Sagrada Familia; ArgentinaFil: Lylyk, Pedro. Clinica la Sagrada Familia; Argentin

    Phenotype of Arabidopsis thaliana semi-dwarfs with deep roots and high growth rates under water-limiting conditions is independent of the GA5 loss-of-function alleles

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The occurrence of Arabidopsis thaliana semi-dwarf accessions carrying inactive alleles at the gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis GA5 locus has raised the question whether there are pleiotropic effects on other traits at the root level, such as rooting depth. In addition, it is unknown whether semi-dwarfism in arabidopsis confers a growth advantage under water-limiting conditions compared with wild-type plants. The aim of this research was therefore to investigate whether semi-dwarfism has a pleiotropic effect in the root system and also whether semi-dwarfs might be more tolerant of water-limiting conditions. METHODS: The root systems of different arabidopsis semi-dwarfs and GA biosynthesis mutants were phenotyped in vitro using the GROWSCREEN-ROOT image-based software. Semi-dwarfs were phenotyped together with tall, near-related accessions. In addition, root phenotypes were investigated in soil-filled rhizotrons. Rosette growth trajectories were analysed with the GROWSCREEN-FLUORO setup based on non-invasive imaging. KEY RESULTS: Mutations in the early steps of the GA biosynthesis pathway led to a reduction in shoot as well as root size. Depending on the genetic background, mutations at the GA5 locus yielded phenotypes characterized by decreased root length in comparison with related wild-type ones. The semi-dwarf accession Pak-3 showed the deepest root system both in vitro and in soil cultivation experiments; this comparatively deep root system, however, was independent of the ga5 loss-of-function allele, as shown by co-segregation analysis. When the accessions were grown under water-limiting conditions, semi-dwarf accessions with high growth rates were identified. CONCLUSIONS: The observed diversity in root system growth and architecture occurs independently of semi-dwarf phenotypes, and is probably linked to a genetic background effect. The results show that there are no clear advantages of semi-dwarfism at low water availability in arabidopsis.International Max Planck Research School PhD Fellowship/[]/IMPRS/AlemaniaHelmholtz Association//[]//AlemaniaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Centro para Investigaciones en Granos y Semillas (CIGRAS

    Biosorption and Biomineralization of U(VI) by the Marine Bacterium Idiomarina loihiensis MAH1: Effect of Background Electrolyte and pH

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    The main goal of this study is to compare the effects of pH, uranium concentration, and background electrolyte (seawater and NaClO4 solution) on the speciation of uranium(VI) associated with the marine bacterium Idiomarina loihiensis MAH1. This was done at the molecular level using a multidisciplinary approach combining X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS), Time-Resolved Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy (TRLFS), and High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM). We showed that the U(VI)/bacterium interaction mechanism is highly dependent upon pH but also the nature of the used background electrolyte played a role. At neutral conditions and a U concentration ranging from 5·10−4 to 10−5 M (environmentally relevant concentrations), XAS analysis revealed that uranyl phosphate mineral phases, structurally resembling meta-autunite [Ca(UO2)2(PO4)2 2–6H2O] are precipitated at the cell surfaces of the strain MAH1. The formation of this mineral phase is independent of the background solution but U(VI) luminescence lifetime analyses demonstrated that the U(VI) speciation in seawater samples is more intricate, i.e., different complexes were formed under natural conditions. At acidic conditions, pH 2, 3 and 4.3 ([U] = 5·10−4 M, background electrolyte = 0.1 M NaClO4), the removal of U from solution was due to biosorption to Extracellular Polysaccharides (EPS) and cell wall components as evident from TEM analysis. The LIII-edge XAS and TRLFS studies showed that the biosorption process observed is dependent of pH. The bacterial cell forms a complex with U through organic phosphate groups at pH 2 and via phosphate and carboxyl groups at pH 3 and 4.3, respectively. The differences in the complexes formed between uranium and bacteria on seawater compared to NaClO4 solution demonstrates that the actinide/microbe interactions are influenced by the three studied factors, i.e., the pH, the uranium concentration and the chemical composition of the solution.This work was funded by the grants CGL2009-09760 and CGL2012-36505 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación), and RNM 3943 (Junta de Andalucía), Spain

    Teratogenicity of depleted uranium aerosols: A review from an epidemiological perspective

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    BACKGROUND: Depleted uranium is being used increasingly often as a component of munitions in military conflicts. Military personnel, civilians and the DU munitions producers are being exposed to the DU aerosols that are generated. METHODS: We reviewed toxicological data on both natural and depleted uranium. We included peer reviewed studies and gray literature on birth malformations due to natural and depleted uranium. Our approach was to assess the "weight of evidence" with respect to teratogenicity of depleted uranium. RESULTS: Animal studies firmly support the possibility that DU is a teratogen. While the detailed pathways by which environmental DU can be internalized and reach reproductive cells are not yet fully elucidated, again, the evidence supports plausibility. To date, human epidemiological data include case examples, disease registry records, a case-control study and prospective longitudinal studies. DISCUSSION: The two most significant challenges to establishing a causal pathway between (human) parental DU exposure and the birth of offspring with defects are: i) distinguishing the role of DU from that of exposure to other potential teratogens; ii) documentation on the individual level of extent of parental DU exposure. Studies that use biomarkers, none yet reported, can help address the latter challenge. Thoughtful triangulation of the results of multiple studies (epidemiological and other) of DU teratogenicity contributes to disentangling the roles of various potentially teratogenic parental exposures. This paper is just such an endeavor. CONCLUSION: In aggregate the human epidemiological evidence is consistent with increased risk of birth defects in offspring of persons exposed to DU
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