453 research outputs found

    Real options and scenario planning as a way to gain insight into flexibility in health care real estate management, a first exploration

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    Real estate management in health care faces many uncertainties, and more specific in the Netherlands even more because of changing regulations regarding\ud the financing of capital costs. Therefore we propose, based on literature and a\ud survey, to use scenario planning in combinations with the real option approach to deal with these uncertainties. The survey shows that limited use is made of future uncertainties and options for flexibility in the responded Dutch hospitals. Real options provide insight for real estate managers into opportunities for flexibility when making strategic decisions in real estate management, such as choosing for a building organisation form

    Klauwgezondheid op stalen roosters ook goed

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    Bij de standaard uitvoering blijft er veel mest aan de roosterbalken hangen waardoor de emissie hoog is. Door de roosterbalk smaller te maken wordt de mestdoorlaat vergroot en zou de ammoniakemissie lager kunnen zijn

    Stalklimaat op Lagekostenbedrijf is goed

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    De open stalconstructie van het Lagekostenbedrijf biedt tijdens warme dagen een prima omgeving voor de melkkoeien, mits de windsnelheid buiten hoog genoeg is

    Fosfaatvormen in melkveemest en potentieel voor terugwinning

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    This report describes the results of the research into the phosphate forms and the potential of recovery of phosphate from dairy manure. On different dairy farms with different types of manure separators, slurry robots and scrapers samples were taken from the manure, liquid fraction, thick fraction and/or faeces and analyzed on the content of different phosphate forms. Furthermore calcium hydroxide was added to the liquid fraction to separate the orthophosphate with the sediment and are the thick fractions diluted and acidified to pH 6 and 5 to determine the amount of phosphate being released as orthophosphate. On the basis of these analysis is the potential for recovery of phosphate determined

    Impacts of extreme 2013–2014 winter conditions on Lake Michigan's fall heat content, surface temperature, and evaporation

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    Since the late 1990s, the Laurentian Great Lakes have experienced persistent low water levels and above average over‐lake evaporation rates. During the winter of 2013–2014, the lakes endured the most persistent, lowest temperatures and highest ice cover in recent history, fostering speculation that over‐lake evaporation rates might decrease and that water levels might rise. To address this speculation, we examined interseasonal relationships in Lake Michigan's thermal regime. We find pronounced relationships between winter conditions and subsequent fall heat content, modest relationships with fall surface temperature, but essentially no correlation with fall evaporation rates. Our findings suggest that the extreme winter conditions of 2013–2014 may have induced a shift in Lake Michigan's thermal regime and that this shift coincides with a recent (and ongoing) rise in Great Lakes water levels. If the shift persists, it could (assuming precipitation rates remain relatively constant) represent a return to thermal and hydrologic conditions not observed on Lake Michigan in over 15 years.Key PointsLake Michigan has been in an altered thermal regime since the late 1990sThe 2013–2014 winter may return Lake Michigan to pre‐1998 thermal conditionsHydrological impacts of the 2013–2014 cold winter remain unclearPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/112001/1/grl52850.pd

    Cognitive Correlates of Hippocampal Atrophy and Ventricular Enlargement in Adults with or without Mild Cognitive Impairment

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    We analyzed structural magnetic resonance imaging data from 58 cognitively normal and 101 mild cognitive impairment subjects. We used a general linear regression model to study the association between cognitive performance with hippocampal atrophy and ventricular enlargement using the radial distance method. Bilateral hippocampal atrophy was associated with baseline and longitudinal memory performance. Left hippocampal atrophy predicted longitudinal decline in visuospatial function. The multidomain ventricular analysis did not reveal any significant predictors

    Associations between hippocampal morphometry and neuropathologic markers of Alzheimer's disease using 7 T MRI

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    Hippocampal atrophy, amyloid plaques, and neurofibrillary tangles are established pathologic markers of Alzheimer's disease. We analyzed the temporal lobes of 9 Alzheimer's dementia (AD) and 7 cognitively normal (NC) subjects. Brains were scanned post-mortem at 7 Tesla. We extracted hippocampal volumes and radial distances using automated segmentation techniques. Hippocampal slices were stained for amyloid beta (Aβ), tau, and cresyl violet to evaluate neuronal counts. The hippocampal subfields, CA1, CA2, CA3, CA4, and subiculum were manually traced so that the neuronal counts, Aβ, and tau burden could be obtained for each region. We used linear regression to detect associations between hippocampal atrophy in 3D, clinical diagnosis and total as well as subfield pathology burden measures. As expected, we found significant correlations between hippocampal radial distance and mean neuronal count, as well as diagnosis. There were subfield specific associations between hippocampal radial distance and tau in CA2, and cresyl violet neuronal counts in CA1 and subiculum. These results provide further validation for the European Alzheimer's Disease Consortium Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Center Harmonized Hippocampal Segmentation Protocol (HarP)

    Smart Distance Lab’s art fair, experimental data on social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    In the absence of a vaccine, social distancing behaviour is pivotal to mitigate COVID-19 virus spread. In this large-scale behavioural experiment, we gathered data during Smart Distance Lab: The Art Fair (n = 839) between August 28 and 30, 2020 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. We varied walking directions (bidirectional, unidirectional, and no directions) and supplementary interventions (face mask and buzzer to alert visitors of 1.5 metres distance). We captured visitors’ movements using cameras, registered their contacts (defined as within 1.5 metres) using wearable sensors, and assessed their attitudes toward COVID-19 as well as their experience during the event using questionnaires. We also registered environmental measures (e.g., humidity). In this paper, we describe this unprecedented, multi-modal experimental data set on social distancing, including psychological, behavioural, and environmental measures. The data set is available on figshare and in a MySQL database. It can be used to gain insight into (attitudes toward) behavioural interventions promoting social distancing, to calibrate pedestrian models, and to inform new studies on behavioural interventions