278 research outputs found

    Pre-service teachers’ ideas about obtaining electricity in nuclear power stations in a role play context

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    This study examined whether participation in a role play on the socio-scientific issue of the use of nuclear power had an impact on pre-service primary teachers’ ideas regarding the process of obtaining electricity in a nuclear power station. Before and after the role play, 78 pre-service primary teachers were asked to describe this process to analyze the ideas they displayed about the stages involved in it. The results showed, overall, an increased presence of more scientifically informed ideas in some of these stages following the role play, although a number of nonscientifically informed ideas persisted, for example, regarding the way in which heat is obtained or the final transformation of energy into electricity. These results support the potential value of role play for developing more scientifically informed ideas, although some modifications of the role play are recommended for further development of them.This study was supported by the European Social Fund and Spain’s National Research Agency through a researcher training contract (PRE2018-083328) as part of the Excellence in R+D project “Developing the competences of secondary and university students in relation to everyday problems through the scientific practices of argumentation, inquiry and modelling” (EDU2017-82197-P), by the Spanish National Plan R+D+i Project, entitled “Citizens with critical thinking: A challenge for teachers in science education” (PID2019-105765GA-I00), and the support for open publishing by the University of Malaga

    Prologue: Analysis Models in the Phraseology of European Languages

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    El número monográfico “Modelos de análisis en la fraseología de las lenguas europeas” pretende dar cuenta de las corrientes y puntos de interés más relevantes del panorama actual de la investigación fraseológica en Europa. A lo largo de doce trabajos, todos ellos de corte empírico basados en corpus, se presentan métodos de análisis de unidades fraseológicas desde la Semántica Cognitiva, la Gramática de Construcciones, la Lingüística de Corpus o la Fraseodidáctica, poniendo el foco en la productividad de modelos en distintos géneros textuales, como la jerga periodística, la arquitectónica, la académica, la deportiva, la de las páginas hoteleras, el discurso político de las redes sociales, o el oral coloquial de los “reality shows”. Las contribuciones del volumen constituyen una selección de las presentadas en el congreso internacional “EUROPHRAS 2019 Productive Patterns in Phraseology”, celebrado en Santiago de Compostela los días 24-25 de enero de 2019, y organizado por el grupo de investigación interuniversitario FRASESPAL (“Fraseología del Español y el Alemán”), del cual son parte integrante las editoras del volumen.The Thematic Issue “Modelos de análisis en la fraseología de las lenguas europeas” aims to account for the most relevant approaches and topics of interest in the current panorama of phraseological research in Europe. Through twelve corpus-based papers, analysis methods of phraseological units from Cognitive Semantics, Construction Grammar, Corpus Linguistics or Phraseodidactics are presented. They focus on the productivity of models in different textual genres, such as the journalistic, architectural, academic and sports jargon, hotel pages, the political discourse in social networks, or the colloquial oral discourse in reality shows. The contributions of this volume are a selection of those presented at the International Conference EUROPHRAS 2019 Productive Patterns in Phraseology, held in Santiago de Compostela on the 24-25th January 2019, and organised by the inter-university research group FRASESPAL (“Phraseology of Spanish and German”). The editors of the volume are part of this group

    Immunoassays for scarce tumour-antigens in exosomes: Detection of the human NKG2D-Ligand, MICA, in tetraspanin-containing nanovesicles from melanoma

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    Abstract Background Tumour-derived exosomes can be released to serum and provide information on the features of the malignancy, however, in order to perform systematic studies in biological samples, faster diagnostic techniques are needed, especially for detection of low abundance proteins. Most human cancer cells are positive for at least one ligand for the activating immune receptor NKG2D and the presence in plasma of NKG2D-ligands can be associated with prognosis. Methods Using MICA as example of a tumour-derived antigen, endogenously expressed in metastatic melanoma and recruited to exosomes, we have developed two immunocapture-based assays for detection of different epitopes in nanovesicles. Although both techniques, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Lateral flow immunoassays (LFIA) have the same theoretical basis, that is, using capture and detection antibodies for a colorimetric read-out, analysis of exosome-bound proteins poses methodological problems that do not occur when these techniques are used for detection of soluble molecules, due to the presence of multiple epitopes on the vesicle. Results Here we demonstrate that, in ELISA, the signal obtained was directly proportional to the amount of epitopes per exosome. In LFIA, the amount of detection antibody immobilized in Au-nanoparticles needs to be low for efficient detection, otherwise steric hindrance results in lower signal. We describe the conditions for detection of MICA in exosomes and prove, for the first time using both techniques, the co-existence in one vesicle of exosomal markers (the tetraspanins CD9, CD63 and CD81) and an endogenously expressed tumour-derived antigen. The study also reveals that scarce proteins can be used as targets for detection antibody in LFIA with a better result than very abundant proteins and that the conditions can be optimized for detection of the protein in plasma. Conclusions These results open the possibility of analyzing biological samples for the presence of tumour-derived exosomes using high throughput techniques.This work has been supported by Grants from Madrid Regional Government [IMMUNOTHERCAN-CM (S2010/BMD-2326)] and the Spanish Ministry of Economy [SAF2015-69169-R (MINEICO/FEDER) and MAT2017-84959-C2-1-R.; the Network of Excellence for Research in Exosomes, Rediex (MINEICO/FEDER); the Consejería de Economía y Empleo del Principado de Asturias (Plan de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación 2013-2017), under the Grant GRUPIN14-022. SL-C was a recipient of a FPU fellowship (MECD), and a travel fellowship from the Spanish Group of Extracellular Vesicles (GEIVEX); CC-S was a recipient of a master’s fellowship from “Postgrado de la Fundación Ramón Areces-UAM

    The university residence Flora Tristan: a social project of innovation, theoretical and methodological, with communities, from a gender perspective

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    URL del artículo en la web de la Revista: https://www.upo.es/revistas/index.php/relies/article/view/4370Desde hace más de 15 años, la Residencia. Universitaria. Flora Tristán (RUFT) de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla, ha venido incorporando la perspectiva de género a su proyecto de investigación-acción/intervención comunitaria en el Polígono Sur de Sevilla, convirtiéndose en un elemento sustantivo, tanto en la manera de abordar su presencia en el territorio, como a la hora de afrontar la acción entre quienes en ella residen. Esta incorporación ha hecho posible promover actividades de reivindicación, acción y reflexión, tanto entre el personal técnico, residentes, como entre las mujeres y hombres de la zona. Una experiencia de interés a la hora de abordar la implementación de políticas de igualdad convirtiendo a ambos sexos en sujetos protagonistas de los procesos de cambio y concienciación social, liderados por mujeres, pero evitando la confusión entre género y mujer. La igualdad "empapa" el Proyecto en su totalidad, convirtiéndose en una de sus señas de identidad y no en un anexo imprescindible para cubrir lo políticamente aceptable. Analizar la experiencia, sus luces y sombras, como elemento de innovación social replicable, desde una perspectiva de Investigación-Acción, es el objetivo de este artículo, tratando de mostrar, cómo los procesos generadores de cambios vienen de la mano de la asunción de la población como agente en su propio proceso, partiendo de sus propios intereses y particularidades, que pueden o no coincidir con los presupuestos marcados desde otros estamentos políticos, académicos o sociales.For more than 15 years, the University Residence Flora Tristan of the Pablo de Olavide University located in Seville has been incorporating the gender perspective into its research-action/ community intervention project in Poligono Sur of Sevilla, becoming a substantive element, both in the way of approaching its presence in the territory and when facing the action action among those who live there. This incorporation has made it possible to promote activities of vindication, action and reflection, both among the technical staff, residents, and among women and men of the area. An interesting experience when it comes to tackling the implementation of equality policies, turning both sexes into protagonists of the processes of change and social awareness, led by women, but avoiding confusion between gender and woman. Equality "permeates" the project as a whole, becoming one of its signs of identity and not an essential annex to cover what is politically acceptable.The objective of this article is to analyse the experience, its lights and shadows, as an element of replicable social innovation, from a Research-Action perspective, trying to show how the processes generating change come from the hand of the population assuming itself as an agent in its own process, starting from its own interests and particularities, which may or may not coincide with the assumptions made by other political, academic or social bodies.Universidad Pablo de Olavid

    Full Artificial Exosomes: Towards New Theranostic Biomaterials

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    Bio-nanotechnology routes have been recently developed to produce Full Artificial Exosomes: biomimetic particles aiming to overcome certain limitations regarding Extracellular Vesicles biology and manipulation. These particles could become true therapeutic biomaterials in the near future. Here, we outline the current preparation techniques, their explored and future possibilities, and their present limit

    La Residencia Universitaria Flora Tristán: Un proyecto social de innovación, teórica y metodológica, con comunidades, desde la perspectiva de género

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    Desde hace más de 15 años, la Residencia. Universitaria. Flora Tristán (RUFT) de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla, ha venido incorporando la perspectiva de género a su proyecto de investigación-acción/intervención comunitaria en el Polígono Sur de Sevilla, convirtiéndose en un elemento sustantivo, tanto en la manera de abordar su presencia en el territorio, como a la hora de afrontar la acción entre quienes en ella residen. Esta incorporación ha hecho posible promover actividades de reivindicación, acción y reflexión, tanto entre el personal técnico, residentes, como entre las mujeres y hombres de la zona. Una experiencia de interés a la hora de abordar la implementación de políticas de igualdad convirtiendo a ambos sexos en sujetos protagonistas de los procesos de cambio y concienciación social, liderados por mujeres, pero evitando la confusión entre género y mujer. La igualdad “empapa” el Proyecto en su totalidad, convirtiéndose en una de sus señas de identidad y no en un anexo imprescindible para cubrir lo políticamente aceptable. Analizar la experiencia, sus luces y sombras, como elemento de innovación social replicable, desde una perspectiva de Investigación-Acción, es el objetivo de este artículo, tratando de mostrar, cómo los procesos generadores de cambios vienen de la mano de la asunción de la población como agente en su propio proceso, partiendo de sus propios intereses y particularidades, que pueden o no coincidir con los presupuestos marcados desde otros estamentos políticos, académicos o sociales

    Electrical and Thermal Behaviour of Crystalline Photovoltaic Solar Modules in Shading Conditions

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    The shadow effect caused by nearby objects or the lack of cleaning significantly affects the performance of photovoltaics (PV) installations. This article analyses the bypass diode electrical behaviour and the thermal response of a PV crystalline module under shading or soiling conditions. PV cells of different substrings were covered progressively to simulate the effect of shading or soiling while a programmable electronic DC load was connected to a PV module to set an operating voltage. Three different tests were made to different PV crystalline technology. The paper characterizes in real conditions the I-V curve, bypass diode current, and front and back side PV cell temperature with contact sensor and infrared (IR) thermography, respectively. The results showed that the operation voltage established in the PV module defines the electrical bypass diode current and thermal response under normal operating conditions, shading or soiling. To show the bypass diode behaviour in such conditions, I-V curves were obtained, pointing out the value of the current that flows through bypass diodes in the whole voltage range