7,598 research outputs found

    Computing the canonical representation of constructible sets

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    Constructible sets are needed in many algorithms of Computer Algebra, particularly in the GröbnerCover and other algorithms for parametric polynomial systems. In this paper we review the canonical form ofconstructible sets and give algorithms for computing it.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Extreme weights in Steinhaus triangles

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    Let {0=w0<w1<w2<…<wm0=w0<w1<w2<…<wm} be the set of weights of binary Steinhaus triangles of size n , and let Wibe the set of sequences in F2n that generate triangles of weight wi. In this paper we obtain the values of wi and the corresponding sets Wi for i¿{2,3,m}i¿{2,3,m}, and partial results for i=m-1i=m-1.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Proposal for an Integrated Raman-free Correlated Photon Source

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    We propose a dual-pump third-order nonlinear scheme for producing pairs of correlated photons that is less susceptible to Raman noise than typical spontaneous four wave mixing methods (SFWM). Beginning with the full multimode Hamiltonian we derive a general expression for the joint spectral amplitude, from which the probability of producing a pair of photons can be calculated. As an example, we demonstrate that a probability of 0.028 pairs per pulse can be achieved in an appropriately designed fused silica microfiber. As compared with single pump SFWM in standard fiber, we calculate that our process shows significant suppression of the spontaneous Raman scattering and an improvement in the signal to noise ratio.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures (two containing 2 subfigures

    Sorpresa, Imaginació, Estètica i Provocació:SIEP

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    The impact of patient transfers and bedspace moves on nurse workload

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Health.This multiple methods study explores the impact of moving patients between and within wards on nursing workload. While patient transfers (between clinical units) and bedspace moves (between beds on the same ward) are a routine part of nursing practice in acute hospitals, the rate of transfers has increased in recent times, due primarily to a shortage of hospital beds and an increasing demand for health services. The organisation and preparation of the patient prior, during and post transfer or bedspace move and the related communication processes forms a component of nursing work that has not been comprehensively explored. As a consequence, the impact of patient moves on nursing workload has not been fully realised nor captured in staffing models. A three-stage, sequential approach was used in this study. Stage 1 retrospectively examined 2008-2009 financial and patient administrative data to explore the incidence and destination of patient moves in one Australian metropolitan hospital over a financial year. Results identified that the majority of patient movements involved medical-surgical wards (n=12) and were therefore suitable contexts for more in-depth investigation. Stage 2 consisted of a direct observational-timing study conducted over a seven week period. Based on Stage 1 results, one medical and one surgical ward with a high rate of patient moves were selected for observation. A purpose-designed data collection tool was used to record and time nursing activities associated with observed patient moves (n=75). From these observational records and field notes, two case studies were developed in Stage 3 to demonstrate in detail the sequence of nursing activities, the role of the nurse and the factors that can impact on the time taken to transfer a patient to another ward. The results of Stage 1 identified that at the selected hospital, 10,733 patients who remained in hospital for 48 hours or more experienced 34,715 transfers and bedspace moves in the selected year. The largest single group (48.6%, n=16,861) of these moves involved medical-surgical wards. The results from Stage 2 indicated that the average patient transfer took 65.8 minutes and bedspace moves 29.2 minutes to complete. Of this time, over 40 minutes of nurses’ time was spent on patient transfers and 11 minutes on bedspace moves. This means that for medical-surgical wards alone, 3.9 FTE nurses are necessary for all the moves that occur each month. The impact of patient transfers and bedspace moves on nurses’ workload is considerable. Time spent moving patients means that less time is available for other patients and their care needs. In addition, many transfer activities could be performed by other members of the team. Given the impact on nurses’ workload, it is timely for hospitals to consider strategies to minimise the frequency and improve the efficiency of patient transfers

    Literatura i rock: el catalĂ  mola?

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    El català no es fa servir amb la mateixa intensitat en tots els àmbits i, en conseqüència, la resposta a la pregunta de si el català mola —és a dir, si està de moda entre la població jove— varia segons l'àmbit d'atenció, l'època, la conjuntura social i l'esperit de cada generació. En aquest article, Pep Blay analitza les condicions de dos camps concrets: la literatura i el pop-rock català. Si bé en el primer ens hem de rendir a l'evidència que el català no mola —els best-sellers en llengua catalana els consumeix un públic d'edat mitjana-alta, mentre que els joves tendeixen a llegir novel·les d'autors estrangers traduïts al castellà—, en el món de la música el català «ara mola». Artistes com Manel, Els Amics de les Arts, Anna Roig o Mazoni estan de moda i fan modern a qui els escolta. Ara bé, l'autor es pregunta «Fins quan?».Catalan is not used with the same intensity in all spheres so the answer to the question of whether Catalan is a “cool” language – that is to say, whether it is popular among young people – varies according to the field involved, the current social situation and the spirit of each generation. In this paper Pep Blay analyses the prevailing conditions in two specific fields: Catalan literature and pop rock. While in the case of literature one must bow to the evidence that Catalan is not “cool” – young people tend to read novels by foreign authors translated into Spanish whereas bestsellers in Catalan have a middle-aged plus readership – in the music sphere Catalan is indeed “cool” for now. Musicians like Manel, Els Amics de les Arts, Anna Roig or Mazoni are very popular and qualify people who listen to them as modern. The author wonders, however, “for how long?
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