2,298 research outputs found

    How amazing music therapy in counseling for millennials

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    Most of millennials college students in Indonesia still think that undergraduate thesis is a terrifying final project. In the process of making the undergraduate thesis, they often do something non-productive, like procrastinating doing it and avoiding their supervisors. This excessive academic anxiety toward undergraduate thesis could lead them to do something irrational, e.g. suicide. As one of college’s internal agents of change, psychologists or educational counselors are expected to overcome the problem which frequently happens every year by giving the students an intervention in accordance with their interests and needs as millennials. Music, as one of millennials’ essential needs, can be used as an alternative to therapeutic healing medium. Conventional counseling strategy that has been conducted all this time, shows only ineffective result. That is why it is needed to be changed into modern approach that is more effective in reducing academic anxiety of the millennials college students, which is integrative approach through music therapy intervention in counseling

    Motivasi Berprestasi Mahasiswa Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling Unika Atma Jaya

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    Motivasi berprestasi adalah usaha yang dilakukan oleh individu untuk mencapai prestasi atau suatu ukuran keunggulan tertentu. Tujuan penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap mahasiswa Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat motivasi berprestasi. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan skala penilaian yang digunakan untuk mengukur motivasi berprestasi. Instrumen motivasi berprestasi terdiri dari 54 pernyataan yang dinyatakan valid dengan reliabilitas instrumen sebesar 0,947. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat kepada mahasiswa untuk meningkatkan motivasi berprestasi selama studi dan kepada Ketua Program Studi BK diharapkan dapat memberikan pembinaan untuk meningkatkan motivasi berprestasi mahasiswa sebagai calon guru BK dan konselor


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    Perception is received by an understanding of the stimulus by the sense organs and enters the brain. Types of perception include sense perception: sight, smell, taste, and sight. There are three factors that influence perception, namely factors: internal, external, and attention. Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) is a method used to assist the counselee in exploring themselves by performing guided imagery, accompanied by using classical musical instruments. The research objective was to determine the perceptions of students towards GIM in the art counseling course. This research is descriptive using an attitude scale instrument. The research subjects were 35 students of the Department of Guidance and Counseling class 2016 and 2017. It shows that students have a perception that is in a positive classification, namely 65.71%, which consists of 23 students from a total of 35 respondents


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    Perception is received by an understanding of the stimulus by the sense organs and enters the brain. Types of perception include sense perception: sight, smell, taste, and sight. There are three factors that influence perception, namely factors: internal, external, and attention. Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) is a method used to assist the counselee in exploring themselves by performing guided imagery, accompanied by using classical musical instruments. The research objective was to determine the perceptions of students towards GIM in the art counseling course. This research is descriptive using an attitude scale instrument. The research subjects were 35 students of the Department of Guidance and Counseling class 2016 and 2017. It shows that students have a perception that is in a positive classification, namely 65.71%, which consists of 23 students from a total of 35 respondents

    Penentuan Kapasitas Dan Kebijakan Waktu Kerja Untuk Memenuhi Permintaan Produk Tepat Waktu (Studi Kasus Di PT Pan Panel)

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    Perencanaan Produksi merupakan hal yang sangat penting dan digunakan oleh setiap perusahaan terutama yang bergerak di bidang manufaktur. Untuk memenuhi permintaan dalam suatu periode tertentu, perencanaan produksi diperlukan agar dapat memenuhi permintaan tepat waktu. PT Pan Panel baru melakukan penambahan lintasan produksi sehingga mengalami kesulitan dalam perencanaan produksi terutama dalam menentukan kebutuhan kapasitas dan kebijakan waktu kerja yang diperlukan untuk dapat memenuhi permintaan tepat waktu. Metode yang dapat digunakan adalah metode CRP (Capacity Requirement Planning). Metode CRP (Capacity Requirement Planning) memberikan gambaran mengenai perbandingan kapasitas yang tersedia dengan kapasitas yang dibutuhkan pada tiap pusat kerja. Dengan melakukan analisis dari perbandingan kapasitas pada setiap pusat kerja yang ada di PT Pan Panel, didapatkan jumlah tenaga kerja untuk kebutuhan kapasitas dan kebijakan waktu kerja yang diperlukan selama periode 5 bulan. Jumlah tenaga kerja total yang dibutuhkan setiap bulannya rata-rata sebesar 131 orang (rata-rata 82 orang shift I, 43 orang shift II dan 6 orang shift III) lebih kecil 15,48% dari jumlah tenaga kerja awal dan rata-rata kebutuhan kapasitas setiap bulannya untuk pembuatan produk LPSJ 722C dan COM KK4Q6 LSG adalah sebesar 178097,14 detik selama periode 5 bulan lebih kecil 11,06% dari kapasitas tersedia awal

    Languishing and flourishing experiences in schizophrenic patients during hospitalization

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    Hospitalization affects the emotional, psychological, and social well-being of schizophrenic patients. The process can produce experiences of both flourishing and languishing. This study aims to identify and describe such experiences of schizophrenic patients during hospitalization. A phenomenological qualitative method was employed with six schizophrenic patients hospitalized at Ernaldi Bahar Hospital in Palembang, Indonesia. Research data were collected using semi-structured interviews and documentation methods. These were analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings demonstrate the developing experiences of schizophrenic patients during hospitalization; there are three themes: 1) experiencing increased contact with and awareness of reality, 2) finding meaning and purpose in life, and 3) finding positive relationships among patients. Languishing experiences were also classified into three themes: 1) feeling bored and confined, 2) experiencing unpleasant events on arrival, and 3) experiencing social isolation. In particular, clinical struggle, functional recovery, and cultural struggle are predictors of the flourishing and languishing experiences of hospitalized schizophrenic patients. The findings contribute to developing the concept of languishing and flourishing among such patients through evidence-based empirical data regarding the efforts to foster and maintain their subjective well-being during hospitalization

    Congenital Morgagni Hernia

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    A rare congenital diaphragmatic hernia was discovered upon routine dissection of a female cadaver. Given the hernia's location in the chest cavity, it was identified as a Morgagni hernia. As the least common type of diaphragmatic hernia, the exact mechanism of development is unknown. However, this hernia has previously been associated with both longstanding, congenital conditions and acute, health conditions requiring intervention

    Equatorial airglow depletions induced by thermospheric winds

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/95355/1/grl2948.pd


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    Di Indonesia, skripsi masih menjadi tugas akhir yang cukup menakutkan bagi sebagian besar mahasiswa. Banyak di antaranya melakukan prokrastinasi, menghindari dosen pembimbing, melakukan hal non-produktif sebagai bentuk pengalihan kecemasan, dan yang paling ekstrim ialah melakukan perilaku bunuh diri sebagai dampak dari academic anxiety yang berlebihan terhadap skripsi. Konselor pendidikan sebagai salah satu agen peubah internal perguruan tinggi diharapkan mampu mengatasi permasalahan yang acapkali terjadi setiap tahunnya ini. Berdasarkan pendekatan konselingCognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), academic anxiety yang dialami oleh mahasiswa merupakan distorsi kognitif yang disebabkan oleh core belief yang maladaptif. Proses bantuan yang dilakukan untuk mengubah core belief mahasiswa agar lebih adaptif, dapat dilakukan dengan sebuah teknik yang lebih modern, yaitu melalui musik. Dalam penerapannya, konseling CBT dengan menggunakan teknik integratif melalui musik ini terdiri dari dua yaitu passive dan active music therapy.Hal yang perlu diketahui lebih lanjut ialah mengenai bagaimana CBT memandang academic anxiety sebagai suatu masalah dan melaksanakan teknik integratif melalui musik, agar dikemudian hari para konselor di Indonesia mampu memahami secara konseptual mengenai intervensi konseling CBT dengan musik secara tepat, dalam upaya membantu para mahasiswa terbebas dari academic anxiety terhadap skripsi.________________________________________________________________ In Indonesia, undergraduate thesis is still a pretty scary end task for most students. Many of them do procrastination, keep away fromsupervisors, do non-productive things as a form of anxiety diversion, and the most extreme is to commit suicide as a result of excessive academic anxiety on undergraduate thesis. The education counselor as one of the college internal agents is expected to solve the problems that often occur every year. Based on Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) counseling approach, the academic anxiety experienced by students is a cognitive distortion caused by maladaptive core beliefs. The process to change the student's core beliefs to be more adaptive, can be done with a modern technique, that is through music. In its application, CBT counseling using integrative technique through music consists of two, passive and active music therapy. What we need to know more about how CBT views academic anxiety as a problem and how the way to use integrative technique through music, so that counselors in Indonesia can comprehend conceptually about CBT counseling intervention with music appropriatelyin the future, in order to help students free from academic anxiety towards undergraduate thesis
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