107 research outputs found

    Power Loss Estimation of PV Modules Through IV-characteristics and Image Analysis

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    In this thesis a methodology utilizing IV-characteristics and image analysis to model power losses due to snow cover is presented. The objective of this dissertation is to investigate the performance of PV modules under different snow cover conditions by simulating and analyzing IV-curves. Additionally, investigating if image analysis could be useful in estimating snow cover, and could improve the modelled IV-curve power loss estimations. An IV-characteristics model in MATLAB Simulink was used to model situations with uniform and partial snow cover for different irradiance and snow depth conditions. The image analysis method was used to estimate PV module snow cover and used in combination with the IV-curve model to improve power loss estimations. It was concluded that the IV-curve model proved capable of estimating power losses due to uniform snow covers, but less effective in some partial snow cover situations. Including image analysis improved the power loss estimations in some cases, however, to improve the model accuracy additional factors must be included. The numerous model uncertainties that were identified has a certain impact on the model accuracy which should be investigated further. For further research it is recommended that the model is developed further to include and account for significant snow characteristics

    Preventiv varetektsfengsling av gjengangere : en juridisk oppgave

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    Bachelor i politiutdannin

    When methods matter : disagreement between multiplex qPCR and metagenomic shotgun sequencing in defining the resistome of canine fecal samples

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global health threat to humans and animals. It is of great importance to study and monitor the spread of AMR. This thesis intends to characterize the resistome in 35 canine fecal samples with bioinformatic tools using acquired shotgun metagenomic sequence data, and to compare the resistome results to those obtained using an extended multiplex qPCR method used in an earlier study. Fecal samples collected by dog owners for the HUNT-One Health project in addition to blank samples and mocks was analyzed. FastQC, MultiQC and Trim Galore were used for quality control and trimming of sequence data. AMRPlusPlus with MEGARes was used for AMR gene detection and resistome analysis. Only 8,2% of the AMR genes detected by qPCR were also detected in the metagenomic shotgun sequencing data. There were also AMR detections in the resistome that were not detected using qPCR as the corresponding detections accounted for 22,8% of the total detections made with the metagenomic shotgun sequencing data. Various factors such as extraction and detection method, sequencing depth, and different starting material could explain some discrepancy observed between the qPCR and resistome analysis. This master study does however tell a cautionary tale that resistome results vary depending on analysis method chosen, and that care should be taken when interpreting such results, especially if just one method is used. It would be valuable to have more starting material, increased sequence depth and use multiple resistome pipelines/databases in an effort to describe the “true” resistome better, as well as investigating taxonomic classification to study the bigger picture in the canine fecal microbiota.M-K

    Kunsten å drive en by – Kulturdrevet byutvikling i Kristiansand

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    Kulturbaserte strategier har blitt stadig mer brukt innenfor by- og stedsutvikling av planleggere og politikere over hele verden. Økt interesse for bruk av kultur og kreativitet som virkemiddel innenfor planlegging og byutvikling, krever en ytterligere forståelse for hvordan kultur påvirker utviklingen av et sted. Denne masteroppgaven er basert på en studie av kulturbasert utvikling i Kristiansand. Studien tar utgangspunkt i et gammelt havneområde, kjent som Silokaia, som skal transformeres til en ny urban bydel. På Silokaia har det blitt investert i og iverksatt en rekke kulturpolitiske strategier som har fått konsekvenser for utviklingen av dette området. Utviklingen på Silokaia gjør det viktig å forstå hvordan kultur påvirker utviklingen av et sted. Denne oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i følgende hovedproblemstilling: «Hvilken rolle og konsekvenser har kulturinvesteringer og kulturpolitikk for utviklingen av Silokaia i Kristiansand?». For å forstå forholdet mellom kultur og stedsutvikling har jeg formulert tre underproblemstillinger: (Ⅰ) «På hvilken måte forstås kultur i den lokale kulturpolitikken i Kristiansand?», (Ⅱ) «I hvilken grad er markedsøkonomiske verdier fremtredende for kultursatsingen i Kristiansand?» og (ⅠⅠⅠ) «På hvilken måte kan eksperimentell planlegging brukes for fremtidig utvikling av Silokaia?». For å underbygge mine diskusjoner, vil mitt teoretiske rammeverk være basert på teorier og begreper innenfor planlegging, kompleksitet, kulturutvikling og kulturøkonomi. I denne oppgaven ønsker jeg å reflektere og diskutere hvordan kultur som utviklingsstrategi kan påvirke hvordan vi forstår og utvikler steder på et lokalt nivå. De empiriske funnene i denne oppgaven er basert på kvalitativ metodikk. Jeg har gjennomført semistrukturerte intervjuer med 12 ulike aktører som er involvert enten med kulturutvikling og kulturproduksjon, eller by- og byplanlegging i Kristiansand. I tillegg er sekundærkildene som statlige strategier, organisasjonsdokumenter og nyhetspublikasjoner benyttet. Funnene i studiet viser at hvordan kultur blir forstått og tolket, påvirker dens funksjon i en stedlig kontekst. Faste holdninger og tilnærminger til hvilken funksjon kultur har innenfor kulturpolitikken i Kristiansand, får konsekvenser for stedsutviklingen på Silokaia. I lys av etablerte praksiser og diskursive holdninger kan eksperimentell tilnærming tilby alternative perspektiver og rekonstruksjoner av relasjonen mellom kultur og sted på Silokaia.Masteroppgave i geografiGEO350MASV-MEHAMASV-GEOGMASV-PHYGMPGEOG

    Et folkehelseperspektiv på elevenes psykososiale miljø i videregående skole : En tverrsnittsundersøkelse om elevenes opplevelse av klassefellesskap og lærerstøtte

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    Masteroppgave folkehelsevitenskap ME516 - Universitetet i Agder 2019Adolescents are an important target groupfor health promotion work. It’s duringthislife phasea lotdevelop mental illnesses andthe years through high school is formative to the years that follow. High schooldropout is a problem both tothe individual, as well as to the society.Young people who finish high schoolare more likely to be employed, have better health and less likely to be dependenton social benefits/ welfare. To increase the number of students finishing high school, more focus is being put on strengthening the relationships in high school. The relationshipsthe students have amongsteach other in school and the relationship they have to their teacher is what makes up the biggest part of the psycho social environment in school. I have therefore decided to researchthe following thesis: 1.In what degree are the student experiencing teacher support and classmate-support? a.It there adifference between the experience of teacher support and classmate-supportbetween the different groups of students? b.How does the degree of teacher support influencethe experience of classmate-support? To answer the thesis, I have analyzed questionnaire data from the COMPLETE-project, which collects information relevant to my paper/master thesis. This (the project) is an ongoing randomized controlled school-based study including 17 high schoolin Norway. The results suggest that the students reported a relatively high degree of agreement to both the experience of teacher support, as well as classmate-support furtherthat there were differences between some student groups. The analysis also show that the experience ofteacher support had a correlation with the experience of class-mate support. Key words: experience of teacher support and classmate-support, psychosocial environment, adolescence, high school

    “Vi hadde ikke klart det uten hverandre”. Ledelse av likeverdig samskaping

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    Denne masteroppgaven handler om ledelse av samskaping, med spesielt fokus på likeverdet i samskapingen. Problemstillingen er: Hvordan kan ledelse ivareta likeverd i samskaping? Samskaping viser til innovasjonsprosesser hvor fagfolk utvikler og produserer velferdstjenester sammen med innbyggere/brukere snarere enn for dem. Formålet er at alle berørte aktører jobber i likeverdige partnerskap for å finne nye og bedre løsninger. Dette krever en ny type ledelse. Samskaping kan slik forstås som et grunnleggende bidrag til utviklingen av framtidens velferdstjenester. I den norske velferdsmodellen hvor kommunene forventes å løse en stor del av velferdsoppgavene, kan dermed både evnen til å samskape, og evnen til å lede samskaping, være viktig framover

    Sustainability transitions in coastal shipping: The role of regime segmentation

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    Maritime transport has received little attention in sustainability transitions research. This sector is mature and heterogeneous, which suggests the need for a more nuanced perspective on socio-technical regimes to understand variation in conditions for adoption of novel technologies that may support sustainability transitions. We consider this important in order to develop more efficient policy to decarbonize the shipping sector. We develop a framework that explicitly differentiates task and institutional environment of user regimes, enabling us to identify regime segmentation and its influence on three key transition conditions: technology maturity and fit, system integration and infrastructure, and acceptability and legitimacy. We apply our framework to analyse development and uptake of battery-electric energy storage solutions within three segments (coastal ferry, coastal fishing, and offshore supply) of Norwegian coastal shipping. Our analysis suggests that the transition process unfolds along different pathways in different user segments, pointing to a need for segment-specific policy instruments.publishedVersio

    Selvbestemmelsesrett innenfor rammer av tvang – balansekunst i møte med tvangsinnlagte pasienter

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    Masteroppgave i klinisk sykepleie - Nord universitet 201

    Frå opposisjon til republikanisme : Politisk kultur i Øvre Bratsberg frå kring 1800 til 1905 og oppslutninga til republikanismen

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    Masteroppgave historie HI500 - Universitetet i Agder 201

    Norwegian ship-owners' adoption of alternative fuels

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    The shipping sector's rising greenhouse gas emissions are often considered “hard-to-abate”. Some ship-owners have recently adopted or started to consider the adoption of alternative fuels, but systematic studies of this are still lacking. We address this gap by studying how ship-owners differ in both actual and intended adoption of alternative fuels. We analyze data from a unique survey with 281 ship-owners in Norway, a major ship-owning country and center for maritime technology development, with descriptive statistics and analysis of variance. We find early adopters among large and established ship-owners in offshore, international cargo and domestic passenger shipping segments, which are often subjected to specific contractual demands for alternative fuel adoption. Laggards were typically small and young ship-owners operating in shipping segments where demands for alternative fuel adoption are weak. Our findings also suggest that firms' business strategy and financial and knowledge resources may have relevance for ship-owner's adoption of alternative fuels. Our study has implications for national and international policymaking, highlighting for example how contracting mechanisms can be an effective tool in incentivizing the adoption of alternative fuels.publishedVersio