10 research outputs found

    Revisão cientométrica das pesquisas de enfermagem sobre gestão da dor

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    Objetivo: analizar artículos de investigación sobre dolor y temas de enfermería, utilizando metodologías bibliométricas y cienciométricas. Método: se analizaron los artículos en la base de datos Web of Science que contenían dolor y enfermero y dolor y enfermería, usando métodos cienciométricos, a través de técnicas de visualización de datos y análisis avanzado de textos. Resultado: entre los 107.559 artículos de investigación encontrados en el campo de la enfermería, 3.976 de ellos fueron escritos con base en las palabras clave dolor y enfermería, y fueron considerados en conformidad con el ámbito de aplicación de este estudio. Los análisis preliminares indicaron que las publicaciones han aumentado a través de los años, con pequeñas fluctuaciones. Los títulos, las palabras clave y los resúmenes se analizaron mediante análisis de texto para revelar agrupaciones de palabras clave y estructuras de temas. Los estudios sobre oncología y dolor en el campo de la enfermería tienen una frecuencia relativamente más alta. Conclusión: los resultados de los análisis revelaron las características de la literatura actual en una amplia gama de áreas, teniendo en cuenta dimensiones específicas. Por lo tanto, los resultados presentados en este estudio pueden respaldar investigaciones actuales y futuras en este campo, proporcionando información sobre redes, tendencias y contenidos de la literatura en cuestión.Objetivos: analisar artigos científicos sobre dor e enfermagem, utilizando metodologias bibliométricas e cienciométricas. Método: artigos do banco de dados Web of Science que continham dor e enfermeiro e dor e enfermagem foram analisados utilizando métodos cientométricos, através de técnicas de visualização de dados e análise avançada de textos. Resultado: dos 107.559 artigos científicos encontrados na área de enfermagem, 3.976 deles foram escritos com base nas palavras-chave dor e enfermagem, e foram considerados em consonância com o âmbito de aplicação deste estudo. As análises preliminares indicaram que as publicações têm aumentado ao longo dos anos, com pequenas flutuações. Títulos, palavras-chave e resumos foram analisados através de análise de texto para revelar agrupamentos de palavras-chave e estruturas de temas. Estudos sobre oncologia e dor no campo da enfermagem têm uma frequência relativamente maior. Conclusão: os resultados das análises revelaram as características da literatura atual em uma ampla gama de áreas, considerando-se dimensões específicas. Portanto, os resultados podem respaldar pesquisas atuais e futuras neste campo, proporcionando informações sobre redes, tendências e conteúdos da literatura em questão.Objective: to analyse research articles on pain and nursing issues using bibliometric and scientometric methodologies. Method: articles in the Web of Science database containing pain and nurse and pain and nursing were analyzed using scientometric methods through data visualization techniques and advanced text analytics. Result: among the 107,559 research articles found in the field of nursing, 3,976 of them were written based on the keywords pain and nursing, and were considered in conformity with the scope of this study. Preliminary analyses indicated that the publications have increased through the years with minor fluctuations. Titles, keywords, and abstracts were analyzed through text analytics to reveal keyword clusters and topic structures. Studies on oncology and pain in the field of nursing have a relatively higher frequency. Conclusion: the results of the analyses revealed the characteristics of the current literature in a broad range of areas by considering the particular dimensions. Therefore, the findings may support present and future research in this field by shedding light on the networks, trends, and contents in the related literature

    A Supervisor's Role in Career Planning of Doctoral Students: A Qualitative Descriptive Study

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    The aim of this study is to reveal the experiences of doctoral students with their supervisors in planning their careers. A qualitative descriptive study was conducted at an Institute of Health Sciences in Turkey. A total of 16 doctoral students were interviewed in-depth (eight studied nursing, two studied biomechanics, three studied biochemistry, and three studied histology). Five themes were identified from the collected data: Satisfaction with Supervisor, Supervisor = God, Supervisor Inadequacy, Students with No Demands, and National and Institutional Obstacles. The findings of the study suggested that students have to continue their careers as academicians, and are aware that career planning is limited to participating in academic congresses, writing articles, and preparing research projects. The students stated that they do not demand anything from their supervisors with regards to planning their careers. This is related to students and supervisors having insufficient knowledge on this issue, and supervisors inadequate cooperation with the sector/industry

    Development of the Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema Self-Care Scale

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    WOS: 000556861300001PubMed: 32757769The purpose of study was to develop the Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema Self-Care Scale to evaluate the self-care practices of women with breast cancer-related lymphedema (BRCL); and to examine the psycholinguistic and psychometric characteristics of this scale. the item pool of the scale was created based on the literature in this descriptive study. Content validity, explanatory and confirmatory factor analyses used in evaluation of the validity; and item analyzes, the Cronbach's Alpha and Split Half analyzes were made for reliability in the study. the content validity index was found to be above 0.80. in the Explanatory Factor Analysis, a four-factor structure was obtained. in Confirmatory Factor Analysis, fit indices were found to be acceptable. Cronbach's Alpha coefficients of the sub-dimensions of the scale varied between 0.62 and 0.86. It was determined the Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema Self-Care Scale was a valid and reliable scale for women with BRCL

    Scientometric overview of nursing research on pain management

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    ABSTRACT Objective: to analyse research articles on pain and nursing issues using bibliometric and scientometric methodologies. Method: articles in the Web of Science database containing pain and nurse and pain and nursing were analyzed using scientometric methods through data visualization techniques and advanced text analytics. Result: among the 107,559 research articles found in the field of nursing, 3,976 of them were written based on the keywords pain and nursing, and were considered in conformity with the scope of this study. Preliminary analyses indicated that the publications have increased through the years with minor fluctuations. Titles, keywords, and abstracts were analyzed through text analytics to reveal keyword clusters and topic structures. Studies on oncology and pain in the field of nursing have a relatively higher frequency. Conclusion: the results of the analyses revealed the characteristics of the current literature in a broad range of areas by considering the particular dimensions. Therefore, the findings may support present and future research in this field by shedding light on the networks, trends, and contents in the related literature

    Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Informant Assessment of Geriatric Delirium Scale | Az Informant Assessment of Geriatric Delirium Scale török verziójának érvényessége és megbízhatósága

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    Background and purpose – Delirium is a common complication developing in el derly patients. Therefore, it is important to diagnose delirium earlier. Family caregivers play an active role in early diagnosis of de lirium and build a bridge between health professionals and patients. The purpose of this research was to achieve the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Informant Assessment of Geriatric Delirium Scale (I AGeD). Methods – This is a methodological study. The sample comprised 125 caregivers accepting to participate in the study and of fering care to older patients with hip fracture aged ≥60 years. Data were gathered preop eratively and on postoperative days 0, 1 and 2. After achieving the linguistic and content validity of the scale, the known groups com parison was used to achieve its construct validity. The ROC curve analysis was made to determine the sensitivity and specificity of the scale. Item total correlations, item analy sis based on the difference between the upper 27% and lower 27%, Kuder–Richard son 20 (KR-20) coefficient and parallel forms reliability with the NEECHAM Confusion Scale were adapted to assess discriminant indices of the items in the I AGeD. Results – The item-total correlation coeffi- cients of the scale ranged from 0.54 to 0.89 and KR-20 coefficient ranged from 0.09 to 0.91 depending on the measurement times. According to the ROC curve analysis, the sensitivity and specificity of the scale were ≥ 91% and ≥ 96% respectively. The parallel forms reliability analysis showed a highly significant, strong negative relation at each measurement between the I AGeD and the NEECHAM Confusion Scale. Conclusion – The I AGeD is valid and reli able to diagnose delirium in older Turkish patients in perioperative processes. | Háttér és cél – Az idős betegeknél a delí rium gyakran kialakuló szövődmény, ezért fontos korai diagnózisa. A gondoskodó csa ládtagok aktív szerepet játszanak a delírium korai diagnózisában, és hidat építenek az egészségügyi szakemberek és betegek kö zött. Kutatásunk célja az volt, hogy elérjük az Informant Assessment of Geriatric Delirium Scale (I-AGeD) török verziójának érvényessé gét és megbízhatóságát. Módszerek – Ez egy módszertani tanul mány. A minta 125 gondozóból állt, akik vállalták a részvételt a tanulmányban, és 60 éves vagy a feletti csípőtöréses idős betegeket gondoztak. Az adatokat műtét előtt és a műtét utáni 0., 1. és 2. napon gyűjtöttük össze. A skála nyelvi és tartalmi érvényességét elérve az ismert csoportok összehasonlítását alkalmaztuk a szerkezeti érvényesség eléréséhez. A ROC-görbe elem zését végeztük el a skála érzékenységének és specificitásának meghatározásához. Az elem-összeg korrelációk és az elemanalízis az alsó 27% és a felső 27% közötti különb ségeken alapultak, a Kuder–Richardson 20 (KR-20) együtthatót, valamint a NEECHAM Konfúzióskálával való párhuzamos formák meg bízhatóságát alkalmaztuk az I-AGeD-elemek diszkriminanciamutatóinak értékelésére. Eredmények – A skála elem összeg korre lációs együtthatói 0,54-tól 0,89-ig terjedtek, és a KR-20 együttható 0,09-tól 0,91-ig terjedt a mérési időtől függően. Az ROC-görbe elemzése szerint a skála érzékenysége és specificitása ≥ 91% és ≥ 96% volt. A párhu zamos formák megbízhatósági elemzése minden mérésnél nagyon szignifikáns, erős negatív összefüggést mutatott az I-AGeD és a NEECHAM Konfúzióskála között. Következtetés – Az I-AGeD érvényes és megbízható eszköz a delírium diagnosztizá lására idős török betegeknél a perioperatív folyamatok során

    Similarities and differences in child development from birth to age 3 years by sex and across four countries : a cross-sectional, observational study

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    BACKGROUND : Knowledge about typical development is of fundamental importance for understanding and promoting child health and development. We aimed to ascertain when healthy children in four culturally and linguistically different countries attain developmental milestones and to identify similarities and differences across sexes and countries. METHODS : In this cross-sectional, observational study, we recruited children aged 0–42 months and their caregivers between March 3, 2011, and May 18, 2015, at 22 health clinics in Argentina, India, South Africa, and Turkey. We obtained a healthy subsample, which excluded children with a low birthweight, perinatal complications, chronic illness, undernutrition, or anaemia, and children with missing health data. Using the Guide for Monitoring Child Development, caregivers described their child’s development in seven domains: expressive and receptive language, gross and fine motor, play, relating, and self-help. Clinicians examining the children also completed a checklist about the child’s health status. We used logit and probit regression models based on the lowest deviance information criterion to generate Bayesian point estimates and 95% credible intervals for the 50th percentile ages of attainment of 106 milestones. We assessed the significance of differences between sexes and countries using predefined criteria and regions of practical equivalence. FINDINGS : Of 10 246 children recruited, 4949 children (48·3%) were included in the healthy subsample. For the 106 milestones assessed, the median age of attainment was equivalent for 102 (96%) milestones across sexes and 81 (76%) milestones across the four countries. Across countries, median ages of attainment were equivalent for all play milestones, 20 (77%) of 26 expressive language milestones, ten (67%) of 15 receptive language milestones, nine (82%) of 11 fine motor milestones, 14 (88%) of 16 gross motor milestones, and eight (73%) of 11 relating milestones. However, across the four countries the median age of attainment was equivalent for only two (22%) of nine milestones in the self-help domain. INTERPRETATION : The ages of attainment of developmental milestones in healthy children, and the similarities and differences across sexes and country samples might aid the development of international tools to guide policy, service delivery, and intervention research, particularly in low-income and middle-income countries.The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (1R01HD057834). VS received Clinical and Translational Science Award grants (UL1 RR024139) from the National Center for Research Resources and the National Center for Advancing Translational Science of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and NIH roadmap for Medical Research.http://www.thelancet.com/lancetgham2018Paediatrics and Child Healt

    Validation of the International Guide for Monitoring Child Development demonstrates good sensitivity and specificity in four diverse countries

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    AIM : It is of critical importance to have internationally constructed tools to address early childhood development. The aim of this second phase of a two‐phase study was to examine the sensitivity and specificity of the Guide for Monitoring Child Development (GMCD) in identifying developmental delay in four diverse countries. METHODS : The first phase of this 2011–2015 back‐to‐back study included 4949 children up to 42 months of age from primary healthcare centres in Argentina, India, South Africa and Turkey. Distribution curves were generated to show the ages when the children attained GMCD milestones and those that could be used across sexes and countries were placed in age ranges corresponding to the 85th and 97th percentile point estimates. Phase two examined a separately recruited sample of children in those countries to determine sensitivity and specificity of the GMCD. RESULTS : The validation phase of the 85 milestones in the GMCD identified delayed development in 30% of the 1731 children in the four countries. The sensitivity and specificity ranged from 0.71–0.94 and 0.69–0.82, respectively, for the total sample and the different age groups. CONCLUSION : The GMCD standardised in four diverse countries has appropriate accuracy for identification of children with developmental delay.The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Develop-ment.https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/165122272020-06-01hj2020Paediatrics and Child Healt

    Similarities and differences in child development from birth to age 3 years by sex and across four countries: a cross-sectional, observational study

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    Summary: Background: Knowledge about typical development is of fundamental importance for understanding and promoting child health and development. We aimed to ascertain when healthy children in four culturally and linguistically different countries attain developmental milestones and to identify similarities and differences across sexes and countries. Methods: In this cross-sectional, observational study, we recruited children aged 0–42 months and their caregivers between March 3, 2011, and May 18, 2015, at 22 health clinics in Argentina, India, South Africa, and Turkey. We obtained a healthy subsample, which excluded children with a low birthweight, perinatal complications, chronic illness, undernutrition, or anaemia, and children with missing health data. Using the Guide for Monitoring Child Development, caregivers described their child's development in seven domains: expressive and receptive language, gross and fine motor, play, relating, and self-help. Clinicians examining the children also completed a checklist about the child's health status. We used logit and probit regression models based on the lowest deviance information criterion to generate Bayesian point estimates and 95% credible intervals for the 50th percentile ages of attainment of 106 milestones. We assessed the significance of differences between sexes and countries using predefined criteria and regions of practical equivalence. Findings: Of 10 246 children recruited, 4949 children (48·3%) were included in the healthy subsample. For the 106 milestones assessed, the median age of attainment was equivalent for 102 (96%) milestones across sexes and 81 (76%) milestones across the four countries. Across countries, median ages of attainment were equivalent for all play milestones, 20 (77%) of 26 expressive language milestones, ten (67%) of 15 receptive language milestones, nine (82%) of 11 fine motor milestones, 14 (88%) of 16 gross motor milestones, and eight (73%) of 11 relating milestones. However, across the four countries the median age of attainment was equivalent for only two (22%) of nine milestones in the self-help domain. Interpretation: The ages of attainment of developmental milestones in healthy children, and the similarities and differences across sexes and country samples might aid the development of international tools to guide policy, service delivery, and intervention research, particularly in low-income and middle-income countries. Funding: Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

    Factors related to older patients' fear of falling during the first mobilization after total knee replacement and total hip replacement

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    The aim of this study was to determine fear of falling in the first mobilization and affecting factors in older patients. The study had a descriptive and cross-sectional design. Data were collected in Izmir, Turkey between February 2014 and March 2016. The sample included 204 older patients undergoing joint replacement surgery. Fifty-seven-point four percent and 42.6% of the patients had total hip and knee replacement respectively. 42.2% of the patients had a severe fear of falling when they were first mobilized. There was a statistically significant difference between fear of failing in the first mobilization and the mean pain severity. In addition, the difference between fear of falling and the mean anxiety level was statistically significant. Pain and anxiety are important factors contributing to fear of falling in mobilization. The results of the study can help develop multidimensional strategies for reducing fear of falling in older people after joint replacement. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved