The Present State of Organic Xenobiotics in the Chesapeake Bay - A Synthesis Paper


This manuscript discusses the results of the first two and one half years of a three-year study designed to determine the present state of xenobiotic compounds in the Chesapeake Bay. It shows that polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons are the most frequently encountered compounds and are the most abundant. Concentrations are highest in the Northern Bay with several sources implicated. During this study an apparent dumping of the pesticide, DDT, occurred. Either the quantity disposed of was small enough or the assimulation capacity was large enough that no adverse effects were noted. The detection by us of 6-phenyldodecane in bottom sediments of the Patapsco River and its detection in a nearby industrial outfall by the Monsanto Research Corporation shows that chemicals entering the River can be dispersed throughout the system and can enter the Chesapeake Bay

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