1,152 research outputs found

    Gracia y verdad en el IV Evangelio ( SegĂșn San AgustĂ­n en "Ioannis Evangelium Tractatus")

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    El Magisterio de la Iglesia, sobre todo en este Ășltimo siglo, ha insistido frecuentemente en la importancia que, para el exĂ©geta catĂłlico, tiene el estudio de la exĂ©gesis patrĂ­stica. Ya el Concilio Vaticano I afirmaba que la Escritura Santa no puede ser interpretada en contra del sentido que le da la Iglesia, «ni tampoco contra el sentir unĂĄnime de los Padres» '. LeĂłn XIII, Benedicto XV y PĂ­o XII completan con mĂĄs extensiĂłn y detalle esta doctrina conciliar2. El Ășltimo Concilio Vaticano II ha ratificado esta doctrina cuando afirma que «la Iglesia, Esposa del Verbo Encarnado, instruida por el EspĂ­ritu Santo, procura comprender cada vez mĂĄs profundamente la Escritura para alimentar constantemente a sus hijos con la Palabra de Dios; por eso fomenta el estudio de los Padres de la Iglesia, orientales y occidentales, y el estudio de la Liturgia» 3. El Magisterio ha considerado a San AgustĂ­n como «agudĂ­simo para descubrir el sentido de la Palabra de Dios y riquĂ­simo en sacar de ella partido para defender la verdad» 4 , a sus enseñanzas acude reiteradamente en sus documentos oficiales

    Object oriented execution model (OOM)

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    This paper considers implementing the Object Oriented Programming Model directly in the hardware to serve as a base to exploit object-level parallelism, speculation and heterogeneous computing. Towards this goal, we present a new execution model called Object Oriented execution Model - OOM - that implements the OO Programming Models. All OOM hardware structures are objects and the OOM Instruction Set directly utilizes objects while hiding other complex hardware structures. OOM maintains all high-level programming language information until execution time. This enables efficient extraction of available parallelism in OO serial code at execution time with minimal compiler support. Our results show that OOM utilizes the available parallelism better than the OoO (Out-of-Order) modelPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Modular conjugation for multicomponent regions

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    We consider a massless Dirac field in 1+11+1 dimensions, and compute the Tomita-Takesaki modular conjugation corresponding to the vacuum state and a generic multicomponent spacetime region. We do it by analytic continuation from the modular flow, which was computed recently. We use our result to discuss the validity of Haag duality in this model.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Kinetics and mechanisms of the reaction of chromium(III) and 2,4-hexanedione in aqueous solution

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    ProducciĂłn CientĂ­ficaThe kinetics and mechanism of the reaction between Cr(III) and 2,4-hexanedione in aqueous solution have been studied. Complexation occurs by coordination of both oxygen atoms of the ligand to the chromium(III) center, with concomitant loss of a proton yielding 1:1 complex of the type [Cr(CH3COCHCOC2H5)(H2O)4]2+. When the metal ion is in pseudo first-order excess the concentration dependence of the observed rate constants agrees with a mechanism involving reversible reaction between the enol tautomer of 2,4-hexanedione and the metallic species Cr(H2O)63+ and Cr(H2O)5OH2+, with rate constants of 8.0 × 10−4 and 3.5 × 10−2 dm3 mol−1 s−1, respectively. Keywords: chromium(III), ÎČ-diketones, ÎČ-diketonates, kinetics, complexation.La cinĂ©tique et le mĂ©canisme de la rĂ©action de la 2,4-hexanedione avec le Cr(III) en solution aqueuse ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s. La complexation se produit par la coordination de tous deux atomes d'oxygĂšne du ligand avec le chrome(III), avec une perte simultanĂ©e d'un proton pour produire le complexe 1:1 du type [Cr(CH3COCHCOC2H5)(H2O)4]2+. Quand l'ion mĂ©tallique se trouve en pseudo premier-ordre excĂšs, l'influence de la concentration sur la constante de vitesse observĂ©e s'accorde avec une mĂ©canisme rĂ©versible selon lequel le tautomĂ©re Ă©nol rĂ©actionne avec les espĂšces Cr(H2O)63+ and Cr(H2O)5OH2+. Les constantes de vitesse qui correspondent Ă  ces rĂ©actions ont pour valeur 8,0 × 10−4et3,5 × 10−2dm3 mol−1 s−1, respectivement. Mots clĂ©s : chromo(III), ÎČ-dicĂ©tones, ÎČ-dicĂ©tonates, cinĂ©tique, complexation

    FOLEY-VAE: Generaci\'on de efectos de audio para cine con inteligencia artificial

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    In this research, we present an interface based on Variational Autoencoders trained with a wide range of natural sounds for the innovative creation of Foley effects. The model can transfer new sound features to prerecorded audio or microphone-captured speech in real time. In addition, it allows interactive modification of latent variables, facilitating precise and customized artistic adjustments. Taking as a starting point our previous study on Variational Autoencoders presented at this same congress last year, we analyzed an existing implementation: RAVE [1]. This model has been specifically trained for audio effects production. Various audio effects have been successfully generated, ranging from electromagnetic, science fiction, and water sounds, among others published with this work. This innovative approach has been the basis for the artistic creation of the first Spanish short film with sound effects assisted by artificial intelligence. This milestone illustrates palpably the transformative potential of this technology in the film industry, opening the door to new possibilities for sound creation and the improvement of artistic quality in film productions.Comment: 9 pages, in Spanish, Tecniac\'ustic

    Habitar y producir en comunidad

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    El presente trabajo surge a partir de la elección del barrio del Remanso Valerio como caso de estudio. Partiendo de conceptos originados desde el anålisis del sitio, se proponen una serie de estrategias que nos ayudan a pensar en una vivienda productiva como una alternativa real para el desarrollo económico y social tanto para los habitantes del barrio, como para sectores bajos y medios de la sociedad, apostando a la actividad individual y en comunidad. En este marco, se pretende que este trabajo aporte a la reflexión sobre la vivienda productiva, entendiéndose como uno de los temas a seguir desarrollando en la era de la post-pandemia

    Optimization Techniques for a Physical Model of Human Vocalisation

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    We present a non-supervised approach to optimize and evaluate the synthesis of non-speech audio effects from a speech production model. We use the Pink Trombone synthesizer as a case study of a simplified production model of the vocal tract to target non-speech human audio signals --yawnings. We selected and optimized the control parameters of the synthesizer to minimize the difference between real and generated audio. We validated the most common optimization techniques reported in the literature and a specifically designed neural network. We evaluated several popular quality metrics as error functions. These include both objective quality metrics and subjective-equivalent metrics. We compared the results in terms of total error and computational demand. Results show that genetic and swarm optimizers outperform least squares algorithms at the cost of executing slower and that specific combinations of optimizers and audio representations offer significantly different results. The proposed methodology could be used in benchmarking other physical models and audio types.Comment: Accepted to DAFx 202

    Impact of Host Genetics and Biological Response Modifiers on Respiratory Tract Infections

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    Biological response modifiers; Immunogenetics; Inborn errorsModificadors de la resposta biolĂČgica; ImmunogenĂštica; Errors congĂšnitsModificadores de la respuesta biolĂłgica; InmunogenĂ©tica; Errores congĂ©nitosHost susceptibility to respiratory tract infections (RTI) is dependent on both genetic and acquired risk factors. Repeated bacterial and viral RTI, such as pneumonia from encapsulated microorganisms, respiratory tract infections related to respiratory syncytial virus or influenza, and even the development of bronchiectasis and asthma, are often reported as the first symptom of primary immunodeficiencies. In the same way, neutropenia is a well-known risk factor for invasive aspergillosis, as well as lymphopenia for Pneumocystis, and mycobacterial infections. However, in the last decades a better knowledge of immune signaling networks and the introduction of next generation sequencing have increased the number and diversity of known inborn errors of immunity. On the other hand, the use of monoclonal antibodies targeting cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor alpha has revealed new risk groups for infections, such as tuberculosis. The use of biological response modifiers has spread to almost all medical specialties, including inflammatory diseases and neoplasia, and are being used to target different signaling networks that may mirror some of the known immune deficiencies. From a clinical perspective, the individual contribution of genetics, and/or targeted treatments, to immune dysregulation is difficult to assess. The aim of this article is to review the known and newly described mechanisms of impaired immune signaling that predispose to RTI, including new insights into host genetics and the impact of biological response modifiers, and to summarize clinical recommendations regarding vaccines and prophylactic treatments in order to prevent infections

    A Review of the Dermatological Complications of Giant Cell Arteritis

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    Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is characterized by granulomatous inflammation of large and medium-sized vessels. It is the most common vasculitis among elderly people in Europe and North America. GCA usually presents with ischemic cranial manifestations such as headache, scalp tenderness, visual manifestations, and claudication of the tongue and jaw. Thickness and tenderness of temporal arteries are the most recognizable signs of GCA on physical examination. Laboratory tests usually show raised acute phase reactants. Skin manifestations are uncommon in GCA and are rarely found as a presenting symptom of GCA. Necrosis of the scalp and tongue is the most common ischemic cutaneous manifestation of GCA. Although infrequent, when present it reflects severe affection and poor prognosis of GCA. Panniculitis-like lesions have been reported in the setting of GCA, with nodules being the most common finding. Other entities, such as generalized granuloma annulare or basal cell carcinoma have been occasionally described in GCA patients. Prompt recognition and initiation of therapy are crucial to prevent serious complications of GCA. When high suspicion of GCA exists, immediate administration of glucocorticoids is recommended. It is advisable to refer the patient to a specialist GCA team for further multidisciplinary assessment.Funding: This line of research on vasculitis was partially supported by RETICS Programs, RD08/0075 (RIER), RD12/0009/ 0013 and RD16/0012 from “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” (ISCIII) (Spain)

    Unravelling plant diversification: Intraspecific genetic differentiation in hybridizing Anacyclus species in the western Mediterranean Basin

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    Premise: The interfertile species Anacyclus clavatus, A. homogamos, and A. valentinus represent a plant complex coexisting in large anthropic areas of the western Mediterranean Basin with phenotypically mixed populations exhibiting a great floral variation. The goal of this study was to estimate the genetic identity of each species, to infer the role of hybridization in the observed phenotypic diversity, and to explore the effect of climate on the geographic distribution of species and genetic clusters. Methods: We used eight nuclear microsatellites to genotype 585 individuals from 31 populations of three Anacyclus species for population genetic analyses by using clustering algorithms based on Bayesian models and ordination methods. In addition, we used ecological niche models and niche overlap analyses for both the species and genetic clusters. We used an expanded data set, including 721 individuals from 129 populations for ecological niche models of the genetic clusters. Results: We found a clear correspondence between species and genetic clusters, except for A. clavatus that included up to three genetic clusters. We detected individuals with admixed genetic ancestry in A. clavatus and in mixed populations. Ecological niche models predicted similar distributions for species and genetic clusters. For the two specific genetic clusters of A. clavatus, ecological niche models predicted remarkably different areas. Conclusions: Gene flow between Anacyclus species likely explains phenotypic diversity in contact areas. In addition, we suggest that introgression could be involved in the origin of one of the two A. clavatus genetic clusters, which also showed ecological differentiationPID2019‐104135GB‐I00, PID2021‐124187NB‐I0
