18 research outputs found

    Fabrication of high temperature surface acoustic wave devices for sensor applications

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    Surface acoustic devices have been shown to be suitable not only for signal processing but also for sensor applications. In this paper high temperature surface acoustic wave devices based on gallium orthophosphate have been fabricated, using a lift-off technique and tested for high frequency applications at temperatures up to 600 ºC. The measured S-parameter (S11) has been used to study the mass loading effect of the platinum electrodes and turnover temperature of GaPO4 with a 5? cut. The analysis of these results shows that the mass loading effect can be used to predict the desired resonant frequency of the SAW devices. Also two different adhesion layers for Pt metallisation were studied. Our results show that Zirconium is a more suitable under layer than Titanium

    The Czech debate on the external dimension of energy security and national interest

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    Energy security is one of the most topical and important issues, both at the EU and member states level. This is a fact, not only in the context of climate change policy and common energy market design, but also in the light of the dynamics of EU external energy relations, with the latter recently gaining in importance. The Czech discourse on energy security is no exception and mirrors the development in the EU-wide debate. This claim is based not only on the analysis of events and the subsequent debate on energy security in the Czech Republic regarding the period from 2006 to 2010 (e.g. the natural gas crisis, Presidency of the Council of the EU, the question of energy import dependence), i.e. the period between the last two parliamentary elections with minor overlaps, but also on the three applied criteria of national interest – relevance, consensus, and external acceptability. The discourse on external energy relations of the Czech Republic is relevant, shows signs of consensus, and, from an EU perspective, could be considered as acceptable. Therefore, the external energy relations meet the criteria of the Czech national interest

    Caspian natural gas and its relevance for strengthening the EU energy security: challenge for the 21st century?

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    This thesis focuses on the discussion of the diversifying natural gas imports into the European Union and the role played by the Caspian region in this respect. The aim of the thesis is to describe the European Union's energy policy in the natural gas sector and to analyze the role of Caspian natural gas and the project of the Southern Gas Corridor. The question of relevance of the Caspian natural gas for strengthening the European Union's energy security comes along at the right time in the current debate on the further development of climate and energy policy. The policy, along with the draft framework for the creation of the Energy Union of 2015, integrates previously parallel European policies related to fight against climate change, energy security, internal energy market and external energy relations with third countries. The thesis is based on the hypothesis that the Caspian region is an alternative resource region capable of providing a diversification of natural gas imports to the European Union. The basic research questions are the following; "Is the European Union capable of influencing the conditions under which Caspian gas will be transported to Europe?" and "Is the Southern Gas Corridor capable of meeting the expectations of its planned volume of 60-120 billion cubic meters of natural...Práce se věnuje diskuzi o diverzifikaci importů zemního plynu do Evropské unie a roli, jakou v tomto směru hraje a může hrát Kaspický region. Cílem práce je popis energetické politiky Evropské unie v sektoru zemního plynu a analýza role kaspického zemního plynu a projektu Jižního plynového koridoru. Téma relevance kaspického zemního plynu pro upevnění energetické bezpečnosti Evropské unie celkově zapadá do aktuální debaty o dalším vývoji klimaticko-energetické politiky, která s návrhem rámce pro vytvoření Energetické unie z roku 2015 integruje dosud paralelní evropské politiky boje proti změnám klimatu, energetické bezpečnosti, vnitřního energetického trhu a vnějších energetických vztahů se třetími zeměmi. Práce je založena na hypotéze, že Kaspický region je alternativním zdrojovým regionem schopným poskytnout Evropské unii diverzifikaci dovozů zemního plynu. Základní výzkumné otázky jsou pak následující; "Je Evropské unie schopna ovlivnit, za jakých podmínek bude kaspický plyn do Evropy dopravován?" a "Je Jižní plynový koridor schopen splnit očekávání spojená s jeho plánovaným objemem 60-120 miliard metrů krychlových zemního plynu ročně?" Z teoretického hlediska je práce ukotvená v přístupu Kodaňské školy, tedy přesněji řečeno v přístupech, které modifikují koncept Kodaňské školy tak, aby byl...Katedra mezinárodních vztahůDepartment of International RelationsFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě

    Political context of nominations of justices of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic

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    The political context of the selection of the judges of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic Abstract The thesis deals with the political context of the selection of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic. The research question is whether the Senate's rejection of the President's nominees is more a manifestation of political power or a corrective to the high moral and professional quality of the Constitutional Court judges. Along with this, the thesis examines whether it would be appropriate to change the current legal regulation of the selection of constitutional judges. The first part of the thesis initially summarises the previous academic reflections on the topic, which mostly pointed out the inappropriateness of the possibility of reappointing constitutional judges, together with the linking of their terms of office to the president's, and the somewhat haphazard approach of senators to the assessment of candidates. Furthermore, this part of the thesis contains a definition of the research question consisting in a narrow conception of politics in the sense of policy. The second to fifth parts of the thesis are devoted to the terms of office of individual presidents, with a review of their unsuccessful nominations to the Constitutional Court, although in the case of Václav..

    Media for Children & Teenagers : Impact and Usage of violence in computer games

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    Die Verfasserin der Arbeit stellt dar, ob gewalthaltige Computerspiele zu Aggression und Gewalt bei Kindern und Jugendlichen führen können. Dabei wird auf einzelne Grundelemente der klassischen und neuen Medien eingegangen; es werden Hardware, Software und Konsolen erörtert. Die Marktentwicklung und Vermarktung verschafft einen kurzen Einblick auf interessante Zahlen. Die Arbeit bietet hauptsächlich eine gute Grundlage an Wissen über die (gewalthaltige) Computerspielwelt. Gewisse Aspekte werden aufgezeigt, die Schuld auf etwas vermeintlich Falsches zu schieben, ist dabei die schematischste Lösung. Die Hauptelemente sind die Wirkungsweisen von Gewalt und Aggression, die anhand eines Beispiels erläutert werden. Darauf folgen der Jugendmedienschutz und ein kurzer Blick in die Zukunft der Spiele. Des Weiteren sollen der Horizont von Sichtweisen auf die wesentlichen Probleme gelenkt und Lösungen ergänzt werden. Den Abschluss der Arbeit bildet eine Schlussbetrachtung des gesamten Themas mit einem Ergebnis