161 research outputs found


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    Purpose: Within the framework of the translation studies, the results of research on mass media texts were presented only by individual examples in the professional literature. While, for example, literary texts have developed a variety of guidelines, strategies, and models of translation. There were almost no studies on the TV news translation. We have found only a few references to this topic in scientific works dealing with mass media texts translation in general. There is still no comprehensive analysis of the German mass media translation in Ukrainian. Methodology: However the language for specialist purposes is a special style, which creates and presents to the viewer the news texts for television. Typically, the TV news services set their own requirements for the TV news language, but there are common rules followed by all TV news editors. The linguistic designing defines the light in which the events are presented and what opinion the recipient will form. Result: However, in recent years the demand for mass media texts translation has significantly increased. It was influenced by the distribution of audiovisual international information channels such as Euronews, BBC, France 24, DW. Deutsche Welle TV news which is currently being translated into thirty languages of the world, including Ukrainian. To some degree the translation of Deutsche Welle TV news into Ukrainian influences the level of Ukrainian integration into the European space. Due to a well-executed translation Ukrainians can learn about current political and economic events that take place in Europe and in the world, about the latest achievements in medicine, technology, ecology, sociology, etc. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of “Deutsche Welle” as a Mass Media Language for Specialist Purposes: Pragmatics, Analysis and Translation is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    The choice of anode material for the electrochemical synthesis of peroxyacetic acid

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    A high-purity peroxyacetic acid may be produced electrochemically. The kinetics of anodic processes at electrolysis of acetic acid water solutions have been studied with application of different kinds of anodic materials. It has been shown that the formation of peroxyacetic acid is possible when the anodic potential is above 2,0 V. The choice of lead dioxide plated on titanium current-lead was justified. Application of lead dioxide in the electrochemical synthesis of peroxyacetic acid allows to increase the current output up by 8-12 % comparing to platinum

    Econometric model for the innovative production of the region based on the knowledge production function

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    У статті запропоновано модель обсягу інноваційної продукції регіону, побудовану на основі виробничої функції знань (ВФЗ). Проаналізовано емпіричні дослідження інноваційної діяльності на основі ВФЗ. Виявлено чинники, які впливають на розвиток інноваційної діяльності регіону. Як практичне застосування побудованої економетричної моделі досліджено абсолютний та відносний вплив факторів на величину випуску інноваційної продукції регіонів, визначено та оцінено потенційні резерви її підвищення за допомогою порівняльного аналізу регіонів-лідерів і регіонів-аутсайдерів. Проведено прогнозні розрахунки обсягу інноваційної продукції регіонів.В статье предложена модель объема инновационной продукции региона, построенная на основе производственной функции знаний (ПФЗ). Проанализированы эмпирические исследования инновационной деятельности на основе ПФЗ. Выявлены факторы, влияющие на развитие инновационной деятельности региона. В качестве практического применения построенной эконометрической модели исследовано абсолютное и относительное влияние факторов на величину выпуска инновационной продукции регионов, определены и оценены потенциальные резервы ее повышения с помощью сравнительного анализа регионов-лидеров и регионов-аутсайдеров. Проведены прогнозные расчеты объема инновационной продукции регионов.The model of the volume of innovative production of the region, built on the basis of the knowledge production function (KPF), is proposed in the article. The analysis of empirical researches of innovation activity on the basis of KPF is made. The factors that influence the development of innovation activity of the region are revealed. As a practical application of the built econometric model, the absolute and relative influence of factors on the magnitude of the regions innovation products was investigated, potential reserves of its increase were determined and estimated through comparative analysis of regions-leaders and outsiders. Forecasted calculations of the future volume of innovative products of the regions have been carried out

    Diatoms from the Spring Ecosystems Selected for the Long-Term Monitoring of Climate-Change Effects in the Berchtesgaden National Park (Germany)

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    We studied diatoms from the fifteen springs selected in the Berchtesgaden National Park on behalf of the Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment to be sentinel environments of climate-change effects. For three of these springs, diatom data based on samples taken in 1997 were also available. A total of 162 species belonging to 49 genera were found sampling three microhabitat types (lithic materials, bryophytes, surface sediments). The cumulative percentage of all species included in a threat category including endangered species was 43%, confirming previous findings for comparable environments of the Alps. We could find a statistically significant positive association between the Meinzer variability index for discharge and the cumulative relative abundance of aerial diatom species. This study thus highlighted once again the relevance of discharge (and associated water-level) variability as an environmental determinant of diatom assemblages in spring ecosystems. Increased nitrate concentrations in some springs, likely due to diffuse airborne pollution and, locally, to impacts such as forest management, game, and cattle, led to a relevant occurrence of eutraphentic diatom species. Our results show a segregation of the older data in non-parametric diatom-based ordinations, suggesting a strong potential for the use of spring diatoms in studies aiming at tracking the effects of climate and environmental change

    The molecular fundamentals of neurorehabilitation and their modulation by thyroid hormones

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    Neurological disorders affect a large population, often leading to different levels of disability and resulting in a decreased quality of life. Neurorehabilitation is the process of restoring the functions of the nervous system after injuries, diseases, or other impairments. The molecular basis of neurorehabilitation includes various aspects such as changes in gene expression, regulation of synaptic connections, nerve cell growth, and repair, among others. Typical objectives in rehabilitating the patient with neurologic disease are to minimize pain, reestablish normal neural pathways, prevent secondary complications, and ultimately improve quality of life. It is also essential not to worsen neurologic function or pain in patients with spinal instability. A decreased free triiodothyronine and thyroid stimulating hormone levels upon admission may predict an unfavorable outcome at the end of early rehabilitative treatment. Thus, thyroid hormone levels are not only important during acute treatment but also in prolonged critical illness. Thyroid hormones, specifically thyroxine and triiodothyronine, can influence these molecular processes through their receptors in nervous tissue. Thyroid hormones are essential for the normal functioning of the nervous system, including neurogenesis (the formation of new neurons) and synaptic plasticity (changes in the strength and structure of connections between neurons). Research has shown that thyroid hormones can affect the expression of genes related to the growth and survival of neurons, as well as synaptic plasticity processes, which may be relevant for rehabilitation after nervous system injuries. A deficiency of thyroid hormones such as in hypothyroidism can lead to disturbances in the development and functioning of the nervous system, which, in turn, can complicate the neurorehabilitation process. Thus, understanding the molecular basis of neurorehabilitation and the influence of thyroid hormones can help improve approaches to the rehabilitation of patients with various nervous system impairments

    Система медичного постачання Збройних Сил України: фокус на інтеграцію

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    Aim. To identify the current trends in the development of the system of medical supply of the Armed Forces in accordance with the established single logistics support system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.Materials and methods. To achieve the goal of the study, the analysis of foreign and domestic scientific sources and the current legal documents was conducted. During our research the methods of information retrieval, systematization, content analysis, comparison, generalization and modeling were used.Results and discussion. The system of medical supply of the Armed Forces of Ukraine integrates processes of determining needs, procurement, transportation, storage, movement, distribution, disposition and maintenance of medical material, medical appliances and medicines. Medical supply is carried out according to the territorial principle in peacetime and in a special period. At the present, the system of medical supply of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is at a new stage of its evolutionary development – integration into the single logistics support system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which is built in accordance with the norms and standards of NATO. Since the concept of integrated logistics, which contributes to a significant reduction in costs in the complete logistics chain, has recently been the dominant management concept both abroad and in our country, we consider it a priority for the development of the national system of medical supply.Conclusions. The article identifies the current trends in the development of the system of medical supply of the Armed Forces in accordance with the established single logistics support system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It has been determined that the functioning of the medical supply system of the Armed Forces in the framework of the single logistics support system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine should be based on the concept of integrated logistics management. The component model of the medical supply logistics system integrated into the single logistics support system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has been created. It has been determined that logistics information systems used to manage flow processes in medical supply organizations must meet special requirements to the supply of medical material, medical appliances and medicines, must support national interests, and should be compatible with standards and information systems of the Armed Forces of NATO member states.Целью работы является определение актуальных направлений развития системы медицинского снабжения Вооружённых Сил (ВС) Украины в соответствии с созданной единой системой логистического обеспечения ВС Украины.Материалы и методы. Для достижения поставленной цели исследования проведен обзор зарубежных и отечественных научных источников, действующей нормативно-правовой базы. Во время выполнения исследования использованы методы информационного поиска, систематизации, контент-анализа, сравнения, обобщения и моделирования.Результаты и их обсуждение. Система медицинского снабжения ВС Украины объединяет процессы определения потребности, закупки, транспортировки, хранения, учёта, распределения, нормирования, поддержки качественного технического состояния, выдачи и списания медицинского имущества как в мирное время, таки в особый период по территориальному принципу. На сегодня система медицинского снабжения ВС Украины находится на новом этапе своего эволюционного развития – интеграции в единую эффективную систему логистического обеспечения ВС Украины, которая построена в соответствии с нормами и стандартами НАТО. Поскольку концепция интегрированной логистики, способствующая существенному сокращению расходов в полной логистической цепи, в последнее время является доминирующей управленческой концепцией как за рубежом, так и в нашей стране; видим эту концепцию приоритетным направлением развития системы медицинского снабжения ВС Украины.Выводы. Определены актуальные направления развития системы медицинского снабжения в соответствии с созданной единой системой логистического обеспечения ВС Украины. Установлено, что функционирование системы медицинского снабжения ВС Украины в пределах единой системы логистического обеспечения ВС Украины должно базироваться на концепции интегрированного логистического управления. Построена компонентная модель логистической системы медицинского снабжения, которая интегрирована в единую систему логистического обеспечения ВС Украины. Отмечено, что логистические информационные системы, которые используются для управления потоковыми процессами в организации медицинского снабжения ВС Украины, должны соответствовать особым требованиям к поставкам медицинского имущества, поддерживать национальные интересы и быть совместимыми со стандартами и информационными системами вооружённых сил государств-членов НАТО. Метою роботи є визначення актуальних напрямків розвитку системи медичного постачання ЗС України відповідно до створеної єдиної системи логістичного забезпечення ЗС України.Матеріали та методи. Для досягнення поставленої мети дослідження проведено огляд закордонних і вітчизняних наукових джерел та чинної нормативно-правової бази. Під час виконання дослідження використані методи інформаційного пошуку, систематизації, контент-аналізу, порівняння, узагальнення та моделювання.Результати та їх обговорення. Система медичного постачання ЗС України об’єднує процеси визначення потреби, закупівлі, транспортування, зберігання, обліку, розподілу, нормування, підтримки якісного технічного стану, видачі та списання медичного майна як у мирний час, так і в особливий період за територіальним принципом. Станом на сьогодні система медичного постачання ЗС України знаходиться на новому етапі свого еволюційного розвитку – інтеграції в єдину ефективну систему логістичного забезпечення ЗС України, яка побудована відповідно до норм та стандартів НАТО. Оскільки концепція інтегрованої логістики, що сприяє суттєвому скороченню витрат у повному логістичному ланцюгу, останнім часом є домінуючою управлінською концепцією як за кордоном, так і в нашій країні; вбачаємо її пріоритетним напрямком розвитку системи медичного постачання ЗС України.Висновки. Визначені актуальні напрямки розвитку системи медичного постачання відповідно до створеної єдиної системи логістичного забезпечення ЗС України. Встановлено, що функціонування системи медичного постачання ЗС України в межах єдиної системи логістичного забезпечення ЗС України повинно базуватись на концепції інтегрованого логістичного управління. Побудовано компонентну модель логістичної системи медичного постачання, яка інтегрована у єдину систему логістичного забезпечення ЗС України. Відзначено, що логістичні інформаційні системи, які використовуються для управління потоковими процесами в організації медичного постачання ЗС України, повинні відповідати особливим вимогам до постачання медичного майна, підтримувати національні інтереси та бути сумісними зі стандартами та інформаційними системами збройних сил держав-членів НАТО

    Efficacy of teaching medical students by problem-based learning method

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    To determine and analyze the evaluate efficacy of teaching senior students of medical faculties at Universities in terms of avoiding medical errors in pediatrics. Students studied according to problem based learning method while learning the subject “Pediatrics” within the framework of ERASMUS+ ТАМЕ project. Therefore, students were distributed into three groups: students, who learnt pediatrics by branch case method, students, who studied by problem-based learning method and linear cases method in particular and students, who studied by the traditional classical scheme of teaching pediatrics. The compiled questionnaire consisted of questions including: questions the subject of cases, tangent questions, they were not included into cases and control questions. The analysis of questionnaire of students showed that the best result (in percent of right answers) was seen in I group; its representatives studied by branch cases (42,0% Ukrainian and 43,2% Kazakhstan). The lowest percentage of right answers (37,6%) was determined in the control ІІІ group (41,9% in Kazakhstan), and the results of the group with linear cases was 40,6% of right answers (36,5% in Kazakhstan). Thus, problem-based learning considerably stimulates motivation of students to learning and promotes better efficacy of the whole educational process. Students who study according to problem-based learning method as compared to those who study according to the traditional methods demonstrate better results by the number of right answers given to tests

    Logistic outsourcing in pharmacy. the theory and practice

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    Today, the introduction and application of a logistics approach to resource management allows pharmaceutical companies to increase their social, environmental and economic efficiency. The article is aimed to research the essence of the concept, types and party of logistic outsourcing in practical pharmacy. To reach the aimreview of foreign and domestic scientific sources and the existing legal framework of Ukraine on this issue have been analyzed. Investigation methods were bibliographic and analytical ones. The results of these studies indicate the today outsourcing is one of the main logistics strategies of domestic pharmaceutical companies, which is actively used in the sphere of IT-technologies and warehouse services. At the same time for ensuring high-quality providing outsourcing services, a legal and regulatory framework is needed that standardizes the interaction between firm customer and the outsourcer, also the development of standards for the provision of services of a certain type of outsourcing. Wide introduction of logistics outsourcing, as a modern form of optimization of logistics business processes, requires the formation of professional competence among future pharmacists in pharmaceutical logistics, its tools and strategies, i.e. training of competitive professionals capable of working in various directions of practical pharmacy. Introduction of the topic «Logistic outsourcing in practical pharmacy» in the educational process of students of pharmaceutical faculties (university), pharmacists-interns and pharmacists at the postgraduate level of training is necessary. It will improve the theoretical and practical training of future specialist pharmaceutists and will allow them to apply the knowledge which would be gained in the future in logistics outsourcing in the activities of pharmaceutical companies

    Multifrequency Study of Giant Radio Pulses from the Crab Pulsar with the K5 VLBI Recording Terminal

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    Simultaneous multifrequency observations of the Crab pulsar giant pulses (GPs) were performed with the 64-m Kalyazin radio telescope at four frequencies 0.6, 1.4, 2.2 and 8.3 GHz using the K5 VLBI recording terminal. The K5 terminal provided continuous recording in 16 4-MHz wide frequency channels distributed over 4 frequency bands. Several thousands of GPs were detected during about 6 hours of observations in two successive days in July 2005. Radio spectra of single GPs were analysed at separate frequencies and over whole frequency range. These spectra manifest notable modulation over frequency ranges, Δν\Delta\nu, both on large (Δν/ν0.5\Delta\nu/\nu\approx 0.5) and small (Δν/ν0.01\Delta\nu/\nu\approx 0.01) frequency scales. Cross-correlation analysis of GPs at 2.2 GHz showed that their pulse shapes can be interpreted as an ensemble of unresolved bursts grouped together at time scales of 1\approx 1 mcs being well-correlated over a 60-MHz band. The corresponding GP cross-correlation functions do not obey the predictions of the amplitude-modulated noise model of Rickett (1975), thus indicating that unresolved components represent a small number of elementary emitters.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables, submitted to PAS