24 research outputs found

    Функції реалій в інтертекстах американських гумористичних новел

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    Актуальность работы связана с изучением текста в "диалоге" с другими текстами, т.е. в рамках теории интертекстуальности. Реалия рассматривается как элемент интертекста, где она функционируюет в составе аллюзии, цитаты, заголовочного комплекса и является составным элементом американских юмористических новелл 19-20 вв.Актуальність роботи пов'язана з вивченням тексту у "діалозі" з іншими текстами, тобто в рамках теорії інтертекстуальності. Реалія розглядається як елемент інтертексту, де вона функціонує у складі алюзії, цитати, заголовкового комплексу, і є складовим елементом американських гумористичних новел 19-20 ст.The actuality of the work is connected with the study of the text in "in dialogue" with other texts, i.e. within the limits of the intertextuality theory. A piece of realia is examined as an element of intertext where it functions in the structure of allusion, quotation, headline complex, and is a constituent part of the 19th-20th c. American humour short stories

    Nasopharyngeal S. pneumoniae carriage and density in Belgian infants after 9 years of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine programme

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    Background: In Belgium, the infant pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) programme changed from PCV7 (2007-2011) to PCV13 (2011-2015) and to PCV10 (2015-2016). A 3-year nasopharyngeal carriage study was initiated during the programme switch in 2016. Main objective of the year 1 assessment was to obtain a baseline measurement of pneumococcal carriage prevalence, carriage density, serotype distribution and antibiotic resistance. Materials/methods: Two infant populations aged 6-30 months and without use of antibiotics in the seven days prior to sampling were approached: (1) attending one of 85 randomly selected day-care centres (DCC); (2) presenting with AOM at study-trained general practitioners and paediatricians. Demographic and clinical characteristics were documented and a single nasopharyngeal swab was taken. S. pneumoniae were cultured, screened for antibiotic resistance and serotyped, and quantitative Taqman real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) targeting LytA was performed. Results: Culture-based (DCC: 462/760; 60.8%- AOM: 27/39; 69.2%) and LytA-based (DCC: 603/753; 80.1% - AOM: 32/39; 82.1%) carriage prevalence was high. Average pneumococcal DNA load in LytA-positive day-care samples was 6.5 x 10(6) copies/mu l (95%Cl = 3.9-9.2 x 10(6), median = 3.5 x 10(5)); DNA load was positively associated with signs of common cold and negatively with previous antibiotic use. Culture based frequency of 13 pneumococcal vaccine (PCV) serotypes was 5.4% in DCC and 7.7% in AOM, with 19F and 14 being most frequent, and frequencies below 0.5% for serotypes 3, 6A, 19A in both populations. Predominant non-PCV serotypes were 23B and 23A in day-care and 11A in infants with AOM. In day-care, resistance to penicillin was rare (<0.5%) and absent against levofloxacin; 32.7% and 16.9% isolates were cotrimoxazole- and erythromycin-resistant respectively. Conclusion: Four years after PCV13 introduction in the vaccination programme, PCV13 serotype carriage was rare in infants throughout Belgium and penicillin resistance was rare. Continued surveillance in the context of a PCV programme switch is necessary

    Un rituel original de l’âge du Bronze : les inhumations en fosse des sites des Estournelles et de La Plaine à Simandres (Rhône)

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    International audienceTwo settlements recently excavated in the middle Rhône valley provide new datas on the treatment of the human remains in the late Bronze Age (stage 3a). We found here burials occurred in round pits which seem to take place close to the domestic space. The burial customs signal an elaborate and special ritual : the pits reveal a preparation of the ground and a controlled organization of the internal area, the deposits of the dead are simultaneous or successive, some bones are removed after the decay of the bodies and buried again in the upper layers of the grave (interpreted as «secondary burial»). The unusual burial customs recognized differ fundamentaly from these known for the RSFO culture.Deux sites de la moyenne vallée du Rhône apportent des données nouvelles sur le traitement des corps humains au Bronze final 3a. Les structures étudiées témoignent de la pratique de l'inhumation dans de grandes fosses circulaires, peut-être en liaison avec les espaces domestiques. Les rites funéraires rencontrés sont particulièrement complexes et originaux : préparation et organisation interne raisonnée de la fosse sépulcrale, dépôts primaires et secondaires successifs ou simultanés, prélèvements et réenfouissements d'ossements interprétés comme un rituel de « secondes funérailles ». Les pratiques reconnues s'éloignent du modèle funéraire caractéristique du RSFO

    Catalogue analytique des tombes

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    Blaizot Frédérique, Bonnet Christine, Écard Philippe, Forest Vianney, Raux Stéphanie, Macabéo Ghislaine. Catalogue analytique des tombes. In: Revue archéologique de Narbonnaise, tome 41, 2008. pp. 100-152

    Catalogue analytique des tombes

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    Blaizot Frédérique, Bonnet Christine, Écard Philippe, Forest Vianney, Raux Stéphanie, Macabéo Ghislaine. Catalogue analytique des tombes. In: Revue archéologique de Narbonnaise, tome 41, 2008. pp. 100-152

    Sample size calculation for estimating key epidemiological parameters using serological data and mathematical modelling

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    Abstract Background Our work was motivated by the need to, given serum availability and/or financial resources, decide on which samples to test in a serum bank for different pathogens. Simulation-based sample size calculations were performed to determine the age-based sampling structures and optimal allocation of a given number of samples for testing across various age groups best suited to estimate key epidemiological parameters (e.g., seroprevalence or force of infection) with acceptable precision levels in a cross-sectional seroprevalence survey. Methods Statistical and mathematical models and three age-based sampling structures (survey-based structure, population-based structure, uniform structure) were used. Our calculations are based on Belgian serological survey data collected in 2001–2003 where testing was done, amongst others, for the presence of Immunoglobulin G antibodies against measles, mumps, and rubella, for which a national mass immunisation programme was introduced in 1985 in Belgium, and against varicella-zoster virus and parvovirus B19 for which the endemic equilibrium assumption is tenable in Belgium. Results The optimal age-based sampling structure to use in the sampling of a serological survey as well as the optimal allocation distribution varied depending on the epidemiological parameter of interest for a given infection and between infections. Conclusions When estimating epidemiological parameters with acceptable levels of precision within the context of a single cross-sectional serological survey, attention should be given to the age-based sampling structure. Simulation-based sample size calculations in combination with mathematical modelling can be utilised for choosing the optimal allocation of a given number of samples over various age groups

    L'ensemble funéraire rural de Malbosc (Montpellier, Hérault): pratiques funéraires dans l'Antiquité tardive

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    National audienceL'ensemble funéraire se compose de 19 fosses sépulcrales et est daté du deuxième quart du IVe s. jusqu'au tout début du siècle suivant. Il s'inscrit dans un terroir dont la mise en valeur, illustrée par une probable borne et des épandages diffus de mobilier, reste très discrète. Les tombes ont été implantées sur un terrain qui, à l'origine, était en pente en direction du nord-ouest ; aucune trace matérielle de voie n'est conservée, soit parce qu'il se situait au sommet de la pente, soit parce qu'il se trouvait à l'opposé et a été détruit par le chemin et les aménagements modernes. Composé de 13 adultes et de 9 enfants (20q0 = 409 ‰), l'ensemble funéraire est probablement celui d'un petit groupe rural, de type familial, utilisé sur 3 à 4 générations au maximum. L'étude présentée ici s'attache principalement à mettre en évidence les modes d'inhumation et les gestes funéraires au moyen d'une analyse précise du squelette et des vestiges mobiliers in sit

    Schematic representation of the HIV model.

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    <p>The boxes represent the model compartments. The arrows represent the flows (or transitions) between compartments. The model splits the population into five groups: susceptible individuals (S), HIV-positive individuals (not on ART) with ≤ 350 CD4 cells/mm<sup>3</sup> (I<sub>1</sub>), HIV-positive individuals (not on ART) with > 350 CD4 cells/mm<sup>3</sup> (I<sub>2</sub>), HIV-positive individuals on ART (T), deceased individuals (D). <i>λ</i><sub><i>S</i></sub> denotes the force of infection, <i>λ</i><sub><i>I</i></sub> the immunosuppression rate, <i>λ</i><sub><i>T</i></sub> the treatment rate, and <i>μ</i> the compartment-specific mortality rate. All the compartments are sex- and age-specific.</p