948 research outputs found

    Innate immune system activation in zebrafish and cellular models of Diamond Blackfan Anemia.

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    Deficiency of ribosomal proteins (RPs) leads to Diamond Blackfan Anemia (DBA) associated with anemia, congenital defects, and cancer. While p53 activation is responsible for many features of DBA, the role of immune system is less defined. The Innate immune system can be activated by endogenous nucleic acids from non-processed pre-rRNAs, DNA damage, and apoptosis that occurs in DBA. Recognition by toll like receptors (TLRs) and Mda5-like sensors induces interferons (IFNs) and inflammation. Dying cells can also activate complement system. Therefore we analyzed the status of these pathways in RP-deficient zebrafish and found upregulation of interferon, inflammatory cytokines and mediators, and complement. We also found upregulation of receptors signaling to IFNs including Mda5, Tlr3, and Tlr9. TGFb family member activin was also upregulated in RP-deficient zebrafish and in RPS19-deficient human cells, which include a lymphoid cell line from a DBA patient, and fetal liver cells and K562 cells transduced with RPS19 shRNA. Treatment of RP-deficient zebrafish with a TLR3 inhibitor decreased IFNs activation, acute phase response, and apoptosis and improved their hematopoiesis and morphology. Inhibitors of complement and activin also had beneficial effects. Our studies suggest that innate immune system contributes to the phenotype of RPS19-deficient zebrafish and human cells

    Fundamentals and applications of Raman-based techniques for the design and development of active biomedical materials

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    Raman spectroscopy is an analytical method based on light–matter interactions that can interrogate the vibrational modes of matter and provide representative molecular fingerprints. Mediated by its label-free, non-invasive nature, and high molecular specificity, Raman-based techniques have become ubiquitous tools for in situ characterization of materials. This review comprehensively describes the theoretical and practical background of Raman spectroscopy and its advanced variants. The numerous facets of material characterization that Raman scattering can reveal, including biomolecular identification, solid-to-solid phase transitions, and spatial mapping of biomolecular species in bioactive materials, are highlighted. The review illustrates the potential of these techniques in the context of active biomedical material design and development by highlighting representative studies from the literature. These studies cover the use of Raman spectroscopy for the characterization of both natural and synthetic biomaterials, including engineered tissue constructs, biopolymer systems, ceramics, and nanoparticle formulations, among others. To increase the accessibility and adoption of these techniques, the present review also provides the reader with practical recommendations on the integration of Raman techniques into the experimental laboratory toolbox. Finally, perspectives on how recent developments in plasmon- and coherently-enhanced Raman spectroscopy can propel Raman from underutilized to critical for biomaterial development are provided

    Conformational relaxation following reduction of the photoactive bacteriopheophytin in reaction centers from Blastochloris viridis. Influence of mutations at position M208

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    AbstractThe photochemically trapped bacteriopheophytin (BPh) b radical anion in the active branch (ΦA−) of reaction centers (RCs) from Blastochloris (formerly called Rhodopseudomonas) viridis is characterized by 1H-ENDOR as well as optical absorption spectroscopy. The two site-directed mutants YF(M208) and YL(M208), in which tyrosine at position M208 is replaced by phenylalanine and leucine, respectively, are investigated and compared with the wild type. The residue at M208 is in close proximity to the primary electron donor, P, the monomeric bacteriochlorophyll (BChl), BA, and the BPh, ΦA, that are involved in the transmembrane electron transfer to the quinone, QA, in the RC. The analysis of the ENDOR spectra of ΦA− at 160 K indicates that two distinct states of ΦA− are present in the wild type and the mutant YF(M208). Based on a comparison with ΦA− in RCs of Rhodobacter sphaeroides the two states are interpreted as torsional isomers of the 3-acetyl group of ΦA. Only one ΦA− state occurs in the mutant YL(M208). This effect of the leucine residue at position M208 is explained by steric hindrance that locks the acetyl group in one specific position. On the basis of these results, an interpretation of the optical absorption difference spectrum of the state ΦA−QA− is attempted. This state can be accumulated at 100 K and undergoes an irreversible change between 100 and 200 K [Tiede et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta 892 (1987) 294–302]. The corresponding absorbance changes in the BChl Qx and Qy regions observed in the wild type also occur in the YF(M208) mutant but not in YL(M208). The observed changes in the wild type and YF(M208) are assigned to RCs in which the 3-acetyl group of ΦA changes its orientation. It is concluded that this distinct structural relaxation of ΦA can significantly affect the optical properties of BA and contribute to the light-induced absorption difference spectra

    Towards enhanced optical sensor performance:SEIRA and SERS with plasmonic nanostars

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    We report the preparation and characterization of plasmonic chip-based systems comprising self-assembled gold nanostars at silicon substrates that enable concomitantly enhanced Raman (surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy; SERS) and mid-infrared (surface enhanced infrared reflection or absorption spectroscopy; SEIRA) spectral signatures. The high-aspect-ratio structure of gold nanostars provides an increased number of hot spots at their surface, which results in an electric field enhancement around the nanomaterial. Gold nanostars were immobilized at a silicon substrate via a thin gold layer, and α-ω-dimercapto polyethylene glycol (SH-PEG-SH) linkers. The Raman and IR spectra of crystal violet (CV) revealed a noticeable enhancement of the analyte vibrational signal intensity in SERS and SEIRA studies resulting from the presence of the nanostars. Enhancement factors of 2.5 × 10 3 and 2.3 × 10 3 were calculated in SERS considering the CV bands at 1374.9 cm -1 and 1181 cm -1 , respectively; for SEIRA, an enhancement factor of 5.36 was achieved considering the CV band at 1585 cm -1

    Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis for diabetic nephropathy in type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    BACKGROUND: Diabetic nephropathy is a serious complication of diabetes mellitus and is associated with considerable morbidity and high mortality. There is increasing evidence to suggest that dysregulation of the epigenome is involved in diabetic nephropathy. We assessed whether epigenetic modification of DNA methylation is associated with diabetic nephropathy in a case-control study of 192 Irish patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D). Cases had T1D and nephropathy whereas controls had T1D but no evidence of renal disease. METHODS: We performed DNA methylation profiling in bisulphite converted DNA from cases and controls using the recently developed Illumina Infinium(R) HumanMethylation27 BeadChip, that enables the direct investigation of 27,578 individual cytosines at CpG loci throughout the genome, which are focused on the promoter regions of 14,495 genes. RESULTS: Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) analysis indicated that significant components of DNA methylation variation correlated with patient age, time to onset of diabetic nephropathy, and sex. Adjusting for confounding factors using multivariate Cox-regression analyses, and with a false discovery rate (FDR) of 0.05, we observed 19 CpG sites that demonstrated correlations with time to development of diabetic nephropathy. Of note, this included one CpG site located 18 bp upstream of the transcription start site of UNC13B, a gene in which the first intronic SNP rs13293564 has recently been reported to be associated with diabetic nephropathy. CONCLUSION: This high throughput platform was able to successfully interrogate the methylation state of individual cytosines and identified 19 prospective CpG sites associated with risk of diabetic nephropathy. These differences in DNA methylation are worthy of further follow-up in replication studies using larger cohorts of diabetic patients with and without nephropathy

    Plasma membrane H⁺ -ATPase regulation is required for auxin gradient formation preceding phototropic growth.

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    Phototropism is a growth response allowing plants to align their photosynthetic organs toward incoming light and thereby to optimize photosynthetic activity. Formation of a lateral gradient of the phytohormone auxin is a key step to trigger asymmetric growth of the shoot leading to phototropic reorientation. To identify important regulators of auxin gradient formation, we developed an auxin flux model that enabled us to test in silico the impact of different morphological and biophysical parameters on gradient formation, including the contribution of the extracellular space (cell wall) or apoplast. Our model indicates that cell size, cell distributions, and apoplast thickness are all important factors affecting gradient formation. Among all tested variables, regulation of apoplastic pH was the most important to enable the formation of a lateral auxin gradient. To test this prediction, we interfered with the activity of plasma membrane H⁺ -ATPases that are required to control apoplastic pH. Our results show that H⁺ -ATPases are indeed important for the establishment of a lateral auxin gradient and phototropism. Moreover, we show that during phototropism, H⁺ -ATPase activity is regulated by the phototropin photoreceptors, providing a mechanism by which light influences apoplastic pH

    ZiFiT (Zinc Finger Targeter): an updated zinc finger engineering tool

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    ZiFiT (Zinc Finger Targeter) is a simple and intuitive web-based tool that provides an interface to identify potential binding sites for engineered zinc finger proteins (ZFPs) in user-supplied DNA sequences. In this updated version, ZiFiT identifies potential sites for ZFPs made by both the modular assembly and OPEN engineering methods. In addition, ZiFiT now integrates additional tools and resources including scoring schemes for modular assembly, an interface with the Zinc Finger Database (ZiFDB) of engineered ZFPs, and direct querying of NCBI BLAST servers for identifying potential off-target sites within a host genome. Taken together, these features facilitate design of ZFPs using reagents made available to the academic research community by the Zinc Finger Consortium. ZiFiT is freely available on the web without registration at http://bindr.gdcb.iastate.edu/ZiFiT/

    Array-based DNA methylation profiling of primary lymphomas of the central nervous system

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although primary lymphomas of the central nervous system (PCNSL) and extracerebral diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) cannot be distinguished histologically, it is still a matter of debate whether PCNSL differ from systemic DLBCL with respect to their molecular features and pathogenesis. Analysis of the DNA methylation pattern might provide further data distinguishing these entities at a molecular level.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using an array-based technology we have assessed the DNA methylation status of 1,505 individual CpG loci in five PCNSL and compared the results to DNA methylation profiles of 49 DLBCL and ten hematopoietic controls.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified 194 genes differentially methylated between PCNSL and normal controls. Interestingly, Polycomb target genes and genes with promoters showing a high CpG content were significantly enriched in the group of genes hypermethylated in PCNSL. However, PCNSL and systemic DLBCL did not differ in their methylation pattern.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Based on the data presented here, PCNSL and DLBCL do not differ in their DNA methylation pattern. Thus, DNA methylation analysis does not support a separation of PCNSL and DLBCL into individual entities. However, PCNSL and DLBCL differ in their DNA methylation pattern from non- malignant controls.</p