59 research outputs found

    Age and leadership: comparisons of age groups in different kinds of work environment

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    Purpose – The purpose of this study is twofold. First, to compare the self-rated leadership behaviors, leadership-related competencies and results of the leadership of younger, mid-aged and older leaders; and second to compare these aspects among younger leaders in different kinds of the work environment and between men and women. Design/methodology/approach – Data was collected using the developmental leadership questionnaire from a sample of Swedish leadership course participants (N = 7,743). Findings – The results showed that the younger group of leaders (29 years old or younger n = 539), rated themselves more negatively than the mid-aged (30–50 years, n = 5,208) and older (51 years or older, n = 1,996) leaders. Analysis of the group of younger leaders showed that those working in the private sector scored most favorably. The gender comparison revealed that young male leaders scored higher on negative conventional (transactional) and destructive leadership behaviors. A logistic regression analysis of the younger group showed that social competence, developmental leadership and destructive leadership (negative) influenced self-rated results of leadership. Research limitations/implications – The study is based on leaders’ self-ratings only. Practical implications – The results can be used in leadership development contexts and in individualized coaching or mentoring programs. Originality/value – The results have new implications for leadership theory related to self-confidence, stereotypes, selection and organizational culture. Keywords Leadership, Work environment, Age, Theory-based measurement, Developmental Leadership Questionnaire (DLQ)publishedVersio

    Prevalence of toxin-producing strains and antimicrobial resistance in isolates of Staphylococcus hyicus from pigs with exudative epidermitis and from healthy pigs

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    Virulent strains of Staphylococcus hyicus produce exfoliative toxins and cause a potentially fatal skin disease in piglets known as exudative epidermitis. Vaccines and antimicrobials are used to control the disease. Antimicrobial resistance and the prevalence of several different toxin genes and toxigenic strains make it problematic. The aim of this literature study was to identify potential differences between countries and between healthy and diseased pigs regarding antimicrobial resistance and toxin-producing strains. Great differences could influence vaccine production, treatment strategies and surveillance programs. The prevalence of virulent strains were much higher in diseased pig isolates but were not uncommon among healthy pigs. No evidence for differences in the distribution of toxin genes between healthy and diseased pigs was observed but differences between countries were obvious. Some toxin genes were found to be dominant in certain countries. Differences in resistance patterns were seen between healthy and diseased pig as well as between countries but the antimicrobials with the highest resistance rates were almost the same in all observed countries. These findings show the importance of national and outbreak-related identification of the disease-causing strains to ensure that the most effective antimicrobial is used and that vaccines are produced from the right strains. More research is needed to follow the development but also to investigate why some pigs stay healthy despite carrying toxin-producing strains. There might be natural factors involved that could be used to prevent the disease and in turn decrease the need for antimicrobials in the future.Exsudativ epidermit är en potentiellt dödlig hudsjukdom som framförallt drabbar smågrisar. Hudskadorna orsakas av exfoliativa toxiner som produceras av virulenta stammar av Staphylococcus hyicus. Vacciner och antibiotikabehandling används idag för att kontrollera sjukdomen men resistensutveckling och förekomst av flera olika toxingener och toxin-producerande stammar försvårar arbetet. Den här litteraturstudien syftar till att undersöka skillnader i förekomst av virulenta stammar och antibiotikaresistens mellan olika länder samt mellan friska och sjuka grisar. Stora skillnader skulle vara av betydelse för vaccinproduktion, behandlingsstrategier och övervakningsprogram. Virulenta stammar kan isoleras från både sjuka och friska grisar men isoleringsfrekvensen är mycket högre hos sjuka grisar. Skillnader i fördelningen av toxingener mellan stammar från friska och sjuka grisar kunde inte påvisas men internationella skillnader var tydliga. Olika resistensmönster har observerats för friska och sjuka grisar inom begränsade områden och mellan länder men de innefattade i stort sett samma antibiotikagrupper. Forskningsresultaten styrker behovet av både nationell och utbrottsspecifik identifiering och analys av sjukdomsorsakande stammar. Detta skulle säkerställa att den mest effektiva antibiotika-behandlingen sätts in och att vacciner produceras från rätt stammar. Fortsatt forskning behövs för att följa utvecklingen men även för att utreda varför vissa grisar förblir friska trots att de bär på toxinproducerande stammar. Det kan finnas naturligt skyddande faktorer som skulle kunna användas i förebyggande syfte vilket i sin tur skulle kunna minska behovet av antibiotikabehandling i framtiden

    Sjukdomar och dödsorsaker hos kameldjur i Sverige

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    Camelids, especially alpacas, have increased in popularity during the last decade, with the result that they are more frequently encountered by field practicing veterinarians and pathologists. Knowledge regarding their health care and their diseases under Swedish conditions is, however, limited. This became clear in a postal survey among Swedish alpaca owners conducted in 2008. To improve knowledge about camelids in Sweden, this study has examined 107 necropsies, including 93 alpacas and 14 camels, conducted at the National Veterinary Institute (SVA) in Uppsala and at Eurofins in Kristianstad and Skara during the period 2001-2013. The study has shown that camelids in Sweden suffer from diseases similar to those previously reported in other countries in Europe and North America. The digestive tract was the most common organ system affected, with parasitic gastroenteritis and liver disease being especially prevalent. Perinatal deaths were also common, especially in alpacas where abortions and neonatal septicaemia were common causes. One interesting group of animals identified in the study was weaning alpacas of which the majority had died from emaciation during late winter or early spring. For adult alpacas and camels, causes of death were almost equally divided between medical and infectious causes. Many of the diseases were considered acute by the owners and veterinarians but were later shown to be chronic conditions that had become acute. This study has revealed similarities with camelid populations in other European countries as well as in North America regarding diseases but it has also identified some areas of concern regarding mainly diagnostic and pathological procedures for which specific applications have been listed.Kameldjur och då framförallt alpackor har ökat i popularitet i Sverige under de senaste tio åren vilket resulterat i att distriktsveterinärer och patologer allt oftare stöter på dessa djur. Kunskapen om kameldjurens sjukdomar och behandling under svenska förhållanden är dock begränsad vilket blev uppenbart efter publiceringen av en enkätstudie utförd bland svenska alpackaägare 2008. För att förbättra kunskapsbasen gällande kameldjuren i Sverige har denna studie undersökt 107 obduktionsfall inkluderande 93 alpackor och 14 kameler. Obduktionerna har utförts vid Statens veterinärmedicinska anstalt (SVA) i Uppsala och vid Eurofins i Kristianstad och Skara mellan åren 2001-2013. Studien har visat att kameldjuren i Sverige i stor utsträckning lider av sjukdomar som tidigare rapporterats hos kameldjur från andra länder i Europa och Nordamerika. Digestionsorganen utgjorde främsta sätet för sjukdomar där parasitär gastroenterit och leversjukdom var särskilt vanligt förekommande. Perinatal dödlighet var också vanligt förekommande, framförallt hos alpackorna där aborter och neontal sepsis var vanliga orsaker. En intressant grupp som identifierades genom studien var alpackor under avvänjning där majoriteten hade avlidit till följd av utmärgling under sen vinter och tidig vår. Bland vuxna alpackor och kameler var sjukdomarna relativt väl fördelade mellan medicinska och infektiösa orsaker. Många av fallen ansågs akuta av ägare och veterinärer men visade sig senare vid obduktion vara kroniska besvär som akutiserats. Studien har visat på likheter med kameldjurspopulationer i andra europeiska länder och i Nordamerika gällande förekommande sjukdomar men har också identifierat problemområden inom framförallt diagnostiska och patologiska metoder för vilka en lista med åtgärdsförslag presenteras

    Leadership through the subordinates' eye: perceptions of leader behaviors in relation to age and gender

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    Purpose The study represents a theory-based leadership approach in exploring the subordinate's perceptions of leadership behaviors in relation to age, gender and type of work environment. The aim was (1) to compare subordinates' ratings of their respective leaders' leadership behaviors based on of the leaders' age and gender, controlling for type of work environment and (2) to analyze the relationship between the subordinates' ratings of their leaders' leadership behaviors and their ratings of the outcome of these leadership behaviors. Design/methodology/approach Data were collected using the Developmental Leadership Questionnaire (DLQ) from a sample of Swedish leadership course participants (n = 10,869) and their respective subordinates (n = 97,943). The DLQ measures leadership behaviors designed to reflect the following leadership styles: developmental leadership, conventional-positive leadership, conventional-negative leadership and destructive leadership. Findings Results showed that older leaders (51 years or older) were rated less favorably than younger (29 years or younger) and mid-aged leaders. Female leaders received more positive ratings than male leaders. A 3-way analysis-of-variance showed strong main effects for age, gender, and type of work environment and no significant interaction effects. A significant model with high equivalents of R2 coefficients (Cox and Snell, 1989; Nagelkerke, 1991) was obtained in a logistic regression analysis. Developmental leadership and conventional-positive leadership made significant positive contributions to the subordinates' ratings of the outcome of their leaders' leadership behaviors. Destructive leadership behaviors contributed negatively to the outcome ratings. Research limitations/implications Weaknesses include the cross-sectional study design. The large sample size is a strength, and the results have novel implications for leadership theory related to subordinates' view on leadership. Practical implications Counter-stereotype age and gender findings may have implications for organizational decisions and processes regarding selection of managers. Development programs are suggested for all categories but for older, male leaders with a focus on reducing their use of leadership behaviors perceived negatively by their subordinates, whereas younger female leaders should be encouraged to continue to develop their positive leadership behaviors. Originality/value The theory-based approach on subordinates' perceptions of leadership behaviors with a simultaneous focus on age, gender and type of work environment, based on a large-scale data set, is new.publishedVersio

    Jämförelser mellan metoder för fastvolymbestämning av stockar

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    In 2008 a new method for automatic measurement of solid volume under bark (m3sub) of sawlogs was introduced in southern Sweden. In this method the diameters at 10 cm intervals are used, thus producing a section-wise volume (m3sub-sw). The scanners used are programmed to leave out bumps and indents when diameters are calculated. The objective of the study was to compare this method with two other methods used on the Swedish wood market; a) volume based on top and butt end diameters (m3sub-tb) and b) volume based on top end diameters and conversion factors to solid volume (m3sub-cf). The conversion factors are arranged as a matrix based on diameter and length of the logs. Volume m3sub-tb is the most widely used method for measuring m3sub in Sweden. M3sub-cf is partly used for payment but more widely for planning purposes, for example when the logs are priced as a cylinder volume based on top end diameter. The study was performed on spruce (Picea abies). The three different volume estimates as well as the diameters obtained from the log scanners were evaluated on 435 manually measured control logs from five different mills. For an additional 180 000 automatically measured logs from four of the sawmills the m3sub-sw and m3sub-cf volume estimates were compared. The results showed only minor differences between the methods. The volume m3sub-sw was, for the 180 000 logs, 0.6 % greater than the volume m3sub-cf. The analysis of the matrix for conversion factors showed that, if the matrix was to be revised, this should be done as slightly increased factors for small diameter logs and for big diameter logs. However, it was concluded that it would mean less implications for the wood market if the section-wise volume could be reduced to make this volume equal to m3sub-tb and m3sub-cf. This to achieve that all three methods, given a sufficient number of representative logs, would give the same volum

    Diseases and causes of death among alpacas in Sweden: a retrospective study

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    Background: Due to increasing popularity in Sweden during the last decade, alpacas are frequently encountered by practising veterinarians and pathologists. Knowledge regarding their health and diseases under Swedish conditions is, however, limited. Objectives: To improve knowledge about the health of alpacas in Sweden by collecting information on diseases and health status. Design: A retrospective study was made of 93 necropsies conducted on alpacas in Sweden during the period 2001–2013. Setting Data were obtained from the two major veterinary pathology centres in Sweden. The alpacas were hobby or farm animals and they were submitted by veterinarians in local practices or at a national animal healthcare organisation. Results: The digestive system was most frequently affected (29 per cent), with parasitic gastroenteritis (17 per cent) and hepatic disease being especially prevalent (15 per cent fascioliasis and 7 per cent hepatitis). Cardiovascular conditions (9 per cent), systemic diseases (7 per cent) and perinatal deaths were also common, including abortions (10 per cent) and fatal septicaemia (4 per cent). Wasting/emaciation was a frequent finding (26 per cent). Other diagnoses included dermatitis (8 per cent), diseases of the central nervous system (8 per cent), traumatic injuries (7 per cent), neoplasia (5 per cent), pneumonia (5 per cent) and nephritis (3 per cent). Conclusions: This study identified areas of concern regarding diagnostic and pathological procedures, for which specific measures have been recommended. One particular cause for concern was the number of deaths from emaciation in weanling alpacas during late winter or early spring. For adult alpacas, infectious and noninfectious causes of death were approximately equally frequent. Many of the diseases were considered clinically acute but pathology often showed them to be chronic conditions that had eventually deteriorated and presented as acute cases in the late stages. This study revealed similarities in the health/disease status reported in other European countries and in North America. The results can be used by alpaca keepers and veterinary practitioners to improve management, diagnosis and treatment of alpacas

    Att förebygga CVK-relaterade infektioner - en litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskans åtgärder

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    Bakgrund: Centrala venkatetrar förekommer idag inte bara på intensivvårdsavdelningar utan har även blivit en vanlig företeelse på vårdavdelningar där allmänsjuksköterskan arbetar. Med CVK följer risker för infektioner, både lokala och systemiska. Vårdrelaterade infektioner, specifikt kateterrelaterade sådana, är ett stort problem inom sjukvården och medför såväl ökade vårdtider som ökade kostnader. Allmänsjuksköterskan ansvarar för handhavande och skötsel av CVK och har därmed en nyckelroll i att förebygga infektioner. Syfte: Att sammanställa vetenskaplig litteratur rörande hur allmänsjuksköterskan kan förebygga infektioner hos patienter med CVK inneliggande på vårdavdelning. Metod: Den valda undersökningsmetoden var en litteraturstudie. Databassökningar utfördes i Cinahl, PubMed och Cochrane Library. Efter kvalitetsgranskning inkluderades tio vetenskapliga artiklar med kvantitativ metod. Resultat: Åtgärder för förebyggande av infektion sorterades in under fyra rubriker: desinfektion, utbildning, omläggning och teknik vid byte av koppling. Åtgärderna inom dessa grupper visades minska förekomsten av kateterrelaterad infektion. Konklusion: Klorhexidinlösningar, desinfektionsproppar, utbildning samt semipermeabla förband kan leda till minskad förekomst av kateterrelaterade infektioner hos patienter med CVK. Eventuellt kan ”non-touch”-teknik vara ett alternativ vid byte av kopplingar. Mer forskning krävs gällande sjuksköterskans förebyggande åtgärder utanför IVA samt en mer enhetlig forskning för att skapa tydligare riktlinjer.Background: Central venous catheters today are not only common in intensive care units but have become a regular phenomenon in wards where non-specialised nurses work. With CVCs comes a risk for infections, both local and systemic. Hospital acquired infections, in particular catheter-related infections, are a major problem in health care and cause prolonged length of hospital stay as well as increased costs. The general nurse is responsible for the handling and care of CVCs, and therefore has a key part in preventing infections. Aim: To compile scientific literature regarding how the general nurse can prevent infections in patients with CVCs on general wards. Method: The chosen method of investigation was a literature review. A literature search was undertaken using Cinahl, PubMed and Cochrane Library. Following a quality assessment, ten scientific papers with a quantitative method were included. Results: Measures to prevent infection were sorted under four headlines: disinfection, education, dressing care, and technique for line changes. The measures within these groups were shown to reduce prevalence of catheter-related infections. Conclusion: Chlorhexidine solutions, disinfection caps, education and semipermeable dressings can lead to reduced prevalence of catheter-related infections in patients with CVCs. A “non-touch” technique may be a possible alternative when changing lines. More research is needed regarding preventive nursing measures outside the intensive care units, as well as more unified research to create clear guidelines

    Att förebygga CVK-relaterade infektioner - en litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskans åtgärder

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    Bakgrund: Centrala venkatetrar förekommer idag inte bara på intensivvårdsavdelningar utan har även blivit en vanlig företeelse på vårdavdelningar där allmänsjuksköterskan arbetar. Med CVK följer risker för infektioner, både lokala och systemiska. Vårdrelaterade infektioner, specifikt kateterrelaterade sådana, är ett stort problem inom sjukvården och medför såväl ökade vårdtider som ökade kostnader. Allmänsjuksköterskan ansvarar för handhavande och skötsel av CVK och har därmed en nyckelroll i att förebygga infektioner. Syfte: Att sammanställa vetenskaplig litteratur rörande hur allmänsjuksköterskan kan förebygga infektioner hos patienter med CVK inneliggande på vårdavdelning.Metod: Den valda undersökningsmetoden var en litteraturstudie. Databassökningar utfördes i Cinahl, PubMed och Cochrane Library. Efter kvalitetsgranskning inkluderades tio vetenskapliga artiklar med kvantitativ metod. Resultat: Åtgärder för förebyggande av infektion sorterades in under fyra rubriker: desinfektion, utbildning, omläggning och teknik vid byte av koppling. Åtgärderna inom dessa grupper visades minska förekomsten av kateterrelaterad infektion.Konklusion: Klorhexidinlösningar, desinfektionsproppar, utbildning samt semipermeabla förband kan leda till minskad förekomst av kateterrelaterade infektioner hos patienter med CVK. Eventuellt kan ”non-touch”-teknik vara ett alternativ vid byte av kopplingar. Mer forskning krävs gällande sjuksköterskans förebyggande åtgärder utanför IVA samt en mer enhetlig forskning för att skapa tydligare riktlinjer.Background: Central venous catheters today are not only common in intensive care units but have become a regular phenomenon in wards where non-specialised nurses work. With CVCs comes a risk for infections, both local and systemic. Hospital acquired infections, in particular catheter-related infections, are a major problem in health care and cause prolonged length of hospital stay as well as increased costs. The general nurse is responsible for the handling and care of CVCs, and therefore has a key part in preventing infections. Aim: To compile scientific literature regarding how the general nurse can prevent infections in patients with CVCs on general wards. Method: The chosen method of investigation was a literature review. A literature search was undertaken using Cinahl, PubMed and Cochrane Library. Following a quality assessment, ten scientific papers with a quantitative method were included. Results: Measures to prevent infection were sorted under four headlines: disinfection, education, dressing care, and technique for line changes. The measures within these groups were shown to reduce prevalence of catheter-related infections.Conclusion: Chlorhexidine solutions, disinfection caps, education and semipermeable dressings can lead to reduced prevalence of catheter-related infections in patients with CVCs. A “non-touch” technique may be a possible alternative when changing lines. More research is needed regarding preventive nursing measures outside the intensive care units, as well as more unified research to create clear guidelines

    Omvårdnadskvalité för strokepatienter med kommunikationssvårigheter

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    Björklund, C & Du Rietz, C. Omvårdnadskvalité för strokepatienter med kommunikationssvårigheter. En intervjustudie: Sjuksköterskors upplevelse om påverkan på omvårdnadskvalité. Examensarbete i omvårdnad, 15 högskolepoäng. Malmö Högskola: Hälsa och Samhälle, Utbildningsområde omvårdnad, 2011 Bakgrund: Patienter med kommunikationssvårigheter efter stroke är en stor patientgrupp som är i behov av god omvårdnad för att förbättra patienternas återhämtningsprocess då de annars har en ökad risk för depression och dödlighet jämfört med de strokepatienter utan kommunikationssvårigheter. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att belysa sjuksköterskors uppfattning av omvårdnadskvalité för strokepatienter med kommunikationssvårigheter. Metod: Empirisk intervjustudie med sex informanter från avdelningar av neurologisk art på ett sjukhus i södra Sverige, med induktiv metodologisk ansats. Strukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer med öppna frågor utifrån en intervjuguide användes för datainsamling. Insamlad data analyserades med innehållsanalys med utgångspunk från Burnards 14-stegsanalys. Resultat: Tre huvudkategorier resulterade efter analys: omvårdnadspåverkan, etiska prioriteringar och förbättringsåtgärder, vilka visade att omvårdnadskvalitén blir påverkad vid vård av patienter med kommunikationssvårigheter jämfört med dem utan. Detta p g a brist på tid, utbildning, riktlinjer och hjälpmedel. Svårigheter vid samtal med patienterna upplevdes av samtliga informanter och de ledde till frustration hos både personal och patient. Att ge patienterna tillräckligt med information angående deras vård och omvårdnad var också ett problemområde. Majoriteten av informanterna uttryckte att en del etiska aspekter äventyrades i arbetet med patienter med kommunikationssvårigheter, som ansågs påverkas i omvårdnadsarbetet var samtycke, självbestämmande, kontroll över sin egen kropp, egen vilja och integritet. För att förbättra omvårdnaden för patientgruppen och därmed minska påverkan önskade informanterna mer utbildning, etablering av riktlinjer och mer tid till sitt förfogande. Slutsats: Mer utbildning och tid hade möjligtvis eliminerat en del svårigheter vid samtal, etiskt svåra situationer och ökat användningen av hjälpmedel. Nyckelord: kommunikationssvårigheter, omvårdnadskvalité, omvårdnadspåverkan, strokepatienter.Björklund, C & Du Rietz, C. Nursing quality for stroke patients with communication difficulties. An interview study of nurses experience of the influence of nursing care quality. Degree project, 15 Credit Points. Nursing Programme, Malmö University: Health and Society, Department of Nursing, 2011. Background: Patients with communication difficulties after stroke are a large group of patients who are in need of good nursing care to improve patients' recovery process, as they would otherwise have an increased risk of depression and mortality compared with stroke patients without communication difficulties. Aim: The purpose of this study is to illuminate nurses' perception of quality nursing care for stroke patients with communication difficulties. Method: Empirical interviews with six informants from departments with neurological nature in a hospital in southern Sweden were made. An inductive methodological approach was used. Structured interview with open questions based on an interview guide was used for data collection. Collected data was analyzed using content analysis with the starting point from Burnard 14-step analysis. Results: Three main categories resulted after analysis: impact of nursing, ethical priorities and improvement. The results showed that the nursing care quality is affected when caring for patients with communication difficulties compared with those without. This is due to lack of time, education, guidelines and tools. Difficulties in conversations with the patients were experienced by all informants. The difficulties led to frustration for both staff and patients, providing patients with sufficient information about their care and nursing care was also a problem area. The majority of respondents expressed that some ethical issues was compromised in the process of patients with communication difficulties. Ethical aspects that the respondents found influenced in nursing was consent, autonomy, control over their own bodies, their own will and integrity. In order to improve the care for the patient group and thereby reduce the influence the informants wanted more education, establishment of guidelines and more time available. Conclusion: More education and time probably had eliminated some difficulties in conversations, ethically difficult situations and the increased use of assistive devices. Keywords: communication difficulties, nursing influence, nursing quality, stroke patients