2,846 research outputs found

    Magnon-Phonon Quantum Correlation Thermometry

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    A large fraction of quantum science and technology requires low-temperature environments such as those afforded by dilution refrigerators. In these cryogenic environments, accurate thermometry can be difficult to implement, expensive, and often requires calibration to an external reference. Here, we theoretically propose a primary thermometer based on measurement of a hybrid system consisting of phonons coupled via a magnetostrictive interaction to magnons. Thermometry is based on a cross-correlation measurement in which the spectrum of back-action driven motion is used to scale the thermomechanical motion, providing a direct measurement of the phonon temperature independent of experimental parameters. Combined with a simple low-temperature compatible microwave cavity readout, this primary thermometer is expected to become a promising alternative for thermometry below 1 K

    Características do solo e de pastagens em sistemas de produção leiteira em Uruará, Pará.

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    A Physics-based prognostics approach for Tidal Turbines

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via the DOI in this recordTidal Stream Turbines (TST) have the potential to become an important part of the sustainable energy mix. One of the main hurdles to commercialization is the reliability of the turbine components. Literature from the Offshore Wind sector has shown that the drive train and particularly the Pitch System (PS) are areas of frequent failures and downtime. The Tidal energy sector has much higher device reliability requirements than the wind industry because of the inaccessibility of the turbines. For Tidal energy to become commercially viable it is therefore crucial to make accurate reliability assessments to assist component design choices and to inform maintenance strategy. This paper presents a physics-based prognostics approach for the reliability assessment of Tidal Stream Turbines (TST) during operation. Measured tidal flow data is fed into a turbine hydrodynamic model to generate a synthetic loading regime which is then used in a Physics of Failure model to predict component Remaining Useful Life (RUL). The approach is demonstrated for the failure critical Pitch System (PS) bearing unit of a notional horizontal axis TST. It is anticipated that the approach developed here will enable device/project developers, technical consultants and third party certifiers to undertake robust reliability assessments both during turbine design and operational stages.ETIEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Navigating the complex terrain of motivated behavior: a bibliometric and neuroscientific perspective

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    Over several decades, motivated behavior has emerged as a crucial study area within neuroscience. Understanding the neural substrates and mechanisms driving behaviors related to reward, addiction, and other motivation forms is pivotal for novel therapeutic interventions. This review provides a bibliometric analysis of the literature, highlighting the main trends, influential authors, and the potential future direction of the field. Utilizing a dataset comprised by 3,150 publications from the Web of Science and Scopus databases (“motivated behavior as query), we delve into key metrics like publication trends, keyword prevalence, author collaborations, citation impacts, and employed an unsupervised natural language processing technique – Latent Dirichlet Allocation – for topic modeling. From early investigations focusing on basic neural mechanism and behaviors in animal models to more recent studies exploring the complex interplay of neurobiological, psychological, and social factors in humans, the field had undergone a remarkable transformation. The last century has seen a proliferation of research dedicated to uncovering the intricacies of motivation, significantly enriching our understanding of its myriad implications for human behavior and mental health. This bibliometric analysis aims to offer comprehensive insights into this dynamic research area, highlighting the field’s key contributions and potential future directions, thereby serving as a valuable resource for researchers, and hopefully give a more thorough understanding of the research area

    Eficácia de Agentes Clareadores em Dentes Com Bráquetes Ortodônticos

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    Introdução: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar, in vitro, a eficácia do clareamento em dentes com bráquetes ortodônticos. Metodologia: Cinquenta incisivos bovinos foram aleatóriamente divididos em 5 grupos (n=10) de acordo com o agente clareador utilizado: Grupo A: controle (mantido em saliva artificial); Grupo B: Opalescence Boost (38% peróxido de hidrogênio; Ultradent Products, EUA); Grupo C: Power Bleaching (37% peróxido de carbamida, BM4, Brasil); Grupo D: Opalescence Treswhite Ortho (8% peróxido de hidrogênio, Ultradent, Utah); e Grupo E: 3D White Whitestrips Oral-B (10% peróxido de hidrogênio, Anderson Packaging, EUA). A mensuração inicial da cor foi realizada com espectrofotômetro (Vita Easyshade, Vita Zahnfabrik, Germany) e com a escala Vita Clássica (Vitapan Classical, Vita Zahnfabrik, Germany). Após a verificação da cor, bráquetes metálicos (Abzil Standard, Abzil, 3M) foram colados aos dentes e estes submetidos ao clareamento. Após, os bráquetes foram removidos e nova mensuração da cor foi realizada. Resultados: Houve redução nos valores de &#916;a e &#916;b, e aumento do &#916;L após o clareamento, para os clareadores testados. Os grupos B e E apresentaram diferença estatística significante em todos os parâmetros avaliados com o espectrofotômetro (p<0,05). Com a escala Vita Clássica todos os grupos apresentam diferença estatística em relação ao controle (p<0.05). Conclusão: Todos os agentes clareadores promoveram alteração de cor, após o clareamento, da porção dental coberta pelo acessório ortodôntico. Palavras-chave: Clareamento dental, Ortodontia corretiva, Colagem dentária, Estética

    Efeito das auxinas 2,4-D e TDZ na indução da embriogênese somática em Uncaria tomentosa a partir de ápice caulinar.

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o efeito das auxinas 2,4-D e TDZ na indução da embriogênese somática utilizando ápice caulinar de U. tomentosa

    Nanoscale NEXAFS for Probing TiO2 B Nanoribbons

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    TiO2 nanostructures exist in different crystallographic phases including brookite, anatase, rutile, and TiO2 amp; 8722;B bronze . Among these, due to its open channel like crystal structure which can enhance ion mobility, the TiO2 amp; 8722;B phase has been reported as an optimal anode material for lithium ion batteries, particularly in the form of nanowires [1]. In view of device applications, where different phases may coexist and TiO2 amp; 8722;B particles may transform to the thermodynamically stable anatase phase, it is important to identify and understand the structural and electronic differences between these two phases. Here we have studied the electronic structure of TiO2 nanoribbons in TiO2 amp; 8722;B and anatase phases using polarization dependent near edge X ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy NEXAFS in the transmission X ray microscope TXM and density functional theory DFT [2,3]. NEXAFS at both the O K edge and the Ti L edge is very sensitive to the local bonding environment in TiO2 based materials and thus provides diagnostic information about the crystal structures and oxidation states. We report the observation of strong linear dichroism in the O K edge spectra of single TiO2 amp; 8722;B nanoribbons. Using DFT calculations we show that the dichroism is a consequence of the directional Ti amp; 8722;O bonding in the monoclinic crystal structur

    Pictorial health warnings on cigarette packs and the impact on women

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    OBJECTIVE : To analyze the association between the pictorial graphic health warnings on cigarette packs and their impact on intention to quit smoking among women. METHODS : Population-based cross-sectional study among 265 women daily smokers in the State of Paraná in 2010. The sample size was calculated using cluster sampling. Participants were asked whether they had seen any pictorial graphic health warnings in the past 30 days, whether these warnings made them think about quitting, and intensity of these thoughts. The data was analyzed using logistic regression and the independent variables included age, educational attainment, whether they had children, whether they had attempted to quit smoking in the past 12 months, age of smoking initiation, number of cigarettes smoked per day, their town of residence, and how soon after waking do they smoke their first cigarette. RESULTS : Participants (91.7%) reported seeing the pictorial graphic health warnings in the past 30 days. Women with elementary education or below and women with some/complete high school education were more likely to think about quitting smoking after seeing the pictorial graphic health warningsthan women with higher education (OR = 4.85; p = 0.0028 and OR = 2.91; p = 0.05), respectively). Women who attempted to quit smoking in the past 12 months were more likely to think about quitting than women who had not (OR = 2.49; p = 0.001). Quit attempts within the last 12 months were associated with intensity of these thoughts (OR = 2.2; p = 0.03). CONCLUSIONS : Results show an association between pictorial graphic health warnings and intent to quit smoking among women with warnings having a greater impact among women with less education and who had attempted to quit smoking within the past year. Tobacco control strategies should be implemented across all groups of women regardless of their educational attainment.OBJETIVO : Analisar a associação entre as advertências gráficas nos maços de cigarro e seu impacto na intenção de parar de fumar entre mulheres. MÉTODOS : Estudo transversal de base populacional com 265 mulheres do estado do Paraná que fumaram diariamente no ano de 2010. O tamanho da amostra foi calculado por amostragem probabilística por cluster. As participantes foram questionadas se haviam visto as advertências gráficas nos maços de cigarro nos últimos 30 dias, se as advertências as fizeram pensar em cessar o uso do cigarro e em que intensidade. Os dados foram analisados usando regressão logística, e as variáveis independentes incluíram idade, anos de estudo, presença de filhos, tentativa de parar de fumar nos últimos 12 meses, idade quando começou a fumar, número de cigarros fumados por dia, cidade de residência e quanto tempo depois de acordar elas fumam o primeiro cigarro. RESULTADOS : Mais de 90,7% das participantes relataram ter visto as advertências nos últimos 30 dias. Mulheres que estudaram até o ensino fundamental ou médio apresentaram maior probabilidade de pensar em cessar de fumar depois de verem as advertências gráficas nos maços de cigarro do que mulheres com ensino superior (OR = 4,85; p = 0,0028 e OR = 2,91; p = 0,05, respectivamente). Mulheres que tentaram parar de fumar nos últimos 12 meses tiveram maior probabilidade de cessar de fumar do que as que não tentaram (OR = 2,49; p = 0,001). Nos últimos 12 meses, as tentativas de parar de fumar nos últimos 12 meses associaram-se à intensidade desses pensamentos (OR = 2,2; p = 0,03). CONCLUSÕES : Advertências gráficas nos maços de cigarro associaram-se à intenção de parar de fumar entre mulheres, sobretudo entre aquelas com menos anos de estudo e as que tentaram parar de fumar nos últimos 12 meses. Estratégias para o controle do tabaco devem ser implementadas para todas as mulheres, independentemente do nível de escolaridade.OBJETIVO : Analizar la asociación entre las advertencias gráficas en los paquetes de cigarro y su impacto en la intención de parar de fumar entre mujeres. MÉTODOS : Estudio transversal de base poblacional con 265 mujeres del estado de Paraná que fumaron diariamente en el año de 2010. El tamaño de la muestra fue calculada por muestreo probabilístico por cluster. Las participantes fueron interrogadas si habían visto advertencias gráficas en los paquetes de cigarro en los últimos 30 días, si las advertencias les hicieron pensar en dejar de usar el cigarro y en qué intensidad. Los datos fueron analizados usando regresión logística y las variables independientes incluyeron edad, años de estudio, presencia de hijos, intento de parar de fumar en los últimos 12 meses, edad cuando comenzó a fumar, número de cigarros fumados por día, ciudad de residencia y cuanto tiempo después de despertarse, ellas fuman el primer cigarro. RESULTADOS : Cerca de 91,7% de las participantes mencionaron haber visto las advertencias en los últimos 30 días. Mujeres que estudiaron hasta la primaria o secundaria, presentaron mayor probabilidad de pensar en parar de fumar después de ver las advertencias gráficas en los paquetes de cigarro en comparación con mujeres con educación superior (OR = 4,85; p = 0,0028 e OR = 2,91; p = 0,05, respectivamente). Mujeres que trataron de parar de fumar en los últimos 12 meses tuvieron mayor probabilidad de dejar el cigarro en comparación con las que no lo intentaron (OR = 2,49; p = 0,001). En los últimos 12 meses, los intentos de parar de fumar en ese período, se asociaron con la intensidad de tales pensamientos (OR = 2,2; p = 0,03).  CONCLUSIONES : Advertencias gráficas en los paquetes de cigarro se asociaron con la intención de dejar de fumar entre mujeres, principalmente, entre aquellas con menos años de estudio y las que intentaron parar de fumar en los últimos 12 meses. Estrategias para el control del tabaco deben ser implementadas en todas las mujeres, independientemente del nivel de escolaridad
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