4,733 research outputs found

    MMTF: The Maryland-Magellan Tunable Filter

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    This paper describes the Maryland-Magellan Tunable Filter (MMTF) on the Magellan-Baade 6.5-meter telescope. MMTF is based on a 150-mm clear aperture Fabry-Perot (FP) etalon that operates in low orders and provides transmission bandpass and central wavelength adjustable from ~5 to ~15 A and from ~5000 to over ~9200 A, respectively. It is installed in the Inamori Magellan Areal Camera and Spectrograph (IMACS) and delivers an image quality of ~0.5" over a field of view of 27' in diameter (monochromatic over ~10'). This versatile and easy-to-operate instrument has been used over the past three years for a wide variety of projects. This paper first reviews the basic principles of FP tunable filters, then provides a detailed description of the hardware and software associated with MMTF and the techniques developed to observe with this instrument and reduce the data. The main lessons learned in the course of the commissioning and implementation of MMTF are highlighted next, before concluding with a brief outlook on the future of MMTF and of similar facilities which are soon coming on line.Comment: 38 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables, now accepted for publication to the Astronomical Journa

    Agreement between methods of measurement with multiple observations per individual

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    Limits of agreement provide a straightforward and intuitive approach to agreement between different methods for measuring the same quantity. When pairs of observations using the two methods are independent, i.e., on different subjects, the calculations are very simple and straightforward. Some authors collect repeated data, either as repeated pairs of measurements on the same subject, whose true value of the measured quantity may be changing, or more than one measurement by one or both methods of an unchanging underlying quantity. In this paper we describe methods for analysing such clustered observations, both when the underlying quantity is assumed to be changing and when it is not

    Instability of Rotationally Tuned Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    The possibility of effectively inverting the sign of the dipole-dipole interaction, by fast rotation of the dipole polarization, is examined within a harmonically trapped dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate. Our analysis is based on the stationary states in the Thomas-Fermi limit, in the corotating frame, as well as direct numerical simulations in the Thomas-Fermi regime, explicitly accounting for the rotating polarization. The condensate is found to be inherently unstable due to the dynamical instability of collective modes. This ultimately prevents the realization of robust and long-lived rotationally tuned states. Our findings have major implications for experimentally accessing this regime.Comment: 9 pages with 5 figure

    Four layer bandage compared with short stretch bandage for venous leg ulcers: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials with data from individual patients

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    <p><b>Objective:</b> To compare the effectiveness of two types of compression treatment (four layer bandage and short stretch bandage) in people with venous leg ulceration.</p> <p><b>Design:</b> Systematic review and meta-analysis of patient level data.</p> <p><b>Data:</b> sources Electronic databases (the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, the Cochrane Wounds Group Specialised Register, Medline, Embase, CINAHL, and National Research Register) and reference lists of retrieved articles searched to identify relevant trials and primary investigators. Primary investigators of eligible trials were invited to contribute raw data for re-analysis.</p> <p><b>Review:</b> methods Randomised controlled trials of four layer bandage compared with short stretch bandage in people with venous leg ulceration were eligible for inclusion. The primary outcome for the meta-analysis was time to healing. Cox proportional hazards models were run to compare the methods in terms of time to healing with adjustment for independent predictors of healing. Secondary outcomes included incidence and number of adverse events per patient.</p> <p><b>Results:</b> Seven eligible trials were identified (887 patients), and patient level data were retrieved for five (797 patients, 90% of known randomised patients). The four layer bandage was associated with significantly shorter time to healing: hazard ratio (95% confidence interval) from multifactorial model based on five trials was 1.31 (1.09 to 1.58), P=0.005. Larger ulcer area at baseline, more chronic ulceration, and previous ulceration were all independent predictors of delayed healing. Data from two trials showed no evidence of a difference in adverse event profiles between the two bandage types.</p> <p><b>Conclusions:</b> Venous leg ulcers in patients treated with four layer bandages heal faster, on average, than those of people treated with the short stretch bandage. Benefits were consistent across patients with differing prognostic profiles.</p&gt

    The Taurus Tunable Filter Field Galaxy Survey: Sample Selection and Narrowband Number-Counts

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    Recent evidence suggests a falling volume-averaged star-formation rate (SFR) over z ~ 1. It is not clear, however, the extent to which the selection of such samples influences the measurement of this quantity. Using the Taurus Tunable Filter (TTF) we have obtained an emission-line sample of faint star-forming galaxies over comparable lookback times: the TTF Field Galaxy Survey. By selecting through emission-lines, we are screening galaxies through a quantity that scales directly with star-formation activity for a given choice of initial mass function. The scanning narrowband technique furnishes a galaxy sample that differs from traditional broadband-selected surveys in both its volume-limited nature and selection of galaxies through emission-line flux. Three discrete wavelength intervals are covered, centered at H-alpha redshifts z = 0.08, 0.24 and 0.39. Galaxy characteristics are presented and comparisons made with existing surveys of both broadband and emission-line selection. When the number-counts of emission-line objects are compared with those expected on the basis of existing H-alpha surveys, we find an excess of ~ 3 times at the faintest limits. While these detections are yet to be independently confirmed, inspection of the stronger subsample of galaxies detected in both the line and continuum (line-on-continuum subsample; 13 %) is sufficient to support an excess population. This increase in the emission-line field population implies higher star-formation densities over z ~ 0.4. However, further study in the form of multi-object spectroscopic follow-up is necessary to quantify this and confirm the faintest detections in the sample.Comment: 48 pages, 12 figures. To appear in the Astrophysical Journal. An abridged version of the Abstract is shown her

    A Kinematic Link between Boxy Bulges, Stellar Bars and Nuclear Activity in NGC 3079 and NGC 4388

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    We present direct kinematic evidence for bar streaming motions in two active galaxies with boxy stellar bulges. The Hawaii Imaging Fabry-Perot Interferometer was used on the Canada-France-Hawaii 3.6-m telescope and the University of Hawaii 2.2-m telescope to derive the two-dimensional velocity field of the line-emitting gas in the disks of the Sc galaxy NGC 3079 and the Sb galaxy NGC 4388. In contrast to previous work based on long-slit data, the detection of the bar potential from the Fabry-Perot data does not rely on the existence of inner Lindblad resonances or strong bar-induced shocks. Simple kinematic models which approximate the intrinsic gas orbits as nonintersecting, inclined elliptical annuli that conserve angular momentum characterize the observed velocity fields. Box-shaped bulges in both NGC 3079 and NGC 4388 are confirmed using new near-infrared images to reduce dust obscuration. Morphological analysis of starlight in these galaxies is combined with the gas kinematics derived from the Fabry-Perot spectra to test evolutionary models of stellar bars that involve transitory boxy bulges, and to quantify the importance of such bars in fueling active nuclei. Our data support the evolutionary bar models, but fail to prove convincingly that the stellar bars in NGC 3079 and NGC 4388 directly trigger or sustain the nuclear activity. (abridged

    H-ATLAS/GAMA and HeViCS – dusty early-type galaxies in different environments

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    The Herschel Space Observatory has had a tremendous impact on the study of extragalactic dust. Specifically, early-type galaxies (ETG) have been the focus of several studies. In this paper, we combine results from two Herschel studies – a Virgo cluster study Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey (HeViCS) and a broader, low-redshift Herschel-Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey (H-ATLAS)/Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA) study – and contrast the dust and associated properties for similar mass galaxies. This comparison is motivated by differences in results exhibited between multiple Herschel studies of ETG. A comparison between consistent modified blackbody derived dust mass is carried out, revealing strong differences between the two samples in both dust mass and dust-to-stellar mass ratio. In particular, the HeViCS sample lacks massive ETG with as high a specific dust content as found in H-ATLAS. This is most likely connected with the difference in environment for the two samples. We calculate nearest neighbour environment densities in a consistent way, showing that H-ATLAS ETG occupy sparser regions of the local Universe, whereas HeViCS ETG occupy dense regions. This is also true for ETG that are not Herschel-detected but are in the Virgo and GAMA parent samples. Spectral energy distributions are fit to the panchromatic data. From these, we find that in H-ATLAS the specific star formation rate anticorrelates with stellar mass and reaches values as high as in our Galaxy. On the other hand HeViCS ETG appear to have little star formation. Based on the trends found here, H-ATLAS ETG are thought to have more extended star formation histories and a younger stellar population than HeViCS ETG

    Finite-size effects in amorphous Fe90Zr10/Al75Zr25 multilayers

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    The thickness dependence of the magnetic properties of amorphous Fe90Zr10 layers has been explored using Fe90Zr10/Al75Zr25 multilayers. The Al75Zr25 layer thickness is kept at 40 \AA, while the thickness of the Fe90Zr10 layers is varied between 5 and 20 \AA. The thickness of the Al75Zr25 layers is sufficiently large to suppress any significant interlayer coupling. Both the Curie temperature and the spontaneous magnetization decrease non-linearly with decreasing thickness of the Fe90Zr10 layers. No ferromagnetic order is observed in the multilayer with 5 {\AA} Fe90Zr10 layers. The variation of the Curie temperature TcT_c with the Fe90Zr10 layer thickness tt is fitted with a finite-size scaling formula [1-\Tc(t)/\Tc(\infty)]=[(t-t')/t_0]^{-\lambda}, yielding λ=1.2\lambda=1.2, and a critical thickness tâ€Č=6.5t'=6.5 \AA, below which the Curie temperature is zero.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    First starlight spectrum captured using an integrated photonic micro-spectrograph

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    Photonic technologies have received growing consideration for incorporation into next-generation astronomical instrumentation, owing to their miniature footprint and inherent robustness. In this paper we present results from the first on-telescope demonstration of a miniature photonic spectrograph for astronomy, by obtaining spectra spanning the entire H-band from several stellar targets. The prototype was tested on the 3.9 m Anglo-Australian telescope. In particular, we present a spectrum of the variable star Pi 01 Gru, with observed CO molecular absorption bands, at a resolving power R = 2500 at 1600 nm. Furthermore, we successfully demonstrate the simultaneous acquisition of multiple spectra with a single spectrograph chip by using multiple fibre inputs.Comment: 5 Pages, 4 Figures; A&A, Volume 544 (2012
