960 research outputs found

    Hydrocarbons identified in extracts from estuarine water accommodated no. 2 fuel oil by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

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    Results are presented on a computerized gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer analysis of methylene chloride and n-heptane extracts of a No. 2 fuel oil accommodated estuarine water sample. The analytical method is briefly described, and the limitations on the identifications are categorized. Some attempt was made to determine major and trace constituents in the water accommodate. Altogether 66 hydrocarbon compounds were identified specifically, and 75 compounds were partially identified. Seven compounds could be recognized as major constituents of the water accommodated oil and ten were present only as traces. The aromatic compounds found were alkyl benzenes, naphthalene, tetralin, indane, biphenyl, fluorene, anthracene, and some of their alkyl substituted isomers in the range of carbon numbers C7 to C15. Four n-alkanes, C10 to C13, were found along with four other assorted hydrocarbons

    Amidoschwarz10B in der forensischen Spurenuntersuchung: Vergleichende Untersuchungen an forensischem Spurenmaterial

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    Zusammenfassung: Blutspuren gehören zu den aussagekräftigsten Spuren in der forensischen Fallanalyse. Einerseits kann die Beurteilung von Aussehen, Menge, Form und Verteilung an Tatorten Hinweise auf den Tathergang geben. Andererseits lassen sich heute auch aus kleinsten Blutmengen zumeist vollständige DNA-Profile erstellen, die dann ebenfalls eine Rekonstruktion des Tatablaufs und über die molekulargenetische DNA-Analyse Aussagen zur Tatbeteiligung von Personen ermöglichen. In der vorgestellten Studie wurden Vollblutproben auf unterschiedliche Spurenträger aufgebracht und mithilfe des Hexagon OBTI® auf das Vorhandensein von Blut hin untersucht. Nach Inkubation mit 2 verschiedenen Zubereitungen von Amidoschwarz10B konnte gezeigt werden, dass dessen Einsatz zu starken Beeinträchtigungen bzw. falsch-negativen Ergebnissen des OBTI führen kann. Ein negativer Einfluss von Amidoschwarz10B auf das Probenmaterial war hingegen bei den nachfolgend durchgeführten DNA-Analysen nicht festzustelle

    Organic compounds in surface sediments and oyster tissues from the Chesapeake Bay

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    This report contains three parts. In Part I, the methodology to extract and analyze sediment and oyster tissue samples from the Chesapeake Bay is described in detail. Remaining problems are clearly identified. Part II contains the results and their discussion. Part III contains a number of appendices with detailed data. For those readers interested in still more detail, the complete bank of processed data is on computer tapes at this institute and at the Environmental Protection Agency-Chesapeake Bay Program office at Annapolis, Maryland. Also included in Part III we give the results of volatile halogenated organic compounds determined in water collected near the outfalls of several chlorine using facilities as well as from river mouths. The distribution of the total and a few specific organic compounds within the Bay is presented by histograms. Mass spectrometric analyses clearly reveal the fact that one specific class of organic compounds, hydrocarbons, are the most prominent pollutants in the Bay. The application of two different search routines, one concentrating on compounds at levels \u3e50 ppb and the other on temporal changes, allows a quick determination of areas where problems may exist and where additional research may be indicated. Two unusual sediment samples collected during the fall 1979 cruise are discussed separately: Sample 2-19-S which clearly indicates a recent dumping of DDT and polychlorinated biphenyls, and Sample 2-27-S which contained very high concentrations of unsubstituted polynuclear aromatics

    The Present State of Organic Xenobiotics in the Chesapeake Bay - A Synthesis Paper

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    This manuscript discusses the results of the first two and one half years of a three-year study designed to determine the present state of xenobiotic compounds in the Chesapeake Bay. It shows that polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons are the most frequently encountered compounds and are the most abundant. Concentrations are highest in the Northern Bay with several sources implicated. During this study an apparent dumping of the pesticide, DDT, occurred. Either the quantity disposed of was small enough or the assimulation capacity was large enough that no adverse effects were noted. The detection by us of 6-phenyldodecane in bottom sediments of the Patapsco River and its detection in a nearby industrial outfall by the Monsanto Research Corporation shows that chemicals entering the River can be dispersed throughout the system and can enter the Chesapeake Bay

    A Nonzero Gap Two-Dimensional Carbon Allotrope from Porous Graphene

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    Graphene is considered one of the most promising materials for future electronic. However, in its pristine form graphene is a gapless material, which imposes limitations to its use in some electronic applications. In order to solve this problem many approaches have been tried, such as, physical and chemical functionalizations. These processes compromise some of the desirable graphene properties. In this work, based on ab initio quantum molecular dynamics, we showed that a two-dimensional carbon allotrope, named biphenylene carbon (BPC) can be obtained from selective dehydrogenation of porous graphene. BPC presents a nonzero bandgap and well-delocalized frontier orbitals. Synthetic routes to BPC are also addressed.Comment: Published on J. Phys. Chem. C, 2012, 116 (23), pp 12810-1281

    Measurement of two-halo neutron transfer reaction p(11^{11}Li,9^{9}Li)t at 3AA MeV

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    The p(\nuc{11}{Li},\nuc{9}{Li})t reaction has been studied for the first time at an incident energy of 3AA MeV delivered by the new ISAC-2 facility at TRIUMF. An active target detector MAYA, build at GANIL, was used for the measurement. The differential cross sectionshave been determined for transitions to the \nuc{9}{Li} ground andthe first excited states in a wide range of scattering angles. Multistep transfer calculations using different \nuc{11}{Li} model wave functions, shows that wave functions with strong correlations between the halo neutrons are the most successful in reproducing the observation.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Prognostic value of cerebrospinal fluid cytology in pediatric medulloblastoma

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    Background: Although the demonstration of leptomeningeal dissemination is the most important predictor of poor outcome in children with medulloblastoma, there is lack of consensus on the prognostic value of a positive cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cytology (i.e., stage M1). Patients and methods: Eighty-six pediatric medulloblastoma patients treated in Switzerland between 1972-1991 were retrospectively studied regarding the influence of M-stage on prognosis. 39 were M0, 13 M1, 15 Mx, 17 M2, and 2 M3. Results: Five- and 10-year overall survival rates were 76% and 54% for M0, 68% and 50% for Mx, 36% and 25% for M1, and 22% and 22% for M2-3 (P < 0.001), respectively. No significant survival differences were observed between M1 and M2-3 patients. Among 26 patients with only postoperative CSF cytologies, seven were positive. Their outcome was similar to that of six preoperatively staged M1 and significantly different from that of M0 patients (P = 0.001). In 14 patients both pre- and postoperative CSF cytology was performed. Total agreement was observed between the pre- and postoperative results (six positive and eight negative). Among the 19 M2-3 patients CSF cytology was positive in eight, negative in five, and unknown in six. Conclusions: A positive CSF cytology either pre- or post-operatively predicts for a poor outcome, similar to that observed in stage M2-3 patients. A postoperative cytology is likely to be concordant with cytologic results obtained preoperatively, and seems to have the same prognostic significance. A negative cytology, however, does not exclude a more advanced stag

    The chameleon groups of Richard J. Thompson: automorphisms and dynamics

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    The automorphism groups of several of Thompson's countable groups of piecewise linear homeomorphisms of the line and circle are computed and it is shown that the outer automorphism groups of these groups are relatively small. These results can be interpreted as stability results for certain structures of PL functions on the circle. Machinery is developed to relate the structures on the circle to corresponding structures on the line

    Combined pangenomics and transcriptomics reveals core and redundant virulence processes in a rapidly evolving fungal plant pathogen

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    Background Studying genomic variation in rapidly evolving pathogens potentially enables identification of genes supporting their “core biology”, being present, functional and expressed by all strains or “flexible biology”, varying between strains. Genes supporting flexible biology may be considered to be “accessory”, whilst the “core” gene set is likely to be important for common features of a pathogen species biology, including virulence on all host genotypes. The wheat-pathogenic fungus Zymoseptoria tritici represents one of the most rapidly evolving threats to global food security and was the focus of this study. Results We constructed a pangenome of 18 European field isolates, with 12 also subjected to RNAseq transcription profiling during infection. Combining this data, we predicted a “core” gene set comprising 9807 sequences which were; (1) present in all isolates; (2) lacking inactivating polymorphisms; and (3) expressed by all isolates. A large accessory genome, consisting of 45% of the total genes was also defined. We classified genetic and genomic polymorphism at both chromosomal and individual gene scales. Proteins required for essential functions including virulence, had lower-than average sequence variability amongst core genes. Both core and accessory genomes encoded many small, secreted candidate effector proteins that likely interact with plant immunity. Viral vector-mediated transient in planta overexpression of 88 candidates failed to identify any which induced leaf necrosis characteristic of disease. However, functional complementation of a non-pathogenic deletion mutant lacking five core genes, demonstrated that full virulence was restored by re-introduction of the single gene exhibiting least sequence polymorphism and highest expression. Conclusions These data support the combined use of pangenomics and transcriptomics for defining genes which represent core, and potentially exploitable, weaknesses in rapidly evolving pathogens

    Clar Sextet Analysis of Triangular, Rectangular and Honeycomb Graphene Antidot Lattices

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    Pristine graphene is a semimetal and thus does not have a band gap. By making a nanometer scale periodic array of holes in the graphene sheet a band gap may form; the size of the gap is controllable by adjusting the parameters of the lattice. The hole diameter, hole geometry, lattice geometry and the separation of the holes are parameters that all play an important role in determining the size of the band gap, which, for technological applications, should be at least of the order of tenths of an eV. We investigate four different hole configurations: the rectangular, the triangular, the rotated triangular and the honeycomb lattice. It is found that the lattice geometry plays a crucial role for size of the band gap: the triangular arrangement displays always a sizable gap, while for the other types only particular hole separations lead to a large gap. This observation is explained using Clar sextet theory, and we find that a sufficient condition for a large gap is that the number of sextets exceeds one third of the total number of hexagons in the unit cell. Furthermore, we investigate non-isosceles triangular structures to probe the sensitivity of the gap in triangular lattices to small changes in geometry
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