4 research outputs found

    EuroCarto 2022

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    From the 19th to the 21st of September 2022, the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) hosted the 3rd European Cartographic Conference, EuroCarto 2022. The conference was endorsed by the International Cartographic Association (ICA) and jointly organized by the Research Unit Cartography at TU Wien, the German (DGfK), Austrian (ÖKK), Swiss (SGK) and British (BCS) Cartographic Societies. Sponsors were the Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri), the Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying (BEV) and the University of Toronto Press Journals Division (UTP). The conference provided a forum for discussion, exchange, and research collaboration for cartographers and professionals in related disciplines.Od 19. do 21. rujna 2022. Tehničko sveučilište u Beču (TU Wien) bilo je domaćin 3. europske kartografske konferencije, EuroCarto 2022. Konferenciju je podržalo Međunarodno kartografsko društvo (ICA), a zajednički su je organizirali Istraživačka jedinica za kartografiju na TU Wien te njemačko (DGfK), austrijsko (ÖKK), švicarsko (SGK) i britansko (BCS) kartografsko društvo. Sponzori su bili Istraživački institut za sustave okoliša (Esri), Savezni ured za mjeriteljstvo i mjerenje (BEV) i University of Toronto Press Journals Division (UTP). Konferencija je omogućila forum za raspravu, razmjenu i istraživačku suradnju kartografima i stručnjacima iz srodnih disciplina

    From project-based to problem-based learning in engineering disciplines: enhancing Cartography and Geomatics education

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    [EN] Engineering disciplines such as Cartography, Geomatics and Geodesy depend heavily on practical courses and “hands-on” education, both demand a strong “active” component of students and opportunities of systematic interaction loops between teachers and students. In this paper we discuss the enhancement of such classes through switching from a rather project-based learning focus on a problem-based learning mode. Experiences from several classes in this context, especially in the domain of Location-based Services, Cartography and Geomatics, are discussed and reasoning for further development of such a problem-based learning environment is given. The aim of “activating” students can be reached therefore.Gartner, G.; Binn, A.; Retscher, G.; Gabela, J.; Gikas, V.; Schmidt, M.; Wang, W. (2022). From project-based to problem-based learning in engineering disciplines: enhancing Cartography and Geomatics education. En 8th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'22). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 423-430. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd22.2022.1447342343