45 research outputs found
Monitoring Environmental Trends In Levels of Influenza Virus and SARS-COV-2 in Prescott, AZ
Every year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and state health agencies collect surveillance data for cases of influenza. During the flu season of 2019, SARSCoV- 2, which causes the symptoms known as COVID-19, caused a global pandemic. In turn, the surveillance and testing data showed a dramatic drop in influenza case numbers compared to previous years. Influenza is one of the deadliest viruses in human history, so it seems unlikely that this drastic change would occur due to the emergence of a similar virus. This research is designed to show that the prevalence of influenza in the community of Prescott, Arizona is much the same as during most flu seasons and is comparable to the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2. To do so, environmental sampling of a gas station, courthouse, urgent care center, a Walmart and a university library was conducted to obtain a base-level of viral RNA present on various highly touched surfaces throughout the fall and winter viral respiratory season, which runs from October through April each year. RNA extraction to isolate the viral RNA present in the environment was performed. Levels of viral RNA present were quantified through real-time quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). The results of the RT-qPCR will be interpreted to quantify the levels of influenza and SARS-CoV-2 RNA present on the sampled environmental surfaces. This data will be compared to an analysis of the public health data throughout the 2021-2022 viral respiratory season
Large effective magnetic fields from chiral phonons in rare-earth halides
Time-reversal symmetry (TRS) is pivotal for materials optical, magnetic,
topological, and transport properties. Chiral phonons, characterized by atoms
rotating unidirectionally around their equilibrium positions, generate dynamic
lattice structures that break TRS. Here we report that coherent chiral phonons,
driven by circularly polarized terahertz light pulses, can polarize the
paramagnetic spins in CeF3 like a quasi-static magnetic field on the order of 1
Tesla. Through time-resolved Faraday rotation and Kerr ellipticity, we found
the transient magnetization is only excited by pulses resonant with phonons,
proportional to the angular momentum of the phonons, and growing with magnetic
susceptibility at cryogenic temperatures, as expected from the spin-phonon
coupling model. The time-dependent effective magnetic field quantitatively
agrees with that calculated from phonon dynamics. Our results may open a new
route to directly investigate mode-specific spin-phonon interaction in
ultrafast magnetism, energy-efficient spintronics, and non-equilibrium phases
of matter with broken TRS
Total Cost of Ownership For a Marine Fuel System
The modern marine fuel system have a vital part in preparing the fuel before it can enter theengines. Hard particles and water are removed and the viscosity needs to meet limitationsof the engines, to prevent damage. The cost for operating the fuel system and wear on theengine varies depending on how the fuel system are operated and on surrounding parameters.This thesis explains the cost impact of di erent parameters on the total cost for operating afuel system and aims to create a total cost of ownership model that also considers the costsfor systems connected to the fuel system.The total cost of ownership model includes capital expenses for the equipment and the operationalexpenses in form of; energy, service, sludge storage, water production, risk and alsoincreased costs on connected systems.The result of this total cost of ownership research shows that even if there are an increasedcost for operating the fuel system itself for highest performance will the total cost of ownershipwhen considering connected systems be lower. The user are therefore always recommendedto aim for maximum separation of hard particles to decrease the cost for enginewear and to lower the total cost of risk for a breakdown. The total energy consumption forthe fuel system can be decreased by up to 15% when variable ow control are used on thesupply pumps and meanwhile increase the separation eciency.Det moderna brÀnslesystemet har en viktig roll i att förbereda brÀnslet innan det kan förbrÀnnas i fartygets motorer. HÄrda partiklar och vatten avlÀgsnas, viskositeten mÄste ocksÄ  hÄllas inom motorernas tillÄtna grÀnser för att motverka slitage. AnvÀndare kostnaden för ett brÀnslesystem varier beroende pÄ hur det anvÀnds samt av vissa utomstÄendeparametrar. Den hÀr analysen av totala Àgandekostnaden Àr gjord för att kunna kopplakostnader pÄ kringliggande system ombord med hur brÀnslesystemet anvÀnds. Den totala Àgandekostnadsmodellen innehÄller inköpskostnader för brÀnslesystemet samt anvÀndare kostnaden i form av; energi, service, slamförvaring, vattentillverkning, kostnaden för risk och kostnaden pÄ kringliggande system ombord. Resultatet av analysen Àr att ökade driftkostnader för brÀnslesystemet kan motiveras i form av att kostnaden för kringliggande system sjunker nÀr brÀnslesystemet fungerar optimalt. AnvÀndaren kan dÀrför rekommenderas att alltid strÀva efter att fÄ ut den fulla potentialen för brÀnslesystemet för att spara in pÄ kostnader sÄ som motorslitage och risk för motorhaveri. Den totala energiförbrukningen för brÀnslesystemet kan förvÀntas sjunka med 15% om pumpar med variabelt öde anvÀnds till separatorerna samtidigt som separeringseffektiviteten öka
Was lĂ€sst LehrerInnen erkranken - wie bleiben sie gesund? : empirische Untersuchung ĂŒber Stresserleben und BewĂ€ltigungsmuster im Pflichtschulbereich in einem urbanen Umfeld
Zum PhĂchst auf theoretischer Grundlage zur aktuellen empirischen Stressforschung eine inhaltliche Auseinandersetzung zum Kontext der Berufsgruppe der LehrerInnen. Der Darstellung klassische Stressmodelle, folgt eine eingehende Auseinandersetzung mit der Beschreibung der kognitiv-transaktionalen Stresstheorie und den Auswirkungen von "Sozialem Stress" auf den Menschen. AuslĂsende Bedingungsfaktoren, das Stressgeschehen als Wahrnehmungsprozess und die bedeutsame Wirkung von PersĂnlichkeitsmerkmalen bestimmen das individuelle Stresserleben. Das Stress-Reaktionsverhalten stellt einen aufwĂltigung an den Folgen chronischer Belastung sichtbar wird. Die Erforschung zur Ausbildung von vier spezifischen Mustern mittels AVEM ("Arbeitsbezogene Verhaltens- und Erlebensmuster"; G:
"Gesundheitsmuster", S: "Schonungstendenz", Risikomuster A:
"SelbstĂberforderung", Risikomuster B: "Resignation") zeigt fĂr die Gruppe der LehrerInnen, dass hier ein hohes Engagement einhergehend mit zu geringer Widerstandskraft gegenĂber Belastungen erkennbar wird. Es ist notwendig, besonderes Augenmerk auf die VerĂndnis (Salutogenese) wird das individuelle Handlungspotenzial erweitert, eine positive Einstellung zum Selbst erworben, Integration, Autonomie, korrekte Wahrnehmung der RealitĂchliche Realisierung von Anforderungen ermĂglicht. Als Erhebungsinstrument wurde ein mehrteiliger Fragebogen zur Erforschung von Arbeitsbezogenen Verhaltens- und Erlebensmustern, Zielen und Motiven, Arbeitsbedingungen, aus denen Belastungen resultieren kĂnnen und eine Beschwerdenliste herangezogen. 219 amtierende PflichtschullehrerInnen und 62 LehramtskandidatInnen aus verschiedenen Schultypen wurden untersucht. Es zeigte sich, dass HauptschullehrerInnen den hĂchsten Anteil am Risikomuster A ("SelbstĂberforderung") und die geringste AusprĂrker belastet und ein erhĂhtes Belastungserleben fĂhrt nachweislich hĂhrdenden Verhaltens- und Erlebensmustern. Die besondere Bedeutung, die Schulleitung und Schulklima einnehmen wird ebenfalls deutlich sichtbar. Kann hier Anerkennung und persĂnliche WertschĂ$tzung seitens der Leitungsebene in Richtung Lehrpersonal kommuniziert werden, wird dies als gĂnstige Bedingung im unmittelbaren Berufsfeld wahrgenommen. Um Copingstrategien wirksam einsetzen zu kĂnnen, mĂssen diese ganz spezifisch auf die Berufsgruppe der LehrerInnen entwickelt werden. Widerstandskraft erzeugt Stressresistenz und der Einsatz eines ausgewogenen, persĂnlichen Ressourcen-Orientierungs-Managements wirkt unterstĂtzend.Concerning the phenomenon of psychological strain caused by stress, a theoretical approach to the occupational group of the teachers will initially be taken, utilising basic principals of recent empirical stress research. The depiction of classical stress theories is followed by a detailed characterisation of the cognitive-transactional stress theory, including a thorough discussion on the consequences of social stress on a person. Releasing conditions, the stress happening as a perception process and the important effect of personality characteristics dictate the individual stress experience. The way one reacts to stress represents an elaborate adjustment process to intrapsychological circumstances and the social surroundings, which, if one can not cope with them, manifest themselves as the results of chronic pressure. The investigation to develop four specific patterns using AVEM ("Arbeitsbezogene Verhaltens- und Erlebensmuster /work related behavioural- and experience pattern"; G: "Gesundheitsmuster /well-being pattern", S: "Schonungstendenz /indulgence tendency", Risk Pattern A: "SelbstĂberforderung /excessive self-demand", Risk Pattern B:
"Resignation") for the group of teachers shows, a high level of dedication together with too low resistibility in the face of pressure.
It is essential to pay particular attention to changes in the individual standard of action due to stress perception, as there are influences from the personal evaluation processes. Through a positive comprehension of well-being (Salutogenesis) the individual standard of action is enlarged, a positive attitude to the Self is achieved, integration, autonomy, a correct perception of reality and the actual realisation of tasks is made possible. As an examination tool a multiple section questionnaire for the investigation of work related behavioural- and experience patterns, objectives and motives, working conditions, from which strain can result and a complaint list was used. 219 active compulsory school teachers and 62 teacher candidates from different school types were questioned. It becomes noticeable that secondary school teachers hold the highest portion of Risk Pattern A "SelbstĂberforderung" (excessive self-demand) and the smallest fraction, forming the "Gesundheitsmuster" (well-being pattern). Teachers fifty or older find themselves more psychosomatically burdened and evidently higher strain frequently leads to behavioural- and experience patterns hazardous to ones health. The importance of the school administration as well as the atmosphere in the school also becomes apparent. The immediate working environment is enhanced if appreciation based on merit can be communicated to the teaching level. Coping strategies must be tailored to the occupational group of the teachers in order to functionally apply. Stress resistance is constructed through resistibility and the application of a balanced, personalised resource-oriented-management takes on a supporting role.Blackert-Gosch IrmaAbweichender Titel laut Ăbersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersKlagenfurt, Alpen-Adria-Univ., Diss., 2006KB2006 05(VLID)241490
Evaluation of Multi-Threading in Vulkan
Today processor development has a lot of focus on parallel performance by providing multiple cores that programs can use. The problem with the current version of OpenGL is that it lacks support for utilizing multiple CPU threads for calling rendering commands. Vulkan is a new low level graphics API that gives more control to the developers and provides tools to properly utilize multiple threads for doing rendering operations in parallel. This should give increased performance in situations where the CPU is limiting the performance of the application and the goal of this report is to evaluate how large these performance gains can be in different scenes. To do this evaluation a test program is written with both Vulkan and OpenGL implementations and by rendering the same scene using different APIs and techniques the performance can be compared. In addition to evaluating the multithreaded rendering performance the new explicit pipelines in Vulkan is also evaluated