54 research outputs found

    Einblick in ein „Eintypsekundarstufenlehramt“ Berufsbezogene PrĂ€ferenzen der ersten beiden Kohorten des Lehramts fĂŒr Gymnasien und Oberschulen am Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik der UniversitĂ€t Bremen

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    1 AusgangslageIm Wintersemester 2011/2012 hat die UniversitĂ€t Bremen ihre Lehramtsstruktur umgestellt. Aus dem Lehramt fĂŒr Sekundarschule (Klasse 5 bis 10) und dem Lehramt fĂŒr Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen wurde ein Lehramt fĂŒr Gymnasien und Oberschulen. Die Absolventinnen und Absolventen dieses Lehramts sollen nun im spĂ€teren Lehrerberuf in den Klasse 5 bis 13 sowohl fachlich tief bis zum Abitur eingesetzt werden können als auch angemessen in stark heterogenen Klassen inklusiven Oberschulunterrichts der Klasse 5 bis 10 bestehen können. Letzteres wird von UniversitĂ€tsseite dadurch unterstĂŒtzt, dass Studierende in den SchlĂŒsselqualifikationen einen Ausbildungsstrang zum Umgang mit HeterogenitĂ€t absolvieren

    Comparing and contrasting methodologies : a commentary

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    The term \u27methodology\u27 is discussed before we consider the methodological contributions of each team of chapter authors (Cobb, Gresalfi &amp; Hodge; Nathan, Eilam &amp; Kim; and Saxe, Gearhart, Shaughnessy, Earnest, Cremer, ltabkhan, Platas &amp; Young) and examine links between them. We generate questions arising from our analyses of the three chapters in this section and formulate views on classroom learning in mathematics that could be researched through complementary analyses. The subsequent discussion of data-collection instruments appropriate to further analyses is informed by our own research perspectives. This commentary concludes with a summary of what we have learnt through comparing the three methodologies and how simultaneously focusing on data from different theoretical perspectives might help to show the way forward in researching the richness of learning in classrooms.<br /

    Developing risk literacy at secondary level

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    University of Bremen, scholarship for Duale Promotion, center of ZfLB

    When the fiction of learning is kept: A case of networking two theoretical views

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    International audienceA case of networking two didactic phenomena - the Topaze effect and the Funnel communications pattern - through analyses of the same episode from two theoretical perspectives is presented. It shows how this networked analysis deepens insight into the kind of learning of the same episode through complementary views, how it strengthens the theoretical understanding the two phenomena as parts of the theories and how it uncovers blind spots of the theories themselves

    Reducing Fragmentation in University Pre-Service Teacher Education: Conditions and Strategies

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    We report insights from a design research study in higher education that aims at overcoming pre-service teachers’ experiences of fragmentation in their educational programmes. The design approach started from the assumption that fragmentation could be reduced by initiating and conducting boundary crossing between practices in subject matter and subject matter didactics courses at university. Following this assumption, the design principle of boundary crossing by design(ing) for interlinking subject matter and subject matter didactics (domain-specific pedagogy) was implemented in two subjects in pre-service teacher education at university, one in mathematics and one in English language teaching. The linking between subject matter and subject matter didactics we strive for is two-fold: On the one hand, it requires curricular and organisational dovetailing of the courses involved (boundary crossing by design); on the other hand, it requires a study space where students are urged to try to interlink the courses’ contents in their thinking and acting (boundary crossing by designing). Following this design principle, a nested design approach is developed in which students’ designs of teaching practice is interlocked with the design of courses at university level. In this paper, we illustrate two kinds of findings by empirical examples: a conditional model for the intertwined realisation of the two types of linking, and interlinking strategies as heuristics for the pre-service teachers’ thinking and acting

    Diversity of Theories in Mathematics Education -- How can we deal with it?

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    This article discusses the central question of how to deal with the diversity and the richness of existing theories in mathematics education research. To do this, we propose ways to structure building and discussing theories and we contrast the demand for integrating theories with the idea of networking theories

    „Ich zeig‘ uns was, was du nicht siehst“ – Zur epistemischen Rolle von Gesten

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    Prozesse der Wissenskonstruktion werden bisher vor allem in Bezug auf Sprache und Inskription in sozialen Interaktionen untersucht (z.B. Bikner-Ahsbahs 2005). Jedoch zeigen neue Studien insbesondere bei graphischnahen Lernumgebungen, dass auch der Gebrauch von Gesten einen Beitrag zur Wissenskonstruktion leistet (z.B. Reynolds & Reeves 2002). Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird die Fallstudie einer Masterarbeit vorgestellt. Diese untersucht, welchen Beitrag Gesten zum mathematischen Erkenntnisprozess bei arithmetisch-analytischen und somit graphisch-abstinenten Aufgaben leisten können
