161 research outputs found

    eLearning and SMEs: Do Demand and Supply Speak the Same Language?

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    This paper reports on research-in-progress designed to understand adoption and diffusion of e-learning (EL) among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in northern Italy. The research takes as its organizing framework the concept that diffusion of an innovation to a group of organizations reflects a match between demand and supply, and augments that framework by reference to Rogers’ (1995) model of the processes of adoption and diffusion of innovation in organizations and the IS literature on adoption by individuals. The first two, exploratory stages of the research are completed. They identified that EL is not widely diffused among the firms of interest. In part, this reflects relatively low participation in all forms of training, but it also reflects low awareness of EL, difficulty in identifying and evaluating products and services on the market, and a perception among non-adopters that EL is costly and they do not have adequate ICT infrastructure for it. In the final stage of the research, focus groups were conducted with both SMEs and EL suppliers to identify the extent to which these groups (demand and supply) have a shared understanding of the nature of EL and its potential

    A Study of Global Information Technology Key Issues: Influence of a Nations Level of Economic Development

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    The objective of this study is to aggregate the published data and information on global information technology (GIT) issues in various nations around the world to gain some insights into common factors or determinants that may have significant impact or influence on their ranking. Using cluster analysis on a sample of ranked IT issues from 16 different countries and regions of the world a model of the global IT environment suggested by Palvia and Palvia (1996) is partially supported. The data basically suggests an alignment between the level of economic development of a nation and the importance of various types of IT issue

    Innovation in practice: mobile phone technology in patient care

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    Mobile phones are becoming increasingly important in everyday life and now in healthcare. There has been a steady growth of information and communication technologies in health communication and technology is used progressively in telemedicine, wireless monitoring of health outcomes in disease and in the delivery of health interventions. Mobile phones are becoming an important method of encouraging better nurse-patient communication and will undoubtedly increase in application over coming years. This article presents recent developments and applications of mobile technology for health promotion and patient-monitoring in chronic disease

    Sempervirine inhibits RNA polymerase I transcription independently from p53 in tumor cells

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    In the search of small molecules that can target MDM2/p53 pathway in testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs), we identified sempervirine (2,3,4,13-tetrahydro-1H-benz[g]indolo[2,3-a]quinolizin-6-ium), an alkaloid of Gelsemium sempervirens, that has been previously proposed as an inhibitor of MDM2 that targets p53-wildtype (wt) tumor cells. We found that sempervirine not only affects cell growth of p53-wt cancer cells, but it is also active in p53-mutated and p53-null cells by triggering p53-dependent and independent pathways without affecting non-transformed cells. To understand which mechanism/s could be activated both in p53-wt and -null cells, we found that sempervirine induced nucleolar remodeling and nucleolar stress by reducing protein stability of RPA194, the catalytic subunit of RNA polymerase I, that led to rRNA synthesis inhibition and to MDM2 block. As shown for other cancer cell models, MDM2 inhibition by nucleolar stress downregulated E2F1 protein levels both in p53-wt and p53-null TGCT cells with the concomitant upregulation of unphosphorylated pRb. Finally, we show that sempervirine is able to enter the nucleus and accumulates within the nucleolus where it binds rRNA without causing DNA damage. Our results identify semperivirine as a novel rRNA synthesis inhibitor and indicate this drug as a non-genotoxic anticancer small molecule

    Epidemiology and outcome of Clostridium difficile infections in patients hospitalized in Internal Medicine: findings from the nationwide FADOI-PRACTICE study.

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    BACKGROUND: Clostridium difficile (CD) is a leading cause of diarrhoea among hospitalized patients. The objective of this study was to evaluate the rate, the optimal diagnostic work-up, and outcome of CD infections (CDI) in Internal Medicine (IM) wards in Italy. METHODS: PRACTICE is an observational prospective study, involving 40 IM Units and evaluating all consecutive patients hospitalized during a 4-month period. CDI were defined in case of diarrhoea when both enzyme immunoassay for GDH, and test for A/B toxin were positive. Patients with CDI were followed-up for recurrences for 4 weeks after the end of therapy. RESULTS: Among the 10,780 patients observed, 103 (0.96 %) showed CDI, at admission or during hospitalization. A positive history for CD, antibiotics in the previous 4 weeks, recent hospitalization, female gender and age were significantly associated with CDI (multivariable analysis). In-hospital mortality was 16.5 % in CD group vs 6.7 % in No-CD group (p\u2009<\u20090.001), whereas median length of hospital stay was 16 (IQR\u2009=\u200913) vs 8 (IQR\u2009=\u20098) days (p\u2009<\u20090.001) among patients with or without CDI, respectively. Rate of CD recurrences was 14.6 %. As a post-hoc evaluation, 23 out of 34 GDH+/Tox- samples were toxin positive, when analysed by molecular method (a real-time PCR assay). The overall CD incidence rate was 5.3/10,000 patient-days. CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm the severity of CDI in medical wards, showing high in-hospital mortality, prolonged hospitalization and frequent short-term recurrences. Further, our survey supports a 2-3 step algorithm for CD diagnosis: EIA for detecting GDH, A and B toxin, followed by a molecular method in case of toxin-negative samples

    Multibudded tubules formed by COPII on artificial liposomes

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    COPII-coated vesicles form at the endoplasmic reticulum for cargo transport to the Golgi apparatus. We used in vitro reconstitution to examine the roles of the COPII scaffold in remodeling the shape of a lipid bilayer. Giant Unilamellar Vesicles were examined using fast confocal fluorescence and cryo-electron microscopy in order to avoid separation steps and minimize mechanical manipulation. COPII showed a preference for high curvature structures, but also sufficient flexibility for binding to low curvatures. The COPII proteins induced beads-on-a-string-like constricted tubules, similar to those previously observed in cells. We speculate about a mechanical pathway for vesicle fission from these multibudded COPII-coated tubules, considering the possibility that withdrawal of the Sar1 amphipathic helix upon GTP hydrolysis leads to lipid bilayer destabilization resulting in fission

    Monitoring symptoms at home: What methods would cancer patients be comfortable using?

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    PURPOSE: This study aimed to determine which methods of remote symptom assessment cancer outpatients would be comfortable using, including those involving information technology, and whether this varied with age and gender. METHODS: A questionnaire survey of 477 outpatients attending the Edinburgh Cancer Centre in Edinburgh, UK. RESULTS: Most patients reported that they would not feel comfortable using methods involving technology such as a secure website, email, mobile phone text message, or a computer voice on the telephone but that they would be more comfortable using more traditional methods such as a paper questionnaire, speaking to a nurse on the telephone, or giving information in person. CONCLUSIONS: The uptake of new, potentially cost-effective technology-based methods of monitoring patients' symptoms at home might be limited by patients' initial discomfort with the idea of using them. It will be important to develop methods of addressing this potential barrier (such as detailed explanation and supervised practice) if these methods are to be successfully implemented

    Community based weighing of newborns and use of mobile phones by village elders in rural settings in Kenya: a decentralised approach to health care provision

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Identifying every pregnancy, regardless of home or health facility delivery, is crucial to accurately estimating maternal and neonatal mortality. Furthermore, obtaining birth weights and other anthropometric measurements in rural settings in resource limited countries is a difficult challenge. Unfortunately for the majority of infants born outside of a health care facility, pregnancies are often not recorded and birth weights are not accurately known. Data from the initial 6 months of the Maternal and Neonatal Health (MNH) Registry Study of the Global Network for Women and Children's Health study area in Kenya revealed that up to 70% of newborns did not have exact weights measured and recorded by the end of the first week of life; nearly all of these infants were born outside health facilities.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To more completely obtain accurate birth weights for all infants, regardless of delivery site, village elders were engaged to assist in case finding for pregnancies and births. All elders were provided with weighing scales and mobile phones as tools to assist in subject enrollment and data recording. Subjects were instructed to bring the newborn infant to the home of the elder as soon as possible after birth for weight measurement.</p> <p>The proportion of pregnancies identified before delivery and the proportion of births with weights measured were compared before and after provision of weighing scales and mobile phones to village elders. Primary outcomes were the percent of infants with a measured birth weight (recorded within 7 days of birth) and the percent of women enrolled before delivery.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The recorded birth weight increased from 43 ± 5.7% to 97 ± 1.1. The birth weight distributions between infants born and weighed in a health facility and those born at home and weighed by village elders were similar. In addition, a significant increase in the percent of subjects enrolled before delivery was found.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Pregnancy case finding and acquisition of birth weight information can be successfully shifted to the community level.</p

    Peri-conception and first trimester diet modifies reproductive development in bulls

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    Nutritional perturbation during gestation alters male reproductive development in rodents and sheep. In cattle both the developmental trajectory of the feto–placental unit and its response to dietary perturbations is dissimilar to that of these species. This study examined the effects of dietary protein perturbation during the peri-conception and first trimester periods upon reproductive development in bulls. Nulliparous heifers (n = 360) were individually fed a high- or low-protein diet (HPeri and LPeri) from 60 days before conception. From 24 until 98 days post conception, half of each treatment group changed to the alternative post-conception high- or low-protein diet (HPost and LPost) yielding four treatment groups in a 2 × 2 factorial design. A subset of male fetuses (n = 25) was excised at 98 days post conception and fetal testis development was assessed. Reproductive development of singleton male progeny (n = 40) was assessed until slaughter at 598 days of age, when adult testicular cytology was evaluated. Low peri-conception diet delayed reproductive development: sperm quality was lowered during pubertal development with a concomitant delay in reaching puberty. These effects were subsequent to lower FSH concentrations at 330 and 438 days of age. In the fetus, the low peri-conception diet increased the proportion of seminiferous tubules and decreased blood vessel area in the testis, whereas low first trimester diet increased blood vessel number in the adult testis. We conclude that maternal dietary protein perturbation during conception and early gestation may alter male testis development and delay puberty in bulls