580 research outputs found

    Characterization And Modeling Of Antireflective Coatings Of Si O 2, Si3 N4, And Si Ox Ny Deposited By Electron Cyclotron Resonance Enhanced Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition

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    In this work the optical transmission spectra of silicon oxide (Si O2), silicon nitrides (Si3 N4), silicon-rich oxynitrides (Si Ox Ny), and antireflective coatings (ARCs), deposited by the electron cyclotron resonance enhanced plasma chemical vapor deposition onto a silicon substrate at room temperature, are studied. Simulations carried out with the MATHEMATICA program, from 0 to 1000 nm thick coatings, showed maximum transmittance in the three basic colors at 620, 480, and 560 nm for the Si O2, Si3 N4, and Si Ox Ny ARCs, respectively. However, a highly significant transmittance over a broad spectral range from visible (VIS) to near the infrared region, with optical gain in the three basic colors above 20%, is observed only at thicknesses of 80, 70, and 60 nm, respectively, for Si O2, Si3 N4, and Si Ox Ny ARCs. Among the three evaluated films, the highest transmittance in the broad spectral band in the VIS range was observed for 60 nm thick Si3 N4 films. The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of these films reveal high structural quality and the presence of Si-O, Si-H, N-H, and Si-N bonds, independent of thickness and deposition parameters. © 2006 American Vacuum Society.242823827White, M., Lampe, D., Blaha, F., Mack, I., (1974) IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, SC-9, p. 1Furumiya, M., Ohkubo, H., Muramatsu, Y., Kurosawa, S., Okamoto, F., Fujimoto, Y., Nakashiba, Y., (2001) IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 48, p. 2221Popov, O.A., Waldron, H., (1989) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 7, p. 914Heavens, O.S., (1991) Optical Properties of Thin Solid Films, , Dover, New YorkAroutiounian, V.M., Maroutyan, K.R., Zatikyan, A.L., Touryan, K.J., (2002) Thin Solid Films, 403, p. 517Edwards, D.F., (1985) Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids, , edited by E. D.Palik (Academic, Washington, D.CGreen, M.L., Gusev, E.P., Degraeve, R., Garfunkel, E.L., (2001) J. Appl. Phys., 90, p. 2057Alayo, M.I., Pereyra, I., Scopel, W.L., Fantini, M.C.A., (2002) Thin Solid Films, 402, p. 154Tsu, D.V., Lucovsky, G., Mantini, M.J., Chao, S.S., (1987) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 5, p. 1998Lucovsky, G., Richard, P.D., Tsu, D.V., Lin, S.Y., Markunas, J., (1986) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 4, p. 681Joseph, E.A., Gross, C., Liu, H.Y., Laaksonen, R.T., Celii, F.G., (2001) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 19, p. 2483Wu, X., Ossadnik, Ch., Eggs, Ch., Veprek, S., Phillipp, F., (2002) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 20, p. 1368Diniz, J.A., Do Couto, A.L., Danilov, I., Tatsch, P.J., Swart, J.W., (1999) Proceedings of the XIV International Conference of Microelectronics and Packaging, p. 164Tsu, D.V., Lucovsky, G., Mantini, M.J., (1986) Phys. Rev. B, 33, p. 7069Denisse, C.M.M., Troost, K.Z., Oude Elferink, J.B., Habraken, F.H.P.M., Van Der Weg, W.F., (1986) J. Appl. Phys., 60, p. 253

    The impact of different calibration matrices on the determination of insulin-like growth factor 1 by high-resolution-LC-MS in acromegalic and growth hormone deficient patients

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    Objectives: Calibration is an important source of variability in liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) methods for insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). This study investigated the impact of different calibrator matrices on IGF-1 measurements by LC-MS. Moreover, the comparability of immunoassays and LC-MS was assessed. Design & Methods: Calibrators from 12.5 to 2009 ng/ml were prepared by spiking WHO international Standard (ID 02/254 NIBSC, UK) into the following matrices: native human plasma, fresh charcoal-treated human plasma (FCTHP), old charcoal-treated human plasma, deionized water, bovine serum albumin (BSA), and rat plasma (RP). A validated in-house LC-MS method was calibrated repeatedly with these calibrators. Then, serum samples from 197 growth hormone excess and deficiency patients were analysed with each calibration. Results: The seven calibration curves had different slopes leading to markedly different patient results. The largest differences in IGF-1 concentration from the median (interquartile range) was observed with the calibrator in water and the calibrator in RP (336.4 [279.6–417.0] vs. 112.5 [71.2–171.2], p < 0.001). The smallest difference was observed with calibrators in FCTHP and BSA (141.8 [102.0–198.5] vs. 127.9 [86.9–186.0], p < 0.049). Compared to LC-MS with calibrators in FCTHP, immunoassays showed relevant proportional bias (range: −43% to −68%), constant bias (range: 22.84 to 57.29 ng/ml) and pronounced scatter. Comparing the immunoassays with each other revealed proportional bias of up to 24%. Conclusions: The calibrator matrix is critical for the measurement of IGF-1 by LC-MS. Regardless of the calibrator matrix, LC-MS shows poor agreement with immunoassays. Also, the agreement between different immunoassays is variable

    Deposition of sacrificial silicon oxide layers by electron cyclotron resonance plasma

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    Electron cyclotron resonance plasmas with SiH4/O-2/Ar mixtures were used for deposition of thin films of silicon oxide, to be employed as sacrificial layers in microelectromechanical system (MEMS) fabrication. The grown films were characterized by Fourier transform infrared and ellipsometry. Optical emission spectroscopy and Langmuir probe were used for plasma characterization. It has been shown that OH molecules generated in the plasma play an important role in formation of films suitable as sacrificial layers for MEMS fabrication. Extremely high etch rates of grown oxide films (up to 10 mu m/min) were obtained, allowing fabrication of high quality poly-Si suspended structures. (c) 2007 American Vacuum Society.2541166117

    Gadolinium tissue deposition in the periodontal ligament of mice with reduced renal function exposed to Gd-based contrast agents

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    Gadolinium deposition in tissue is linked to nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF): a rare disorder occurring in patients with severe chronic kidney disease and associated with administration of Gd-based contrast agents (GBCAs) for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). It is suggested that the GBCAs prolonged permanence in blood in these patients may result in a Gd precipitation in peripheral or central organs, where it initiates a fibrotic process. In this study we investigated new sites of retention/precipitation of Gd in a mouse model of renal disease (5/6 nephrectomy) receiving two doses (closely after each other) of a linear GBCA. Two commercial GBCAs (Omniscan\uae and Magnevist\uae) were administered at doses slightly higher than those used in clinical practice (0.7 mmol/kg body weight, each). The animals were sacrificed one month after the last administration and the explanted organs (kidney, liver, femur, dorsal skin, teeth) were analysed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) at two synchrotron facilities. The XRF analysis with a millimetre-sized beam at the SYRMEP beamline (Elettra, Italy) produced no detectable levels of Gd in the examined tissues, with the notable exception of the incisors of the nephrectomised mice. The XRF analyses at sub-micron resolution performed at ID21 (ESRF, France) allowed to clearly localize Gd in the periodontal ligaments of teeth both from Omniscan\uae and Magnevist\uae treated nephrectomised mice. The latter results were further confirmed by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). The study prompts that prolonged permanence of GBCAs in blood may result in Gd retention in this particular muscular tissue, opening possibilities for diagnostic applications at this level when investigating Gd-related toxicities

    Power line electrocution as an overlooked threat to Lear's Macaw (Anodorhynchus leari)

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    Electrocution can pose a serious threat to large birds, particularly threatened species with low population sizes. However, few studies have focused on the impacts of electrocution on large parrots such as the Endangered Lear's Macaw Anodorhynchus leari, endemic to the Brazilian Caatinga. Here, we compile and describe 31 electrocution events, as reported by villagers, indicating that electrocution may be an important threat to Lear's Macaw. We suggest a research and monitoring agenda to better understand the spatial and temporal patterns of this impact and recommend some immediate mitigation measures for decreasing electrocutions.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Multicenter randomized, double-blind controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of laser therapy for the treatment of severe oral mucositis induced by chemotherapy in children: laMPO RCT

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    Objectives: To demonstrate the efficacy of laser photobiomodulation (PBM) compared to that of placebo on severe oral mucositis (OM) in pediatric oncology patients. The primary objective was the reduction of OM grade (World Health Organization [WHO] scale) 7 days after starting PBM. Secondary objectives were reduction of pain, analgesic consumption, and incidence of side effects. Methods: One hundred and one children with WHO grade\ua0>\ua02 chemotherapy-induced OM were enrolled in eight Italian hospitals. Patients were randomized to either PBM or sham treatment for four consecutive days (days +1 to +4). On days +4, +7, and +11, OM grade, pain (following a 0\u201310 numeric pain rating scale, NRS) and need for analgesics were evaluated by an operator blinded to treatment. Results: Fifty-one patients were allocated to the PBM group, and 50 were allocated to the sham group. In total, 93.7% of PBM patients and 72% of sham patients had OM grade\ua0<\ua03 WHO on day +7 (P\ua0=\ua00.01). A significant reduction of pain was registered on day +7 in the PBM versus sham group (NRS 1 [0\u20133] vs. 2.5 [1\u20135], P\ua0<\ua00.006). Reduced use of analgesics was reported in the PBM group, although it was not statistically significant. No significant adverse events attributable to treatment were recorded. Conclusions: PBM is a safe, feasible, and effective treatment for children affected by chemotherapy-induced OM, as it accelerates mucosal recovery and reduces pain