3,412 research outputs found

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    Relativistic Precessing Jets and Cosmological Gamma Ray Bursts

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    We discuss the possibility that gamma-ray bursts may result from cosmological relativistic blob emitting neutron star jets that precess past the line of sight. Beaming reduces the energy requirements, so that the jet emission can last longer than the observed burst duration. One precession mode maintains a short duration time scale, while a second keeps the beam from returning to the line of sight, consistent with the paucity of repeaters. The long life of these objects reduces the number required for production as compared to short lived jets. Blobs can account for the time structure of the bursts. Here we focus largely on kinematic and time scale considerations of beaming, precession, and blobs--issues which are reasonably independent of the acceleration and jet collimation mechanisms. We do suggest that large amplitude electro-magnetic waves could be a source of blob acceleration.Comment: 15 pages, plain TeX, accepted to ApJ

    Scaling of Heteroepitaxial Island Sizes

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    Monte Carlo simulations of an atomistic solid-on-solid model are used to study the effect of lattice misfit on the distribution of two-dimensional islands sizes as a function of coverage Θ\Theta in the submonolayer aggregation regime of epitaxial growth. Misfit promotes the detachment of atoms from the perimeter of large pseudomorphic islands and thus favors their dissolution into smaller islands that relieve strain more efficiently. The number density of islands composed of ss atoms exhibits scaling in the form \mbox{Ns(Θ)∌Θ/⟹s⟩2 g(s/⟹s⟩N_s(\Theta) \sim \Theta / \langle s \rangle^2 \, g(s/\langle s \rangle)} where ⟹s⟩\langle s \rangle is the average island size. Unlike the case of homoepitaxy, a rate equation theory based on this observation leads to qualitatively different behavior than observed in the simulations.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX 2.09, IC-DDV-94-00

    Molecular gyroscopes and biological effects of weak ELF magnetic fields

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    Extremely-low-frequency magnetic fields are known to affect biological systems. In many cases, biological effects display `windows' in biologically effective parameters of the magnetic fields: most dramatic is the fact that relatively intense magnetic fields sometimes do not cause appreciable effect, while smaller fields of the order of 10--100 ÎŒ\muT do. Linear resonant physical processes do not explain frequency windows in this case. Amplitude window phenomena suggest a nonlinear physical mechanism. Such a nonlinear mechanism has been proposed recently to explain those `windows'. It considers quantum-interference effects on protein-bound substrate ions. Magnetic fields cause an interference of ion quantum states and change the probability of ion-protein dissociation. This ion-interference mechanism predicts specific magnetic-field frequency and amplitude windows within which biological effects occur. It agrees with a lot of experiments. However, according to the mechanism, the lifetime Γ−1\Gamma^{-1} of ion quantum states within a protein cavity should be of unrealistic value, more than 0.01 s for frequency band 10--100 Hz. In this paper, a biophysical mechanism has been proposed that (i) retains the attractive features of the ion interference mechanism and (ii) uses the principles of gyroscopic motion and removes the necessity to postulate large lifetimes. The mechanism considers dynamics of the density matrix of the molecular groups, which are attached to the walls of protein cavities by two covalent bonds, i.e., molecular gyroscopes. Numerical computations have shown almost free rotations of the molecular gyros. The relaxation time due to van der Waals forces was about 0.01 s for the cavity size of 28 angstr\"{o}ms.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Surrogate models for precessing binary black hole simulations with unequal masses

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    Only numerical relativity simulations can capture the full complexities of binary black hole mergers. These simulations, however, are prohibitively expensive for direct data analysis applications such as parameter estimation. We present two new fast and accurate surrogate models for the outputs of these simulations: the first model, NRSur7dq4, predicts the gravitational waveform and the second model, \RemnantModel, predicts the properties of the remnant black hole. These models extend previous 7-dimensional, non-eccentric precessing models to higher mass ratios, and have been trained against 1528 simulations with mass ratios q≀4q\leq4 and spin magnitudes χ1,χ2≀0.8\chi_1,\chi_2 \leq 0.8, with generic spin directions. The waveform model, NRSur7dq4, which begins about 20 orbits before merger, includes all ℓ≀4\ell \leq 4 spin-weighted spherical harmonic modes, as well as the precession frame dynamics and spin evolution of the black holes. The final black hole model, \RemnantModel, models the mass, spin, and recoil kick velocity of the remnant black hole. In their training parameter range, both models are shown to be more accurate than existing models by at least an order of magnitude, with errors comparable to the estimated errors in the numerical relativity simulations. We also show that the surrogate models work well even when extrapolated outside their training parameter space range, up to mass ratios q=6q=6.Comment: Matches published version. Models publicly available at https://zenodo.org/record/3455886#.XZ9s1-dKjBI and https://pypi.org/project/surfinB

    Self-Lensing Models of the LMC

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    All of the proposed explanations for the microlensing events observed towards the LMC have difficulties. One of these proposed explanations, LMC self-lensing, which invokes ordinary LMC stars as the long sought-after lenses, has recently gained considerable popularity as a possible solution to the microlensing conundrum. In this paper, we carefully examine the set of LMC self-lensing models. In particular, we review the pertinent observations made of the LMC, and show how these observations place limits on such self-lensing models. We find that, given current observational constraints, no purely LMC disk models are capable of producing optical depths as large as that reported in the MACHO collaboration 2-year analysis. Besides pure disk, we also consider alternate geometries, and present a framework which encompasses the previous studies of LMC self-lensing. We discuss which model parameters need to be pushed in order for such models to succeed. For example, like previous workers, we find that an LMC halo geometry may be able to explain the observed events. However, since all known LMC tracer stellar populations exhibit disk-like kinematics, such models will have difficulty being reconciled with observations. For SMC self-lensing, we find predicted optical depths differing from previous results, but more than sufficient to explain all observed SMC microlensing. In contrast, for the LMC we find a self-lensing optical depth contribution between 0.47e-8 and 7.84e-8, with 2.44e-8 being the value for the set of LMC parameters most consistent with current observations.Comment: 20 pages, Latex, 14 figures, submitted to Ap

    On particle acceleration and trapping by Poynting flux dominated flows

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    Using particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations, we study the evolution of a strongly magnetized plasma slab propagating into a finite density ambient medium. Like previous work, we find that the slab breaks into discrete magnetic pulses. The subsequent evolution is consistent with diamagnetic relativistic pulse acceleration of \cite{liangetal2003}. Unlike previous work, we use the actual electron to proton mass ratio and focus on understanding trapping vs. transmission of the ambient plasma by the pulses and on the particle acceleration spectra. We find that the accelerated electron distribution internal to the slab develops a double-power law. We predict that emission from reflected/trapped external electrons will peak after that of the internal electrons. We also find that the thin discrete pulses trap ambient electrons but allow protons to pass through, resulting in less drag on the pulse than in the case of trapping of both species. Poynting flux dominated scenarios have been proposed as the driver of relativistic outflows and particle acceleration in the most powerful astrophysical jets.Comment: 25 pages, Accepted by Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusio

    Radio Continuum Jet in NGC 7479

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    The barred galaxy NGC 7479 hosts a remarkable jet-like radio continuum feature: bright, 12-kpc long in projection, and hosting an aligned magnetic field. The degree of polarization is 6%-8% along the jet, and remarkably constant, which is consistent with helical field models. The radio brightness of the jet suggests strong interaction with the ISM and hence a location near the disk plane. We observed NGC 7479 at four wavelengths with the VLA and Effelsberg radio telescopes. The equipartition strength is 35-40 micro-G for the total and >10 micro-G for the ordered magnetic field in the jet. The jet acts as a bright, polarized background. Faraday rotation between 3.5 and 6 cm and depolarization between 6 and 22 cm can be explained by magneto-ionic gas in front of the jet, with thermal electron densities of ~0.06 cm**(-3) in the bar and ~0.03 cm**(-3) outside the bar. The regular magnetic field along the bar points toward the nucleus on both sides. The regular field in the disk reveals multiple reversals, probably consisting of field loops stretched by a shearing gas flow in the bar. The projection of the jet bending in the sky plane is in the sense opposite to that of the underlying stellar and gaseous spiral structure. The bending in 3-D is most easily explained as a precessing jet, with an age less than 10**6 years. Our observations are consistent with very recent triggering, possibly by a minor merger. NGC 7479 provides a unique opportunity to study interaction-triggered 15-kpc scale radio jets within a spiral galaxy.Comment: 18 pages, 21 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The XMM/BeppoSAX observation of Mkn 841

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    Mkn 841 has been observed simultaneously by XMM and BeppoSAX in January 2001. Due to operational contingency, the 30ks XMM observation was split into two parts, separated by about 15 hours. We first report the presence of a narrow iron line which appears to be rapidly variable between the two pointings, requiring a non-standard interpretation. We then focus on the analysis of the broad band (0.3-200 keV) continuum using the XMM/EPIC, RGS and SAX/PDS data. The Mkn 841 spectrum is well fitted by a comptonization model in a geometry more photon-fed than a simple slab geometry above a passive disk. It presents a relatively large reflection (R>2) which does not agree with an apparently weak iron line. It also show the presence of a strong soft excess wellfitted by a comptonized spectrum in a cool plasma, suggesting the presence of a multi-temperature corona.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Proc. of the meeting: "The Restless High-Energy Universe" (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), E.P.J. van den Heuvel, J.J.M. in 't Zand, and R.A.M.J. Wijers Ed

    Accretion Disks and Dynamos: Toward a Unified Mean Field Theory

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    Conversion of gravitational energy into radiation in accretion discs and the origin of large scale magnetic fields in astrophysical rotators have often been distinct topics of research. In semi-analytic work on both problems it has been useful to presume large scale symmetries, necessarily resulting in mean field theories. MHD turbulence makes the underlying systems locally asymmetric and nonlinear. Synergy between theory and simulations should aim for the development of practical mean field models that capture essential physics and can be used for observational modeling. Mean field dynamo (MFD) theory and alpha-viscosity accretion theory exemplify such ongoing pursuits. 21st century MFD theory has more nonlinear predictive power compared to 20th century MFD theory, whereas accretion theory is still in a 20th century state. In fact, insights from MFD theory are applicable to accretion theory and the two are artificially separated pieces of what should be a single theory. I discuss pieces of progress that provide clues toward a unified theory. A key concept is that large scale magnetic fields can be sustained via local or global magnetic helicity fluxes or via relaxation of small scale magnetic fluctuations, without the kinetic helicity driver of 20th century textbooks. These concepts may help explain the formation of large scale fields that supply non-local angular momentum transport via coronae and jets in a unified theory of accretion and dynamos. In diagnosing the role of helicities and helicity fluxes in disk simulations, each disk hemisphere should be studied separately to avoid being misled by cancelation that occurs as a result of reflection asymmetry. The fraction of helical field energy in disks is expected to be small compared to the total field in each hemisphere as a result of shear, but can still be essential for large scale dynamo action.Comment: For the Proceedings of the Third International Conference and Advanced School "Turbulent Mixing and Beyond," TMB-2011 held on 21 - 28 August 2011 at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, http://users.ictp.it/~tmb/index2011.html Italy, To Appear in Physica Scripta (corrected small items to match version in print
