181 research outputs found

    Influence of insulating materials on green building rating system results

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    This paper analyzes the impact of a change in the thermal insulating material on both the energy and environmental performance of a building, evaluated through two different green building assessment methods: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) and Istituto per l'innovazione e Trasparenza degli Appalti e la CompatibilitĂ  Ambientale (ITACA). LEED is one of the most qualified rating systems at an international level; it assesses building sustainability thanks to a point-based system where credits are divided into six different categories. One of these is fully related to building materials. The ITACA procedure derives from the international evaluation system Sustainable Building Tool (SBTool), modified according to the Italian context. In the region of Umbria, ITACA certification is composed of 20 technical sheets, which are classified into five macro-areas. The analysis was developed on a residential building located in the central Italy. It was built taking into account the principles of sustainability as far as both structural and technical solutions are concerned. In order to evaluate the influence of thermal insulating material, different configurations of the envelope were considered, replacing the original material (glass wool) with a synthetic one (expanded polystyrene, EPS) and two natural materials (wood fiber and kenaf). The study aims to highlight how the materials characteristics can affect building energy and environmental performance and to point out the different approaches of the analyzed protocols

    Use of the sun compass by monocularly occluded homing pigeons in a food localisation task in an outdoor arena

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    Functional asymmetries of the avian visual system can be studied in monocularly occluded birds, as their hemispheres are largely independent. Right and left monocularly occluded homing pigeons and control birds under binocular view have been trained in a food localisation task in an octagonal outdoor arena provided with one coloured beacon on each wall. The three groups were tested after the removal of the visual beacons, so to assess their sun compass learning abilities. Pigeons using the left eye/right hemisphere system exhibited slower learning compared to the other monocular group. During the test in the arena void of visual beacons, the three groups of birds, regardless of their visual condition, were generally able to identify the training sector by exclusively relying on sun compass information. However, the directional choices of the pigeons with the left eye/right hemisphere in use were significantly affected by the removal of the beacons, while both control pigeons and birds with the right eye/left hemisphere in use displayed unaltered performances during the test. A subsample of pigeons of each group were re-trained in the octagonal arena with visual beacons present and tested after the removal of visual beacons after a 6 h fast clock-shift treatment. All birds displayed the expected deflection consistent to the sun compass use. While birds using either the left or the right visual systems were equally able to learn a sun compass-mediated spatial task, the left eye/right hemisphere visual system displayed an advantage in relying on visual beacons

    Smoking and FGFR2 rs2981582 variant independently modulate male breast cancer survival: A population-based study in Tuscany, Italy

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    Aim: Male breast cancer (MBC) is a rare disease and recommendations for its clinical management are often extrapolated from those for female breast cancer, even if breast cancer (BC) has different characteristics in the two sexes. The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of several individual characteristics including clinico-pathological, lifestyle and genetic factors on overall survival (OS) of a relatively large and well characterized population-based series of 166 MBCs enrolled in Tuscany. Methods: We genotyped MBC cases at BRCA1/2 genes and at 9 candidate BC susceptibility SNPs. Kaplan-Meier method and multivariate Cox regression, adjusted for several individual characteristics were used. To reduce a possible selection bias related to the interval between diagnosis and enrolment of MBC cases into the study, we used the date of blood donation as the date of the start of observation for survival analysis. Results: Only smoking habits had a significant effect on OS at 10 years (for current smokers, HR: 3.34; 95% CI 1.45–7.68; p = 0.004), while lymph node status fell short of reaching statistical significance (for pN positive, HR: 2.07; 95% CI 0.93–4.55; p = 0.07). In the same multivariate analysis we found a significantly higher OS in cases with FGFR2 rs2981582 variant in the dominant transmission model (HR: 0.29; 95% CI: 0.13–0.62; p = 0.028). A sensitivity analysis with left truncation showed similar results. Conclusions: Our results may contribute to shed light on factors influencing MBC survival suggesting an important role for cigarette smoking and FGFR2 rs2981582 variant, and provide clues for better patient management

    Preparation of human primary macrophages to study the polarization from monocyte-derived macrophages to pro- or anti-inflammatory macrophages at biomaterial interface in vitro.

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    BACKGROUND/PURPOSE Testing of dental materials when in contact with innate immune cells has been so far hindered by the lack of proper in vitro models. Human primary monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs) would be an excellent option to this aim. However, the inability to detach them from the tissue culture plates contrast the possibility to culture them on biomaterials. The goal of the present work is to present and validate an innovative protocol to obtain MDMs from peripheral blood monocytes, and to reseed them in contact with biomaterials without altering their viability and phenotype. MATERIALS AND METHODS We differentiated MDMs on ultra-low attachment tissue culture plastics and recovered them with specific detachment solution in order to be reseeded on a secondary substrate. Therefore, using biological assays (RT-PCR, Western blot, and immunofluorescence) we compared their phenotype to MDMs differentiated on standard culture plates. RESULTS Transferred MDMs keep their differentiated M0 resting state, as well as the ability to be polarized into M1 (pro-inflammatory) or M2 (anti-inflammatory) macrophages. CONCLUSION These data provide the dental material research community the unprecedented possibility to investigate the immunomodulatory properties of biomaterials for dental application

    A New Frontier of Photocatalysis Employing Micro-Sized TiO2: Air/Water Pollution Abatement and Self-Cleaning/ Antibacterial Applications

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    This chapter presents the use of a commercial micro-sized TiO2 powder as an alternative to the traditional nano-powders as semiconductors in photocatalytic processes. Results of the photocatalytic efficiency towards the photodegradation of the traditional pollutant molecules both in gas phase (nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)) and in water phase (phenol) are presented and compared to the results obtained with two nano-sized reference powders. Micro-sized TiO2 is also industrially coated at the surfaces of porcelain grés tiles (Active Clean Air and Antibacterial Ceramic™). The possibility to have a photocatalytic material, strongly stuck at the surface of a vitrified tile, increases the use of photocatalysis in real conditions: no problem of filtration of the semiconductor from the liquid medium after use and no risks of leakage of nanoparticles in the atmosphere. Tests were performed using reactors equipped with UV-A lamps and with suitable analytical systems, depending on the final purpose. Characterization data from both powders and coated tiles are put in correlation with the photocatalytic results to understand the semiconductor action during the photocatalytic process. Polluting molecules were chosen in order to cover all the common aspects of environmental pollution: NOx and some VOCs represent the model molecules to test the efficiency of the micro-sized TiO2 (degradation from the pristine molecule to CO2 or inorganic salts) in gas phase. As for the water pollution, phenol was chosen as common pollutant in worldwide rivers. Moreover, tests on self-cleaning and antibacterial properties are also reported. The positive results of micro-sized TiO2 both in powder and coated onto the surface of porcelain grés tiles open the way to new photocatalytic products that do not make use of nanoscale powders avoiding problems to human safety caused by the inherent toxicity of the nanoparticles

    CD30-CD30 ligand interaction in primary cutaneous CD30+ T-cell lymphomas: a clue to pathophysiology of clinical regression.

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    Mouse cytosolic and mitochondrial deoxyribonucleotidases: cDNA cloning of the mitochondrial enzyme, gene structures, chromosomal mapping and comparison with the human orthologs

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    Abstract Two of the five known mammalian 5 0 -nucleotidases show a preference for the dephosphorylation of deoxynucleoside-5 0 -phosphates. One is a cytoplasmic enzyme (dNT-1), the other occurs in mitochondria (dNT-2). The human mitochondrial enzyme, recently discovered and cloned by us, is encoded by a nuclear gene located on chromosome 17 p11.2 in the critical region deleted in the Smith-Magenis syndrome (SMS), a genetic disease of unknown etiology. Looking for a model system to study the possible involvement of dNT-2 in the disease, we have cloned the cDNA of the mouse ortholog. The deduced protein sequence is 84% identical to the human ortholog, has a very basic NH 2 -terminus, a very high calculated probability of being imported into mitochondria and contains the DXDXT/V motif conserved among nucleotidases. Expression in Escherichia coli of the predicted processed form of the protein produced an active deoxyribonucleotidase. We also identified in genomic sequences present in the data base the structures of the murine genes for the cytosolic and mitochondrial deoxyribonucleotidases (Nt5c and Nt5m). PAC clones for the two loci were isolated from a library and used for chromosomal localization by fluorescent in situ hybridization. Both genes map on chromosome 11: Nt5c at 11E and Nt5m at 11B, demonstrating the presence of the dNT-2 locus in the mouse shaker-2 critical region, the murine counterpart of the human SMS region. We performed pair-wise dot-plot and PIP (percent identity plot) analyses of mouse and human deoxyribonucleotidase genes, and found a strong conservation that extends also to some intronic sequences of possible regulatory significance.

    Radiotherapy Timing in 4,820 Patients With Breast Cancer: University of Florence Experience

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    PURPOSE: To analyze the relationship between a delay in radiotherapy (RT) after breast-conserving surgery and ipsilateral breast recurrence (BR). METHODS AND MATERIALS: We included in our analysis 4,820 breast cancer patients who had undergone postoperative RT at the University of Florence. The patients were categorized into four groups according to the interval between surgery and RT (T1, 180 days). RESULTS: On multivariate analysis, the timing of RT did not reach statistical significance in patients who received only postoperative RT (n = 1,935) or RT and hormonal therapy (HT) (n = 1,684) or RT, chemotherapy (CHT), and HT (n = 529). In the postoperative RT-only group, age at presentation, surgical margin status, and a boost to the tumor bed were independent prognostic factors for BR. In the RT plus HT group, age at presentation and boost emerged as independent prognostic factors for BR (p = 0.006 and p = 0.049, respectively). Finally, in the RT, CHT, and HT group, only multifocality was an independent BR predictor (p = 0.01). Only in the group of patients treated with RT and CHT (n = 672) did multivariate analysis with stepwise selection show RT timing as an independent prognostic factor (hazard ratio, 1.59; 95% confidence interval, 1.01-2.52; p = 0.045). Analyzing this group of patients, we found that most patients included had worse prognostic factors and had received CHT consisting of cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and 5-fluorouracil before undergoing RT. CONCLUSION: The results of our study have shown that the timing of RT itself does not affect local recurrence, which is mainly related to prognostic factors. Thus, the "waiting list" should be thought of as a "programming list," with patients scheduled for RT according to their prognostic factors
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