155 research outputs found

    L'élaboration des plans de gestion des réserves naturelles, bien plus qu'un simple exercice de style

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    International audienceLa parution en 1991 du premier Guide méthodologique des plans de gestion des réserves naturelles venait conclure prÚs de cinq années de réflexion au sein de la Commission scientifique de la Conférence permanente des réserves naturelles (CPRN, 1991). En s'inspirant des travaux similaires menés sur les « management plans » des espaces protégés du Royaume-Uni (Wood, 1983 ; Nature Conservancy Council, 1988), ce travail avait comme objectif de transposer et d'adapter cette démarche au contexte des réserves naturelles et des autres espaces protégés français. La réalisation de ce guide méthodologique fut menée de front avec une validation grandeur nature sur 10 réserves naturelles et une réserve naturelle volontaire 1. Cette publication, accueillie avec un enthousiasme mitigé au sein du réseau des réserves naturelles et des réserves naturelles volontaires, correspondait pourtant à un réel besoin des gestionnaires. Il fallut attendre quatre années pour que la circulaire n°95-47 du 28 mars 1995, relative aux plans de gestion écologiques des réserves naturelles du ministÚre de l'Environnement, stipule la nécessité que chaque réserve naturelle soit dotée d'un plan de gestion écologique. Plus récemment, ce guide méthodologique a fait l'objet d'une mise à jour (Réserves naturelles de France, 1998). Depuis 1996, Réserves naturelles de France (RNF) est membre du Conseil national de protection de la nature et de son Comité permanent ; ses deux représentants successifs, Roger EstÚve puis Frédéric Bioret, ont participé à l'examen de nombreux plans de gestion au sein de cette instance. Actuellement, certaines réserves en sont à leur second, voire à leur troisiÚme plan de gestion, mais seulement 73 2 des 150 réserves naturelles de France sont dotées d'un plan de gestion agréé par leur comité consultatif puis par le Conseil national de protection de la nature. Ce texte rassemble une série de commentaires, réflexions et conseils destinés aux gestionnaires de réserves et d'autres types d'espaces protégés, dans le but d'optimiser cet exercice qui peut sembler de prime abord fastidieux, contraignant et difficile

    Potentialités de l'imagerie satellitaire Spot5 pour la cartographie de la végétation terrestre : application à l'ßle d'Ouessant (FinistÚre).

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    International audienceThe aim of this study is to test the Spot 5 satellite imagery for the cartography of terrestrial vegetation in the prospect of a monitoring of coastal zones. Two methods are used. The first method is based on a photointerpretation of a 2.5 meters multipectral image with the european EUNIS habitat classification. A comparison with aerial orthoimages is realised. The results show that Spot 5 satellite imagery is quite suitable for the vegetation mapping at a local scale. The majority of the habitats are identified with very few exceptions (patchy habitat of particular texture and of small size). The second method is based on the updating of existing data by the classification of the 10 meters multispectral image into a GIS. This process implies the development of a vegetation dynamic model. A map is produced in a short delay. It may be useful for the large-scale monitoring of dynamic vegetation processes.Les auteurs ont pour objectif de tester l'utilisation d'images du satellite Spot 5 pour la cartographie et l'inventaire de la vĂ©gĂ©tation terrestre, dans la perspective d'un suivi rĂ©gulier du littoral en complĂ©ment des donnĂ©es aĂ©riennes. Ils mettent en Ɠuvre deux mĂ©thodes. La premiĂšre est fondĂ©e sur la photo-interprĂ©tation d'une image multispectrale Ă  2,5 mĂštres de rĂ©solution spatiale en adoptant la nomenclature europĂ©enne de description des habitats EUNIS. La comparaison des supports satellitaire et aĂ©rien (orthophotographies de l'IGN) est rĂ©alisĂ©e. L'image Spot 5 convient comme support Ă  la cartographie des habitats naturels et semi-naturels sauf pour la dĂ©tection de certaines entitĂ©s de petite taille et de texture particuliĂšre (saulaie, prunelliers) facilement repĂ©rables sur l'orthophotographie. La seconde mĂ©thode est fondĂ©e sur la mise Ă  jour semi-automatique d'un inventaire cartographique ancien par la classification de l'image multipectrale Spot 5 Ă  10 mĂštres de rĂ©solution. Impliquant le dĂ©veloppement d'un modĂšle d'Ă©volution du couvert vĂ©gĂ©tal, la mĂ©thode fournit une carte dans un dĂ©lai relativement court qui peut servir utilement de support Ă  la phase de terrain

    Response of breeding European Storm Petrels to habitat change

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    International audienceMainly through trampling and manuring, ground-nesting seabirds induced significant habitat changes both on vegetation cover and soil in one of the largest French colonies of European Storm Petrel , Habitat deterioration led to a high level of erosion and the collapse of many former Rabbit burrows previously occupied by breeding Storm Petrels. The loss of burrows accelerated in recent years since Great Cormorants bred on the islet with growing numbers. The main consequence of this disturbance was at first shifting of breeding Storm Petrels from burrows to rocky sites, reflecting some behavioral plasticity to buffer environmental variability. But over 18 years, a significant decrease in breeding numbers of Storm Petrels was recorded and attributed to continuous nest site destruction. Thus, other behavioral responses were also suspected, such as temporary non-breeding or emigration of birds that have to find a new nest site. Such a problem of heavy erosion and loss of nesting habitat could induce serious detrimental effects on burrowing seabirds breeding in a limited number of colonies

    Ecology and phytosociology of endangered psammophytic species of the Omphalodes genus in western Europe

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    Omphalodes kuzinskyanae Willk. is an endangered annual plant of the family Boraginaceae, endemic to a narrow coastal area in the Lisbon region (Portugal). Omphalodes littoralis Lehm. occurs in northwest Spain (subsp. gallaecica) and northwest France (subsp. littoralis). Three approaches were used to assess the ecological requirements of O. kuzinskyanae: (1) physical and chemical characterization of their habitat soil; (2) phytosociological analysis; (3) comparison of several life history parameters under different light conditions. Germination experiments were conducted to evaluate seed dormancy. The results show that O. kuzinskyanae occurs in thin sandy soil with a substantial amount of organic matter and clay, mostly over limestone pavements. Phytosociological analysis shows that O. kuzinskyanae occurs both in sciophytic and heliophytic communities. Life history comparisons demonstrated that this plant has a strong preference for sciophytic conditions: under strong shade, plants have a higher survival rate, attain a greater height and width, and produce approximately nine times more seeds than in sunny conditions. In contrast with O. kuzinskyanae, published data on O. littoralis indicate that this species occurs in heliophytic conditions. This group of Omphalodes is possibly limited both in geographical distribution and habitat by its vulnerability to hydric stress. Scenarios are discussed that can explain the extensive gap separating the present ranges of the two species and their ecological differences. We propose two new syntaxa: Linario arenariae-Omphalodetum littoralis, Geranio purpurei-Galietum minutuli omphalodetosum kuzinskyana

    Phytoecological Study, Ethnobotanical and Dynamic of Dry Vegetation in the Ngazidja Island, Comoros Archipelago

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    The dry vegetation of Ngazidja, Comoros Islands, is very rich in biological diversity. However, it is the most threatened and least known in this island. The purpose of this study is to provide ecological information about dry vegetation and to elaborate proposals for conservation. Data collection is ecological surveys, and ethnobotanical and socioeconomic surveys. Several floristic, and structural and soil parameters were processed and analyzed to characterize the sites. Five types of dry vegetal formations are identified: the dry forests of Lac-salé, Ngouni-Hamboda and Infoundihé-Chambouani, and the dry thickets of Singani, Domoni-Amboini, Hahaya. Eighteen surveys of 10 transects were undertaken. The forests are well stratified and the trees do not exceed 15 m high, with deciduous leaves. The density varies from 500 to 800 individuals per hectare in forest against 310 to 165 in thicket. A total of 103 species, belonging to 46 families, were recorded in these formations, including 70 trees and shrubs. Natural regeneration is only good for thickets and the dry forests of Lac salé and Infoundihé-Chambouani. Sustainable alternative solutions are proposed in order to improve the socioeconomic living conditions of the population and the conservation of biodiversity

    La restauration des végétations des hauts de falaises du littoral atlantique, vers une évaluation globale

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    Les végétations des falaises littorales atlantiques ont fortement été dégradées par une fréquentation touristique croissante. Cet article nous présente les étapes essentielles à la réussite écologique et socio-économique des opérations de restauration, qui passe par une meilleure connaissance de la diversité des écosystÚmes et des modes de gestion

    La vĂ©gĂ©tation des sources thermominĂ©rales salĂ©es d’Auvergne

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    The authors accomplish a phytosociological study of the salt thermomineral spring vegetation in Auvergne. They follow a ‘braun-blanqueto-tĂŒxenian’ approach of the association. Despite a large number of relevĂ©s carried out on the salty sites of Auvergne, the communities stay unknown as it seems necessary to synthesize them and clarify their phytosociological status.The authors carry out an analysis and a synthesis of 176 phytosociological relevĂ©s illustrating the communities of the twenty salty localities known in Auvergne. From 16 sites, 69 relevĂ©s were specifically produced as part of this study.Nine communities are presented on the floristical and synecological plan : three new associations and six new sub-associations are described.Les auteurs rĂ©alisent une Ă©tude phytosociologique de la vĂ©gĂ©tation des sources thermominĂ©rales salĂ©es d’Auvergne, en s’inscrivant dans une approche «braun-blanqueto-tĂŒxenienne» de l’association. MalgrĂ© un grand nombre de relevĂ©s rĂ©alisĂ©s sur les sites salĂ©s d’Auvergne, les groupements restent mĂ©connus et il semblait nĂ©cessaire d’en rĂ©aliser la synthĂšse pour en prĂ©ciser le statut phytosociologique.AprĂšs une rapide prĂ©sentation du contexte physiographique des localitĂ©s Ă©tudiĂ©es et un bref rappel des travaux phytosociologiques antĂ©rieurs, les auteurs rĂ©alisent une analyse et une synthĂšse de 176 relevĂ©s phytosociologiques illustrant les communautĂ©s de la vingtaine de localitĂ©s salifĂšres connues en Auvergne. Provenant de 16 sites, 69 relevĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© spĂ©cifiquement rĂ©alisĂ©s dans le cadre de cette Ă©tude.Neuf groupements de rang association sont prĂ©sentĂ©s sur le plan floristique et synĂ©cologique : trois associations et six sous-associations nouvelles sont dĂ©crites

    Contribuição para o conhecimento das comunidades vegetais de Welwitschia mirabilis (Welwitschiaceae, Gnetophyta) do deserto do Namibe (Angola)

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    A Welwitschia mirabilis Ă© uma planta antiga, com uma morfologia e ecologia divergentes no Ăąmbito das gimnospĂ©rmicas atuais. É endĂ©mica – e a espĂ©cie sĂ­mbolo – do deserto do Namibe, o deserto mais antigo da Terra. Fazemos um estudo da estrutura florĂ­stica e da sinecologia das comunidades vegetais W. mirabilis no territĂłrio angolano. ConcluĂ­mos existirem 4 comunidades distintas: (i) uma comunidade associada a linhas de ĂĄgua efĂ©meras dominada por Acacia reficiens e Boscia pestalozziana; (ii) uma segunda comunidade, floristicamente pobre, dominada por W. mirabilis, de ĂĄreas secas e planas com sedimentos heteromĂ©tricos nos interflĂșvios; (iii) uma terceira comunidade associada a sedimentos arenosos dominanda por gramĂ­neas perenes; (iv) e, por Ășltimo, uma comunidade dominada por espĂ©cies do gĂ©nero Commiphora (Burseraceae), prĂłpria dos sectores basais de inselbergs xistosos e/ou grauvaquicos.Welwitschia mirabilis is an ancient plant with a divergent morphology and ecology from other gymnosperms. It is a symbol and an endemic species of the Namib Desert, the oldest desert on Earth. We studied the floristic structure, the phytosociology and synecology of the plant communities dominated by W. mirabilis in Angolan territory. We conclude that there are 4 distinct communities: (i) a community associated with ephemeral watercourses dominated by Acacia reficiens and Boscia pestalozziana; (ii) a second community, floristically poor, dominated by W. mirabilis, from dry and flat Interfluvial areas with heterometric sediments; (iii) a third community associated with sandy sediments dominated by perennial grasses; (iv) and a community dominated by Commiphora species (Burseraceae), typical of the basal sectors of schist or greywackes residual reliefs (inselbergs).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Phenotypic differentiation among native, expansive and introduced populations influences invasion success

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    Aim: Humans influence species distributions by modifying the environment and by dispersing species beyond their natural ranges. Populations of species that have established in disjunct regions of the world may exhibit trait differentiation from native populations due to founder effects and adaptations to selection pressures in each distributional region. We compared multiple native, expansive and introduced populations of a single species across the world, considering the influence of environmental stressors and transgenerational effects. Location: United States Gulf and Atlantic coasts, United States interior, European Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts, east coast of Australia. Taxon: Baccharis halimifolia L. (eastern baccharis). Methods: We monitored seed germination, seedling emergence, survival and early growth in a common garden experiment, conducted with over 18,200 seeds from 80 populations. We also evaluated the influence of environmental stress and maternal traits on progeny performance. Results: Introduced European Atlantic populations had faster germination and early growth than native populations. However, this was not the case for the more recently naturalized European Mediterranean populations. Introduced Australian populations grew faster than native populations in non-saline environments but had lower survival in saline conditions commonly encountered in the native range. Similarly, expansive inland US populations germinated faster than coastal native populations in non-saline environments but grew and germinated more slowly in saline environments. Maternal inflorescence and plant size were positively related with seed germination and seedling survival, whereas flower abundance was positively correlated with seedling early growth and survival. However, maternal traits explained a much lower fraction of the total variation in early demographic stages of B. halimifolia than did distributional range. Main conclusions: Phenotypic differentiation could allow B. halimifolia to adapt to different biotic and abiotic selection pressures found in each distributional range, potentially contributing to its success in introduced and expansive ranges
