93 research outputs found

    Dret i polítiques ambientals en la Comunitat Valenciana

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    El autor analiza principalmente la legislación de la Comunidad Valenciana relativa a espacios naturales y zonas de protección, y vedas y reservas de caza y pesca.L’autor analitza principalment la legislació de la Comunitat Valenciana relativa a espais naturals i zones de protección, i vedes i reserves de caça i pescaThe author focuses mainly on analysing the Valencian Community legislation on natural spaces and protection zones, as well as hunting and fishing closed seasons and reserves

    La distribución competencial en materia de costas

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    Sobre la zona litoral hi ha una concurrència de competències que determina la necessitat d’integrar a la seva ordenació i gestió els interessos presents. Amb aquesta finalitat, la doctrina constitucional ha utilitzat els paràmetres de la cooperació i, si no n’hi havia, la determinació de la competència prevalent. En aquest context, l’ordenació del territori i del litoral per les comunitats autònomes, per les seves funcions de distribució d’usos i d’articulació de les visions sectorials i locals concurrents, es configura com l’instrument idoni per aconseguir-ne la gestió integral, que atengui tant la finalitats de la Llei de costes com els interessos autonòmics i municipals sobre aquesta. En aquest sentit, són diversos els títols estatals que condicionen aquesta competència autonòmica i que justifiquen el repartiment de funcions i les formes de col•laboració que preveu la Llei, entre els quals es poden considerar les facultats que deriven de la seva titularitat del domini, de la protecció del medi ambient litoral, la regulació de les condicions bàsiques per a l’exercici de drets i el compliment de deures constitucionals, i altres títols amb incidència sobre aquest espai.On the coastline, there is a conflict of powers which determines the need to coordinate existing interests in the planning and management of the coastal zone. For this reason, constitutional principles have employed cooperation parameters, and failing these, the prevailing competence has been determined. In this context, territorial and coastline planning by Spanish Autonomous Communities (AC) has been adopted as the ideal instrument to accomplish the coastline’s all-round management since AC decide on land use and coordinate sectorial and local competences. This instrument considers not only the objectives of the Coastal Law, but also the local and regional interests in it. In this sense, there are several state regulations that condition this regional competence and justify the assignment of tasks and the forms of collaboration as set out in the Law. Among them, it is necessary to consider the powers which are a result of the ownership of the domain, the protection of the coastal environment, the regulation of the basic conditions for the exercise of rights, the fulfilment of constitutional duties, and any other regulations which may affect this area.Sobre la zona litoral se da una concurrencia de competencias que determina la necesidad de integrar en su ordenación y gestión los intereses presentes. Para ello, la doctrina constitucional ha utilizado los parámetros de la cooperación y, en su defecto, la determinación de la competencia prevalente. En este contexto, la ordenación del territorio y del litoral por las Comunidades Autónomas, por sus funciones de distribución de usos y de articulación de las visiones sectoriales y locales concurrentes, se configura como el instrumento idóneo para lograr su gestión integral, que atienda tanto a la finalidades de la Ley de Costas como a los intereses autonómicos y municipales sobre la misma. En este sentido, son diversos los títulos estatales que condicionan esa competencia autonómica y que justifican el reparto de funciones y las formas de colaboración que prevé la Ley, entre los que cabe considerar las facultades que derivan de su titularidad del dominio, de la protección del medio ambiente litoral, la regulación de las condiciones básicas para el ejercicio de derechos y el cumplimiento de deberes constitucionales, y otros títulos con incidencia sobre este espacio

    Current trends in the evolution of electronic relations between the administration and citizens in Spain

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    For several years the evolution of eGovernment in Spain has been influenced by various factors, both internal and external. These include an adequate legal framework, plans and programmes for eGovernment promotion, awareness of its advantages and increasing social demand. Depending on their circumstances, each type of administration has taken a different approach, although always with the purpose of encouraging changes in their relations with citizens. The present economic crisis must be also taken into account, since it is influencing eGovernment promotion initiatives. Under these conditions, the implementation process evidences three main trends in the current development of relationships via electronic media, also reflected in Spanish legislation on eGovernment: simplification, transparency and administrative cooperation

    Innovation policy instruments through the lens of open innovation. An analysis in the Spanish context

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    Open innovation (OI) involves the deliberate use of external and internal knowledge flows by organisations in order to accelerate their innovations and expand the markets for the external use of innovations. Despite the relevance of OI for firms’ competitiveness, firms’ abilities to leverage and combine internal and external knowledge flows cannot be taken for granted. In this context, innovation policies can play a crucial role in stimulating firms’ OI strategies. The objective of this research is to examine the degree to which existing public innovation policies promote open innovation by companies. In doing so, we review the set of innovation policy instruments developed by governments within the Spanish national and regional innovation systems and examine the extent to which they support open innovation by companies, either by facilitating firms’ open innovation practices or by acting on the external factors that influence them. Our results show that innovation policies in Spanish national and regional settings partially promote firms’ open innovation, since governments base their actions on the interaction between science, industry and government, sometimes with intermediaries that promote it. We propose the development of instruments to encourage firms to implement open innovation practices in such a way that they complement the existing ones and can fully achieve the benefits associated with open innovation

    Improving tracking of trajectories through tracking rate regulation: application to UAVs

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    The tracking problem (that is, how to follow a previously memorized path) is one of the most important problems in mobile robots. Several methods can be formulated depending on the way the robot state is related to the path. “Trajectory tracking” is the most common method, with the controller aiming to move the robot toward a moving target point, like in a real-time servosystem. In the case of complex systems or systems under perturbations or unmodeled effects, such as UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), other tracking methods can offer additional benefits. In this paper, methods that consider the dynamics of the path’s descriptor parameter (which can be called “error adaptive tracking”) are contrasted with trajectory tracking. A formal description of tracking methods is first presented, showing that two types of error adaptive tracking can be used with the same controller in any system. Then, it is shown that the selection of an appropriate tracking rate improves error convergence and robustness for a UAV system, which is illustrated by simulation experiments. It is concluded that error adaptive tracking methods outperform trajectory tracking ones, producing a faster and more robust convergence tracking, while preserving, if required, the same tracking rate when convergence is achieved

    Preliminary results of UV measurements in the high-altitude station Formigal-Sarrios (Pyrenees)

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    Póster presentado en: WMO Technical Conference on Meteorological and Environmental Instruments and Methods of Observation celebrada del 8 al 11 de octubre de 2018 en Amsterdam

    Influence of induction therapy, immunosuppressive regimen and anti-viral prophylaxis on development of lymphomas after heart transplantation: data from the spanish post–heart transplant tumour registry

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    [Abstract] Background. Lymphoma after heart transplantation (HT) has been associated with induction therapy and herpesvirus infection. It is not known whether anti-viral agents administered immediately after HT can reduce the incidence of lymphoma. Methods. This study was a retrospective review of 3,393 patients who underwent HT in Spain between 1984 and December 2003. Variables examined included development of lymphoma and, as possible risk factors, recipient gender and age, induction therapies (anti-thymocyte globulin, OKT3 and anti–interleukin-2 receptor antibodies) and anti-viral prophylaxis (acyclovir or ganciclovir). To study the effect of evolving treatment strategy, three HT eras were considered: 1984 to 1995; 1996 to 2000; and 2001 to 2003. Results. Induction therapy was employed in >60% of HTs, and anti-viral prophylaxis in >50%. There were 62 cases of lymphoma (3.1 per 1,000 person-years, 95% confidence interval: 2.4 to 4.0). Univariate analyses showed no influence of gender, age at transplant, HT era, pre-HT smoking or the immunosuppressive maintenance drugs used in the first 3 months post-HT. The induction agent anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG) was associated with increased risk of lymphoma, and prophylaxis with acyclovir with decreased risk of lymphoma. Multivariate analyses (controlling for age group, gender, pre-HT smoking and immunosuppression in the first 3 months with mycophenolate mofetil and/or tacrolimus) showed that induction increased the risk of lymphoma if anti-viral prophylaxis was not used (regardless of induction agent and anti-viral agent), but did not increase the risk if anti-viral prophylaxis was used. Conclusions. Induction therapies with ATG or OKT3 do or do not increase the risk of lymphoma depending on whether anti-viral prophylaxis with acyclovir or ganciclovir is or is not employed, respectively

    Genomic Evolution of Two Acinetobacter baumannii Clinical Strains from ST-2 Clones Isolated in 2000 and 2010 (ST-2_clon_2000 and ST-2_clon_2010)

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    Acinetobacter baumannii is a successful nosocomial pathogen due to its ability to persist in hospital environments by acquiring mobile elements such as transposons, plasmids, and phages. In this study, we compared two genomes of A. baumannii clinical strains isolated in 2000 (ST-2_clon_2000) and 2010 (ST-2_clon_2010) from GenBank project PRJNA308422

    A PCI AER Co-Processor Evaluation Based on CPUs Performance Counters

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    Image processing in digital computer systems usually considers the visual information as a sequence of frames. These frames are from cameras that capture reality for a short period of time. They are renewed and transmitted at a rate of 25-30 frames per second, in a typical real-time scenario. Digital video processing has to process each frame in order to obtain a filter result or detect a feature on the input. This processing is usually based on very complex and expensive (in resources) operations for an efficient real-time application. Brain can perform very complex visual processing in real-time using relatively simple cells, called neurons, which codify the information into spikes. Spike-based processing is a relatively new approach that implements the processing by manipulating spikes one by one at the time they are transmitted, like a human brain. The spike-based philosophy for visual information processing based on the neuro-inspired Address Event Representation (AER) is achieving nowadays very high performances. In this work we study the low level performance for real-time scenarios of a spike-based co-processor connected to a conventional PC and implemented through a PCI board. These low level lacks are focused both in the software conversion of static frames into AER format and in the bottleneck of the PCI interface