312 research outputs found

    Wskaźniki biochemiczne zaburzeń stanu odżywienia w chorobach nowotworowych

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    Postępująca choroba nowotworowa prowadzi u chorych do niedożywienia, a nawet do rozwoju zespołu wyniszczenia nowotworowego - kacheksji. Stan ten charakteryzuje się obniżonym apetytem, zmniejszeniem masy ciała i pogarszającym się samopoczuciem pacjenta. Bezpośrednią przyczyną rozwoju zespołu wyniszczenia nowotworowego jest przewaga procesów katabolicznych nad anabolicznymi. Pojawiające się zaburzenia w obrębie gospodarki białkowej, węglowodanowej i lipidowej powodują zmiany w stężeniach wskaźników biochemicznych, np.: albumin, cholesterolu i jego frakcji HDL i LDL, cytokin prozapalnych, neuropeptydu Y, leptyny. Kontrolowanie tych zaburzeń jest niezwykle istotne w przypadku oceny stanu odżywienia pacjenta. Rutynowe pomiary antropometryczne, uzupełniane o oznaczenia wskaźników biochemicznych, umożliwiają zastosowanie indywidualnego leczenia żywieniowego, które zaplanowane - poprawia jakość życia pacjentów. Celem pracy był przegląd piśmiennictwa dotyczącego wybranych wskaźników biochemicznych, które mają istotne znaczenie w diagnostyce niedożywienia u pacjentów z chorobą nowotworową

    Techniki membranowe w procesach otrzymywania biometanu z biogazu

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    Low-frequency magnetic therapy is already well established treatment of the vast range of diseases. The impact of low frequency magnetic field on human's and animals' bodies is the subject to research in many universities and medical centers. A portable microprocessor device "KTM" used in Pulsed Magnetic Field therapy has been developed at the Department of Measurement and Diagnostic Systems at the Electrotechnical Institute. Due to the device potential to use it for home therapy treatment there are new capabilities brought out e.g., increased accessibility, prolonged sessions, limited therapy costs, remote patient-doctor communication system. Magnetotherapy treatment can be an online monitored and controlled process. The device can be specified by low manufacturing and exploitation costs. Along with the "KTM" the specialized software for controlling several KTM devices from doctor's office has been created.Terapia wolnozmiennym polem magnetycznym jest uznaną metodą stosowaną przy leczeniu wielu schorzeń. Oddziaływanie pól na organizmy żywe oraz stosowanie wyspecjalizowanych urządzeń do wytwarzania tych pól jest przedmiotem badań w kilku ośrodkach medycznych i technicznych. W Zakładzie Systemów Pomiarowo-Diagnostycznych Instytutu Elektrotechniki opracowano mikroprocesorowe przenośne urządzenie „KTM”, do stosowania terapii impulsowym polem magnetycznym. Dzięki możliwości stosowania programowalnego urządzenia w domu pacjenta przez całą dobę uzyskuje się nowe możliwości terapeutyczne związane z szerszą dostępnością, wydłużeniem sesji, zmniejszeniem kosztu terapii, zdalną komunikacją lekarza z pacjentem. Proces magnetoterapii może być zdalnie monitorowany i modyfikowany przez Internet. Urządzenie charakteryzuje się stosunkowo niskim kosztem wytwarzania i eksploatacji. Wraz z urządzeniem opracowano instalowany w gabinecie lekarza system informatyczny, który może obsługiwać.kilkadziesiąt przenośnych urządze

    Back pain persons engaged in rowing

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    Introduction: the dynamic and multi-directional development of sport and the relentless pursuit of victory or improve the outcome necessitated increasing workloads. Implementation of the process leads to the expected changes in the morphological structures and motor skills of players and despite the widespread use of wellness, often results in injuries, however, of an overload. Literature, it can be concluded that the problem of overload injuries in rowing sports exists and often affects the lower spine. Thus the objective is to determine the incidence of pain lumbar spine paddlers and their evaluation. Was the hypothesis of the scale of the problem among men and women and its escalation in a group of players with more professional seniority and applying the paddles long. Material and method: the study involved training people Rowing Club RTW Lotto-"Bydgostia" during the start, which are characterized by a relatively high load, which are characterized by a relatively high load.                Uses the exclusive survey measured basic morphological and clinical tests, questionnaires, and functional research rated the intensity of pain and degree of loss of movable active lumbar spine. Obtained the test results sets 34 men and 35 women of different ages and progress. It has been developed the basic statistical methods taking into account the diversity of the occurrence of pain in the spine or the lack of their statements, as well as training experience and type of used oars.   Statistic; Uses the test Shapiro-Wolf, t-Student, Kruskal-Walis and Pearson Chi square, and to the assessment of the traineeship training and clinical test results, test the correlation of Spearman. Statistical analysis was performed on the significance level p < 0.05.                Test results: it was found that the teams examined the men and women of varied lack of or presence of pain disorders have similar average size basic morphological however, they differ in terms of used paddles and internship training. It analysis of the diversification of the results of the tests carried out clinical trials, for the most part does not show significant differences. Men without pain, however, is characterized by a significantly higher average test result Schober in the back. The diversity was found slightly more frequent differences structure interest teams fixed functional test results that indicate the trail of problems in the lumbar spine mobility players with pains, ailments.     Among the men found them in the study of folds, and among the women in the study the hyperextension and slider on the right, and the results of numerical correlation Spearman test results and clinical internship training show little of their relationship and the total lack of statistical significance.                Conclusions: The basic characteristics of the physical persons engaged in rowing are not factor significantly in the presence of back pain, which can, however, grow in the process of long-term training on the shore. Increased its frequency among players short paddles indicates the need for exercise, and among the contestants paddles long multidisciplinary action to restore the symmetry of the body. To reduce the function of the spine, and thus causing pain persons engaged in rowing in the increasingly determined by other factors related to the size and volume of loads and conditions for their implementation, as well as predisposed health and supporting biological renewal training

    Seasonal and nutritional changes in the short form of the leptin receptor expression and VEGF system in the choroid plexus, arcuate nucleus, and anterior pituitary in MTS-leptin and resistin-treated sheep

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    The short form of the leptin receptor (LeptRa) plays a key role in the transport of leptin to the central nervous system (CNS). Here, MTS-leptin and recombinant ovine (ro) leptin-mediated expression of LeptRa and VEGFA and VEGFR2 concentration in selected hypothalamic nuclei, choroid plexus (ChP), and anterior pituitary (AP) were analyzed considering the photoperiod and acute-fasting (experiment 1), and nutritional status (experiment 2) of ewes. In experiment 1, 60 sheep were fed normally or fasted for 72 h and received one injection of saline, MTS-leptin, or roleptin 1 h prior to euthanasia. LeptRa mRNA transcript levels and VEGF system protein concentrations were detected in the ARC, ChP predominantly in the SD, and AP for the LD without detection of LeptRa in the POA and VMH/DMH. In experiment 2, an altered diet for 5 months created lean or fat sheep. Twenty sheep were divided into four groups: the lean and fat groups were given saline, while the lean-R and fat-R groups received resistin 1 h prior to euthanasia. Changes in adiposity influenced the lowering effect of resistin on the expression of LeptRa and VEGF system protein concentrations. Overall, both photoperiodic and nutritional signals influence the effects of MTS-leptin/roleptin and resistin-mediated leptin transport to the CNS via LeptRa. Resistin seems to be another adipokine involved in the adaptive/pathological phenomenon of leptin resistance in sheep

    Stabilność prawa w kontekście wartości, instytucji i funkcjonowania systemu prawnego

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    Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperW prezentowanym tomie znalazły się eseje, o których można powiedzieć, że są, w pewnym stopniu, reprezentatywne dla trzech nurtów rozważań. Dotyczy to kwestii wartości, instytucji prawnych i elementów systemu prawnego, analizowanych z punktu widzenia stabilności prawa. Znajduje to wyraz nie tylko w tytule, ale także w przyjętym układzie tekstów, składających się na całość opracowania

    Zoonotic Viruses in Three Species of Voles from Poland

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    Rodents are known to be reservoir hosts for a plethora of zoonotic viruses and therefore play a significant role in the dissemination of these pathogens. We trapped three vole species (Microtus arvalis, Alexandromys oeconomus and Microtus agrestis) in northeastern Poland, all of which are widely distributed species in Europe. Using immunofluorescence assays, we assessed serum samples for the presence of antibodies to hantaviruses, arenaviruses and cowpox viruses (CPXV). We detected antibodies against CPXV and Puumala hantavirus (PUUV), the overall seroprevalence of combined viral infections being 18.2% [10.5–29.3] and mostly attributed to CPXV. We detected only one PUUV/TULV cross-reaction in Microtus arvalis (1.3% [0.1–7.9]), but found similar levels of antibodies against CPXV in all three vole species. There were no significant differences in seroprevalence of CPXV among host species and age categories, nor between the sexes. These results contribute to our understanding of the distribution and abundance of CPXV in voles in Europe, and confirm that CPXV circulates also in Microtus and Alexandromys voles in northeastern Poland