132 research outputs found

    Interview with Thomas Wolf, December 29, 1994 & August 9, 1995

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    Thomas Wolf was interviewed on December 29, 1994 & August 9, 1995 by Michael J. Birkner & David Hedrick about his service in World War II and involvement in the Nixon administration. He discusses his role in the Air Force Counterintelligence Corps during World War II, and his work with several government agencies, such as the Citizens of Eisenhower and the Office of Economic Opportunity. Wolf also describes the Watergate Scandal and his participation in the trial. Length of Interview: 92 Minutes (Part 1), 47 Minutes (Part 2) Collection Note: This oral history was selected from the Oral History Collection maintained by Special Collections & College Archives. Transcripts are available for browsing in the Special Collections Reading Room, 4th floor, Musselman Library. GettDigital contains the complete listing of oral histories done from 1978 to the present. To view this list and to access selected digital versions please visit -- http://gettysburg.cdmhost.com/cdm/landingpage/collection/p16274coll

    El Zollverein ibérico. Análisis de los proyectos de unión aduanera hispano-portuguesa en la prensa de Madrid (1850-1867)

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    En este artículo se lleva a cabo un análisis de los mensajes periodísticos favorables a la creación de una unión aduanera entre España y Portugal publicados a mediados del siglo XIX en la prensa de Madrid. Para ello se sigue un modelo interpretativo derivado del análisis del discurso, centrado en desvelar las estrategias argumentativas esgrimidas en los textos periodísticos para establecer los objetivos perseguidos por los partidarios de la unión aduanera ibérica. Los resultados de este análisis ponen de manifiesto la importancia que cobraron en la España de la época ciertos proyectos de unión aduanera para el conjunto del territorio ibérico, los cuales tomaban como modelo explícito, sobre todo en sus inicios, el Zollverein alemán: la unión aduanera y comercial liderada por Prusia. Así, en base a los documentos analizados se puede afirmar la destacada significación que los planes de Zollverein ibérico tuvieron en el marco de desarrollo del iberismo.This  paper  analyses  the  messages  published  in  the  mid-­‐nineteenth  century   Madrid  press  in  support  of  the  setting  of  a  customs  union  between  Spain  and  Portugal.   To  this  end,  an  interpretative  model  derived  from  discourse  analysis  is  applied,  focused   on  establishing  relations  between  the  keywords  used  by  newspapers,  textual  message   content  and  context  of  the  historical-­‐political  period.  The  results  of  this  analysis  show   the  importance  that  certain  Iberian  customs  union  projects  gained  in  Spain,  and  how   these  projects  took  as  an  explicit  model,  especially  in  the  first  years,  the  German   Zollverein,  i.e.,  the  customs  and  trade  union  led  by  Prussia.  Thus,  based  on  the  analysed   documents,  we  can  confirm  the  outstanding  importance  that  Iberian  Zollverein  plans   had  in  the  development  of  Iberianism.

    „Das Wort hat die Frau Bundeskanzlerin“ – Ist die Medialisierung der Politik in Regierungserklärungen messbar? Chancen und Grenzen der automatisierten Inhaltsanalyse von politischer Kommunikation am Beispiel von Regierungserklärungen deutscher Bundeskanzler*innen von 1949 bis 2021

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    Die Medialisierung der Politik ist ein bedeutendes Forschungsfeld der Kommunikationswissenschaft. Das Prozessuale des Begri!s wird jedoch bislang in der Forschung wenig adressiert, auch weil sich der empirische Nachweis von Medialisierung im Zeitverlauf sehr anspruchsvoll gestaltet. Der vorliegende Beitrag lenkt den Blick auf die höchste Regierungsebene, die bislang nicht im Zentrum von Studien zur Medialisierung der Politik stand, aber international durch Personen wie Putin, Trump oder Erdogan deutlich an Aufmerksamkeit gewonnen hat. Der empirische Zugang erfolgt mittels einer automatisierten Inhaltsanalyse von Regierungserklärungen der bundesdeutschen Kanzler und der Kanzlerin von 1949 bis 2021. Durch dieses distant reading können Strukturen in den Regierungserklärungen der vergangenen 73 Jahre o!engelegt werden, ebenso aber auch die Schwächen einer rein quantitativenMessung von Medialisierung. Denn den Möglichkeiten der quantitativen Erhebung stehen Grenzen der Interpretation gegenüber. Auf der Basis einer historischen Kontextualisierung der „Medienkanzler*innen“ wird eine zukünftige Erweiterung des distant reading der automatisierten Inhaltsanalyse um ein intensives close reading der Reden vorgeschlagen.&nbsp

    Listen! Let me tell you a story: True Crime-Berichterstattung in Podcasts

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    Diese Studie untersucht deutsche True Crime-Podcasts unter Einbezug der Nachrichtenwert-theorie sowie des Qualitätsbegriffs im Journalismus. Mit einer explorativen, qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse von neun Folgen aus insgesamt drei deutschen True Crime-Podcasts soll herausgefunden werden, ob es sich bei dieser innovativen, auditiven Form mehr um Berichterstattung oder um Storytelling handelt. Das Ergebnis: Der True Crime-Podcast ist ein Genre, welches beide Elemente vereinen kann. Denn hier werden Narrations- und Nachrichtenfaktoren kombiniert und so verschmelzen journalistische Darstellungsformen zu einer narrativen Berichterstattung, in der journalistische Qualitätskriterien dennoch von Bedeutung sind

    Editorial: Entangled history medial gedacht: Internationale und transkulturelle Kommunikationsgeschichte

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    Dieser Text führt in das Themenheft „Entangled history medial gedacht“ ein, das sich einer Kommunikationsgeschichte widmet, die den Nationalstaat als Bezugsrahmen historischer Kommunikationsprozesse erweitert und dafür internationale und transkulturelle Bezüge sowie Wechselwirkungen zwischen nationaler und globaler Ebene untersucht. Die Beiträge des Themenheftes werden hier systematisiert und vorgestellt. Sie wenden verschiedene Perspektiven, für die hier der Klammerbegriff „entangled history“ benutzt wird, auf die Geschichte der Kommunikationswissenschaft und der Kommunikationsgeschichtsschreibung, auf Erinnerungskulturen, Fernsehserien sowie auf historische Zeitzeugenschaft und das soziale Gedächtnis im Internet a

    Vibrational Spectra of a Mechanosensitive Channel

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    We report the simulated vibrational spectra of a mechanosensitive membrane channel in different gating states. Our results show that while linear absorption is insensitive to structural differences, linear dichroism and sum-frequency generation spectroscopies are sensitive to the orientation of the transmembrane helices, which is changing during the opening process. Linear dichroism cannot distinguish an intermediate structure from the closed structure, but sum-frequency generation can. In addition, we find that two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy can be used to distinguish all three investigated gating states of the mechanosensitive membrane channel.

    Genomic attributes of airway commensal bacteria and mucosa

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    Microbial communities at the airway mucosal barrier are conserved and highly ordered, in likelihood reflecting co-evolution with human host factors. Freed of selection to digest nutrients, the airway microbiome underpins cognate management of mucosal immunity and pathogen resistance. We show here the initial results of systematic culture and whole-genome sequencing of the thoracic airway bacteria, identifying 52 novel species amongst 126 organisms that constitute 75% of commensals typically present in heathy individuals. Clinically relevant genes encode antimicrobial synthesis, adhesion and biofilm formation, immune modulation, iron utilisation, nitrous oxide (NO) metabolism and sphingolipid signalling. Using whole-genome content we identify dysbiotic features that may influence asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. We match isolate gene content to transcripts and metabolites expressed late in airway epithelial differentiation, identifying pathways to sustain host interactions with microbiota. Our results provide a systematic basis for decrypting interactions between commensals, pathogens, and mucosa in lung diseases of global significance

    TRIM27 Negatively Regulates NOD2 by Ubiquitination and Proteasomal Degradation

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    NOD2, the nucleotide-binding domain and leucine-rich repeat containing gene family (NLR) member 2 is involved in mediating antimicrobial responses. Dysfunctional NOD2 activity can lead to severe inflammatory disorders, but the regulation of NOD2 is still poorly understood. Recently, proteins of the tripartite motif (TRIM) protein family have emerged as regulators of innate immune responses by acting as E3 ubiquitin ligases. We identified TRIM27 as a new specific binding partner for NOD2. We show that NOD2 physically interacts with TRIM27 via the nucleotide-binding domain, and that NOD2 activation enhances this interaction. Dependent on functional TRIM27, ectopically expressed NOD2 is ubiquitinated with K48-linked ubiquitin chains followed by proteasomal degradation. Accordingly, TRIM27 affects NOD2-mediated pro-inflammatory responses. NOD2 mutations are linked to susceptibility to Crohns disease. We found that TRIM27 expression is increased in Crohns disease patients, underscoring a physiological role of TRIM27 in regulating NOD2 signaling. In HeLa cells, TRIM27 is partially localized in the nucleus. We revealed that ectopically expressed NOD2 can shuttle to the nucleus in a Walker A dependent manner, suggesting that NOD2 and TRIM27 might functionally cooperate in the nucleus. We conclude that TRIM27 negatively regulates NOD2-mediated signaling by degradation of NOD2 and suggest that TRIM27 could be a new target for therapeutic intervention in NOD2-associated diseases.Funding Agencies|German Research Foundation (DFG)|SFB670-NG01|Swedish Society of Medicine||Regional Research Council of South-East Sweden (FORSS)||Swedish Research Council division of Medicine||Gustav V 90th anniversary foundation||Italian Telethon Foundation||DFG|SE 1122/2-1|</p

    Framing German and global politics over three decades – A content analysis of the journalistic work of Helmut Schmidt

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    The former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt (1918-2015) continued his political work as a publicist at the country’s most influential weekly Die Zeit. Using a content analysis and a subsequent cluster analysis, we apply quantitative methods to discover how Schmidt framed German and global politics in the historic context of the last three decades. The paper’s aim is to show the value of frame analysis for communication history research and to reveal frame dynamics and statics over time. Our findings illustrate Schmidt’s historically grown view on economic and political developments, which he promoted in his new office. Especially his successor Helmut Kohl (1930-2017) is often criticized and treated as a cause for many political problems, particularly in the 1990s. However, Schmidt’s journalistic work is not only influenced by his own political biography, but also by the historic context of his time, such as the German reunification. Overall, Schmidt’s journalistic work is shaped by a) his political dispositions and b) the journalistic routines he adapted to at Die Zeit

    Correspondents and the Cold War. How foreign correspondents acted during the chancellery of Helmut Schmidt (1974-1982) in Germany and abroad

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    This paper addresses the role of foreign correspondents during the Cold War. More specifically, it focuses on the case study of the relationship between former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt and foreign correspondents in Germanyand abroad. A synthesis of historical research and qualitative analysis of documentsand interviews provides a behind-the-scenes look at media diplomacy during the 70s andearly 80s. From the perspective of system theory and the concept of mediatization, mediaand politics are understood as separate but equal social systems that interact with eachother. This case study is based on documents from the private archives of Helmut Schmidtand from the annals of his party, the German Social Democrats, as well as interviews conducted with Schmidt and former journalist and correspondent Gerd Ruge. Analysis of theinterviews and the private and secret correspondence of Schmidt with journalists affordsan inside view into the role foreign correspondents played during the Cold War when communicationacross the Iron Curtain was especially challenging. Our conclusions show howimportant foreign correspondents are in international relations, while also demonstrating that aspects of international diplomacy, though involving journalists, were not necessarily included in media coverage. This study helps to clarify the complex interactions between media and politics. On the basis of our explorative research, a model is proffered of possible relations and interactions between politicians and foreign correspondents. As sources of information and means of communication, foreign correspondents exert a strong influence on the fates of nations and governments, before and behind the scenes. Esta proposta aborda o papel dos correspondentes estrangeiros durante a Guerra Fria. Mais especificamente, centra-se no estudo de caso da relação entre o ex-chanceler alemão Helmut Schmidt e os correspondentes estrangeiros na Alemanha e no exterior. A síntese da pesquisa histórica e da análise qualitativa de documentos e entrevistas permite um olhar nos bastidores da diplomacia da mídia durante a década de 1970 e início de 1980. Do ponto de vista da teoria dos sistemas e do conceito de midiatização, mídia e política são entendidos como espaços separados, mas se constituem em sistemas sociais equivalentes e que interagem um com o outro. Este estudo de caso é baseado em documentos dos arquivos privados de Helmut Schmidt e dos anais do seu partido, o Social-Democrata alemão, bem como entrevistas realizadas com Schmidt e com o ex-jornalista e correspondente Gerd Ruge. A análise das entrevistas e da correspondência privada e secreta de Schmidt com os jornalistas proporciona uma visão interna sobre o papel desempenhado pelos correspondentes estrangeiros durante a Guerra Fria, quando acomunicação através da Cortina de Ferro foi especialmente desafiadora. Nossas conclusões mostram a importância dos os correspondentes estrangeiros nas relações internacionais, ao mesmo tempo, demonstrando que os aspectos da diplomacia internacional, mesmo quando envolviam jornalistas, não foram necessariamente incluídos na cobertura da mídia. Este estudo ajuda a esclarecer as complexas interações entre mídia e política. Com base na nossa pesquisa exploratória, apresentamos m modelo sobre as relações e interações possíveis entre os políticos e os correspondentes estrangeiros. Como fontes de informação e meios de comunicação, os correspondentes estrangeiros exercem uma forte influência nos destinos de nações e governos, atuando tanto na cena principal como nos bastidores.Cet article aborde le rôle des correspondants à l’étranger pendant la guerre froide et s’attache plus précisément, dans le cadre d’une étude de cas, à examiner les rapports entre l’ancien chancelier allemand Helmut Schmidt et les correspondants en Allemagne et à l’étranger. La recherche historique, alliée à l’analyse qualitative de documents et d’entrevues, permet de jeter un regard dans les coulisses de la diplomatie médiatique des années 1970 et du début des années 1980. Du point de vue de la théorie systémique et du concept de médiatisation, les médias et la politique sont considérés comme des systèmes sociaux distincts mais d’importance équivalente qui interagissent l’un avec l’autre. Cette étude de cas s’appuie sur des documents extraits des archives privées de Helmut Schmidt et des archives de son parti, les sociaux-démocrates allemands, ainsi que sur des entrevues menées avec Schmidt et l’ancien journaliste et correspondant à l’étranger Gerd Ruge. L’analyse des entretiens et de la correspondance privée et confidentielle de Schmidt avec des journalistes offre un aperçu, depuis l’intérieur, du rôle qu’occupaient les correspondants à l’étranger pendant la guerre froide, lorsque le rideau de fer rendait la communication particulièrement délicate. Nos conclusions font d’une part la lumière sur l’importance des correspondants à l’étranger dans le cadre des relations internationales et montrent d’autre part que certains aspects de la diplomatie internationale, bien qu’impliquant des journalistes, n’étaient pas nécessairement intégrés dans la couverture médiatique. Cet article offre ainsi des outils permettant de mieux comprendre les rapports complexes entre médias et politique. Nos recherches exploratoires servent de base au développement d’un modèle de relations et d’interactions possibles entre représentants politiques et correspondants à l’étranger. En leur qualité de sources d’informations et moyens de communication, les correspondants à l’étranger exerçaient une forte influence sur le sort des nations et des gouvernements, aussi bien sur le devant de la scène qu’en coulisses.</ul