73 research outputs found

    Clinical evaluation of the operative microscope use in the treatment of gingival recessions with the subepithelial connective tissue graft

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    Orientadores: Marcio Zaffalon Casati, Enilson Antonio SallumTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: O objetivo deste estudo clínico contralado foi avaliar a utilização do microscópio operatório no tratamento de recessões gengivais com a técnica de enxerto conjuntivo supepitelial (ECS). Foram selecionados 24 pacientes com recessões gengivais bilaterais = 2,0 mm, classe I ou II de Miller, localizadas em caninos ou pré-molares superiores ¿Observação: O resumo, na íntegra poderá ser visualizado no texto completo da tese digital.Abstract: The purpose of this controlled clinical trial was to evaluate the use of a surgical microscope in the treatment of gingival recessions witch the subepithelial connective tissue graft (SCG) technique. Twenty-four patients witch bilateral Miller's Class I or II buccal gingival recessions of > 2.0 mm in canines or premolars were selected ...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations.DoutoradoPeriodontiaDoutor em Clínica Odontológic

    Stress distribution of multiple implant-supported prostheses : Photoelastic and strain gauge analyses of external hexagon and morse taper connections

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    To evaluate the stress distribution of three-element prostheses on two different implant systems (External Hexagon (EH) or Morse Taper (MT)) and with two different retention mechanisms (screw-retained or cemented), by photoelastic analysis and strain gau


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    In order to observe the diapause of the oriental fruit moth during the dormant period of peach trees, G. molesta adults and caterpillars were monitored in four ‘Chimarrita’ peach orchards, between April and August 2006, in Araucária, PR, Brazil. Adults were monitored with two Delta traps per orchard; in addition, two traps were installed in a forest patch near one of the orchards, located 100 m away from the peach trees, to observe the occurrence of moth catches out of the orchard. Caterpillars were monitored with strip traps installed in thirty plants per orchard, and in plants that could serve as alternative hosts for the insect; also, the recesses on the trunks and primary branches were inspected visually. The Delta traps revealed the occurrence of oriental fruit moth adults in the orchards during the peach dormancy period; however, no captures occurred in traps placed in the forest. No G. molesta caterpillars were found in the strip traps or in the visual analyses of peach trees and plants that could serve as alternative hosts.Com o objetivo de verificar a existência de diapausa da mariposa-oriental durante a dormência do pessegueiro, foram monitorados adultos e lagartas de G. molesta em quatro pomares de pessegueiro ‘Chimarrita’, entre abril e agosto de 2006, em Araucária, PR. O monitoramento de adultos foi feito por meio de duas armadilhas Delta por pomar, e próximo a um dos pomares foram instaladas duas armadilhas na mata, distantes 100 m dos pessegueiros, para verificar a ocorrência de capturas do inseto fora do pomar. O monitoramento de lagartas foi feito com cintas-armadilhas, instaladas em trinta plantas por pomar, e em plantas que poderiam atuar como hospedeiras alternativas do inseto, além da realização de análises visuais nas reentrâncias dos troncos e ramos primários. As armadilhas Delta revelaram a ocorrência de adultos da mariposa-oriental nos pomares no período de dormência do pessegueiro, entretanto, nas armadilhas localizadas na mata, não ocorreram capturas. Não foram encontradas lagartas de G. molesta nas cintas-armadilha, bem como nas análises visuais nos pessegueiros e nas plantas que poderiam atuar como hospedeiras alternativas

    Economical aspects of the productive chain of bromeliads in the Metropolitan Area of Curitiba and the coastal region of Parana state

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    Economical aspects of the productive chain of bromeliads in the Metropolitan Area of Curitiba and the coastal region of Parana state. The bromeliads occur all along Brazilian territory, with highest diversity in the atlantic forest area, between the states of Parana and Bahia. The family is constituted of 54 genera and approximately 2663 species where about 70% of the genera and 40% of the species occur in Brazil. Questionnaires were applied to bromeliad extractors, producers and wholesalers with the objective of obtaining economical data. From these data the index of gross commercialization margins and markup of commercialization were calculated. We also built a flow concerning all the actors that compose the marketing chain. The obtained results indicate that most of the profitability of this chain is appropriate by the middlemen, mainly the wholesalers. Conservation techniques of cultivation as well as understanding campaigns with the consumers should be developed for an increase of the production and consequently a reduction in the predatory extraction of bromeliads in the forest remainders areas of the Parana state.Aspectos econômicos da cadeia produtiva das bromélias na Região Metropolitana de Curitiba e litoral paranaense. As bromélias ocorrem em todas as regiões do Brasil, com maior diversidade na região de Floresta Atlântica, entre os estados do Paraná e Bahia. Dos 54 gêneros e cerca de 2.663 espécies que constituem essa família, cerca de 40% dos gêneros e 70% das espécies ocorrem no Brasil. Do ponto de vista metodológico, foi primeiramente realizada uma pesquisa de campo, na qual foram aplicados questionários junto a extratores, produtores e comerciantes de bromélias na grande Curitiba e litoral paranaense, a fim de coletar dados econômicos. A partir desses dados, foram calculadas a Margem Bruta e o Markup de comercialização. Também foi construído o fluxograma que representa os diversos elos que compõem a cadeia produtiva desse produto florestal não-madeirável. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a maior parte da lucratividade dessa cadeia é apropriada pelos intermediários, principalmente os atacadistas. Técnicas de conservação, de cultivo, assim como campanhas de conscientização com o público consumidor devem ser desenvolvidas para que ocorra um aumento da produção e conseqüentemente uma redução na extração predatória de bromélias nas áreas florestais remanescentes do estado do Paraná

    Efeito de uma única sessão de controle de placa supragengival nos parâmetros clínicos e bioquímicos da periodontite crônica

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    Supragingival plaque control is a requisite for the success of any periodontal procedure. However, little is know about the effect of this procedure alone on periodontitis. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of supragingival plaque control on clinical and biochemical parameters of chronic periodontitis. Twenty-five subjects exhibiting at least 4 pockets >; 5mm, non-smokers and with no relevant systemic diseases, were selected for the study. The clinical and biochemical assessments were done before and 21 days after removal of plaque retentive factors, extraction of affected teeth and instruction in oral hygiene. The statistical analysis was done with the Student paired t-test (pO objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do controle de placa supragengival sobre os parâmetros clínicos e bioquímicos da periodontite crônica. Foram selecionados 25 pacientes apresentando pelo menos 4 sítios com profundidade de sondagem >; 5 mm, não fumantes e sem alterações sistêmicas relevantes. A avaliação clínica e bioquímica foi feita antes e 21 dias após a remoção dos fatores retentivos de placa, exodontia dos dentes condenados e instrução de higiene bucal. A análise estatística foi feita através do teste t de Student pareado (

    Non-surgical instrumentation associated with povidone-iodine in the treatment of interproximal furcation involvements

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this controlled clinical trial was to evaluate the effect of topically applied povidone-iodine (PVP-I) used as an adjunct to non-surgical treatment of interproximal class II furcation involvements. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty-two patients presenting at least one interproximal class II furcation involvement that bled on probing with probing pocket depth (PPD) >;5 mm were recruited. Patients were randomly chosen to receive either subgingival instrumentation with an ultrasonic device using PVP-I (10%) as the cooling liquid (test group) or identical treatment using distilled water as the cooling liquid (control group). The following clinical outcomes were evaluated: visible plaque index, bleeding on probing (BOP), position of the gingival margin, relative attachment level (RAL), PPD and relative horizontal attachment level (RHAL). BAPNA (N-benzoyl-L-arginine-p-nitroanilide) testing was used to analyze trypsin-like activity in dental biofilm. All parameters were evaluated at baseline and 1, 3 and 6 months after non-surgical subgingival instrumentation. RESULTS: Six months after treatment, both groups had similar means of PPD reduction, RAL and RHAL gain (p>;0.05). These variables were, respectively, 2.20±1.10 mm, 1.27±1.02 mm and 1.33±0.85 mm in the control group and 2.67±1.21 mm, 1.50±1.09 mm and 1.56±0.93 mm in the test group. No difference was observed between groups at none of the posttreatment periods, regarding the number of sites showing clinical attachment gain >;2 mm. However, at 6 months posttreatment, the test group presented fewer sites with PPD >;5 mm than the control group. Also at 6 months the test group had lower BAPNA values than control group. CONCLUSION: The use of PVP-I as an adjunct in the non-surgical treatment of interproximal class II furcation involvements provided limited additional clinical benefits


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    The oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta, is one of the main pest of fruit trees from tempered climate, damaging fruits and shoots of stone and pome fruits. Currently the monitoring of this insect is made with synthetic pheromone traps, however, it is not registered for use in the State of the Paraná. The objective of this work was to compare the attractiveness of the synthetic sexual pheromone of G. molesta with the pheromone produced by virgin females reared in laboratory conditions. The experiment was carried out in Porto Amazonas, PR, in an orchard of ‘Imperial Gala' apple trees, where synthetic BioGrapholita® and virgin females had been installed in Delta traps. The traps with synthetic sexual pheromone were more efficient, capturing more than 90% of the moth.A mariposa-oriental, Grapholita molesta, é uma das principais pragas das fruteiras de clima temperado, danificando frutos e brotações de pomáceas e de fruteiras de caroço. Atualmente o monitoramento desse inseto é feito com armadilhas contendo feromônios sintéticos, entretanto, não há registro para uso no Estado do Paraná. O objetivo deste experimento foi comparar a atratividade do feromônio sexual sintético de G. molesta com o produzido por fêmeas criadas em laboratório. O experimento foi realizado em um pomar de macieiras ‘Imperial Gala’, em Porto Amazonas, PR, onde foram instaladas armadilhas Delta com feromônio sexual sintético BioGrapholita® e com fêmeas virgens de G. molesta. As armadilhas com feromônio sexual sintético foram mais eficientes, com mais de 90% das mariposas capturadas


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    The Oriental fruit moth is an important pest of peach and apple orchards, once it is able to move among the orchards in search of hosts. The aim of this work was to check the connectedness of G. molesta population between peach and apple orchards. Pheromone traps were installed in the orchard of peaches ‘Chimarrita’ and the orchard of apples ‘Eva’ and in the orchard of peaches ‘Texano’ and the orchard of apples ‘Eva’. Connectedness was not verified among the populations of the orchards ‘Chimarrita ‘ and ‘Eva ‘, while the populations of the orchards ‘Texano ‘ and ‘Eva ‘ behaved as one.A mariposa-oriental, Grapholita molesta é uma importante praga para as culturas do pessegueiro e macieira, podendo deslocar-se entre pomares em busca de hospedeiros. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a conexidade populacional de G. molesta entre pomares de pessegueiro e macieira. Foram instaladas armadilhas com feromônio entre um pomar de pessegueiros ‘Chimarrita’ e um pomar de macieiras ‘Eva’ e entre um pomar de pessegueiros ‘Texano’ e um pomar de macieiras ‘Eva’. Não se verificou conexidade entre as populações dos pomares ‘Chimarrita’ e ‘Eva’, enquanto que as populações dos pomares ‘Texano’ e ‘Eva’ comportaram-se como uma só

    Stress distribution in fixed mandibular prostheses fabricated by CAD/CAM and conventional techniques : photoelastic and strain gauge analyses

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution of stress in complete fixed mandibular prostheses with infrastructures (IE) fabricated with different materials and techniques, under compressive force. A model of an edentulous mandible, which received five 4x11 mm external hexagon implants between the mental foramens, was fabricated. The groups were divided into: Group I - IE in nickel-chromium with an acrylic resin occlusal coating; Group II ? IE in nickel-chromium with a ceramic occlusal coating; Group III ? IE milled in zirconia with a ceramic coating. For the photoelastic methodology, 70 N axial loads were applied in three regions. Photographic images were taken and analyzed according to the number of high-intensity fringes. For the strain gauge methodology, the measurement of stresses was performed in two distinct regions. The same compression tests described earlier were then performed. The registered stress values were grouped in tables and submitted to two-factor variance analysis (ANOVA) and the Tukey test with 5% significance. The results of the two methodologies demonstrated smaller stress values for Group I, when compared to the other groups. It was possible to conclude that the complete fixed prostheses, with infrastructures cast in metal and acrylic occlusal coating, demonstrated better biomechanical results