2,053 research outputs found

    Martin Jay: An Intellectual Picture

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    La siguiente entrevista se realizó el 6 de junio de 2018 en el marco del ciclo de entrevistas “El intelectual y su memoria” de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Granada. A lo largo de la entrevista, Jay reflexionó acerca de su carrera intelectual, el estado actual de la teoría crítica y de las categorías dialécticas, el estatus de la verdad hoy en día, el postsecularismo y las políticas identitarias.The following interview took place on June 6, 2018 as part of the interview series “The Intellectual and his/her Memory” of the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Granada. During the interview, Jay reflected upon his intellectual career, the current state of critical theory and dialectical categories, the status of truth in our time, postsecularism and identity politics

    Clusters, distritos industriales y estrategia

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    This introductory paper opens the Special Issue on "Clusters, Industrial Districts and Strategy", based on the debate and comments arisen during the 2016 Conference on Clustering. After some brief notes on the need and the intended scope from a multidisciplinary approach (Regional Science, Economic Geography, Sociology and Business Management), we argue why the knowledge of the context is increasingly relevant for competing successfully in the global marketplace, since context-firm’s strategy is a two-way relationship. Cooperative efforts in the forms of clusters, industrial districts or agglomerations can spontaneously arise from a dense population of firms belonging to multiple industries or to the same and related industries along with public actors, or they can be a deliberative, planned and managed effort, which will require the intervention of a governance mode. Whatever the choice is, the result is not always the same. Accordingly, and in light of the pervading differences found across literature and papers presented in this Special Issue, it seems plausible that clustering can be idiosyncratic to the location. Further efforts should be devoted to find contingent recipes for fostering competitiveness in light of the context and the firms collaborating. At the end, we introduce the nine papers of this Special Issue, while encourage scholars to continue this academic conversation.Este artículo abre el Número Especial sobre "Clusters, Distritos Industriales y Estrategia", y está basado en el debate y comentarios recogidos durante la celebración del Congreso Clustering-2016. Tras unas notas breves sobre la necesidad y el alcance pretendido con este Número Especial y desde una aproximación multidisciplinar (Ciencia Regional, Geografía Económica, Sociología, Dirección de Empresas), argumentamos por qué el conocimiento del contexto es cada vez más relevante para competir con éxito en el mercado global, ya que el contextoestrategia de la empresa es una relación de doble sentido. Los esfuerzos cooperativos bajo la forma de clusters, distritos industriales o aglomeraciones pueden o bien surgir de manera espontánea a partir de una alta densidad de empresas que pertenecen a múltiples industrias o a la misma y relacionadas, conjuntamente con actores públicos, o bien pueden ser el fruto de un esfuerzo deliberativo, planeado y dirigido, lo cual necesitará la intervención de una forma de gobernanza. Sea cual sea la elección, el resultado no es siempre el mismo. Por consiguiente, y a la vista de las diferencias encontradas de manera extensiva en la literatura y los artículos de este Número Especial, parece plausible que el trabajo en red "clustering" pueda ser idiosincrático de la localización. Se deben dedicar más esfuerzos investigadores a encontrar recetas contingentes que promuevan la competitividad en función del contexto y cómo las empresas colaboran. Finalmente, presentamos los nueve artículos de este Número Especial, a la vez que animamos a los estudiosos para continuar esta conversación académica

    An Efficient Robust Solution to the Two-Stage Stochastic Unit Commitment Problem

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    Determinant factors of pull up performance in trainedathletes

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    Aim: to investigate the relationship among pull up and lat pull exercises and differentanthropometric dimensions in trained athletes. Methods: twenty-five males were evaluated for maximum number of pull ups, one-repetitionmaximum lat pull (1RM Lat Pull), lat pull repetitions at 80% 1RM (Lat Pull at 80% 1RM), latpull repetitions at a load equivalent to body mass (Lat Pull at BM-load), and differentanthropometric variables. Furthermore, the subjects were divided in higher (HPG, n = 12) andlower pull up performance (LPG, n = 13) to compare the differences in the variables analyzedbetween both levels. Results: pull ups were significantly correlated with Lat Pull at BM-load (r = .62, P < .01) butneither with 1RM Lat Pull (r = .09) nor with Lat Pull at 80% 1RM (r = -.15). Pull ups showed asignificant (P < .05) negative relationship with body mass (BM, r = -.55), lean body mass(LBM, r = -.51), and fat mass (FM, r = -.52), while BM and LBM were significantly correlatedwith 1RM Lat Pull (r = .55, P < .05). HPG showed significantly (P < .05) lower BM (0/3/97%),FM (1/3/97%) and LBM (1/4/95%) than LPG. Furthermore, HPG attained significantly (P < .05– .001) greater performance in Lat Pull at BM-load (100/0/0%) and 1RM Lat Pull•BM-1(96/3/2%) than LPG. Conclusion: these findings suggest that pull up and lat pull exercises have common elements.Moreover, the anthropometric dimensions seem to influence differently on both exercises,depending on the strength indicator evaluated

    Nuevas aportaciones al estudio del minisatélite humano MsH42, filogenia, digestión y paradojas

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    MsH42 es una secuencia de tipo minisatélite del genoma humano localizada en la banda cromosómica 15q25.1. Este minisatélite presenta un bajo polimorfismo y ha sido previamente relacionado con procesos recombinatorios in vitro. En esta Tesis Doctoral nos hemos propuesto conocer el origen e historia evolutiva de este locus, así como la caracterización de posibles puntos de corte de doble cadena (DSB) que pudiesen estar promoviendo los procesos recombinatorios descritos. Hemos descubierto que MsH42 es un minisatélite específico de primates que se originó durante las primeras etapas de la evolución de este grupo, antes de la divergencia entre monos del Nuevo y del Viejo Mundo, hace aproximadamente 40 millones de años


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    Innovación EducativaPresenta un análisis del taller realizado CARDBOARD PROJECT por el profesor JAVIER BLANCO MARTÍN y la propuesta ganadora del concurso público para “CARDBOARD PROJECT. Workshop de investigación del cartón como elemento arquitectónico”. Residencia para instalación arquitectónica/escultórica, consistente en la investigación de un prototipo de refugio para damnificados en situaciones de emergencia con cartón “nido de abeja”. EfímerARQ WORKSHOP Exposición: “LA IN.REVERBERANCIA DEL CARTÓN Y OTRAS LUCES. EfímerARQ”. Realizada en diciembre de 2016. Lugar: LABORATORIO DE LAS ARTES DEL AYUNTAMIENTO DE VALLADOLID. ORGANIZADO POR: LAVA y E.T.S. ARQUITECTURA DE VALLADOLID. Profesor: JAVIER BLANCO MARTÍNDepartamento de Teoría de la Arquitectura y Proyectos Arquitectónico

    Gambling as a social addiction: chronicle of a pathology foretold

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    Antecedentes. Desde que en 1977 se legalizaron los juegos de azar en España, éstos han terminado por convertirse en un grave problema psicosocial. Existen conductas de juego que, aunque en sus inicios si le son atribuibles todos los caracteres positivos de esta práctica, con el tiempo terminan perdiendo su identidad, transformándose en un acto totalmente alienante. Objetivos. Conocer la dimensión social del juego determinando cómo está presente en las primeras experiencias con el juego, así como el significado que ésta adquiere, una vez el jugador se ve inmerso en este proceso adictivo. Método. Metodológicamente se ha optado por la perspectiva cualitativa, ya que ésta se muestra mucho más útil a nuestros intereses de estudio. Como base principal, hemos recurrido a la historia de vida, ya que ésta nos permitía conocer la verdadera magnitud que encarna esta problemática desde el punto de vista de los afectados. Resultados. De manera general hemos descubierto como la dimensión social está muy presente en el juego, ya que hemos valorado cómo ésta termina delimitando tanto el proceso de la adicción, como la percepción que se tiene del propio problema. Conclusiones. Destacar que el inicio de esta práctica viene argumentado bajo la idea de que al formar parte de la cotidianidad, el juego se cuela (a edades muy tempranas) en la vida de un ludópata en forma de entretenimiento social. Pero al final, lo que empieza siendo una actividad divertida acaba convirtiéndose en una verdadera problemática social.Background. Since gambling was legalized in Spain in 1977, many voices that testify that they have become a serious problem that affects more and more people. There is gaming behavior which initially contains all the positive characteristics of this practice, but which eventually ends up losing its identity and it becomes a totally alienating act. Objectives. Knowing the social dimension of the game and determining how it is present in the first experiences of the game, and the meaning this behavior acquires, once the player is immersed in this addictive process. Method. Methodologically a qualitative perspective has been chosen because it is much more useful to our research interests. As the main base, life stories have been used, as it allowed us to know the true extent that this issue embodies from the point of view of those affected. Results. Generally we have found as the social dimension is very present in the game, as we evaluated how it ends up defining both the process of addiction and the perception we have of the problem itself. Conclusions. Note that the start of this practice (under the idea of being part of everyday life), slips (at young ages) into the life of a gambler in the form of entertainment or social entertainment. But in the end what begins as a fun activity just turns into a real social problem

    Competitividad económica: los efectos del clustering, la estrategia de innovación y el rol moderador de la localización en la industria hotelera colombiana

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    Clustering in service industries has scarcely been investigated, while there is huge evidence of a positive impact on innovation and competitiveness in the case of manufacturing industries. We address this by exploring the potential moderator effect that location externalities have on the triangular relationship between clustering, innovation and competitiveness. In this empirical study of 131 hotels located nationwide in the emerging destination of Colombia, we found a negative moderated mediation effect. The impact on competitiveness is higher when the location holds low levels of resources. We uncovered and discuss one of the reasons for explaining the heterogeneous impact of clustering on service firms.El clustering en las industrias de servicios ha sido escasamente investigado habiendo extensivas evidencias de su influencia sobre la innovación y la competitividad en el caso de industrias manufactureras. Afrontamos esta carencia mediante la exploración de un posible efecto moderador que las externalidades de la localización tienen sobre la relación triangular entre el clustering, la estrategia de innovación y la competitividad. En este estudio empírico de 131 hoteles localizados por todo el país del destino emergente Colombia, encontramos un efecto moderador mediado que es negativo. El impacto sobre la competitividad es mayor cuando la localización tiene niveles bajos de recursos. Exponemos y discutimos una de las razones que explica el heterogéneo efecto que tiene el clustering sobre las empresas de servicios.Universidad de Valenci

    Serotypes, virulence genes, and PFGE patterns of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli isolated from Cuban pigs with diarrhea

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    Thirty-six enteropathogenic Escherichia coli strains isolated from Cuban pigs with diarrhea were serotyped and screened by PCR for the presence of virulence genes. The 36 isolates belonged to 11 O serogroups and 14 O:H serotypes, with 53% of the isolates belonging to only two serotypes: O141:H– (13 isolates) and O157:H19 (6 isolates). Genes coding for STb, STa, VT2e, and LT toxins were identified in 69, 61, 53, and 6% of the isolates, respectively. The most prevalent fimbrial adhesin was F18, detected in 22 (61%) isolates. The gene encoding F6 (P987) colonization factor was identified in three (8%) isolates. None of the 36 isolates assayed contained genes encoding F4 (K88), F5 (K99), or F41. The seropathotype O141:H–:STa/STb/VT2e/F18 (13 isolates) was the most frequently detected, followed by O157:H19:VT2e/F18 (5 isolates). A genetic diversity study, carried out by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) of 24 representative isolates, revealed 21 distinct restriction patterns clustered in 18 groups (I–XVIII). Isolates of the same serotype were placed together in a dendrogram, but isolates of serotype O157:H19 showed a high degree of polymorphism. The results of this study demonstrate the presence in Cuba of different clusters among one of the most prevalent serotypes isolated from pigs with diarrhea. Further experiments are needed to determine whether some of these clusters have appeared recently; if so, their evolution, as well as their possible association with pathogenicity in farms should be studied. [Int Microbiol 2006; 9(1):53-60

    New machine learning approaches for real-life human activity recognition using smartphone sensor-based data

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    Financiado para publicar en acceso aberto. Universidade da Coruña/CISUG[Abstract]: In recent years, mainly due to the application of smartphones in this area, research in human activity recognition (HAR) has shown a continuous and steady growth. Thanks to its wide range of sensors, its size, its ease of use, its low price and its applicability in many other fields, it is a highly attractive option for researchers. However, the vast majority of studies carried out so far focus on laboratory settings, outside of a real-life environment. In this work, unlike in other papers, progress was sought on the latter point. To do so, a dataset already published for this purpose was used. This dataset was collected using the sensors of the smartphones of different individuals in their daily life, with almost total freedom. To exploit these data, numerous experiments were carried out with various machine learning techniques and each of them with different hyperparameters. These experiments proved that, in this case, tree-based models, such as Random Forest, outperform the rest. The final result shows an enormous improvement in the accuracy of the best model found to date for this purpose, from 74.39% to 92.97%.Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/01Xunta de Galicia; ED481A 2020/003Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2022/46Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2018/49Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2021/53This research was partially funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033, NextGenerationEU/PRTR, FLATCITY-POC , Spain [grant number P DC2021-121239-C31]; MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033 MAGIST, Spain [grant number P ID2019-105221RB-C41]; Xunta de Galicia/FEDER-UE, Spain [grant numbers ED431G 2019/01 , ED481A 2020/003 , ED431C 2022/46 , ED431C 2018/49 and ED431C 2021/53 ]. Funding for open access charge: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG