3,059 research outputs found

    Production of Dry Table Wines Zooming Article

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    Paul Bjelland of Bjelland Vineyards pens this article published in Roseburg\u27s News-Review. Umpqua Valley, including Bjelland Vineyards, foresees a large expansion of dry table wine production from Cabernet Sauvignon to Pinot-Chardonnay. The article is accompanied by a photograph of Bjelland and Howard Hunsaker transplanting rooted grape stock into peat pots

    Quality Goal at Bjelland Vineyards Article

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    Paul Bjelland describes the current development at Bjelland Vineyards, as well as future objectives for the business. A photograph of Paul Bjelland accompanies the article

    Research Brief: Job-Mobility for People with Disabilities: Impact of Employer-Paid Health Insurance

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    As most employers appear to make decisions to offer EHI from an economic perspective, research has yet to demonstrate how such decisions could potentially contribute to higher turnover rates as indicated by job-mobility of workers, especially among employees with disabilities. This research brief describes the results from the analysis of large national survey data examining the relationship between employer-paid health insurance and the likelihood of job-change for people with and without disabilities

    Research Brief: The Role of Tasks and Skills in Explaining the Disability Pay Gap

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    A disparity in pay exists between workers with and without disabilities. This gap persists even in analyses that control for a variety of factors and incorporate compensation benefits other than wages and salaries. To better understand the underlying sources of these differences, occupation-level data on employee skill and task requirements are considered. Evaluating the earnings gap with this additional information provides insights regarding the economic returns to certain workplace tasks and skills that may contribute to the earnings gap that we observe for people with disabilities

    2008 Progress Report on the Economic Well-Being of Working Age People with Disabilities

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    This progress report on the prevalence rate, employment, poverty, and household income of working-age people with disabilities (ages 21-64) uses data from the 2007 and earlier Current Population Surveys – Annual Social and Economic Supplement (CPS-ASES, a.k.a. Annual Demographic Survey, Income Supplement, and March CPS). The CPS is the only data set that provides continuously-defined yearly information on the working-age population with disabilities since 198

    Dismembered: a memoir

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    This is a collection of creative nonfiction essays which address memory, memory loss, and the interruption of brain function and the difficulty in retrieval of memory due to traumatic brain injury, and other post traumatic injuries and diseases. These creative nonfiction works also investigate identity (in my case, my identity in my family and my race, which is Mètis), memoir, truth, and fact, and the many facets and elements that affect and define these. I attempt, and hopefully succeed, at speaking, not only in my own voice, but in the voices of loved ones, ancestors, voices and spirits--besides my own memoires--that have spoken to me in myriad ways throughout my life. I write about, with as much honesty and truth as I have so far learned, about my nationality and my family, which is Mètis or Aboriginal Canadian. Since my mother died very young, we lost touch with this identity, and so I have had to research much of what I have tried to represent here, and hope I have at least captured the essence or spirit of the Mètis people, the people who had become known as Canada\u27s forgotten people: a people fragmented, assimilated, marginalized--in essence, as I have titled this thesis, dismembered: dismembered like the fragments of my memories that I am still trying to put back together. But there is hope for the recovery of these memories, and hope for our people. This is what I would like to have the reader come away with here: not the tragedy or loss, but the hope, the survival, the strength of a people. Because, as Louis Riel predicted we would, we are rising once again-in our art, our song, our music and dance, and other creative endeavors, to become once more, The True Canadian\u27s

    En voldsom maktbalanse? : en studie av relativ makt og forekomst av partnervold

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    Studien undersøker sammenhengen mellom partneres relative maktforhold og utøvelse av partnervold. Maktbalansen i parforholdene defineres gjennom partneres relative utdannings- og inntektsnivå. Jeg skiller mellom tre typer partnervold: fysisk makt- eller voldsbruk, psykisk vold og både fysisk og psykisk vold. Studien viser at partneres maktforhold har liten betydning for hvorvidt det utøves utelukkende fysisk vold. Derimot øker risikoen for å utsettes for utelukkende psykisk vold hvis egen inntekt eller utdanning overstiger partners. Relativ makt har betydning for kvinners, men ikke for menns erfaringer med både fysisk og psykisk partnervold. Kvinner med høyere inntekt eller utdanning enn partner har en forhøyet risiko for å utsettes for denne typen partnervold

    Project Risk Management : a study on the risk management approach utilized by ConocoPhillips Capital Projects

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    Master's thesis in Risk managementThe oil and gas industry on the Norwegian continental shelf is currently experiencing a record-breaking activity level and optimism fueled by high oil prices and major new discoveries made during 2011. The total investments have been at an all-time high the last couple of years and it will most likely continue to rise due to the amount of modification and redevelopment projects, as well as new field developments. However, with every great opportunity there are normally accompanying threats that need to be managed in order to ensure success. In such a heated climate as experienced in the oil and gas industry, there are many potential pitfalls related to infrastructure development projects, which are best exemplified by the reported cost overruns and delays affecting the Yme-redevelopment project. This report asks the question whether the current risk management system utilized by ConocoPhillips is providing value in the execution of major projects by assisting the projects in steering clear of threats with the potential to cause serious cost overruns and schedule delays. To answer the question, a common background of knowledge related to project and risk management is outlined, before introducing ConocoPhillips as a company, the worldwide project organization and the Norwegian business unit. With the context set, an overview of the project development process is given before going more into the details on the risk management process, the risk analysis modeling and the way risk management is tied into the overall development process. Based on analysis of current practices, processes and internal requirements, it becomes clear that ConocoPhillips has an extensive and rigorous system set up in order to gradually mature projects until they are ready to be implemented. Risk management plays a key part in the development process where a lot of focus and resources are used to build highly advanced integrated cost and schedule risk models generating P50 values of both project cost and completion dates that are used for project sanction. The report comes to a conditional positive conclusion, where the risk management system in light of the overall development process is deemed to create value in its contribution of providing predictability in terms of project cost and schedule compared to the project premise. However, although predictability has an inherent value for the project owners and government, the full benefits of risk management are not being realized. To unlock the full potential of risk management at ConocoPhillips, this report makes recommendations intended to shift the focus of risk management from the current reporting and verification role, to promoting the use of risk analysis in the early concept-screening phase and in the wider context of value based decision-making that must take into account more than just cost and schedule uncertainty

    Peter Marcuse and Ronald van Kempen, eds. Globalizing cities: a new spatial order

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    Short-term hydropower scheduling at watercourses with flooding risks

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    MasteroppgĂĄve i energiENERGI399
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