20 research outputs found

    Slaugytojo ir paciento bendravimas: slaugytojų patirties tyrinėjimas

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    A good relationship between a nurse and a patient is considered particularly important in a nurse's professional path and one of the main components of good nursing. Effective relationships based on mutual understanding lead to patient satisfaction and the determination of individual nursing care measures. The patient tends to be more involved in his treatment process and to trust the health care professional. Aim. To assess the quality of communication between nurses and patients from the perspective of nurses. Methods. A quantitative study was conducted using an anonymous online questionnaire. Research participants are general practice nurses working in Lithuanian health care institutions (n - 231). The standardized questionnaire The Nurse Quality of Communication with Patient Questionnaire (NQCPQ) was used to collect research data. Results and conclusions. Nurses indicate that the higher quality of communication with the patient allows the patient to open up and speak more confidently about his illness (84.4%, n = 195) and at the same time the nurse can better understand the seriousness of the patient's health and communicate about it (84.0%, n = 194). High-quality communication between the nurse and the patient helps the specialist understand that the prescribed drug treatment is acceptable to the patient (80.1%, n = 185). Nurses can decide on the appropriateness of treatment for the patient based only on the patient's reactions (71.9%, n = 166) and nurses can only assess the patient's current state of health by observing the patient (68.4%, n = 158).The quality of communication between nurses and patients determines the ability of nurses to assess the patient's state of health, decide on the appropriateness of the prescribed treatment, and the quality of communication affects communication with the patient during procedures, hygiene and nutrition.Geri slaugytojo ir paciento santykiai laikomi ypač svarbiais slaugytojo profesiniame kelyje ir viena pagrindinių tinkamos slaugos sude-damųjų dalių. Veiksmingi ir abipusiu supratimu grįsti santykiai lemia pacientų pasitenkinimą paslaugomis, tinkamą individualios slaugos priemonių nustatymą. Pacientas linkęs labiau įsitraukti į savo gydymo procesą ir pasitikėti sveikatos priežiūros specialistu. Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti slaugytojų ir pacientų bendravimo kokybę iš slaugytojų perspektyvos. Tyrimo metodika. Atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas, taikant anoniminę anketinę apklausą internetu. Tyrimo dalyviai – bendrosios praktikos slaugytojai, dirbantys Lietuvos sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose (n – 231). Tyrimo duomenims surinkti naudotas standartizuotas Slaugytojų bendravimo su pacien-tais kokybės klausimynas (The Nurse Quality of Communication with Patient Questionnaire, NQCPQ). Tyrimo rezultatai ir išvados. Slaugytojai nurodo, kad aukštesnė bendravimo su pacientu kokybė leidžia pacientui atsiverti ir drąsiau kalbėti apie savo ligą (84,4 proc., n = 195), todėl slaugytojas gali labiau suprasti paciento sveikatos rimtumą ir komunikuoti apie tai (84,0 proc., n = 194). Kokybiškas slaugytojo ir paciento bendravimas padeda specialistui suprasti, ar paskirtas gydymas vaistais pacientui yra priimtinas (80,1 proc., n = 185). Apie gydymo tinkamumą pacientui slaugytojai gali nuspręsti tik iš paciento reakcijų (71,9 proc., n = 166). Be to, tik stebėdami pacientą, slaugytojai gali įvertinti esamą paciento sveikatos būklę (68,4 proc., n = 158).Slaugytojų ir pacientų bendravimo kokybė lemia slaugytojų gebėjimą įvertinti paciento sveikatos būklę, spręsti apie paskirto gydymo tinkamumą, taip pat bendravimo kokybė daro įtaką komunikacijai su pacientu atliekant procedūras, higieną ir maitinan

    Slaugytojų savivertės vertinimas jų pačių požiūriu

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    Investigation problem. The self-esteem of nurses in today's context is extremely important in order to ensure the provision of quality services to patients. It is noticed that low self-esteem prevails more and more often among specialists in various fields. It often becomes an obs-tacle in order to maximally implement the set goals of organizations and ensure high-quality services. Aim. To assess nurses' self-esteem from their own point of view. Methods. The applied method is an anonymous questionnaire survey. The standardized Rosenberg self-esteem assessment scale was used for the study. Subjects. General practice nurses working in hospitals providing secondary level care. Conclusions. After analyzing the data obtained during the study, it became clear that nurses usually had average self-esteem. It is observed that nurses with less work experience more often rate their self-worth as high. Also, the number of nurses with high self-esteem was among those who worked less than 1.0 full-time.Tyrimo problema. Slaugytojų savivertė šių dienų kontekste yra itin svarbi siekiant užtikrinti kokybišką medicininių paslaugų teikimą pacientams. Pastebima, kad tarp įvairių sričių specialistų vis dažniau vyrauja žema savivertė. Neretai tai tampa kliūtimi siekiant maksimaliai įgyven-dinti išsikeltus organizacijų tikslus ir užtikrinti kokybiškai teikiamas paslaugas. Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti slaugytojų savivertę jų pačių požiūriu. Metodika. Taikytas metodas – anoniminė anketinė apklausa. Tyrimui naudota standartizuota Rosenberg savivertės vertinimo skalė. Tiriamieji – bendrosios praktikos slaugytojai, dirbantys ligoninėse, teikiančiose antrinio lygio paslaugas. Išvados. Išanalizavus gautus duomenis paaiškėjo, kad slaugytojai dažniausiai turėjo vidutinę savivertę. Pastebima, kad slaugytojai, turintys mažesnį darbo stažą, dažniau savo savivertę vertina kaip aukštą. Taip pat slaugytojų, turinčių aukštą savivertę, daugiausia buvo tarp tų, kurie dirbo mažiau nei 1,0 etato krūviu

    An exploration of self-management support in the context of palliative nursing: a modified concept analysis

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    Background The role of self-management is often ambiguous, yet, it is an important area in clinical practice for palliative nurses. A clear conceptual understanding, however, of what it represents is lacking. Method This paper reports an analysis of the concept of self-management support in palliative nursing. Avant and Walker\u27s method was used to guide this concept analysis. A search of electronic databases (1990–2013), use of internet search engines and supplementary hand searching produced an international data set of reviews, empirical research, editorials, protocols and guidelines. Results Based on the analysis self-management support in palliative nursing has been defined as assessing, planning, and implementing appropriate care to enable the patient to live until they die and supporting the patient to be given the means to master or deal with their illness or their effects of their illness themselves. Conclusions Clarity with the concept of self-management support and palliative nursing could enable nurses to provide more patient and family centred care to people facing life threatening illnesses

    Lay and professional stakeholder involvement in scoping palliative care issues: Methods used in seven European countries

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    BACKGROUND: Stakeholders are people with an interest in a topic. Internationally, stakeholder involvement in palliative care research and health technology assessment requires development. Stakeholder involvement adds value throughout research (from prioritising topics to disseminating findings). Philosophies and understandings about the best ways to involve stakeholders in research differ internationally. Stakeholder involvement took place in seven countries (England, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway and Poland). Findings informed a project that developed concepts and methods for health technology assessment and applied these to evaluate models of palliative care service delivery. AIMS: To report on stakeholder involvement in the INTEGRATE-HTA project and how issues identified informed project development. DESIGN: Using stakeholder consultation or a qualitative research design, as appropriate locally, stakeholders in seven countries acted as 'advisors' to aid researchers' decision making. Thematic analysis was used to identify key issues across countries. SETTING/PARTICIPANTS: A total of 132 stakeholders (82 professionals and 50 'lay' people) aged ⩾18 participated in individual face-to-face or telephone interviews, consultation meetings or focus groups. RESULTS: Different stakeholder involvement methods were used successfully to identify key issues in palliative care. A total of 23 issues common to three or more countries informed decisions about the intervention and comparator of interest, sub questions and specific assessments within the health technology assessment. CONCLUSION: Stakeholders, including patients and families undergoing palliative care, can inform project decision making using various involvement methods according to the local context. Researchers should consider local understandings about stakeholder involvement as views of appropriate and feasible methods vary. Methods for stakeholder involvement, especially consultation, need further development

    Position paper on ethical, legal and social challenges linked to audio- and video-based AAL solutions

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    This publication is based upon work from COST Action GoodBrother – Network on Privacy-Aware Audio- and VideoBased Applications for Active and Assisted Living, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).In this position paper, we have used Alan Cooper’s persona technique to illustrate the utility of audio- and video-based AAL technologies. Therefore, two primary examples of potential audio- and video-based AAL users, Anna and Irakli, serve as reference points for describing salient ethical, legal and social challenges related to use of AAL. These challenges are presented on three levels: individual, societal, and regulatory. For each challenge, a set of policy recommendations is suggested.publishedVersio

    Post graduate public health professionals need assessment in terms

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    Šiame straipsnyje apžvelgti 2010 metais vykdyto tyrimo rezultatai tarp visuomenės sveikatos specialistų. Tyrimu siekta išsiaiškinti, kaip visuomenės sveikatos profesionalai vertina savo žinias įvairiose visuomenės sveikatos srityse ir kokias su moderniosios visuomenės sveikatos priežiūra susijusias profesines kompetencijas jie pageidauja pagilinti. Tyrimo objektas – Kauno, Šiaulių ir Marijampolės visuomenės sveikatos centrų bei jų filialų darbuotojai, taip pat Kauno bei Šiaulių visuomenės sveikatos biurų darbuotojai. Tyrimo metu buvo išdalinta 190 anketų. Anketas užpildė ir grąžino 148 respondentai (atsako dažnis 77 proc.). Rezultatai. Įvertinus respondentų podiplominių studijų kvalifikacijos kėlimo poreikį ir galimybes, paaiškėjo, kad tik puse (47,6 proc.) visuomenės sveikatos specialistų turi galimybę tobulinti profesinius įgūdžius. Visuomenės sveikatos specialistai didžiausią žinių trūkumą nurodė turintys šiose srityse: pagrindinių sveikatos priežiūros rodiklių interpretavimas ir vertinimas, epidemiologinių visuomenės sveikatos duomenų vertinimas, įvykdytų tyrimų analizė, sveikatos sistemos ekonominių rodiklių vertinimas. Kaip dažniausią būdą profesiniam raštingumui gerinti didžioji dalis visuomenės sveikatos profesionalų (69,2 proc.) rinkosi mažai patikimas priemones - įvairius seminarus ar tobulinosi savarankiškai (internetas, vadovėliai, kita literatūra).This article is an overview of a conducted survey among Public health professionals in 2010. The aim of the study is to examine how Public health professionals assess their knowledge in various areas of public health workforce and what new Public health-related professional competencies they wish to improve most. The object of research – Public health professionals of Kaunas, Siauliai and Marijampole Public health centers and their branches, as well as office workers of Kaunas, Siauliai and Marijampole Public health bureaus. There were 190 questionnaires delivered, 148 questionnaires were filled in and returned by respondents (response rate: 77%). Results. It was estimated that almost half (47.6%) of public health professionals have an opportunity to improve their professional skills. Public health experts indicated the greatest lack of knowledge at the following fields: the analysis and explanation (interpretation) of basic health indicators; public health epidemiological data evaluation; a research data analysis and health economic data assessment. As the most common method to improve the professional competence, 69.2% respondents chose a few trusty tools - various workshops or studied independently (internet, textbooks or other literature)

    Quality of Obstetric Services: Perspectives of Patients, Obstetricians, and Midwives

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    Objective. The aim of this study was to compare the perspectives of patients and health care staff on the quality of obstetric services in an obstetric department. Material and Methods. This study was carried out at the Department of Obstetrics, Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, where 68 obstetricians and midwives and 334 female patients completed anonymous questionnaires. Two different versions of the questionnaire for patients and health care staff were prepared with the aim to compare the results of both groups. Results. Patients evaluated technical quality of services significantly better than health care staff. Other items were showed to have no significant differences with the exception of sterility of equipment and premises and appearance of physicians. Patients and health care staff had similar opinions about professional relationship between patients and physicians: patients can expect representation of their interests and evaluation of treatment progress. Evaluation of external efficiency revealed that respondents were satisfied with health care and would recommend the current health care institution to their friends and relatives or would use it again when needed. Conclusions. Patients evaluated technical quality of services significantly better than health care staff. The different perceptions of patients and health care staff about functional quality and external effectiveness of services in most aspects were insignificant

    Nurse’s Role from Medical Students’ Perspective during Their Interprofessional Clinical Practice: Evidence from Lithuania

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    Background: Attitudes towards interprofessional education are key factors that shape students’ behaviour during interprofessional practice. An interprofessional approach to training and practice is “unique”, important, and challenging. Interprofessional education allows for a deeper understanding and analysis of problems from perspectives different to those of “us”. The aim of the study was to assess medical students’ attitudes toward the nurse’s role during their interprofessional clinical practice. Methods: This study used a descriptive, correlational design. Results: Lithuanian medical students were statistically significantly more likely to think that the role of a nurse was clear and transparent to other professionals and that nurses exuded a high degree of professionalism, sought a high degree of involvement with the patient, and built deep relationships with the patients. Foreign medical students were statistically significantly more likely to believe that nurses worked more effectively alone than in a team and that they worked with the patients within their own professional field of knowledge rather than referring patients to other professionals. Conclusions: After 6 months of interprofessional training with nurses in the hospital, medical students gain a more clear professional picture of the role of the nurse