202 research outputs found

    Enhancement of construction of water chambers of network water heaters of steam turbine for combined heat and energy production

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    The report explores the possibility of using partitions of network heater chambers as anchor ties and examples of their design are presented. The results of calculations of such chambers are presented. Based on the results of these calculations, it is concluded that using the anchor partitions makes it possible to significantly reduce bending stresses in the bottom and tube plate, reduce the load on the flange connection, use a flat bottom instead of the elliptical one, significantly reduce the longitudinal stresses in the tubes, which increases the life of the most damageable heater element.В докладе рассматривается возможность использования перегородок водяных камер сетевых подогревателей в качестве анкерных связей и примеры их конструктивного исполнения. Приводятся результаты расчетов таких камер. По результатам этих расчетов сделаны выводы, что использование анкерных перегородок позволяет существенно уменьшить изгибные напряжения в днище и трубной доске, уменьшить нагрузку на фланцевое соединение, вместо эллиптического днища использовать плоское, существенно уменьшить продольные напряжения в трубках, что повышает ресурс самого повреждаемого элемента подогревателя


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    Purpose: to investigate the informative providing of sphere of health protection of Ukraine by the products got at implementation of scientific developments establishments of industry in 2014-2016.Materials and Methods. A retrospective analysis of the registers of sectoral innovations, the list of scientific (scientific and technical) products intended for implementation of the achievements of medical science in the sphere of health care, reports of institutions on monitoring the implementation of scientific (scientific and technical) products during 2014-2016 from the moment of its creation has been carried out.Results. Description of innovations after the name of medical (pharmacist) speciality in 2016 showed that high quantitative correlation was on 10 specialities (22.2 % of general amount of the analysed specialities). The new methods of treatment (34.8%) and new methods of diagnostics (28.1%) of general amount of innovations are most offered in 2016.Conclusions. The results of analysis of annual dynamics of offered for introduction in practice of health protection in Ukraine of innovations during 2014–2016 testifies, that after the row of directions of development answer urgent priorities of sphere of health protection.Мета: дослідити інформаційне забезпечення сфери охорони здоров’я України продукцією, отриманою при виконанні наукових розробок установами галузі у 2014–2016 рр.Матеріали і методи. Проведено ретроспективний аналіз реєстрів галузевих нововведень, переліку наукової (науково-технічної) продукції, призначеної для впровадження досягнень медичної науки у сферу охорони здоров’я, звітів установ щодо моніторингу впровадження наукової (науково-технічної) продукції протягом 2014–2016 років з моменту її створення.Результати. За період 2014–2016 рр. переважну більшість нововведень для впровадження у сферу охорони здоров’я було запропоновано ВМНЗ галузі. Кваліметрична характеристика нововведень за назвою лікарської (провізорської) спеціальності у 2016 р. показала, що високе кількісне співвідношення припадає на 10 спеціальностей (22,2 % від загальної кількості проаналізованих спеціальностей). Найбільше запропоновано у 2016 р. нові способи лікування (34,8 %) та нові способи діагностики (28,1 %) серед загальної кількості нововведень.Висновки. Результати аналізу щорічної динаміки запропонованих для впровадження в практику охорони здоров’я України інновацій протягом 2014–2016 рр. свідчить, що за рядом напрямів розробки відповідають нагальним пріоритетам сфери охорони здоров’я

    Steam turbines produced by the Ural Turbine Works for combined-cycle plants

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    The most interesting and innovative solutions adopted in the projects of steam turbines for combined-cycle plants with capacities from 115 to 900 MW are pointed out. The development of some ideas and components from the first projects to subsequent ones is shown. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Benthic O-2 uptake by coral gardens at the Condor seamount (Azores)

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    Using the non-invasive aquatic eddy covariance technique, we provide the first oxygen (O-2) uptake rates from within coral gardens at the Condor seamount (Azores). To explore some of the key drivers of the benthic O-2 demand, we obtained benthic images, quantified local hydrodynamics, and estimated phototrophic biomass and deposition dynamics with a long-term moored sediment trap. The coral gardens were dominated by the octocorals Viminella flagellum and Dentomuricea aff. meteor. Daily rates of O-2 uptake within 3 targeted coral garden sites (203 to 206 m depth) ranged from 10.0 t 0.88 to 18.8 +/- 2.0 mmol m(-2) d(-1) (mean +/- SE) and were up to 10 times higher than 2 local sandy reference sites within the seamount summit area. The overall mean O-2 uptake rate for the garden (13.4 mmol m(-2) d(-1)) was twice the global mean for sedimentary habitats at comparable depths. Combined with parallel ex situ incubations, the results suggest that the octocorals might contribute just -similar to 5% of the observed O-2 uptake rates. Deposition of particulate organic matter (POM) assessed by the sediment trap accounted for less than 10% of the O-2 demand of the coral garden, implying a substantial POM supply circumventing the deployed traps. Our results expand the database for carbon turnover rates in cold-water coral habitats by including the first estimates from these largely understudied coral gardens.Peer reviewe

    Vocational training costs and economic benefits: exploring the interactions

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    The aim of the article is to study the relationship between vocational training costs and economic benefits at different levels of economic relations. In the structure of labour costs in the EU, there was the highest share of vocational training costs in Ireland (2.79%), Great Britain (2.53%), France (1.51%), which is reflected in the economic success of these countries. A comparison with Ukraine, which has European integration intentions, confirms that the underestimated role of investing in lifelong learning has relevant links to economic performance. This study at the enterprise level (based on the survey of 356 employees) found that higher costs of vocational training are a sign of profitable enterprises. At the same time, employees’ interest in short-term training programs is higher, which they obviously assess from the standpoint of higher personal economic benefits in the short term. At the same time, the analysis performed by means of the Fechner correlation coefficient confirms the existence of a positive impact of vocational training costs on changes in the main macroeconomic benefits indicator – GDP per capita. This allows drawing conclusions about the need to develop professional training programs for staff as one of the drivers of macroeconomic development

    De Novo Missense Variants in SLC32A1 Cause a Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathy Due to Impaired GABAergic Neurotransmission

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    Objective:Rare inherited missense variants inSLC32A1, the gene that encodes the vesicular gamma-aminobutyric acid(GABA) transporter, have recently been shown to cause genetic epilepsy with febrile seizures plus. We aimed to clarifyif de novo missense variants inSLC32A1can also cause epilepsy with impaired neurodevelopment.Methods:Using exome sequencing, we identified four individuals with a developmental and epileptic encephalopathyand de novo missense variants inSLC32A1. To assess causality, we performed functional evaluation of the identifiedvariants in a murine neuronal cell culture model.Results:The main phenotype comprises moderate-to-severe intellectual disability, infantile-onset epilepsy within thefirst 18 months of life, and a choreiform, dystonic, or dyskinetic movement disorder. In silico modeling and functionalanalyses reveal that three of these variants, which are located in helices that line the putative GABA transport pathway,result in reduced quantal size, consistent with impairedfilling of synaptic vesicles with GABA. The fourth variant,located in the vesicular gamma-aminobutyric acid N-terminus, does not affect quantal size, but increases presynapticrelease probability, leading to more severe synaptic depression during high-frequency stimulation. Thus, variants invesicular gamma-aminobutyric acid can impair GABAergic neurotransmission through at least two mechanisms, byaffecting synaptic vesiclefilling and by altering synaptic short-term plasticity.Interpretation:This work establishes de novo missense variants inSLC32A1as a novel cause of a developmental andepileptic encephalopathy


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    Purpose: monitoring of the innovative providing in the field of morbidity on most socially dangerous and socially meaningful diseases in Ukraine health care for 2011–2014.Materials and methods. There was performed a retrospective analysis for 378 innovations, 167 informative letters, 130 methodical recommendations. During work the method of expert evaluations, the statistical methods, the method of system analysis, the method of structural and logical analysis were used.Results. Research showed that the greatest number innovations on directions "Oncology" and "Blood circulatory diseases" are presented for period 2011–2014. The insufficient innovative providing of practical health protection on pressing questions of diagnostics, prophylaxis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients as a result of traumas, poisoning and consequences of action of external factors are defined.Conclusions. For the improvement of quality of health care in medical and preventive establishments, increase of population health level to scientific establishments it is necessary to spare more attention to developments on questions diagnostics, prophylaxis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients as a result of traumas, poisoning and consequences of the action of external factors.Мета: моніторинг інноваційного забезпечення у сфері охорони здоров᾽я України з проблеми захворюваності на найбільш соціально небезпечні та соціально значущі хвороби за 2011–2014 роки.Матеріали і методи. Проведено ретроспективний аналіз 378 нововведень, 167 інформаційних листів, 130 методичних рекомендацій; використано методи експертної оцінки, статистичного, системного, структурно-логічного та кластерного аналізу.Результати. За період 2011–2014 рр. найбільшу кількість інновацій запропоновано за напрямками «Онкологія» та «Хвороби системи кровообігу». Визначено недостатнє інноваційне забезпечення практичної охорони здоров᾽я з актуальних питань діагностики, профілактики, лікування та реабілітації хворих у результаті травм, отруєнь та наслідків дії зовнішніх чинників.Висновки. Для покращання якості медичної допомоги в лікувально-профілактичних закладах, підвищення рівня здоров᾽я населення науковим установам необхідно більше уваги приділяти розробкам з питань діагностики, профілактики, лікування та реабілітації хворих у результаті травм, отруєнь та наслідків дії зовнішніх чинників


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    Purpose: monitoring of the innovative providing in the stomatology field in Ukraine health care for 2011–2014.Materials and methods. There was performed a retrospective analysis for 349 innovations, 148 informative letters, 34 methodical recommendations. During work the method of expert evaluations, the statistical methods, the method of system analysis, the method of structural and logical analysis were used.Results. Research showed that the greatest number innovations on pressing questions of stomatology disease treatment are presented for period 2011-2014. The insufficient innovative providing of practical health protection on pressing questions of stomatology disease prognostication, stomatology disease diagnostics and stomatology disease prevention.Conclusions. For the improvement of quality of health care in medical and preventive establishments, increase of population health level to scientific establishments it is necessary to spare more attention to developments on questions prognostication, diagnostics and prophylaxis of stomatology diseases.Мета: моніторинг інноваційного забезпечення за напрямом «Стоматологія» у сфері охорони здоров᾽я України за 2009–2014 роки.Матеріали і методи. Проведено ретроспективний аналіз 349 нововведень, 148 інформаційних листів, 34 методичних рекомендацій. Під час виконання роботи використано методи експертної оцінки, статистичного, системного та структурно-логічного аналізу.Результати. За період 2011–2014 рр. найбільша кількість інновацій була присвячена новим способам лікування захворювань порожнини рота. Визначено недостатнє інноваційне забезпечення практичної охорони здоров᾽я з актуальних питань прогнозування, діагностики та профілактики захворювань ротової порожнини.Висновки. Для покращення якості медичної допомоги в лікувально-профілактичних закладах, підвищення рівня здоров᾽я населення науковим установам необхідно більше уваги приділяти розробкам з питань прогнозування, діагностики та профілактики захворювань ротової порожнини

    Arterial versus venous lactate: a measure of sepsis in children.

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    This study assessed the agreement between arterial and venous blood lactate and pH levels in children with sepsis. This retrospective, three-year study involved 60 PICU patients, with data collected from electronic or paper patient records. The inclusion criteria comprised of children (≤17 years old) with sepsis and those who had a venous blood gas taken first with an arterial blood gas taken after within one hour. The lactate and pH values measured through each method were analysed. There is close agreement between venous and arterial lactate up to 2 mmol/L. As this value increases, this agreement becomes poor. The limits of agreement (LOA) are too large (±1.90 mmol/L) to allow venous and arterial lactate to be used interchangeably. The mean difference and LOA between both methods would be much smaller if derived using lactate values under 2.0 mmol/L. There is close agreement between arterial and venous pH (MD = -0.056, LOA ± 0.121). However, due to extreme variations in pH readings during sepsis, pH alone is an inadequate marker. CONCLUSION: A venous lactate ≤2 mmol/L can be used as a surrogate for arterial lactate during early management of sepsis in children. However, if the value exceeds 2 mmol/L, an arterial sample must confirm the venous result. What is known: • In children with septic shock, a blood gas is an important test to show the presence of acidosis and high lactic acid. Hyperlactataemia on admission is an early predictor of outcome and is associated with a greater mortality risk. • An arterial sample is the standard for lactate measurement, however getting a sample may be challenging in the emergency department or a general paediatric ward. Venous samples are quicker and easier to obtain. Adult studies generally advise caution in replacing venous lactate values for the arterial standard, whilst paediatric studies are limited in this area. What is new: • This is the first study assessing the agreement between arterial and peripheral venous lactate in children with sepsis, with a significant sample of patients. • This study shows that a venous sample with a lactate of ≤ 2 mmol/L can be used as a surrogate measurement for arterial lactate during early management of sepsis in children. However, if the venous lactate is above 2 mmol/L, an arterial sample must be taken to confirm the result