544 research outputs found

    City Transport Analyzer: A Powerful Qgis Plugin For Public Transport Accessibility And Intermodality Analysis

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    This study presents the City Transport Analyzer (CTA) QGIS plug-in designed for analyzing urban public transportation (PT) networks, exploiting GTFS data to investigate their multimodal nature. GTFS, a standardized format for PT schedules and geographic information, enables accurate data sharing, crucial for service analysis. The plug-in extracts GTFS data and converts it into GIS layers for analysis. It constructs a graph data structure using NetworkX, representing PT routes, with edges indicating travel time and transport type. Two key analyses are conducted: Service Area for accessibility and Nearby Stops Path for intermodality. The accessibility analysis determines reachable areas within specified time frames via PT and walking from one or more source points. It provides comprehensive insights into service coverage and the potential reach of PT networks within urban areas. The intermodality analysis assesses street paths for modal changes beyond PT nodes, offering valuable information on connectivity and potential PT usage patterns. Tested on case studies in Milan and Rio de Janeiro, the plug-in demonstrates utility in understanding metropolitan PT networks, but also room for improving the overall accuracy, usability and performances of the tool. The CTA plugin offers a flexible and user-friendly tool for studying service coverage, accessibility, and connectivity, aiding urban infrastructure analysis and planning. Future work aims to extend analyses to the whole city, including other city contexts. Ultimately, the CTA plugin contributes to a deeper understanding of urban PT networks and areas, facilitating informed decision-making in urban planning and infrastructure management

    Perspectiva e igualdad de género en el ecosistema de las criptomonedas

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    El presente trabajo constituye el resultado de un análisis realizado sobre el vínculo existente entre las criptomonedas y la perspectiva de igualdad de género. A través del presente artículo se desarrolla análisis conceptual, normativo y tributario de las criptomonedas, se expone la brecha digital existente entre hombres y mujeres en el ecosistema cripto y se aportan herramientas para lograr avances en esta problemática. La metodología utilizada es no experimental de tipo cualitativo, descriptivo y documental

    Derecho tributario, finanzas públicas y presupuesto nacional en el marco del seminario de finanzas públicas y tributación 2023 desarrollado en la UCES sede San Francisco

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    El presente trabajo de abordaje interdisciplinario consta de dos artículos confeccionados por dos estudiantes de la Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales (UCES) Sede San Francisco en base a dos ponencias realizadas durante el desarrollo del Seminario de Finanzas Públicas y Tributación realizado en la UCES Sede San Francisco los días 25 y 26 de agosto de 2023. Cada uno sirvió como apertura a dos de los paneles principales del Seminario. Uno desarrolla el derecho tributario, su conceptualización y antecedentes históricos sumando los aportes críticos y reflexivos desde la visión de un alumno de tercer año de la carrera de abogacía. El otro desarrolla las finanzas públicas y el presupuesto nacional, los alcances de estos términos, las etapas del presupuesto y aportes desde el punto de vista de una alumna de cuarto año de la carrera de contador público nacional. El abordaje metodológico empleado fue un diseño no experimental, descriptivo, básico y documental. Los/as autores/as desarrollaron el presente artículo en base a bibliografía específica, las exposiciones desarrolladas en el seminario mencionado precedentemente y los conocimientos aprendidos durante el desarrollo de su carrera

    Histomorphological analysis of the variability of the human skeleton: forensic implications

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    One of the fundamental questions in forensic medicine and anthropology is whether or not a bone or bone fragment is human. Surprisingly at times for the extreme degradation of the bone (charred, old), DNA cannot be successfully performed and one must turn to other methods. Histological analysis at times can be proposed. However, the variability of a single human skeleton has never been tested. Forty-nine thin sections of long, flat, irregular and short bones were obtained from a well-preserved medieval adult human skeleton. A qualitative histomorphological analysis was performed in order to assess the presence of primary and secondary bone and the presence, absence and orientation of vascular canals. No histological sections exhibited woven or fibro-lamellar bone. Long bones showed a higher variability with an alternation within the same section of areas characterized by tightly packed secondary osteons and areas with scattered secondary osteons immersed in a lamellar matrix. Flat and irregular bones appeared to be characterized by a greater uniformity with scattered osteons in abundant interstitial lamellae. Some cases of “osteon banding” and “drifting osteons” were observed. Although Haversian bone represent the most frequent pattern, a histomorphological variability between different bones of the same individual, in different portions of the same bone, and in different parts of the same section has been observed. Therefore, the present study has highlighted the importance of extending research to whole skeletons without focusing only on single bones, in order to have a better understanding of the histological variability of both human and non-human bone

    Efectos de la densidad de siembra en híbridos comerciales de maíz en Colonia Marina, Córdoba

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    Trabajo Final Integrador. (Área de Consolidación Métodos Cuantitativos para la Investigación Agropecuaria - Ingeniería Agronómica) -- UNC- Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, 2019El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el comportamiento de tres híbridos de maíz, utilizados por una empresa dedicada a la producción agropecuaria en la zona de la localidad cordobesa de Colonia Marina, frente a diferentes densidades de siembra. Se trabajó con los datos de rendimiento obtenidos durante los años 2016 al 2018. Se ajustaron diferentes modelos estadísticos para comparar el desempeño de los tres híbridos bajo las diferentes densidades de siembra considerando el efecto del ambiente (año). El Modelo Lineal Mixto, con efecto fijo de densidad, de híbrido e interacción densidad × híbrido; considerando el año como efecto aleatorio y contemplando una heterocedasticidad provocada por la densidad híbrido, fue el que permitió modelar el rendimiento promedio de los híbridos bajo las distintas densidades por presentar un criterio de información (AIC) más pequeño. Los híbridos de la línea NEXT tuvieron más rendimiento promedio a medida que aumenta la densidad de siembra, sin embargo, no se encontraron diferencias entre 75 mil plantas/ha y 90 mil plantas/ha. Por el contrario, el híbrido 507 PW presentó menor potencial de rendimiento que los de la línea NEXT sobre todo en altas densidades de siembra.Fil: Melano, María Florencia. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; Argentina.Fil: Biraghi, Matías Sebastián. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; Argentina.Fil: Bruno, Cecilia Inés. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; Argentina.Fil: Bruno, Cecilia Inés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico; Argentina

    stakeholder engagement beyond the tension between idealism and practical concerns

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    This paper digs into the existing controversial literature on stakeholder engagement (SE) to understand and critically confront with ambivalence in the concept. This is done by exploring how SE is conceptually framed and pragmatically pursued in the representations of current business practices. The study is designed according to a qualitative interpretive approach based on depth interviews with a purposively selected theoretical sample of key informants with established expertise in stakeholder relationship management practices. According to our findings, SE appears torn between an idealistic impetus on the fringe of a utopian vision of the business, and its often trivial translation into practice urged by the pragmatic necessity to meet accountability requirements. This tension stems from corporate governance logics and organizational business models of firms, which are often not prone to guarantee the participatory and genuinely dialogic exchange between company and stakeholders advocated by the idealistic mandate of SE. In terms of contribution the paper provides a critical inductive reconstruction of current meanings and clashes embedded in enacting SE

    The influence of body image on surgical decisions in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients

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    OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the severity of deformities in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis contributes to patients’ decision regarding whether to undergo an operation. METHODS: We evaluated body image factors in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients. We evaluated the magnitude of the main scoliotic curve, gibbosity (magnitude and location), shoulder height asymmetry and patient’s age. We analyzed the correlation of these data with the number of years the patient was willing to trade for surgery, as measured by the time-trade-off method. RESULTS: A total of 52 patients were studied. We did not find a correlation between any of the parameters that were studied and the number of years that the patient would trade for the surgery. CONCLUSIONS: The magnitude of body deformities in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis does not interfere with the decision to undertake surgical treatment

    Misurare la didattica: un’idea finlandese in Italia

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    School and sport are, often, considered as separate units while should be reciprocalfacts to improve students both from intellectual and physical pointof view. Inspired by projects already implemented in other European countries,such as Finland and Switzerland, we carried out an original project initalian context: “Smuovilascuola”. “Smuovilascuola” brings physical activityinto primary school classrooms, making it an integral part of the lessons, andnot just an accessory for the gym. Thus the improvements can be detect in ageneral way: contemporary aspects of the motor and cognitive areas. Then,children, could gain attitude for sport practice, quiet in class room and willbecome able to better manage emotions and fears. The aim is to educate studentsat 360 degrees. We used validated psychophysical tests and assessedhow this kind of intervention increased the self-efficacy of the student.La scuola e lo sport sono due realtà che troppo spesso vengono consideratecome unità a sé stanti, quando, invece, dovrebbero collaborare per miglioraregli studenti sia dal punto di vista intellettivo che fisico. Prendendo spunto daprogetti già in atto in altri stati europei come la Finlandia e la Svizzera, dovesport e scuola viaggiano in parallelo da molti anni, nasce il progetto: “Smuovilascuola”.“Smuovilascuola” porta l’attività fisica nelle aule delle scuole primarie,facendo sì che diventi parte integrante delle lezioni curricolari, e nonsolo un accessorio per la palestra, così che si possano avere miglioramentisia per l’area motoria che quella cognitiva dei bambini. Questi saranno piùpredisposti allo sport, più attenti in aula, coinvolti, e sapranno gestire meglioemozioni e paure. Lo scopo è educare gli studenti a 360°. Utilizzando dei testpsicofisici validati si è riusciti a valutare come questo intervento sia riuscitoad aumentare l’autoefficacia degli studenti, il loro apprezzamento verso l’attivitàfisica e soprattutto la padronanza del loro corpo